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Considering buying a used car, is it better to buy from a car dealer or owner ?

Do car dealers give any sort of warranty period?


I'd rather buy the new car than used car because can't trust the used car would be slolen even though the used car shops will show the car papers but can't turst them . How can be sure that engine is still good, i think you will spend more money for fixing it later.


you pays your money, you takes your chances, buy new if you can

Steve's right. The price difference between brand new car and scrap metal is negligible in LOS.

Scrap doesn't come with any sort of warranty.


Auctions....... Or buy new, where do you think most, if not all second hand car dealers get their motors.......The car auctions.

I know a lot of people slag off car auctions in Thailand as being a rip-off. Well fact is they are no different than anywhere else in the world.

Most auctions in Thailand are run by reputable auction companies who have contracts with vehicle finance companies. People default on payments vehicle gets repossessed and auction company.......Auctions them off, simple as that.

You can get very, very good deals, you will always find all the local second hand car dealers there, looking for good cars, cheap to bang on a 100,000......200,000 Baht profit when they sell it to you out of their showroom and they do nothing to them...... maybe a wash!. Outbid one by 10,000 or 20,000 Baht you should have a good motor. They also auction bikes. Most vehicles fall into near new......or clapped out!

I'm more than sure I'll get a slagging of for selling the good points about Thai auctions, OK I know some will have had a bad experience, but I would put money on most poor experiences are down to.... PPPP, (Piss Poor Planning and Preparation)

How to avoid a bad experience at a car auction in Thailand.......... Don't be negative, take your time...... do your homework, understand the auction process, If you have a Thai friend.... Get them to help you.

I've been a few times, I have bought a pick-up and a scooter from auctions......... I'm happy with both and am looking at going again soon.

Last of all make your own mind up don't be put of by negative comments, so many made by 'armchair' experts who have no experience or knowledge.......but have a mate that does and like to play on the notion that all Thais will rip you off.

"Red rag to bull"............................Replies on a postcard!

Is the auction run in Thai? So without speaking the language quite proficiently an auction is really not a realistic or wise decision.


It depends on whet you are looking for. I was considering used but when I learned about the floods in 2011 I decided to spend a little extra and buy new.


Auctions....... Or buy new, where do you think most, if not all second hand car dealers get their motors.......The car auctions.

I know a lot of people slag off car auctions in Thailand as being a rip-off. Well fact is they are no different than anywhere else in the world.

Most auctions in Thailand are run by reputable auction companies who have contracts with vehicle finance companies. People default on payments vehicle gets repossessed and auction company.......Auctions them off, simple as that.

You can get very, very good deals, you will always find all the local second hand car dealers there, looking for good cars, cheap to bang on a 100,000......200,000 Baht profit when they sell it to you out of their showroom and they do nothing to them...... maybe a wash!. Outbid one by 10,000 or 20,000 Baht you should have a good motor. They also auction bikes. Most vehicles fall into near new......or clapped out!

I'm more than sure I'll get a slagging of for selling the good points about Thai auctions, OK I know some will have had a bad experience, but I would put money on most poor experiences are down to.... PPPP, (Piss Poor Planning and Preparation)

How to avoid a bad experience at a car auction in Thailand.......... Don't be negative, take your time...... do your homework, understand the auction process, If you have a Thai friend.... Get them to help you.

I've been a few times, I have bought a pick-up and a scooter from auctions......... I'm happy with both and am looking at going again soon.

Last of all make your own mind up don't be put of by negative comments, so many made by 'armchair' experts who have no experience or knowledge.......but have a mate that does and like to play on the notion that all Thais will rip you off.

"Red rag to bull"............................Replies on a postcard!

Is the auction run in Thai? So without speaking the language quite proficiently an auction is really not a realistic or wise decision.

Hi ‘WarpSpeed’

You ask…… “Is the auction run in Thai?” Well I can't speak for all the auctions, but the one’s I have been to are and, yes I would think most…….if not all will be.

