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Damn mosquitoes


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My Wife's family home seems plagued with the things, when it's just me and her here I spray the whole house once a day and it keeps them under control, but her Mum and Stepfather are here now and they dont want the spraying. The reason they give is because of food and cutlery getting exposed to the spray, their answer to it all is "mai pen rai" easy to say when it's not you getting eaten alive. For some reason I'm the only one that gets targeted, I have to cover all exposed skin in mosquito cream or will be bitten in minutes, only respite I get is in our bedroom which I spray.

So is there any way to get rid of the things out the house without spraying, they use them whirly things you burn in the garden but obviously not indoors.

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Where are they breeding?

Where are they coming in?

When are they coming in?

Where are they hiding in the house?

Do you parents-in-law object to mosquito coils?

How often do you cool your skin by showering?

Have you looked into a zapper attached to your ceiling?

Do you own a 200 Baht tennis racket zapper?

Answer these questions and you and other readers will have more information to proceed.

Edited by Briggsy
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We got one of those "blue" lights, works really well when we sit out in the Garden, so indoors would probably do the job better.

Also the Tennis racket zapper is great for the odd one or two, we keep one of those in the bedroom.

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i know exactly what you mean personally i spray the bedroom a couple of hours or so before sleep apart from that keep on applying the cream/lotion having said that i am non to sure the health implications of long term use but lesser of the two evils

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I never spray. I use a "mosquito doors closed at 5pm" technique. It is not foolproof. Then tennis racquet zapper for any that get past the mosquito nets and finally a sleeping sheet if any determined buggers have made it into the bedroom and are whizzing around my head. This is like a sleeping bag but it is a sheet. Girlfriend says I am putting on my condom again!

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The Mother in law is always walking around zapping them with the tennis racquet thing, I'm sure it just gets rid of the stupid ones leaving the cunning to thrive. They come in through the open doors, when I'm here alone with the Wife I keep the mosquito doors shut but the Mother and Father in law want them open all day. Not sure where they're breeding, Brother in law said water in the neighbours garden, no point trying to get him to do anything as he's an inconsiderate a-hole who the family have nothing to do with.

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The Mother in law is always walking around zapping them with the tennis racquet thing, I'm sure it just gets rid of the stupid ones leaving the cunning to thrive. They come in through the open doors, when I'm here alone with the Wife I keep the mosquito doors shut but the Mother and Father in law want them open all day. Not sure where they're breeding, Brother in law said water in the neighbours garden, no point trying to get him to do anything as he's an inconsiderate a-hole who the family have nothing to do with.

One of the answers is to not live with your inlaws.

(or don't allow them free access to your house)

Whose house is it?

If it's your house, insist or remove.

If it's their house, move.

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I can do away with all repellents I never get any....reason when I built my house I made it airtight, even Jing Joks cant get in.

When you open the front door the ceilings get pulled down, I never open windows, air con on if hot, extractor fan in bathroom will open the door if left ajar as it tries to suck air outta the room.

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We got one of those "blue" lights, works really well when we sit out in the Garden, so indoors would probably do the job better.

Also the Tennis racket zapper is great for the odd one or two, we keep one of those in the bedroom.

Sorry Charlie to bother but could you precise, interesting the blue light, a name of a brand?

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Anyone tried one of these?

A very similar product is available at Homepro. It's not cheap (15000 THB or more) but would be well worth it if it works.

. 15,000 is not too much to pay to sit their and Not Be Paranoid about Mosquitos... I'd risk it, I just got Dengue, Not Pleasant.
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My house is my house. If I want to douse the place with DDT (which I don't) then that's my decision. Rellies and house guests can live with my rules, or live somewhere else. (The remote control and sofa are also part of my personal fiefdom - use them as you like when I'm absent but the minute I enter the door they are MINE baby!!)

As it happens I have a closed window/door policy that is strictly enforced. Mossie screens on windows are never allowed to be opened on penalty of a severe telling off. Second offences will be punished with the death penalty.

On the odd occasion that one gets into the house it is hunted down and annihilated with all/any weapons available to me. For those particularly evasive little bastards I get the maid to sit in the middle of the floor with as much skin bared as possible - the mossie eventually finds her and is dispatched accordingly. She's a devout Buddhist so refuses to actually kill them, but I don't mind smacking them for her. whistling.gif

I can't recall one getting into the bedroom for probably two years.

Outside it's a different story as there are so many neighbours it's hard to avoid the mossies. I usually practice tennis with the zapper while having a smoke outside. A bit of forehand, bit of backhand, and the occasional overhead smash soon thins their numbers.

Edited by Gsxrnz
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This is not really helpful but I think interesting....I once heard a doctor on radio say that everybody gets bitten by mosquitoes (where they are about), it is only the people who are allergic to them that have the reaction.

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If you direct a fan towards you, the mosquitoes will leave you alone. 1) They cannot smell your breath (carbon dioxide), and 2) they cannot fly against the force of the fan. You don't need the fan on the high speed either; slow should do the trick.

For more reading on what attracts mosquitoes: http://www.webmd.com/allergies/features/are-you-mosquito-magnet

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...bug spray is an oil-based neurotoxin....

...it accumulates in the body....you are doing yourself a big disservice...slathering it on your body....which probably contains DEET....is even worse...

...put up screens...

...get rid of stagnant water.....a splash of bleach in the water will kill the larvae....

...get some citronella spray or lotion and herb coils to burn...one will burn for at least 6 hours....

...consuming brewer's yeast tablets will repel them....as well as provide you with some B-Vitamins...


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They love scented soaps etc. try to buy non scents stuff. If you get bitten, what ever you do, do not scratch. But on the balm the Thais use and leave it alone and it will be fine soon after. Most of the mosquito killers advertised are only mosquito catcher, Get a blue light Master trap by Black Hole. It works like the tennis racket zapper . It has a Blue light to attract them, and a fan to draw them into the mesh to be electrocuted. You can have the pleasure of hearing the crack as they get fried. I live in a leaky wooden house and rarely get bitten. The fan can be turned off at night if you sleep with it on in the bedroom.


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A strategy my neighbor likes is a decorative pond with lotus or papyrus but fill the water up with little fish.

It'll attract them and then the fish eat them.

Also heard potted lemon grass repels mosquitoes but never tried it.

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A strategy my neighbor likes is a decorative pond with lotus or papyrus but fill the water up with little fish.

It'll attract them and then the fish eat them.

Also heard potted lemon grass repels mosquitoes but never tried it.

It does as it is a natural repellent for mosquitoes

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I feel your pain brother....we live in a 60sq meter condo,and I have become ''obsessed with bugs'' more so the''humpback flys'' these are the ones that fly like they are crack cocain''they bang into the windows and are almost imposible to kill as they are so clever and fast and never fly straightthey zig and zag,like the mosquitoe here in Thailand,they have adapted well and are so small and almost stealth,they hide so well and only bite you legs and feet.our skeeters back home in Canada are the size of a sparrow and if one is in your room you can hear him,so they are easy to kill..I bet in 15 years living here I have never slept one night without an ant or a fly or a roachor a bug, in my room.....life in Thailand................

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Where do you live??? I live 50k East of Korat... never have any major problems, and we have a large Lake beside the House, we have several water Plants around the House which all have small Fish in them and the Garden is covered with Trees and Plants.... sure we get the Norm... Dusk to Dark....Mossies, I spray up every Evening and never had a problem.....Maybe its the Beer that keeps then away...thumbsup.gif

Good Hunting,


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