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Thailand ranks world no.2 in road fatalities

Lite Beer

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All familiar no doubt with the concept that 'a strength entails a weakness'.............................................well, don't want to get overly philosophical, but has anyone posited that this is a correlate of a positive?....................& PLEASE: people don't respect the law in the 'West' - they kowtow to it out of fear.

That I'm afraid to say is only your personal perspective. If I see good reason for a law, I respect it....I'm also aware the law can be an ass....but I don't fear the law in a democratic country.

Edited by wilcopops
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The 2013 WHO Report on Road Safety is here: http://www.who.int/violence_injury_prevention/road_safety_status/2013/en/

It makes for interesting reading and details exactly how to get fatalities reduced.

74% of Thailand's road fatalities are in/on/driving 2- or 3-wheeled vehicles. Cars and trucks, not so much!

Maybe, but like everywhere else in the world anything up to 80% of these accidents to motorbikes are caused by cars, trucks & buses. Motorbikes are always highest because you are far more vulnerable in a accident than you are inside a metal box.....

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From what I've seen in 14 year specialising in rescuing people from accidents when a pick up hits a standard car side on(t-bone) at speed, the occupants of the car will almost always perish.

Edited by simonuk
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I have never posted anything I would consider to be anti Thai or Thai bashing as some call it but I agree with many posters here that driving standards here are terrible. Everyday I witness bike riders driving the wrong way down the road or pull out and never look to see if anything is coming. Only two days ago a young man died right in front of our house. He was drunk driving at speed and a car doing a u-turn ploughed in to him. The white chalk lines on the road a reminder every day since that a young man died. The driver we believe is his second accident where someone died. I have adjusted my driving accordingly to allow for people coming down the road the wrong way and always slow near a juction in case some bike or car pulls out without even looking. Anyone who has seen the Thai driving test will know it is utterly sub standard. Maybe getting drivers on the road and selling more cars is a priority over safety. My wife has passed the UK and Thai test but will avoid where possible driving in Thailand. Until tests are improved then nothing will change. Whilst I despise the over zealous Traffic Police in the West the Police here are the opposite. A Police car driving down the road while a bike rider coming in the wrong direction and then ignored is why so many die on the roads here. And it always seams to be someone elses fault when an accident happens. My wife even once told me that if I am ever involved in an accident then it will be my fault because I am Farrang and using Thai logic if I wasnt in Thailand the accident would not have happened. I now have a HD camera in the car that records eveything as evidence.

Edited by bim
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Thailand's road death statistics are so bad because of motorcycles.

However, statistically you are more likely to be killed in a car in the USA than you are in Thailand.

If you look at the statistics it shows the number of road deaths per 100,000 of population, then look at the percentage of those that are in a car.. shockingly low. Divide the number of deaths by that percentage and you get a figure per 100,00 for cars, do the same for the USA and bingo... There ARE less people killed (per 100,000 of the population) in a CAR in Thailand than in the USA.

You cannot divide a number by a percentage and get another accurate result. It must always be whole numbers.

Sorry but you are wrong, either that or I didn't explain myself well.

If for example country A has 100 deaths on the road per 100,000 of population (with 70 percent of those being cars) and country B bas 300 deaths per 100,000 of population with 10 percent of those being cars) then it's pretty obvious that county B despite having more deaths on the road is safer in a car. Country B has only 30 deaths per 100,000 in a car because because 30 is ten percent of 300, and the car deaths account for 10 percent of the road deaths, whereas county A has 70 deaths by car per 100,000 of road deaths because 70 is 70% of 100 deaths.

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I have never posted anything I would consider to be anti Thai or Thai bashing as some call it but I agree with many posters here that driving standards here are terrible. Everyday I witness bike riders driving the wrong way down the road or pull out and never look to see if anything is coming. Only two days ago a young man died right in front of our house. He was drunk driving at speed and a car doing a u-turn ploughed in to him. The white chalk lines on the road a reminder every day since that a young man died. The driver we believe is his second accident where someone died. I have adjusted my driving accordingly to allow for people coming down the road the wrong way and always slow near a juction in case some bike or car pulls out without even looking. Anyone who has seen the Thai driving test will know it is utterly sub standard. Maybe getting drivers on the road and selling more cars is a priority over safety. My wife has passed the UK and Thai test but will avoid where possible driving in Thailand. Until tests are improved then nothing will change. Whilst I despise the over zealous Traffic Police in the West the Police here are the opposite. A Police car driving down the road while a bike rider coming in the wrong direction and then ignored is why so many die on the roads here. And it always seams to be someone elses fault when an accident happens. My wife even once told me that if I am ever involved in an accident then it will be my fault because I am Farrang and using Thai logic if I wasnt in Thailand the accident would not have happened. I now have a HD camera in the car that records eveything as evidence.