As for having to be quite proficient in Thai……I don't think so. There are thousands of non-Thais living in Thailand without being able to talk Thai proficiently……. Living a successful and productive life here.

You say “an auction is really not a realistic or wise decision” I would agree with this statement if I did not at least try to understand how the auction process works, be too timid to ask questions or be under the belief everyone is out to rip you off. I've already said......"Do your homework"

Each to his or her own, I just think its dumb to go and pay….say 500,000 Baht for a pick-up from a second hand car salesman that I could, (with a little bit of homework) got the day before at an auction for possible 300,00 Baht.

As a footnote, the pickup I got at an auction still had 8 months manufactures warranty on it!

But as you say, not a wise decision……Best get it from the sales forecourt at an inflated price……. Because we all know you'll have no problem taking it back and getting any problems fixed in a jiffy.

As for buying new......I love buying new, most vehicles made here in Thailand are I think well priced, but buying from a forecourt is a rip off.

  • Like 1

OP, sorry mate I nor anyone else has really addressed your question regarding;is it better to buy from a car dealer or owner?”

OK, this is only my opinion based on my own experience looking for a good deal. Car dealers, (not to be confused with side street second-hand car sellers….. There is a difference) give the illusion of being able to make everything all right and tell you about the ‘1000,000 point check that do on all the second hand cars before they sell them’………………… Right! As always, buyer beware.

Buying private, I think a good bet over dealer, should be a fair saving doing it this way…….One problem in Thailand. I have in the past when looking for a private sale. I would keep coming up against a certain type of ‘mindset’…..That being, people having bought a car for X amount 5 years back still believing its worth far more than it’s worth now because they, put new tyres on it, had it serviced…..once, put a few extras, including amulets…..and it still drives OK! The 150.000 Kms are just a testament to how good it is…..apparently!

Having said all this, you can get OK deals from the dealers, but you will pay a premium, warranty….some do, some don’t!

Private, Fair option, but don't entertain fools and there high pricing, get as much info about the vehicle, age, condition, service history and get on the net and do some comparisons before even going to look at it.

Auctions………. You should know what I think about them by now.

Good luck and happy hunting.

  • Like 1

Auctions....... Or buy new, where do you think most, if not all second hand car dealers get their motors.......The car auctions.

I know a lot of people slag off car auctions in Thailand as being a rip-off. Well fact is they are no different than anywhere else in the world.

Most auctions in Thailand are run by reputable auction companies who have contracts with vehicle finance companies. People default on payments vehicle gets repossessed and auction company.......Auctions them off, simple as that.

You can get very, very good deals, you will always find all the local second hand car dealers there, looking for good cars, cheap to bang on a 100,000......200,000 Baht profit when they sell it to you out of their showroom and they do nothing to them...... maybe a wash!. Outbid one by 10,000 or 20,000 Baht you should have a good motor. They also auction bikes. Most vehicles fall into near new......or clapped out!

I'm more than sure I'll get a slagging of for selling the good points about Thai auctions, OK I know some will have had a bad experience, but I would put money on most poor experiences are down to.... PPPP, (Piss Poor Planning and Preparation)

How to avoid a bad experience at a car auction in Thailand.......... Don't be negative, take your time...... do your homework, understand the auction process, If you have a Thai friend.... Get them to help you.

I've been a few times, I have bought a pick-up and a scooter from auctions......... I'm happy with both and am looking at going again soon.

Last of all make your own mind up don't be put of by negative comments, so many made by 'armchair' experts who have no experience or knowledge.......but have a mate that does and like to play on the notion that all Thais will rip you off.

"Red rag to bull"............................Replies on a postcard!

Is the auction run in Thai? So without speaking the language quite proficiently an auction is really not a realistic or wise decision.

Hi ‘WarpSpeed’

You ask…… “Is the auction run in Thai?” Well I can't speak for all the auctions, but the one’s I have been to are and, yes I would think most…….if not all will be.

As for having to be quite proficient in Thai……I don't think so. There are thousands of non-Thais living in Thailand without being able to talk Thai proficiently……. Living a successful and productive life here.

