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Huckabee leaving Fox News show ahead of decision

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What I never understood about the religious right is why they are so concerned about what men stick up there back side. Huckabbee is pretty concerned about that. I think he looses sleep over it. I know that gov. Perry does but he keeps a rifle stuck up that end 24 hours so as not to loose his sleep.


It only takes 2 minutes of listening to Hannity or Oreily to know how truly disgusting Fox news is. Glen Beck was the epidomy of stupidity but he left to make millions off of the dumb ass Americans that follow his nonsense.


Nice enough guy but his anti science views are just too bizarre.

The Earth is 6,000 years old he thinks.

God created the universe in 6 days... Then he rested? I don't think so.

I'm not saying that he didn't say these things, but can you link to where you read / heard it directly from him.

I'd be really interested to read his views.


When I lived and worked in Georgia in the US South it was inevitable I'd meet some pretty conservative people, almost all of 'em Limbaugh worshipers and Republicans. Not the only people I met and got to know, but a good number of 'em.

Back then the Rev Pat Robertson was choking on his sputtering and failing campaign for prez. Every conservative R party person I knew said that Robertson was "a preacher" and that he had no business running for prez. They said they liked him in the church pulpit and on tv but not at the podium in the White House.

These conservatives will vote for Jeb Bush this time around, or Cruz, or Rand Paul or even Chris Christie, Perry et al, but not for Huckabee who I would agree is a likable guy except for when he speaks.


Supposedly Ailes was all for Huckabee running in 2012, tried to talk him into it. Huck was making good $$ at FN, more than he has made in his life, and didn't want to squander the opportunity. You can bet that some big-money donors have lured him into making this decision.

Herman Caine (aka The Pizza Guy) wasn't really running. He was promoting himself. Usually at campaign rallies they will be handing out buttons and bumper stickers etc, but at Caine events there were tables selling his motivational books instead.

Perry has chronic health problems. Also he's another one for governing via prayer.

Santorum? He's sort of Dark Ages-type Catholic, while Huckabee is more modern, like a Mayflower puritan.

Cruz was born in Canada.

Rand Paul is a babbling fool. Notice how when he's on talk shows he'll never answer the question asked but blasts off into the babble-sphere, and no one calls him on it. He gets bolder every time he pulls that off, it's just a matter of time till he goes off the deep end. He'll never get legitimately elected, he looks too much like a sheep-killing dog.

Christie has so much dirt under his rug he may not just get eliminated from the race but charged with criminal offenses.

The only electable one on the GOP side is Jeb.

So lets say some good ol' boy announced his candidacy, raised $10 million for the campaign, and by the time he pulls out of the race he's spent only $7 million. What becomes of that other 3 million? This seems to be a gray area in the law these days. Might be a worthwhile way to pocket a few bucks, why, somebody might run for office even if they know they don't stand a chance Supposedy Palin has a big pile of this dough.

I'm waiting to see if we get any interesting HIllary challengers on the other side.

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Huckabee is an intelligent...no non-sense...common sense approach kind of guy...

He would restore some transparency and integrity to the Whitehouse...

His Christian background and stand against abortion and homosexuality would be his undoing in a country who has turned it's back on religion...

While Americans have had a growing aversion to the right wing portrayed "religion", I think the people maintain a moral sense. Problem seems to be with those who would force their view of "religion" on everyone else. I am a moral person, Buddhist by inclination and as an American I demand that my beliefs be treated equally with anyone else's beliefs. I reject Shira law from any religion.


No-one will stand in the way of Hilary.

Remember in 2011 primaries Mitt would be leading in the polls then someone new enters the race and suddenly is polling at over 40% ? Sort of like "We love ya, Mitt, but hey, look at this new guy!" I'm thinking Hillary could be in a similar situation soon. But the Dems are no fun, all rhetoric and policy and will put you to sleep (how many people can truly say they stayed awake long enough to hear Harry Reid finish a sentence?), lacking the entertainment value of the GOP. But Hillary will pull stuff out of her butt that has neither truth nor relevance, Fox News style; in 2008 she referred to this practice as "the fun part of politics." Good grief!

Michelle Bachmann was great, sort of a fascist "I Love Lucy Goes to Washington." Fox should give her a show. "Somebody just told me that stuff will make you retarded!"


No-one will stand in the way of Hilary.

Remember in 2011 primaries Mitt would be leading in the polls then someone new enters the race and suddenly is polling at over 40% ? Sort of like "We love ya, Mitt, but hey, look at this new guy!" I'm thinking Hillary could be in a similar situation soon. But the Dems are no fun, all rhetoric and policy and will put you to sleep (how many people can truly say they stayed awake long enough to hear Harry Reid finish a sentence?), lacking the entertainment value of the GOP. But Hillary will pull stuff out of her butt that has neither truth nor relevance, Fox News style; in 2008 she referred to this practice as "the fun part of politics." Good grief!

Michelle Bachmann was great, sort of a fascist "I Love Lucy Goes to Washington." Fox should give her a show. "Somebody just told me that stuff will make you retarded!"

