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I am leaving Thailand. Which nearby country (or asian country) will allow us without visa hassle?

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What is your nationality? It is getting very difficult to live here if you can't get the appropriate visa. Malaysia seems to be a very good option. I've heard some praise for Cambodia also, at least with regards to a visa.

One problem with this is rules and laws change on a regular basis. Panama use to be a great spot, but things have changed. Same with Argentina. Ecuador pops up now as does Colombia.

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Malaysia sounds interesting I did not know you could own property in your name there.

I have heard a lot lately about Cambodia also as an alternative to Thailand and visas are easy to get also.

I my self am thinking about relocating to another country in the region also , I would Be keeping a resident in Thailand but for business and future I not sure any more if Thailand is the place for me in the future.

Very interesting topic I will be following it see what orher posters have to say

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For me personally an important point is that I don't spent to much time in a religion driven country this eliminates already some southern asian countries on the list. Laos or myanmar would be top ranking countries on the list to consider for a move.

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For me personally an important point is that I don't spent to much time in a religion driven country this eliminates already some southern asian countries on the list. Laos or myanmar would be top ranking countries on the list to consider for a move.

I'm not sure of a country around here that's not at least partially driven by religion. Thailand is for sure. We spent about a month in Malaysia looking around before relocating here. We did find the religion a bit of an issue. But not too bad. At least where we were...

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I rarely post but lived in Thailand for eight years and now have lived on Bali for eight years.

All of that is half year stints,but I have a fair grasp on the region.

I spent time living in Cambodia ,Malaysia and a bit in Laos.

I agree with KevThaivisa as he gives solid advice.

Malaysia can be a great place to live. The rule of law and multicultural diversity,along with fair-excellent visa terms makes Malaysia a winner.

With that said,anyboy that is looking for a home should travel the region.

Visa hassles come with every country.

Here on Bali it is a logistical pain as every month takes three trips to Immigration: Submit, pay and receive passport.

Good luck to the OP.

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I have been here in Thailand for 14 months, but always looking for another place that is more stable & doesn't have the same politics problems, but for me the hassle is having to report every 3 months, as we like to travel and it is sometimes difficult to get back in time for your report, also I worry about how secure your money is here. For me am married to a Thai 30 years now but we were living in the US, and only visited for vacations, now own a condo in her name & car in her name, so nothing in my name in this country including saving account, kind of scary, but I could always leave and go back to the US if I had to, just would not be able to afford to live very well with only 2500 a month. So always looking, but Maylasia scars me because of the Musulins can be crazy and go off anytime, it wasn't that long ago when they hated Americans and wouldn't allow them to visit, and Loas is barley a country, don't know much about cambodia or vietnam. Costa Rita Sounds good but it's a long ways from Thailand.

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I have been here in Thailand for 14 months, but always looking for another place that is more stable & doesn't have the same politics problems, but for me the hassle is having to report every 3 months, as we like to travel and it is sometimes difficult to get back in time for your report, also I worry about how secure your money is here. For me am married to a Thai 30 years now but we were living in the US, and only visited for vacations, now own a condo in her name & car in her name, so nothing in my name in this country including saving account, kind of scary, but I could always leave and go back to the US if I had to, just would not be able to afford to live very well with only 2500 a month. So always looking, but Maylasia scars me because of the Musulins can be crazy and go off anytime, it wasn't that long ago when they hated Americans and wouldn't allow them to visit, and Loas is barley a country, don't know much about cambodia or vietnam. Costa Rita Sounds good but it's a long ways from Thailand.

Cambodia seems to be moving in a good direction. You can visit Thailand as much as you want without being subjected to its protracted silliness. The bank I like in the Canadian bank. www.canadiabank.com.kh . Would seriously look at Cambodia.

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Three months and you have a problem is a problem.

I have to go to Immigration 3X every 30 days on Bali.

You may want the Cambodian 'buy a visa' option.

Are you living in Bali on a tourist visa? I lived there 10+ years ago and never had to report. Long time ago now but I recall having a work permit and business visa. I intended building an upmarket villa complex, only 5 villas in Candi Kuning on Lake Bratan, but officialdom and locals' greed forced a change of plans.