You say “an auction is really not a realistic or wise decision” I would agree with this statement if I did not at least try to understand how the auction process works, be too timid to ask questions or be under the belief everyone is out to rip you off. I've already said......"Do your homework"

Each to his or her own, I just think its dumb to go and pay….say 500,000 Baht for a pick-up from a second hand car salesman that I could, (with a little bit of homework) got the day before at an auction for possible 300,00 Baht.

As a footnote, the pickup I got at an auction still had 8 months manufactures warranty on it!

But as you say, not a wise decision……Best get it from the sales forecourt at an inflated price……. Because we all know you'll have no problem taking it back and getting any problems fixed in a jiffy.

As for buying new......I love buying new, most vehicles made here in Thailand are I think well priced, but buying from a forecourt is a rip off.

I wasn't referring to making a life in Thailand, that was a pretty unnecessarily broad statement as I also lived there for several years and managed quite fine with limited Thai. The major difference is that never applied to an auction where the process moves along quickly and understanding what the auctioneer is saying is rather important, not to mention the usually limited time and ability to evaluate the vehicle being considered, especially if one does not have the necessary mechanical background one could end up with a really bad recyclable on their hands.

As a point of note, this is just about the time frame after the floods when a bunch of nasty, damaged, second hand vehicles are going to be hitting the market finally having a few years of the electrics corroding, carpeting seriously molding up, seats, chassis, etc. to begin showing the end results of the damage previously covered up.


Auctions....... Or buy new, where do you think most, if not all second hand car dealers get their motors.......The car auctions.

I know a lot of people slag off car auctions in Thailand as being a rip-off. Well fact is they are no different than anywhere else in the world.

Most auctions in Thailand are run by reputable auction companies who have contracts with vehicle finance companies. People default on payments vehicle gets repossessed and auction company.......Auctions them off, simple as that.

You can get very, very good deals, you will always find all the local second hand car dealers there, looking for good cars, cheap to bang on a 100,000......200,000 Baht profit when they sell it to you out of their showroom and they do nothing to them...... maybe a wash!. Outbid one by 10,000 or 20,000 Baht you should have a good motor. They also auction bikes. Most vehicles fall into near new......or clapped out!

I'm more than sure I'll get a slagging of for selling the good points about Thai auctions, OK I know some will have had a bad experience, but I would put money on most poor experiences are down to.... PPPP, (Piss Poor Planning and Preparation)

How to avoid a bad experience at a car auction in Thailand.......... Don't be negative, take your time...... do your homework, understand the auction process, If you have a Thai friend.... Get them to help you.

I've been a few times, I have bought a pick-up and a scooter from auctions......... I'm happy with both and am looking at going again soon.

Last of all make your own mind up don't be put of by negative comments, so many made by 'armchair' experts who have no experience or knowledge.......but have a mate that does and like to play on the notion that all Thais will rip you off.

"Red rag to bull"............................Replies on a postcard!

Is the auction run in Thai? So without speaking the language quite proficiently an auction is really not a realistic or wise decision.

Hi ‘WarpSpeed’

You ask…… “Is the auction run in Thai?” Well I can't speak for all the auctions, but the one’s I have been to are and, yes I would think most…….if not all will be.

As for having to be quite proficient in Thai……I don't think so. There are thousands of non-Thais living in Thailand without being able to talk Thai proficiently……. Living a successful and productive life here.

You say “an auction is really not a realistic or wise decision” I would agree with this statement if I did not at least try to understand how the auction process works, be too timid to ask questions or be under the belief everyone is out to rip you off. I've already said......"Do your homework"

Each to his or her own, I just think its dumb to go and pay….say 500,000 Baht for a pick-up from a second hand car salesman that I could, (with a little bit of homework) got the day before at an auction for possible 300,00 Baht.

As a footnote, the pickup I got at an auction still had 8 months manufactures warranty on it!