Totally naive assessment of the issues

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From what I've seen in 14 year specialising in rescuing people from accidents when a pick up hits a standard car side on(t-bone) at speed, the occupants of the car will almost always perish.

Then ban pickups?

As soon as someone uses the "in my experience" premise you can be pretty sure a fallacious argument Weill follow.

Edited by wilcopops
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Wilcopops - roger, old man...normally don't bother to do this...but...: I assume you intended humour? i.e. your first point was that my post was my personal opinion (duh) and your second was YOUR opinion...i dislike logical inconsistencies - - guess that was a joke.

However, on a serious note, you would do well to remember that Hitler's party was a democratically elected gov...but you don't fear democratically elected govs, eh....555

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Wilcopops - roger, old man...normally don't bother to do this...but...: I assume you intended humour? i.e. your first point was that my post was my personal opinion (duh) and your second was YOUR opinion...i dislike logical inconsistencies - - guess that was a joke. However, on a serious note, you would do well to remember that Hitler's party was a democratically elected gov...but you don't fear democratically elected govs, eh....555

QED - mine is an opinion, yours isn't, its just an unsupported statement.your lack of logic is further emphasised by your implementation of Godwins law.

Edited by wilcopops
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As Thailand strives to become Number 1 ........

I would suggest that U turns in themselves are not dangerous as railroad crossings are not dangerous unless drivers drive to fast and do not take ordinary precautions anyone with a shred of common sense should have when coming into U turns or approaching railroad crossings. Thailand will continue to blame road conditions but I expect the Ministry will do nothing but talk about improving traffic safety. It is quite possible Thailand will become number one in road deaths, given the fact that little is being done to reverse this terrible rate. The ministry could start by protecting every rail crossing with flashing lights and barricades and larger warning signs. alas, that will never happen either.

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I have never posted anything I would consider to be anti Thai or Thai bashing as some call it but I agree with many posters here that driving standards here are terrible. Everyday I witness bike riders driving the wrong way down the road or pull out and never look to see if anything is coming. Only two days ago a young man died right in front of our house. He was drunk driving at speed and a car doing a u-turn ploughed in to him. The white chalk lines on the road a reminder every day since that a young man died. The driver we believe is his second accident where someone died. I have adjusted my driving accordingly to allow for people coming down the road the wrong way and always slow near a juction in case some bike or car pulls out without even looking. Anyone who has seen the Thai driving test will know it is utterly sub standard. Maybe getting drivers on the road and selling more cars is a priority over safety. My wife has passed the UK and Thai test but will avoid where possible driving in Thailand. Until tests are improved then nothing will change. Whilst I despise the over zealous Traffic Police in the West the Police here are the opposite. A Police car driving down the road while a bike rider coming in the wrong direction and then ignored is why so many die on the roads here. And it always seams to be someone elses fault when an accident happens. My wife even once told me that if I am ever involved in an accident then it will be my fault because I am Farrang and using Thai logic if I wasnt in Thailand the accident would not have happened. I now have a HD camera in the car that records eveything as evidence.

Totally naive assessment of the issues
Thats all youve got. Ive lived here 8 years and that is my experience. Am sure many have witnessed the same.Would you like to expand on your point or are you just another TV troll?
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I don't mean to drag this off-topic. But considering Thailand's ghastly record of road safety, which regular car is the safest most crash worthy in Thailand? Which car are you most likely to survive in?

We need to take action. May as well make this thread something other than the usual sound bites.

This aspect has been well researched. It turns out that a family saloon (or sedan if you're American) is the safest type of vehicle to be in if you have an accident. And someone has already mentioned the reason why elsewhere , energy absorption. These vehicles have the best 'crumple zones' compared with other types of vehicles.

Pickups and 4x4's don't score so well because they are built on ladder chassis which are not so crash friendly in this regard. 4x4's and SUV's also get lower scores because they are more likely to tip over in a crash due to the higher centre of gravity. So if you want to survive Thailand's roads, a big sedan is the best place to be.

