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Just got back from Chiang Saen where I had a most enjoyable weekend. I was wondering if anyone has traveled by boat from Chiang Saen to Vientiane Laos.

If so, how long did it take and how much did it cost.......

Seriously considering trying this trip this upcoming Sonkran.


Say, would you mind if we stretched the focus of your thread to cruises along the length of the Mekong River? :D

You see, I'm a week away from going to Nong Khai and I'm interested in travelling down the river from there- to at least Mukdahan. Trouble is, I don't know of any boats operating from Nong Khai. :D

That said, let me share what I do know:

Chiang Saen to Vientiane would be a very long trip. I recently did a two day river cruise from Luang Prabang to Chiang Kong [Houei Xai on the Lao side] just before the Songkran holiday this year. My operator was the Asian Oasis tour outfit. The Luang Say boats are quite comfy- think four star levels of service and amenities.


As a two day affair, we were told we had navigated about 140Kms the first day and 160Kms on the second.

Asian Oasis has several boats with many destination options along the river worth consideration.

Prices: The year prior I had looked at the Asian Oasis web site and priced this tour at about 15,000 Bt. But I bought the tour while I was in Luang Prabang- two days prior to departure- for 8,000 Bt. From what I gethered there, it's easy to get a discounted price in this manner.

There is another outfit offering cruises called Lao Explorer, but i know nothing further of this outfit.

Timing: The Songkran holiday may be the worst time of year to take the cruise. For one simple reason: the haze caused by the swidden agriculture practises throughtout this region.

Have a look at a typical hillside burning along the way: Swidden-1.JPG

This scene repeated itself the entire length of the cruise. Notice the haze obscuring the sunset at Pakse, where we spent the night midway on your journey: Paksehaze.JPG

By the time the cruise was over, I got off the boat in a very maudlin mood due to my observing so much swidden and the haze caused by it. And I was not alone in my observations: Thai visa members started this Haze Spreading thread just as I had returned home to Bangkok. That thread implied the haze was the fault of Thai's burning their lands, but I saw only one fire all the way from Chiang Kong to Chiang Mai on the third day.

How bad was the burning on the Lao side? Way too extensive! Slopes you would not have wanted to climb were on fire. And just before sunset, on day two- about 10 Kms down river from Chiang Kong- there were ash particles of incinerated barks large enough to wrap around your pinky finger falling out of the sky like snow. Here are two pics taken of that sunset:




Thaivisa posters living in the North have voiced several threads about Air Quality and how Fep Up they get on a seasonal basis due to this swidden haze. But I came away convinced the worst offenders are the Lao farmers.

Alas, I digress. Pardon me :D

Here's a shot of a mystery boat that looked very appealing. I would love if someone here were able to identify it. Anyone?


To wrap up: Avoid cruising the Mekong during the swidden burning season just before Songkran. Either wait for the seasonal rains to come, or pick another time of year.

Anyone know of boat operators running from Nong Khai down river? :o


i dont know if its possible to just hop accross the river to Laos avoiding a immigration check ,is it?

AFAIK there is no boat stops thai/ Vientianne itself just the bridge connection further along the river .

but there are boats to luang prubang and paklai from Vientiene


Thanks for the info.......

I have decided to improvise........ will go up to Chaeng Saen, find a Scorpion Tail boat and see how far south (Down river) he will go, then find another Scorpion tail and continue the trip.

While an orgainized trip is easier, they are to structured to my liking. When I see something interesting, i might want to stop, regardless of the location.

As to the Visa issue, IF we stay on the Thai side of the river their should be no problem, but I will be checking with immigration prior to the journey for their input.

Thanks for the info.......

I have decided to improvise........ will go up to Chaeng Saen, find a Scorpion Tail boat and see how far south (Down river) he will go, then find another Scorpion tail and continue the trip.

While an orgainized trip is easier, they are to structured to my liking. When I see something interesting, i might want to stop, regardless of the location.

As to the Visa issue, IF we stay on the Thai side of the river their should be no problem, but I will be checking with immigration prior to the journey for their input.

It's a bit of a fantasy to think you can just jump in a boat at Chiang Saen & sail down the 'Khong all the way to Vientiane.

From Chiang Saen you can hire a Thai boat & go to Chiang Khong.

After Chiang Khong you will most likely need to hire another boat & continue down as far as Wiang Kaen (& a bit more if you're lucky) but stay on the Thai side.

Not far after Wiang Kaen you are only in Laos, so will need (1) a Lao boat and (2)a Laos visa. A slight complication.

The Lao visa you can get in Houei Xai for US$30, & boat you can hire anywhere in Laos in any port, but Houei Xai would make sense as this is where you get the visa.