But as you say, not a wise decision……Best get it from the sales forecourt at an inflated price……. Because we all know you'll have no problem taking it back and getting any problems fixed in a jiffy.

As for buying new......I love buying new, most vehicles made here in Thailand are I think well priced, but buying from a forecourt is a rip off.

I wasn't referring to making a life in Thailand, that was a pretty unnecessarily broad statement as I also lived there for several years and managed quite fine with limited Thai. The major difference is that never applied to an auction where the process moves along quickly and understanding what the auctioneer is saying is rather important, not to mention the usually limited time and ability to evaluate the vehicle being considered, especially if one does not have the necessary mechanical background one could end up with a really bad recyclable on their hands.

As a point of note, this is just about the time frame after the floods when a bunch of nasty, damaged, second hand vehicles are going to be hitting the market finally having a few years of the electrics corroding, carpeting seriously molding up, seats, chassis, etc. to begin showing the end results of the damage previously covered up.

Yes mate you make some fair points regarding the possibility of flood damaged vehicles going to auction. But you do come across to me as not knowing how the auctions are held, or the safeguards you do have as a bidder.....I'm not trying to be rude here, but you are trying to make a case for not going to auctions but you don't know the facts, you're making statements based on what you think goes on.... Or what you have heard.

Look, Most, I'm sure not all auctions are run by reputable companies.........A very high proportion of the vehicles there are repossessions. the auctioneer company sells the vehicle on behalf of the finance companies..... A minimum price is fixed by the finance company to get their investment back, the auctioneers charge a fee, (fixed and for all to see, paid only on completed sale) Most are near new vehicles.... in good condition, it does not take a rocket scientist to see if the car is damaged....The one I got was only 6 months old, 10k on the clock, think still smelt new inside. As for inspection the vehicle.....most if not all have the vehicles open for inspection the night before the auction takes place the following day. you can go and pore over the thing for hours if you want.......... Maybe take someone who knows about care if you can.

There are private vehicles put up for auction......But in general one should avoid these 100,000 Baht bangers.

I would really recommend anyone who is looking to buy a motor and save a bit of money, just to go along and have a look, ask questions, find out what its all about and save the negativity. In my experience the people running the auctions have no axe to grind with you. I have seen at one auction a westerner was trying to bid on a scooter, as things slowed down to a sell point the auctioneer repeated the incoming bids in english to help the guy out. He won the bid....to lots of good natured cheers.

The key to a good result, do your homework and understand the auction process.....

  • Like 1

I took a Thai friend, got a decent deal on a Fortuna, 2 years old, runs like a dream, no problems to report, my friend knocked loads of the price - happy days!


I just went through this...

Lot's of incentives from dealers when you buy new...

Discounts off sticker price

1st year road side assistance

1st year insurance paid

1st year Taxes and registration paid

Options thrown in to sweeten the deal

2 - 3 years of manufacturer warranty

Phone number of cute sales lady that made the sale (bingo) thumbsup.gif


Personally, I would not touch an auction for cars ANYWHERE unless you really knew what you are doing 100% with used motors.

I have bought second hand both from dealers and private, I have been lucky no major problems but I would forget any promises of warranty - this goes for most places not Thailand.

I have seen a few offers from some of the bigger dealers like Toyota, Honda etc. where they will sell you a 2nd hand car with a warranty, the cars are all supposedly checked out first and put into a decent condition if needed.

If I was buying again, I would certainly check this out.


  • Like 1

you pays your money, you takes your chances, buy new if you can

Steve's right. The price difference between brand new car and scrap metal is negligible in LOS.

Scrap doesn't come with any sort of warranty.

Definitely a personal opinion with narrow scope of vision..

We're used to very cheap used cars in Blighty. Used in LOS has always been a shocker.


I have just been through the process of buying a car 'private' from a farang who wheels and deals. I got a very good car only 66 mths old and a finance repo. Very good experience, but transfer was a nightmare, but his wife attended to that saved 140k bht on new price, well worth it.


