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Some 30,000 Germans protest against anti-Islam rallies


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The problem is not that nations are not Tolerant - The problem is that Tolerance is being exploited by Extremist ideals in an act move in and take over.

Just look at Thailands South and how they take advantage of Thai Tolerance everyday, killing monks, innocent children, all because Thailand gave them an inch and now they want to take the mile.

The 2nd half of your post is rubbish, however I agree that you may be right about extremists.

Where you fail to understand, is that extremists are only a small minority of Muslims. The moderate Muslims and the every-2nd-Friday Muslims should not be tarred with the same brush.

untill they start demonstrating and fighting against the extremists,they are tarred with the same brush,if they did not want the hardliners in their schools and mosques they would throw them out

Edited by i claudius
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Good to see the tolerant outnumber the bigots.

Besides being unsure why the two options are reduced to tolerant or bigots, I find it odd that the people protesting intolerance, barbarism, sex slavery, pedophilia, sex mutilation, inequality, oppression, bias, murder, beheading, disfigurment (all koranic virtues)- are being labled themselves "bigots."

I could be mistaken and please forgive me if incorrect, but since the article roughly suggests people who protest the barbarism of Shar'ia insinuating itself in mordern post enlightenment Europe under the color of equality are "anti-islam" I pressumed you meant they were "bigots." Regarding the entire issue: I read your post in a vacumm and agree totally, ..."good to see the tolerant outnumber the bigots" yet cannot for the life of me see where any deliberating mind assumes those who protest the bigotry are "bigots" and those who are bigots (by their own constant admission) are "tolerant." Just a different take on your post, SS; nothing personal.

Because, as I've said in previous posts, the protests are a guise for the bigotry. Merkel, the churches, and the protest protesters recognise this.

They may be, SS; they may all be bigots (and in some location it may be plainly mixed). But isnt it possible good honest people are just sick and tired of various problems they see manifest in their community. Isnt it possible they are not bigots? Indeed, it was Merkel who started this nonsense a few years ago when she and other leaders affirmed quite clearly that the great liberal experiment in immigration has failed. This cannot be a coniveient point to ignore.

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I got practically kidnapped in Bangladesh by a Muslim from Egypt, who 'converted' me to Islam. Spent the whole day in mosque, learning the Muslim prayers. They rinse their mouth with the same water, in which they bath the feet, first thing I faked among others. Escaped in the evening and left the town with the early morning train. During nine month in Bangladesh they tried to convert me three times a week. A wealthy businessman and factory owner even offered his niece and a partnership provided I convert. Well, if all cords snap, maybe I walk down that road...

Edited by YesWeCan
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Europe and Germany in particular are to an extent still haunted by the rise of the Nazis, it is understandable they are acutely aware of the threat of history repeating itself. This has to a large degree disarmed Europeans of their most basic survival instincts when faced with an alien hostile and totalitarian invader. An israeli was attacked by Arabs in Berlin the other day, and so indeed history indeed threatens to repeat itself, but with an inverted twist where the aggressor dons the clothes of the victim.

As with John Carpenters film 'The Thing', what appears to be something as innocuous as a dog hides some unimaginable horror. Little wonder people are anxious to see dogs and not something from their wurst nightmares.

...same as the UK had a guilty conscience about colonialism. They are now paying the price.

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The problem is not that nations are not Tolerant - The problem is that Tolerance is being exploited by Extremist ideals in an act move in and take over.

Just look at Thailands South and how they take advantage of Thai Tolerance everyday, killing monks, innocent children, all because Thailand gave them an inch and now they want to take the mile.

The 2nd half of your post is rubbish, however I agree that you may be right about extremists.

Where you fail to understand, is that extremists are only a small minority of Muslims. The moderate Muslims and the every-2nd-Friday Muslims should not be tarred with the same brush.

You are right! They shouldn't be - but they are! But don't fooled into thinking that the extremists are a small minority. I'm not saying they are a silent majority, but the whole Muslim threat to world peace is a Muslim problem, and if, as people like you believe, the vast majority of Muslims are moderates and peace loving, then the problem can and will only be resolved by Muslims.

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Europe and the rest of the world will one day open there eyes and hopefully it will not be too late.


Muslims are like wolves and are peaceful as loners but once in a pack they lash out at all non-believers and attempt to force their beliefs on others. (Sharia law for example)

I do not dislike anyone but stating occurrences that are happening under everyone's nose.

It is also occurring in America even to the point of government protected training grounds.


Decide for yourselves.