The unloved Willard (his first name) was the R party default candidate in 2012.

The torn and tattered Willard Mitt Romney crawled out from under the scrum of primary brawlers with the nomination trophy held high then tripped over the goal line.

Former SecState Clinton has no serious opposition, and possibly no opposition who can get the money together. Self financed candidates such as Carla Fiorina in California, to name one, rarely do well because it's obvious to the voters they are on a self-financed and expensive ego trip...Steve Forbes is yet another among many...the loser Ross Perot is ancient history besides.

Huckabee was in it in 2012 and he's going in again with every poll of Iowa Rs showing him winning the caucuses again, same as he did in 2012. He's met in Las Vegas with big money guys, went on a tour of England and Poland with Iowa Republicans and Republicans of other early primary states to include 100 preachers.

Huckabee lost the New Hampshire primary to Willard and never got his stride back while Newt gave Willard a swift kick by winning the next state, very right and God fearing South Carolina. Newt's not running this year so Huckabee is preparing to accept the chalice in South Carolina this time around to be on his way from there. .

The upcoming R party bloodbath starting next January is going to be hell on wheels to watch.....


Ok, now that I know I was saying it correct the first time, I'll try again. NO apologies to the powers that be. It seems the powers that be do not like those that would tell it like it is. Huckabee is but a symbol of the rot in America. The democrats long ago sold out to the same types of people the republicans did. The plutocrats, dominionists and corporations rule. Today the batshit crazy republicans, who have gone so far to the right they fell of the edge of the world, they, unlike all the rest of the world, do know it is in fact flat. It is only on the social issues there is any real difference. Both so called parties sold their soul long ago to the plutocrats, dominionists, and corporations. Legalized bribery, barely if that, ignorant (should I say stupid?) voters and the "gang of 5" keeps them in office. Sanders and probably Warren (perhaps a bit lite on foreign affairs-can't be any worse than what we've had for the last 14 yrs) would make good presidents. I like Grayson but no way he will ever get the nomination, he tells it like it is. It will end up another clinton/bush debacle. The losers will be the American people, workers and what is left of the middle class, and the world, certainly not the 1%.

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What's that strange rumbling I feel? Why, it's a massive Huckabee Groundswell of Support!

He'll take whatever bone the eventual frontrunner throws him. He seems like a guy running for VP.


It is amazing that our choices seem so bad or is it just political rhetoric bashing opposition and making the choices appear worse than they really are.

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It is amazing that our choices seem so bad or is it just political rhetoric bashing opposition and making the choices appear worse than they really are.

And here I'd thought you were talking about the far right's fierce and unrelenting six-year campaign of distortions and lies against President Obama.

The campaign has gone bust now anyway as the post election polling shows Barack Obama is the first prez able to come back from his approval ratings being down. Carter could not come back from low approval ratings, neither could Nixon before him, nor Reagan....nor could Bush the father and neither could Bush the son.

Huckabee is exactly as bad as he looks and sounds.

Any Republican as president would have to appoint Huckabee to some office, probably ambassador to the UN or some such....or maybe Huckabee as Bush's secretary of Education where Huck could change the textbooks throughout the country to say the world is 6000 years old and that the resurrected Christ is coming so everyone in US schools need to get down on their knees and pray.

It's as bad as it looks, maybe worse.

In his previous campaign Huckabee won the Iowa Republican party caucuses and all the polling says he's going to win there again.


It is amazing that our choices seem so bad or is it just political rhetoric bashing opposition and making the choices appear worse than they really are.

We don't know what our choices are yet. Right now it's just a few making a lot of noise, none of whom has a chance. Same same as last time.

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It is amazing that our choices seem so bad or is it just political rhetoric bashing opposition and making the choices appear worse than they really are.

And here I'd thought you were talking about the far right's fierce and unrelenting six-year campaign of distortions and lies against President Obama.

Those right-wingers even said that Obama lied about keeping your doctor and health plan and about ISIS being "the JV team" of terrorists. These distortions are outrageous. whistling.gif

"If you like your health care plan, you can keep it," President Barack Obama said -- many times -- of his landmark new law.


Nothing Barack Obama said or doesn't say, did or does changes the fact the right has conducted a six-year campaign of distortions and lies against him, and that the post election polls show a big leap up of Prez Obama's positives with the public, and that the economy is stronger and moving forward as most Americans expected would happen with Obama as president.

On the other hand, the Republicans jockeying for president are as bad as they look and sound, probably worse. Republican presidents like recessions.


The USA has had a public debt since the year the constitution was signed.

The real problems began with voodoo economics during the Ronald Reagan term going from $997 billion to $2.85 trillion.

Reagan piled up more debt than all previous presidents combined.

Then the 2 Bush's ran it up to over 10+ trillion. GW Bush added around a trillion in his last months in Office when the bank bail-outs began.

Obama was up against an economic depression and began writing checks the day he took office.

So discounting the interest on the 10+ trillion, how much more has Obama added I'm wondering?

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