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'Seven dangerous' New Year holidays see 341 killed, 3117 injured


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'Seven dangerous' New Year holidays see 341 killed, 3117 injured

BANGKOK: -- The so-called seven dangerous New Year holidays that ended on Monday saw 2,997 road accidents happened, resulting in 341 deaths and 3,117 injuries, the Road Safety Center announced Tuesday.

Last year, the seven dangerous New Year holidays saw 366 people killed and 3,345 injured in road accidents.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Seven-dangerous-New-Year-holidays-see-341-killed-3-30251290.html

-- The Nation 2015-01-06

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341 die in road accidents during New Year holidays
By Digital Content


BANGKOK, Jan 6 -- A total of 341 people were killed and 3,117 others injured in 2,997 road accidents across Thailand during ‘the seven dangerous New Year holiday days between December 30 and yrsterday, January 5, according the Road Safety Centre.

Permanent Secretary for Interior Wiboon Sanguanpong announced the statistics today, saying that there were 265 accidents, killing 40 people, and wounding 274 others yesterday, the last of the seven day monitoring period.

Chiang Mai remains the province with the highest number of accumulated road accidents at 133, the highest death toll at 18, and 129 people injured.

Meanwhile, two provinces that made the list of zero deathsl are Singhburi and Nakhon Phanom.

The main cause of the road accidents was drinking and driving at 38.3 per cent. Over half--52.51 per cent of the dead were of working age, while motorcycles were involved in 82.26 per cent of the incidents. Nearly two-thirds of the highway accidents occurred on straightforward roadways--64.06 per cent, andMost accoidents occurred between 4pm and 8pm, slightly less than one-third or 30.36 per cent.

The high ranking interior mi9nistry official said he is satisfied with the overall outcome of the prevention campaign, as statistics showed a decline of 5.5 per cent in road accidents, and 7 per cent in the death toll.

He said the main reason for the success was due the cooperation given diligently by every sector in trying to minimise road accidents, while stricter traffic laws were implemented on DIU and speeding. (MCOT online news)

-- TNA 2015-01-06

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Wow, only 341 people dead, and 3117 injured, so just like one big airplane full of passengers and kerosene crashing and exploding on one provincial city, that's all, is it?

No wonder the Interior Minister congratulated all officials for collaborating, when the number of casualties was still below 200, can't risk to lose face, can we...

Maybe tomorrow we will even have the same General Anupong(?) claiming victory for the 7% less killed on the spot, better for himto hurry about it, cause I've heard, compared to previous years, a lot more of the injured ones are in a quite bad shape, so the, sad, shamefull, figures could get worse in the next days...

And he'd also better hurry, cause lower officials are already steling the scoop away, calling this massacre a 'success'...

Poor Thailand, ...poor Thai citizens, sigh!

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I haven't seen any accidents for the last week in my driving around the western Bangkok metro area. I just read a Bangkok Post article where it said the holidays proved pretty safe with 44 of the 50 Bangkok khets (districts) reporting no accidents.

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I was driving all those days 29-3 Bkk-Nong Khai-Songkla and saw only 1 smallest accident.

I was driving on the Surin -Yasothon Rd. last Saturday when many Thais were heading back to Bangkok and the number of serious accidents, many head-on's were mind boggling, never seen so many accidents in such a short time during my 30 years in Thailand before.

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Just another day in paradise...nothing will change until they start enforcing the rules of the road...which almost all Thais choose to ignore...

A mandatory class in orderly and courteous driving should be mandatory for all...especially the police...

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Hey, high-ranking interior ministry official - if the main cause of road accidents was drinking and driving, and motorcycles were involved in most accidents, perhaps more affirmative, sustained and dedicated efforts in education and enforcement is better than merely reporting these stats year in, year out?

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Fewer people die in wars and cross border conflicts, than die on the roads of Thailand.

With the carnage inflicted upon the innocents due to drink driving ( 38.3% of accidents ) the Thai official should not be " Peacocking " about the reduction in the slaughter, instead, they should be hanging their heads in disgrace at the wanton waste of life.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Hey, high-ranking interior ministry official - if the main cause of road accidents was drinking and driving, and motorcycles were involved in most accidents, perhaps more affirmative, sustained and dedicated efforts in education and enforcement is better than merely reporting these stats year in, year out?

Don't forget to add to drink driving , just sheer w@n$ driving, attitude to others and total disregard for EVERYTHING expect themselves.

W****rs all of them, I had a relative killed by a young (30 yr old ) to55er two days before Christmas , he was pi55ed but thought he could cut in-front of a truck sh1t for brains all of 'em.

Just look at the actor in his Lambo??? great example

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I was driving all those days 29-3 Bkk-Nong Khai-Songkla and saw only 1 smallest accident.

I was driving on the Surin -Yasothon Rd. last Saturday when many Thais were heading back to Bangkok and the number of serious accidents, many head-on's were mind boggling, never seen so many accidents in such a short time during my 30 years in Thailand before.

So again as the figures for the period are actually LOWER than the normal daily average, it shows how worthless an individual observation is.

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More hard work from that 4yr old?

"Nearly two-thirds of the highway accidents occurred on straightforward roadways--64.06 per cent, andMost accoidents occurred between 4pm and 8pm, slightly less than one-third or 30.36 per cent." - ?????

One getsvthe feeling that the government sopesmen or the experts actually have any idea what they are talking about.

Statistics are NOT simple facts and the conclusions they draw are frequently misleading.

Average daily deaths on Thai roads are 71......over the "dangerous 7" the average was 48.

I think this represents a figure of about 24 per 100,000, as opposed to the national rating of 44 per 100,000.

One also needs to look at both the amount of traffic and the kind of traffic over those days.

E.g very little commercial traffic and an increase in private vehicles both 2 and 4 wheels as well as public transport.

It would appear that about a third of all accidents happened between 4 and 8 pm...I.e. One sixth of the day...so twice as likely to occur then? Thisnif course is the timnenof day when traffic ius heaviest and lighting transition from day to night is most hazardous.

Go figure.

Edited by wilcopops
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