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Drug Cartels and cost of living has really hurt South America..Costa Rica is far from cheap with South East Asia far better..I tired it 4 Years but the cost of living there as well as Crime was getting out of hand

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I tried living in Cambodia for a few months. It seriously is a dump and nothing like Thailand. Infrastructure is horrible, the food is tasteless, it's dirty as <deleted> and the people are piss-poor. True third world country bah.gif

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Sihanoukville, Cambodia is where i would go if my Thai wife throws me out... have US friends who have relocated there and like it very much. i have vacationed there many times and like it a lot... comparable to Phuket or Pattaya of maybe 50 years ago. it is growing and every time i visit i am amazed at the changes.

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I have been here in Thailand for 14 months, but always looking for another place that is more stable & doesn't have the same politics problems, but for me the hassle is having to report every 3 months, as we like to travel and it is sometimes difficult to get back in time for your report, also I worry about how secure your money is here. For me am married to a Thai 30 years now but we were living in the US, and only visited for vacations, now own a condo in her name & car in her name, so nothing in my name in this country including saving account, kind of scary, but I could always leave and go back to the US if I had to, just would not be able to afford to live very well with only 2500 a month. So always looking, but Maylasia scars me because of the Musulins can be crazy and go off anytime, it wasn't that long ago when they hated Americans and wouldn't allow them to visit, and Loas is barley a country, don't know much about cambodia or vietnam. Costa Rita Sounds good but it's a long ways from Thailand.

You can do your 90 day reports wherever you happen to be. At least that's what immigration told me here in Jomtien as I'm planning on being gone around the time of this requirement.

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Vietnam for sure. You dont need to report every f..ing 90 day's and you can get a yearly visa easily.

Cost of living is about the same as here, if not cheaper. No hassle renewing your year visa.

Also the Philippines is another good place to do the same. Not sure about the yearly visa there,

but it's probaly easier there than here. Nothing here is easy for us farang here in land of scams.

Edited by Alan653
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If you are married to a Thai (unclear) you can get a 1 year visa at Savannakhet. You are good for 15 months with border runs.

Apparently and this surprised me, that a farang couple, (30 something) who had a baby here about 15 months ago were able to get a one year extension, they just need to report to local immigration every three months... they too were looking at alternative places to go within the region... (Russian but I am no sure if it makes much difference?) They were looking at the Philippines ...

I know someone in Bali, also 30 something, and with an Indonesian wife, who has to do a monthly flight to Singapore (or out of Indonesia) to renew his permit... that would get expensive....

I in some ways wish I had looked at Malaysia a lot closer too, for various reasons, ... but I am quite happy here nowthumbsup.gif

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I have a friend in Costa Rica.

Laos is a communist country. Loved it!

Cambodia sounds great ? for me.

I'm tired of my COLD MOUNTAIN on Hawaii Island.

Same latitude as Thailand! One can always come here

on the way to C.R.

We all speak English.Plenty of Thai restaurants.

Lots of Asians.

I have a couple buildings on a few acres.

No exit visa!! (right)?

I'm nine miles from the beach and some of the most exclusive resorts.

Plenty jobs in Tourism..or are You entrepreneurial?

I gotta go where it's warmer. I'm too old for my 5-10 C.temp at home.

To the beach! P.M. me on way to Costa Rica!!?

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Vietnam for sure. You dont need to report every f..ing 90 day's and you can get a yearly visa easily.

Cost of living is about the same as here, if not cheaper. No hassle renewing your year visa.

Also the Philippines is another good place to do the same. Not sure about the yearly visa there,

but it's probaly easier there than here. Nothing here is easy for us farang here in land of scams.

The Philippines and Vietnam have their own set of scams....and their own set of issues to deal with.

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Not sure about this one as I haven't looked at the required conditions to live there but I am back from Sri Lanka where I have been impressed with the kindness and honesty of the locals

Cheap cost of living: small restaurants are inexpensive and high end hotels restaurants were more than affordable by Thai standards

For the rest you would have to enquire: As I said, just went for a trip with no intent to settle there but I would consider it a strong alternative if I were to move

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