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Sukhothai Airport - Taxi's?


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I hope someone can help me. In view of the fact that the airport is a Bangkok Airways airport with only 3 flights a day, I wonder if private taxis are available and if so,how much would it be to the hotel which is at 800 meters from the entrance of the Historical Park ?

Thanks beforehand for any useful information.

Yermanee wai.gif

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I did never fly into Sukhothai, but as the Airport is fully owned by BANGKOK AIR and only BANGKOK AIR is using it, I suggest you call the BKK AIR customer Center and I am very sure they can give you some information about ground transport there

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I did never fly into Sukhothai, but as the Airport is fully owned by BANGKOK AIR and only BANGKOK AIR is using it, I suggest you call the BKK AIR customer Center and I am very sure they can give you some information about ground transport there

What makes you think I have not tried that ?

All I got was Mai Roo and even if they had replied would you have believed it ?

Yermanee wai.gif

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I have never been anywhere in Thailand were there has not been transportation.

Neither have I tongue.png but it's for friends arriving from Europe and connecting on Bangkok Airways.

The airport is about 50 km from their hotel and I don't think they would enjoy 50 clicks in a Tuk Tuk after their long trip.

Anyway I'll advise them to book the hotel limo.

Thanks for trying to help.wai.gif

Yermanee wai.gif

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there should be an organised van-on demand, at least into Sukhothai-new city, but that is stil some 15-20 kms away from old town. This area is about dead after dusk.

Nearby Phi-loke now seems to have taximeters (quote in BKKpost some weeks ago), but I really do not know about availability nore situation in Sukh.

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I can, from experience, advise against the tuk tuk ride to the airport!

Sukhothai is a fairly compact city, so one would naturally think the airport that bears its name would be somewhere closely... I made this rookie mistake, so after checking out of our hotel near the Historical Park we made our way to Sukhothai city and waited in Big C until about 75 minutes before our flight when we went outside and asked the first tuk tuk driver if we could make it to the airport before our flight... Of course he said, 'yes,' so we climbed in and set off. What followed must have been the most excruciating 57 minutes of our lives, being driven, at times at snail's pace, out into the middle of nowhere, while trying to get mobile signal so I could see where the hell we were going. Even without the fear of missing one's flight, it's not a trip I'd recommend to anyone. (Thankfully we arrived at the airport as the plane that was to take us to Bangkok was landing, late, so we made our flight in plenty of time.)

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