Navigation down the 'Khong is not easy, and after you've done the Chiang Saen -Chiang Khong sector you might realize how treacherous & difficult it is.

For this reason most skippers only travel the sections of the river that they know, so to go from HX - Vte you would more than likely several boats, unless you get an adventurous skipper (who wants to risk his boat & pax / cargo.)

You can hire boats in Houei Xai & travel down to Pak Beng & Luang Prabang.

Ive done this several times - hired a boat & put some motorbikes on board & sailed down the 'Khong to either Pak Beng or Luang Prabang.

Cost for Houei Xai - Luang Prabang one day, runs out to about 20 thousand with bikes on board. You can seat up to 40 people & fit 10 big bikes on board, but not both at the same time.

After LPQ I think that you would need to hire another boat(s) to navigate from LPQ to Pak Lai / Vte.

1/3 of the way from Houei Xai to Pak Beng you need to check in at the Pak Tha police checkpoint.

All boat skippers carrying pax & cargo are required to check in here.

Going up stream from Houei Xai to Xieng Kok you need to 2 boats, as they only service their respective sections of the river. Here I think it is more because of the boat association (union) rules for each section.

Now to be honest 2 days on the 'Khong is enough in one go.

After a few hrs / days looking at river banks & distant hills / mountains can get a bit boring, especially if you're in an uncovered long tailed boat out in the sun & rain.

For me the most beautiful section of the 'Khong is between Houei Xai & Pak beng. Pak Beng - LPQ is ok too, but not quite as good.

As a general rule I would not recommend April as a good time to go- smoke filed skies & hidden mountains = no real enjoyment after a few hours of burning watery eyes.

Best time (for me) to go is from about mid January on, when the river is lower, but the weather not yet hot, smoke & fires. With the river level low you can see all the amazing rocks & cliffs along the way. Wet season & high water level you dont see all the rocks.

If you want to see some pix & trip reports on sailing on the Khong with motorbikes check out

Losing My Laos Cherry

Mekong Boat & Bike Trip

Hope this is a help.


Thanks for the info.......

I have decided to improvise........ will go up to Chaeng Saen, find a Scorpion Tail boat and see how far south (Down river) he will go, then find another Scorpion tail and continue the trip.

While an orgainized trip is easier, they are to structured to my liking. When I see something interesting, i might want to stop, regardless of the location.

As to the Visa issue, IF we stay on the Thai side of the river their should be no problem, but I will be checking with immigration prior to the journey for their input.

It's a bit of a fantasy to think you can just jump in a boat at Chiang Saen & sail down the 'Khong all the way to Vientiane.

From Chiang Saen you can hire a Thai boat & go to Chiang Khong.

After Chiang Khong you will most likely need to hire another boat & continue down as far as Wiang Kaen (& a bit more if you're lucky) but stay on the Thai side.

Not far after Wiang Kaen you are only in Laos, so will need (1) a Lao boat and (2)a Laos visa. A slight complication.

The Lao visa you can get in Houei Xai for US$30, & boat you can hire anywhere in Laos in any port, but Houei Xai would make sense as this is where you get the visa.

Navigation down the 'Khong is not easy, and after you've done the Chiang Saen -Chiang Khong sector you might realize how treacherous & difficult it is.

For this reason most skippers only travel the sections of the river that they know, so to go from HX - Vte you would more than likely several boats, unless you get an adventurous skipper (who wants to risk his boat & pax / cargo.)

You can hire boats in Houei Xai & travel down to Pak Beng & Luang Prabang.

Ive done this several times - hired a boat & put some motorbikes on board & sailed down the 'Khong to either Pak Beng or Luang Prabang.

Cost for Houei Xai - Luang Prabang one day, runs out to about 20 thousand with bikes on board. You can seat up to 40 people & fit 10 big bikes on board, but not both at the same time.

After LPQ I think that you would need to hire another boat(s) to navigate from LPQ to Pak Lai / Vte.

1/3 of the way from Houei Xai to Pak Beng you need to check in at the Pak Tha police checkpoint.

All boat skippers carrying pax & cargo are required to check in here.

Going up stream from Houei Xai to Xieng Kok you need to 2 boats, as they only service their respective sections of the river. Here I think it is more because of the boat association (union) rules for each section.

Now to be honest 2 days on the 'Khong is enough in one go.

After a few hrs / days looking at river banks & distant hills / mountains can get a bit boring, especially if you're in an uncovered long tailed boat out in the sun & rain.

For me the most beautiful section of the 'Khong is between Houei Xai & Pak beng. Pak Beng - LPQ is ok too, but not quite as good.

