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A Thai Woman Grabbed My Tit


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The other day I was greeting a Thai lady who works in a restaurant of a temple. She is the quiet and Buddhist monk devoted type.

She only have one eye but she is young and friendly to me so I usually say hello and a few words to her.

So I just was saying hello and "how are you" while I was wearing a top showing a bit of cleavage, nothing really extraordinary. It was a cotton top from French Connection I had bought in London and I was wearing a bra underneath.

Anyway right in the middle of our conversation she suddenly grabbed hold of one of my tit and smiled/semi giggled.

What the Hell was that for????blink.pngblink.pngblink.png

I saw her again she never mentioned it and pretend as if nothing happened.

For me it's not OK to intrude my personal space like this, and it's only because she's a woman and I was taken aback that I did not slap her like I would a man.

What do you think?

Thank you

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My guess is that this was a sexual overture.

I have had Thai men make homosexual overtures to me by suddenly groping my crotch out of the blue in mid conversation.

Wow !

If it is trying to entice me into anything sexual, it had the opposite effect on me....

Is that a normal way of courting???

I now avoid her, for me it's screwed-up and I am starting to have doubts about her mental well-being. May be she's retarded?

What did you do?

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My very good friend said at his wife's company all the women feel each other's tits to assess them. I believe fully that this was what was relayed to him by his wife.

I think Thais have much less inhibition and much greater tolerance to invasion of personal space than Westerners.

I suggest you either explain what she did was wrong and state you are UPSET. (Thais respond very well to emotional cues).

Or touch her tits.

Or pat her on the head and tell her not to do it again, nong.

Edited by Briggsy
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Pretty common for girls (guys too) to be walking around holding hands or just randomly give each other a bit of a hug. Nothing sexual about it and they don't think anything of it, agree with Briggsy they don't have the same sense of personal space.

Personally I wouldn't say anything about it, she'll be shocked and devastated that she upset you. I'd just forget it, probably it was random and has a 1 in 1000 chance of happening again.

As to why she did it, probably just a way to say wow nice big tits in a physically demonstrative way given the language barrier.

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Pretty common for girls (guys too) to be walking around holding hands or just randomly give each other a bit of a hug. Nothing sexual about it and they don't think anything of it, agree with Briggsy they don't have the same sense of personal space.

Personally I wouldn't say anything about it, she'll be shocked and devastated that she upset you. I'd just forget it, probably it was random and has a 1 in 1000 chance of happening again.

As to why she did it, probably just a way to say wow nice big tits in a physically demonstrative way given the language barrier.

Heyyyy, I do not have big tits, please keep your clichés for you thank you very much

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Pretty common for girls (guys too) to be walking around holding hands or just randomly give each other a bit of a hug. Nothing sexual about it and they don't think anything of it, agree with Briggsy they don't have the same sense of personal space.

Personally I wouldn't say anything about it, she'll be shocked and devastated that she upset you. I'd just forget it, probably it was random and has a 1 in 1000 chance of happening again.

As to why she did it, probably just a way to say wow nice big tits in a physically demonstrative way given the language barrier.

Heyyyy, I do not have big tits, please keep your clichés for you thank you very much

your avatar begs to differ. we go with the evidence

That's the most famous 90B in the world

B cup is not big

Edited by Kitsune
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I have seen grown men (at least in years) grab their mother's tits as a way of extorting cash, I thought it was playing on the sympathy reflex. I have never seen women do it to each other as one other poster said, it sounds like she was making sure they were real no sexual overtone although I wasn't there.

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I have seen grown men (at least in years) grab their mother's tits as a way of extorting cash, I thought it was playing on the sympathy reflex. I have never seen women do it to each other as one other poster said, it sounds like she was making sure they were real no sexual overtone although I wasn't there.

So you 're saying it's socially accepted in Thailand to feel other unknown women's breast in the street ?

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Happens to me all the time and I'm a bloke. Goes with being fat in a country where people are small. And also, Thais can be weird. I don't mean in a bad way. They can just say and do things that are odd to us. If it doesn't hurt or intrude too much, just let it pass.

Thank you but I'm not fat, I'm a size 8 and measure 168cm

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My guess is that this was a sexual overture.

I have had Thai men make homosexual overtures to me by suddenly groping my crotch out of the blue in mid conversation.

Wow !

If it is trying to entice me into anything sexual, it had the opposite effect on me....

Is that a normal way of courting???

I now avoid her, for me it's screwed-up and I am starting to have doubts about her mental well-being. May be she's retarded?

What did you do?

I was totally shocked when it happened. The first time it happened it was with an older man who I knew was married so I couldn't figure out whether he was just being friendly or being sexual. The second time it happened, an openly gay teenage boy did it. Both tried it a second time. The older guy got a stern verbal warning not to do it again. The teenage boy got a vicious tomahawk chop across his extended forearm.

Your boobs obviously had some allure for the woman. She either was sexually attracted, or had some childlike fascination with Western women's boobs. I'd imagine Thai intimate female friends might on occasion playfully grope one another (in the same way Western women might), but because it doesn't sound like you and she know each other well, there's no way I'm buying the argument that this behavior falls within the scope of every day Thai female behavior.

I wouldn't say anything. She could probably tell from your reaction that this wasn't appreciated. If it happens again, tell her not to do it again, or if you're fast enough, block her hand. No need to make a scene.

Also, what another poster said about Thai men grabbing man boobs is really true. Happens to me all the time. Nothing sexual. Just curious and teasing. I always let it slide. Reaching for my crotch though is a whole 'nother story. smile.png

Edited by Gecko123
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Happens to me all the time and I'm a bloke. Goes with being fat in a country where people are small. And also, Thais can be weird. I don't mean in a bad way. They can just say and do things that are odd to us. If it doesn't hurt or intrude too much, just let it pass.

Thank you but I'm not fat, I'm a size 8 and measure 168cm

Thai ladies checking each others tits in semi-public situations... been there, seen that. Thai lady copping a feel of a stranger farang lady's tit is just opportunism. She won't give a toss if you are upset by it or otherwise. Her curiosity has been sated, not piqued.

PS. You need to eat more.

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Happens to me all the time and I'm a bloke. Goes with being fat in a country where people are small. And also, Thais can be weird. I don't mean in a bad way. They can just say and do things that are odd to us. If it doesn't hurt or intrude too much, just let it pass.

Thank you but I'm not fat, I'm a size 8 and measure 168cm

Thai ladies checking each others tits in semi-public situations... been there, seen that. Thai lady copping a feel of a stranger farang lady's tit is just opportunism. She won't give a toss if you are upset by it or otherwise. Her curiosity has been sated, not piqued.

PS. You need to eat more.

There is a difference with mucking about with your friends and do it to a stranger

My BMI is 20 which is right in the normal zone (between 18.5 and 24.9)


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