I have just been through the process of buying a car 'private' from a farang who wheels and deals. I got a very good car only 66 mths old and a finance repo. Very good experience, but transfer was a nightmare, but his wife attended to that saved 140k bht on new price, well worth it.

The car is 5.5 years old but you only saved 140k on a new one?



I'm on my 5th car in Thailand...

When I've sold my cars on they've been in great condition... I imagine there are many people in a similar position who wish to sell on their motors and have no reason or wish to scam anyone.

A dealer will always wish to make a larger profit than a private sale.

A private seller simply wishes to offload the car so they can get a new one - for serious buyers a mutually agreeable price is more readily achievable.

  • Like 1

Auctions....... Or buy new, where do you think most, if not all second hand car dealers get their motors.......The car auctions.

I know a lot of people slag off car auctions in Thailand as being a rip-off. Well fact is they are no different than anywhere else in the world.

Most auctions in Thailand are run by reputable auction companies who have contracts with vehicle finance companies. People default on payments vehicle gets repossessed and auction company.......Auctions them off, simple as that.

You can get very, very good deals, you will always find all the local second hand car dealers there, looking for good cars, cheap to bang on a 100,000......200,000 Baht profit when they sell it to you out of their showroom and they do nothing to them...... maybe a wash!. Outbid one by 10,000 or 20,000 Baht you should have a good motor. They also auction bikes. Most vehicles fall into near new......or clapped out!

I'm more than sure I'll get a slagging of for selling the good points about Thai auctions, OK I know some will have had a bad experience, but I would put money on most poor experiences are down to.... PPPP, (Piss Poor Planning and Preparation)

How to avoid a bad experience at a car auction in Thailand.......... Don't be negative, take your time...... do your homework, understand the auction process, If you have a Thai friend.... Get them to help you.

I've been a few times, I have bought a pick-up and a scooter from auctions......... I'm happy with both and am looking at going again soon.

Last of all make your own mind up don't be put of by negative comments, so many made by 'armchair' experts who have no experience or knowledge.......but have a mate that does and like to play on the notion that all Thais will rip you off.

"Red rag to bull"............................Replies on a postcard!

Ive been to many an auction and the vehicle is locked untill the moment it goes through. You dont see inside you cant start the engine you cant see the mileage. The inspection report says that most componants are F ed and it leaks oil. This is to cover their butts should you buy a nail.

There are a lot of nails put through the auctions and the prices were damn near retail or higher. I wont waste my time there again.

Example. I wanted a minibus retail 250000 with faults unknown.

They all started at 275-300 and most were rubbish. I bought 1 off a dealer that needed a gearbox. 200000 plus 24000 for the box.job done.

  • Like 1

Auctions....... Or buy new, where do you think most, if not all second hand car dealers get their motors.......The car auctions.

I know a lot of people slag off car auctions in Thailand as being a rip-off. Well fact is they are no different than anywhere else in the world.

Most auctions in Thailand are run by reputable auction companies who have contracts with vehicle finance companies. People default on payments vehicle gets repossessed and auction company.......Auctions them off, simple as that.

You can get very, very good deals, you will always find all the local second hand car dealers there, looking for good cars, cheap to bang on a 100,000......200,000 Baht profit when they sell it to you out of their showroom and they do nothing to them...... maybe a wash!. Outbid one by 10,000 or 20,000 Baht you should have a good motor. They also auction bikes. Most vehicles fall into near new......or clapped out!

I'm more than sure I'll get a slagging of for selling the good points about Thai auctions, OK I know some will have had a bad experience, but I would put money on most poor experiences are down to.... PPPP, (Piss Poor Planning and Preparation)

How to avoid a bad experience at a car auction in Thailand.......... Don't be negative, take your time...... do your homework, understand the auction process, If you have a Thai friend.... Get them to help you.

I've been a few times, I have bought a pick-up and a scooter from auctions......... I'm happy with both and am looking at going again soon.

Last of all make your own mind up don't be put of by negative comments, so many made by 'armchair' experts who have no experience or knowledge.......but have a mate that does and like to play on the notion that all Thais will rip you off.