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Where you fail to understand, is that extremists are only a small minority of Muslims.

The moderate Muslims and the every-2nd-Friday Muslims should not be tarred with the same brush.

I say this term 'moderate' implies a failed, semi observant, half hearted, wishy washy, limp wristed cherry picking lapsed extremist. It is that - 'every second friday' fellow you refer to, which yes makes up the bulk of those out there clinging to the identity of 'Muslim'. In other words, the mass who haven't got what it takes to commit to the uncompromising amibitious conditions and dictates of Islam. We find them nice to get on with (and they, with us) precisely because a common sense / common humanity wins over the bull doo doo. Everyone likes someone who is easy going / flexible, hence why the bulk of those labelling themselves Muslim are indeed pleasant. Islam was never meant to be flexible and easy going with other ideologies. It fully intended to 'be' the one ideology, globally, eventually. Of the ones who do obey what is demanded of them, in other circles they would be regarded as cult members. All the 'moderate' bulk out there, non issue. It is that cult army, growing in popularity globally, which should be our focus of concern. "Don't blame Islam, the majority of Muslims are good people" or similar, could be said to be an unwillingness to recognise that cult army.

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On a related note, this was in the news recently:

'Brave German Woman' Heidi Mund protests against invitation of a Muslim Imam to church to give call to prayer

Edited by katana
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I am confused.

30,000 protested against anti Islam, (which i a double negative) or 30,000 protested against islamisation and a small number protested against the anti islamisation protests?

Depending on the city demonstrators were protesting against anti-Islamic / immigrant movement PEGIDA. However, in Dresden the majority were pro PEGIDA, should be noted Dresden has a history of support for the 'right wing'.

Edited by simple1
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You might like this one, some of you.

Where I worked, one department had a contract draughtsman. He wasn't paid by the company but by an agency. He was a muslim. He amongst other things, demanded that the office toilet was his prayer room, and that no one could use it during those times. Because of the attitude he took, at those times he was praying. The incidence of the lads being caught short increased sharply. He complained, and was told the devout christians on site had to make their own arrangements in their own time, and they were company employees. Own time AKA lunch time. He was praying on company time.

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Europe and Germany in particular are to an extent still haunted by the rise of the Nazis, it is understandable they are acutely aware of the threat of history repeating itself. This has to a large degree disarmed Europeans of their most basic survival instincts when faced with an alien hostile and totalitarian invader. An israeli was attacked by Arabs in Berlin the other day, and so indeed history indeed threatens to repeat itself, but with an inverted twist where the aggressor dons the clothes of the victim.

As with John Carpenters film 'The Thing', what appears to be something as innocuous as a dog hides some unimaginable horror. Little wonder people are anxious to see dogs and not something from their wurst nightmares.

...same as the UK had a guilty conscience about colonialism. They are now paying the price.

I had an Aussie here who had been teaching English on S Yorkshire. He told me Colonial history, at least in certain areas is not being taught anymore.

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Good to see the tolerant outnumber the bigots.

Who are the bigots? People who defend their culture and tradition in their own homeland?

Unfortunately, if you live in Europe and stand up for your culture and traditions. You are labelled a bigot, racist is normally thrown in there too.

Muslim's are in other European Countries for a reason. They have freedom of speech and westernised culture and benefits not available 'where they come from'. Call me a bigot if you like but you will be confusing me with someone who gives a shiite. (no pun intended).

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I am confused.

30,000 protested against anti Islam, (which i a double negative) or 30,000 protested against islamisation and a small number protested against the anti islamisation protests?

Depending on the city demonstrators were protesting against anti-Islamic / immigrant movement PEGIDA. However, in Dresden the majority were pro PEGIDA, should be noted Dresden has a history of support for the 'right wing'.

Wondering how the relationship between demonstration attendance patterns (and/or scope) and the numbers of immigrants in specific area. Do places with with higher figures of Muslim immigrants see more demonstrations against them or for them? (well, maybe not "for them", but anti-anti-Muslims). Another thing of interest would be how many of the anti-PAGIDA demonstrators are immigrants.

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I am confused.

30,000 protested against anti Islam, (which i a double negative) or 30,000 protested against islamisation and a small number protested against the anti islamisation protests?

Depending on the city demonstrators were protesting against anti-Islamic / immigrant movement PEGIDA. However, in Dresden the majority were pro PEGIDA, should be noted Dresden has a history of support for the 'right wing'.