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is this report available in THAI on any Thai news website ? I would like to print it out and copy it and hand it out while smiling and without saying a word to any crazy Bus or Minivan or Taxi driver I come accross in the future (yeah I know I would need at least 100 copies at a time)

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According to the OP the fatalities/100,000 population is 44. Excluding motorbikes that's is in the order of 7/100,000, 16%. It therefore makes Thailand very safe for road transport unless you ride a motorbike.

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According to the OP the fatalities/100,000 population is 44. Excluding motorbikes that's is in the order of 7/100,000, 16%. It therefore makes Thailand very safe for road transport unless you ride a motorbike.

you're guesstimating. If I didn't drive my car defensively and slowly would have lost my life 100 times over here by poor drivers. Motorcycles higher rates of death indeed indeed, but by no means a safe place to operate a car overall, as you imply.

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Westerners wear a seat-belt in case an accident will happen.

Thais do not wear wear a seat-belt believing an accident will not happen.

Westerners wear seat-belts because it's the law, and respect the law.

Thais do not wear seat-belts because they have no respect for the law or their own safety.

I think if Westerners didn't have to wear them, many wouldn't.

Some Thais wear seat belts, some don't.

Do you want Thailand to have the same laws as Western countries?

If it did, then it wouldn't be the Thailand I love. I prefer to have the right to drive without a helmet if I want and I rarely do wear a helmet.

Would you like to have to wear a bicycle helmet that Westerners have to?

Would you like not to be able to take your kids for a ride on your motorbike?

Would you like to be fined for drinking a bottle of water when driving?

Would you not like to be able to answer your phone whilst on your motorbike?

Or maybe you just want to change some of the laws to suit yourself.

You make a point, but your point misses his point. His point describes universal needs to ensure a life of well being and safety. Your point seems to describe personal, emotional "wants" being met, and thus running the risk of missing entirely any universal need for well being or safety.

That is how I read this, but I may be in err.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I know Thai drivers are trying!

They have been stuck in second place for years now.

Keep trying...

Next year...Number one!

next year they can be nr 1

So what is the point you are trying to make?

Do you get it now "wilcopops"

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You'd think with almost 30,000 idiots kill themselves on the roads each year, surely they'd have run out of idiots by now.

Im not sure why people like you should even have an opinion. 30,000 deaths and you have to be insulting. Dont think it is something to insulting about. Those deaths were someones daughter, son, mother, father. Did it effect you? Emmmm NO. You have proved to be the only idiot with that stupid comment
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You'd think with almost 30,000 idiots kill themselves on the roads each year, surely they'd have run out of idiots by now.

Im not sure why people like you should even have an opinion. 30,000 deaths and you have to be insulting. Dont think it is something to insulting about. Those deaths were someones daughter, son, mother, father. Did it effect you? Emmmm NO. You have proved to be the only idiot with that stupid comment

I think its quite a valid comment...

Thats a lot of people that my family, driving lawfully, respectfully on the road dont have to worry about

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You'd think with almost 30,000 idiots kill themselves on the roads each year, surely they'd have run out of idiots by now.

Im not sure why people like you should even have an opinion. 30,000 deaths and you have to be insulting. Dont think it is something to insulting about. Those deaths were someones daughter, son, mother, father. Did it effect you? Emmmm NO. You have proved to be the only idiot with that stupid comment

I think its quite a valid comment...

Thats a lot of people that my family, driving lawfully, respectfully on the road dont have to worry about

So why would you assume that all those that died were idiots. How many died through no fault of there own. The victim of some drunk driver for example.
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I know Thai drivers are trying!

They have been stuck in second place for years now.

Keep trying...

Next year...Number one!

next year they can be nr 1

So what is the point you are trying to make?

Do you get it now "wilcopops"

It would seem you don't actually have a point to make and are just being facetious?

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You'd think with almost 30,000 idiots kill themselves on the roads each year, surely they'd have run out of idiots by now.

So all people killed in road accidents are idiots...or are you saying all Thai people are idiots?

Or maybe you are trying to say you are better than Thai people?

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You'd think with almost 30,000 idiots kill themselves on the roads each year, surely they'd have run out of idiots by now.

Im not sure why people like you should even have an opinion. 30,000 deaths and you have to be insulting. Dont think it is something to insulting about. Those deaths were someones daughter, son, mother, father. Did it effect you? Emmmm NO. You have proved to be the only idiot with that stupid comment

I think its quite a valid comment...

Thats a lot of people that my family, driving lawfully, respectfully on the road dont have to worry about

So why would you assume that all those that died were idiots. How many died through no fault of there own. The victim of some drunk driver for example.

What exactly did I assume?

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