"Red rag to bull"............................Replies on a postcard!

Ive been to many an auction and the vehicle is locked untill the moment it goes through. You dont see inside you cant start the engine you cant see the mileage. The inspection report says that most componants are F ed and it leaks oil. This is to cover their butts should you buy a nail.

There are a lot of nails put through the auctions and the prices were damn near retail or higher. I wont waste my time there again.

Example. I wanted a minibus retail 250000 with faults unknown.

They all started at 275-300 and most were rubbish. I bought 1 off a dealer that needed a gearbox. 200000 plus 24000 for the box.job done.

In your, (I think) experience........................ But fair enough, thats how you see it.


Try getting in touch with Siam Motors (Siammotorworld.com). This is run by an expat and he will find you a decent car and give you all the help and advice you need. I have sold and purchased a couple of cars through him and the service is first class.


First time posting here, so go easy people. I don`t know which way to buy my car when I move to Chiang Mai, later this year, but I certainly agree with Tonto, when you say do your homework and obviously don`t rush into buying anything. Anything mechanical can go wrong, because that`s part of the design process, otherwise we would all be driving around for years in the same cars and the manufacturers would go out of business. The cars that I have seen second hand on previous visits, haven`t really impressed me that much and the prices are crazy, but buying a repossessed car, certainly has more appeal and as said before, the finance companies, only want a return in cash and not hold on to a load of cars, so some real bargains must be out there at the auctions. Just always do your prep work and obviously take a Thai with you, because that`s my intention and I hope I get it right on the day.

  • Like 2

Is the auction run in Thai? So without speaking the language quite proficiently an auction is really not a realistic or wise decision.

Hi ‘WarpSpeed’

You ask…… “Is the auction run in Thai?” Well I can't speak for all the auctions, but the one’s I have been to are and, yes I would think most…….if not all will be.

As for having to be quite proficient in Thai……I don't think so. There are thousands of non-Thais living in Thailand without being able to talk Thai proficiently……. Living a successful and productive life here.

You say “an auction is really not a realistic or wise decision” I would agree with this statement if I did not at least try to understand how the auction process works, be too timid to ask questions or be under the belief everyone is out to rip you off. I've already said......"Do your homework"

Each to his or her own, I just think its dumb to go and pay….say 500,000 Baht for a pick-up from a second hand car salesman that I could, (with a little bit of homework) got the day before at an auction for possible 300,00 Baht.

As a footnote, the pickup I got at an auction still had 8 months manufactures warranty on it!

But as you say, not a wise decision……Best get it from the sales forecourt at an inflated price……. Because we all know you'll have no problem taking it back and getting any problems fixed in a jiffy.

As for buying new......I love buying new, most vehicles made here in Thailand are I think well priced, but buying from a forecourt is a rip off.

I wasn't referring to making a life in Thailand, that was a pretty unnecessarily broad statement as I also lived there for several years and managed quite fine with limited Thai. The major difference is that never applied to an auction where the process moves along quickly and understanding what the auctioneer is saying is rather important, not to mention the usually limited time and ability to evaluate the vehicle being considered, especially if one does not have the necessary mechanical background one could end up with a really bad recyclable on their hands.

As a point of note, this is just about the time frame after the floods when a bunch of nasty, damaged, second hand vehicles are going to be hitting the market finally having a few years of the electrics corroding, carpeting seriously molding up, seats, chassis, etc. to begin showing the end results of the damage previously covered up.

Yes mate you make some fair points regarding the possibility of flood damaged vehicles going to auction. But you do come across to me as not knowing how the auctions are held, or the safeguards you do have as a bidder.....I'm not trying to be rude here, but you are trying to make a case for not going to auctions but you don't know the facts, you're making statements based on what you think goes on.... Or what you have heard.