Wondering how the relationship between demonstration attendance patterns (and/or scope) and the numbers of immigrants in specific area. Do places with with higher figures of Muslim immigrants see more demonstrations against them or for them? (well, maybe not "for them", but anti-anti-Muslims). Another thing of interest would be how many of the anti-PAGIDA demonstrators are immigrants.

Watch for reports of assault or arson linked to the demonstration, that should help answer your last question.
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Where you fail to understand, is that extremists are only a small minority of Muslims.

The moderate Muslims and the every-2nd-Friday Muslims should not be tarred with the same brush.

I say this term 'moderate' implies a failed, semi observant, half hearted, wishy washy, limp wristed cherry picking lapsed extremist. It is that - 'every second friday' fellow you refer to, which yes makes up the bulk of those out there clinging to the identity of 'Muslim'. In other words, the mass who haven't got what it takes to commit to the uncompromising amibitious conditions and dictates of Islam. We find them nice to get on with (and they, with us) precisely because a common sense / common humanity wins over the bull doo doo. Everyone likes someone who is easy going / flexible, hence why the bulk of those labelling themselves Muslim are indeed pleasant. Islam was never meant to be flexible and easy going with other ideologies. It fully intended to 'be' the one ideology, globally, eventually. Of the ones who do obey what is demanded of them, in other circles they would be regarded as cult members. All the 'moderate' bulk out there, non issue. It is that cult army, growing in popularity globally, which should be our focus of concern. "Don't blame Islam, the majority of Muslims are good people" or similar, could be said to be an unwillingness to recognise that cult army.

It seems that there is not much of an argument regarding extremists (or "devout", "observant", "orthodox", "practicing", "zealots"), other than, perhaps, their relative numbers among Muslims. Assuming this group (or groups) is beyond the reach of reasoning - it makes them less interesting as a prospect for any possible future solution. That's more of a big stick thing.

The issues discussed are usually more to do with the group described above, and tend to be governed by views seeing it as potential (or, for some, actual) threat, a passive herd, or good folk wishing nothing that to live ordinary lives. Obviously people have different personal experiences regarding this (which could mean that things are not that uniform).

If the view presented in the quoted post is to be accepted, it raises a question of whether this group could be relatively easily turned about and be corrupted by secular ways, or if their Muslim affiliation makes them "damaged goods" and beyond salvage, as the religious imperative will always win when push comes to shove.

The nature of democracies often prevents them from taking up long term goals which may, or may not, bear fruit somewhere down the line. Democracies, at least nowadays, are more about short term effects and presentable results. As such, tackling these sort of issues (in whichever fashion) is rarely more than an exercise in garnering favorable public opinion and political power.

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I wasn't allowed to edit my post but I wanted to add regarding bigotry, though I despise it, it's not a one way street.

indeed it is the bigotry of part of the Muslim communities in these countries, who show a lack of respect for the faith of their host country. which is causing these problems. If they want their Sharia Laws let them go live in a country that has these laws.

Ah one problem with that is, their native countries don't want them either.

Like it or not Sharia law is coming to the EU. Just a matter of time.

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I wasn't allowed to edit my post but I wanted to add regarding bigotry, though I despise it, it's not a one way street.

indeed it is the bigotry of part of the Muslim communities in these countries, who show a lack of respect for the faith of their host country. which is causing these problems. If they want their Sharia Laws let them go live in a country that has these laws.

Ah one problem with that is, their native countries don't want them either.

Like it or not Sharia law is coming to the EU. Just a matter of time.

Much as I feel that minorities seem to get it all in the UK, I think sharia law coming to the UK has two hopes and. One of them is Bob Edited by i claudius
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Where you fail to understand, is that extremists are only a small minority of Muslims.

The moderate Muslims and the every-2nd-Friday Muslims should not be tarred with the same brush.

I say this term 'moderate' implies a failed, semi observant, half hearted, wishy washy, limp wristed cherry picking lapsed extremist. It is that - 'every second friday' fellow you refer to, which yes makes up the bulk of those out there clinging to the identity of 'Muslim'. In other words, the mass who haven't got what it takes to commit to the uncompromising amibitious conditions and dictates of Islam. We find them nice to get on with (and they, with us) precisely because a common sense / common humanity wins over the bull doo doo. Everyone likes someone who is easy going / flexible, hence why the bulk of those labelling themselves Muslim are indeed pleasant. Islam was never meant to be flexible and easy going with other ideologies. It fully intended to 'be' the one ideology, globally, eventually. Of the ones who do obey what is demanded of them, in other circles they would be regarded as cult members. All the 'moderate' bulk out there, non issue. It is that cult army, growing in popularity globally, which should be our focus of concern. "Don't blame Islam, the majority of Muslims are good people" or similar, could be said to be an unwillingness to recognise that cult army.