As a general rule I would not recommend April as a good time to go- smoke filed skies & hidden mountains = no real enjoyment after a few hours of burning watery eyes.

Best time (for me) to go is from about mid January on, when the river is lower, but the weather not yet hot, smoke & fires. With the river level low you can see all the amazing rocks & cliffs along the way. Wet season & high water level you dont see all the rocks.

If you want to see some pix & trip reports on sailing on the Khong with motorbikes check out

Losing My Laos Cherry

Mekong Boat & Bike Trip

Hope this is a help.


Thanks for the information.

My timing on this is because of some friends coming to visit next April, and as to the duration, well 2-3 days at a time is all I would plan anyway. My ass is a little to old for much more than that.

I was just looking for something to do, aside from the "REGULAR" touristy stuff that is available..... Me, I would just as soon take them to Jomtien Beach and turn them loose!


Thanks for the info.......

I have decided to improvise........ will go up to Chaeng Saen, find a Scorpion Tail boat and see how far south (Down river) he will go, then find another Scorpion tail and continue the trip.

While an orgainized trip is easier, they are to structured to my liking. When I see something interesting, i might want to stop, regardless of the location.

As to the Visa issue, IF we stay on the Thai side of the river their should be no problem, but I will be checking with immigration prior to the journey for their input.

It's a bit of a fantasy to think you can just jump in a boat at Chiang Saen & sail down the 'Khong all the way to Vientiane.

From Chiang Saen you can hire a Thai boat & go to Chiang Khong.

After Chiang Khong you will most likely need to hire another boat & continue down as far as Wiang Kaen (& a bit more if you're lucky) but stay on the Thai side.

Not far after Wiang Kaen you are only in Laos, so will need (1) a Lao boat and (2)a Laos visa. A slight complication.

The Lao visa you can get in Houei Xai for US$30, & boat you can hire anywhere in Laos in any port, but Houei Xai would make sense as this is where you get the visa.

Navigation down the 'Khong is not easy, and after you've done the Chiang Saen -Chiang Khong sector you might realize how treacherous & difficult it is.

For this reason most skippers only travel the sections of the river that they know, so to go from HX - Vte you would more than likely several boats, unless you get an adventurous skipper (who wants to risk his boat & pax / cargo.)

You can hire boats in Houei Xai & travel down to Pak Beng & Luang Prabang.

Ive done this several times - hired a boat & put some motorbikes on board & sailed down the 'Khong to either Pak Beng or Luang Prabang.

Cost for Houei Xai - Luang Prabang one day, runs out to about 20 thousand with bikes on board. You can seat up to 40 people & fit 10 big bikes on board, but not both at the same time.

After LPQ I think that you would need to hire another boat(s) to navigate from LPQ to Pak Lai / Vte.

1/3 of the way from Houei Xai to Pak Beng you need to check in at the Pak Tha police checkpoint.

All boat skippers carrying pax & cargo are required to check in here.

Going up stream from Houei Xai to Xieng Kok you need to 2 boats, as they only service their respective sections of the river. Here I think it is more because of the boat association (union) rules for each section.

Now to be honest 2 days on the 'Khong is enough in one go.

After a few hrs / days looking at river banks & distant hills / mountains can get a bit boring, especially if you're in an uncovered long tailed boat out in the sun & rain.

For me the most beautiful section of the 'Khong is between Houei Xai & Pak beng. Pak Beng - LPQ is ok too, but not quite as good.

As a general rule I would not recommend April as a good time to go- smoke filed skies & hidden mountains = no real enjoyment after a few hours of burning watery eyes.

Best time (for me) to go is from about mid January on, when the river is lower, but the weather not yet hot, smoke & fires. With the river level low you can see all the amazing rocks & cliffs along the way. Wet season & high water level you dont see all the rocks.

If you want to see some pix & trip reports on sailing on the Khong with motorbikes check out

Losing My Laos Cherry

Mekong Boat & Bike Trip

Hope this is a help.


Thanks for the information.

My timing on this is because of some friends coming to visit next April, and as to the duration, well 2-3 days at a time is all I would plan anyway. My ass is a little to old for much more than that.

I was just looking for something to do, aside from the "REGULAR" touristy stuff that is available..... Me, I would just as soon take them to Jomtien Beach and turn them loose!

If that's the case hire your own boat, go downstream to Luang Prabang & fly back to Chiang Mai.

You wont regret it.

I have my own "personal" boat & skipper that I like to use, but in your case contact Simon at SP Ghouse in Chiang Khong & see what he can set up for you. Simon has regular 1 day cruises to Luang Prabang, but he will know how to hire a boat & go with your own group of mates, and that for me is the only way to go. Not in the backpacker mob.

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