Look, Most, I'm sure not all auctions are run by reputable companies.........A very high proportion of the vehicles there are repossessions. the auctioneer company sells the vehicle on behalf of the finance companies..... A minimum price is fixed by the finance company to get their investment back, the auctioneers charge a fee, (fixed and for all to see, paid only on completed sale) Most are near new vehicles.... in good condition, it does not take a rocket scientist to see if the car is damaged....The one I got was only 6 months old, 10k on the clock, think still smelt new inside. As for inspection the vehicle.....most if not all have the vehicles open for inspection the night before the auction takes place the following day. you can go and pore over the thing for hours if you want.......... Maybe take someone who knows about care if you can.

There are private vehicles put up for auction......But in general one should avoid these 100,000 Baht bangers.

I would really recommend anyone who is looking to buy a motor and save a bit of money, just to go along and have a look, ask questions, find out what its all about and save the negativity. In my experience the people running the auctions have no axe to grind with you. I have seen at one auction a westerner was trying to bid on a scooter, as things slowed down to a sell point the auctioneer repeated the incoming bids in english to help the guy out. He won the bid....to lots of good natured cheers.

The key to a good result, do your homework and understand the auction process.....

Been to dozens of western auctions no Thai ones. That's what I based my experience and my post on as it makes perfect sense to do so. Maybe the Thai's have some fantastic new format that has completely different rules and such (which would make it even worse in fact though) if they have some fantastic new format of doing auctions where for example where you're not committed to buying a car once you've bid on it and maybe change your mind then that's great, if not, then that's a potential problem when you don't understand the language.. Not speaking or understanding the language well is a potential mine field especially when it comes to signing papers. That'll be all I post on that point, the point I made is not only valid but it's quite understandable..


Auctions....... Or buy new, where do you think most, if not all second hand car dealers get their motors.......The car auctions.

I know a lot of people slag off car auctions in Thailand as being a rip-off. Well fact is they are no different than anywhere else in the world.

Most auctions in Thailand are run by reputable auction companies who have contracts with vehicle finance companies. People default on payments vehicle gets repossessed and auction company.......Auctions them off, simple as that.

You can get very, very good deals, you will always find all the local second hand car dealers there, looking for good cars, cheap to bang on a 100,000......200,000 Baht profit when they sell it to you out of their showroom and they do nothing to them...... maybe a wash!. Outbid one by 10,000 or 20,000 Baht you should have a good motor. They also auction bikes. Most vehicles fall into near new......or clapped out!

I'm more than sure I'll get a slagging of for selling the good points about Thai auctions, OK I know some will have had a bad experience, but I would put money on most poor experiences are down to.... PPPP, (Piss Poor Planning and Preparation)

How to avoid a bad experience at a car auction in Thailand.......... Don't be negative, take your time...... do your homework, understand the auction process, If you have a Thai friend.... Get them to help you.

I've been a few times, I have bought a pick-up and a scooter from auctions......... I'm happy with both and am looking at going again soon.

Last of all make your own mind up don't be put of by negative comments, so many made by 'armchair' experts who have no experience or knowledge.......but have a mate that does and like to play on the notion that all Thais will rip you off.

"Red rag to bull"............................Replies on a postcard!

Ive been to many an auction and the vehicle is locked untill the moment it goes through. You dont see inside you cant start the engine you cant see the mileage. The inspection report says that most componants are F ed and it leaks oil. This is to cover their butts should you buy a nail.

There are a lot of nails put through the auctions and the prices were damn near retail or higher. I wont waste my time there again.

Example. I wanted a minibus retail 250000 with faults unknown.

They all started at 275-300 and most were rubbish. I bought 1 off a dealer that needed a gearbox. 200000 plus 24000 for the box.job done.



you pays your money, you takes your chances, buy new if you can

Steve's right. The price difference between brand new car and scrap metal is negligible in LOS.

Scrap doesn't come with any sort of warranty.

Definitely a personal opinion with narrow scope of vision..

We're used to very cheap used cars in Blighty. Used in LOS has always been a shocker.

Same here, trust me...But there are plenty of decent vehicles there in used condition if one knows what they're looking at, where and how to find them.

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