It seems that there is not much of an argument regarding extremists (or "devout", "observant", "orthodox", "practicing", "zealots"), other than, perhaps, their relative numbers among Muslims. Assuming this group (or groups) is beyond the reach of reasoning - it makes them less interesting as a prospect for any possible future solution. That's more of a big stick thing.

The issues discussed are usually more to do with the group described above, and tend to be governed by views seeing it as potential (or, for some, actual) threat, a passive herd, or good folk wishing nothing that to live ordinary lives. Obviously people have different personal experiences regarding this (which could mean that things are not that uniform).

If the view presented in the quoted post is to be accepted, it raises a question of whether this group could be relatively easily turned about and be corrupted by secular ways, or if their Muslim affiliation makes them "damaged goods" and beyond salvage, as the religious imperative will always win when push comes to shove.

The nature of democracies often prevents them from taking up long term goals which may, or may not, bear fruit somewhere down the line. Democracies, at least nowadays, are more about short term effects and presentable results. As such, tackling these sort of issues (in whichever fashion) is rarely more than an exercise in garnering favorable public opinion and political power.

To quote Daniel Greenfield, moderate Islam is what liberals believe most Muslims believe, it doesn't actually exist. Whether Muslims are prepared or not to live within the framework of a secular democracy is a complexed question to answer. One thing is for sure, apparent assimilation is on the decline with time and numbers. To illustrate this the unemployment rate of Muslim men and women in the UK was about 8% and 15% a few decades back, whereas recently it was 50% and 75% respectively.


Lissos- I think your post is brilliant! I have gone back to read it a few times and not because it is abstract or difficult but because it is just enjoyable to read.

Edit: Why is it so brilliant? Because you give voice to an observation many of us have that this silent majority is silent because... shiver... they are not a majority. It is brilliant because it exposes that the west sees what it wants, not what is apparent in the emerging theme of modern islam. When a person actually knows the scriptures, and understands what is inculcated every day, multiple times, throughout the world then they realize that "moderate" muslims are actually apostate. I dont use that phrase in a bad way, but a literal way- they are apostates from what Islam teaches.

* I cant think of any immigrant population on earth that not only refuses to assimilate but instead imposes requirements for cultural change upon the host. If this happened here, or there, or a few places, it could perhaps find an equal in another population. But this is not the case; it happens everywhere. With that as a context it is clearly understood what people are protesting. Read the koran; this is exactly the same behavior that took place in Mecca Medina and Mecca a second time.

Edited by arjunadawn
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I wasn't allowed to edit my post but I wanted to add regarding bigotry, though I despise it, it's not a one way street.

indeed it is the bigotry of part of the Muslim communities in these countries, who show a lack of respect for the faith of their host country. which is causing these problems. If they want their Sharia Laws let them go live in a country that has these laws.

Ah one problem with that is, their native countries don't want them either.

Like it or not Sharia law is coming to the EU. Just a matter of time.

Much as I feel that minorities seem to get it all in the UK, I think sharia law coming to the UK has two hopes and. One of them is Bob

Maybe not in my lifetime, But very possibly in 20-30 years. You only need to look at birth rates to know it will happen eventually. As much as I like Bob Hope!

You only need to go to the East End of London or Luton to see it is already happening.

Edited by ggold
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I wasn't allowed to edit my post but I wanted to add regarding bigotry, though I despise it, it's not a one way street.

indeed it is the bigotry of part of the Muslim communities in these countries, who show a lack of respect for the faith of their host country. which is causing these problems. If they want their Sharia Laws let them go live in a country that has these laws.

Ah one problem with that is, their native countries don't want them either.

Like it or not Sharia law is coming to the EU. Just a matter of time.

Much as I feel that minorities seem to get it all in the UK, I think sharia law coming to the UK has two hopes and. One of them is Bob

Maybe not in my lifetime, But very possibly in 20-30 years. You only need to look at birth rates to know it will happen eventually. As much as I like Bob Hope, People are walking under the influence of it to this eventuality. thumbsup.gif

You only need to go to the East End of London or Luton to see it is already happening.


the east end and Luton are not the UK ,they may practice it in their communities,but not as British law will it be implemented,as you see in Germany and Sweden the tide is turning with a vengeance,it will grow and grow ,wait and see
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