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Contrary to popular opinion on here, women - even Thai women - aren't simply a homogenous group who think alike, but are actually individuals with thoughts, desires, and dreams of their own.

I'm aware this might be a shock to some of you.

desires, dreams or PLANS ?

This question is bound to bring out the barstool experts. Which, of course, will give you what "bargirls" prefer, not normal Thai women.

If you exclude Thai men, I'd say Koreans are the flavor of the day. Followed by Singaporean and American men. Japanese and English men are considered well mannered. Beyond that, who knows. Funny you would ask a bunch of farang men what Thai women prefer.


Funny a "farang man" would attempt to answer, rather than waiting for some of the Thai women who are posters on TV to come along and answer.

Not long ago i asked a Thai lass in the office a similar question and she told me British men are smelly and always complaining and stingy (keeneau). American men are always talking and know everything (put mak kee more). German man cannot joking.

Australian man smell good and good heart.

Go AUSSIE yes we are the best going around all the rest are shit haha .

best braggart windbags at least


it depends on the girls you are talking about, the bar girls most are looking for any walking wallet, the girls that come from good families, or who have good jobs or business's,are looking for way more then money, breeding etc. I think again any country the big three being in my humble opinion, USA, Australia, and UK, after that European . Asians maybe, blacks i'm not sure I see a few in Thailand, they are usually former Viet Nam Vets, who were in Thailand for R & R back in the day. I have been going to Thailand since 1980, and have always liked Thai girls and even married one. however I also think that the hottest of Asian woman are Chinese, and Korean, and the Philippines. so my answer to the Q is it's a buffet pick and choose is what they do. I think the bar girls like the Japanese I saw a Japanese guy get charged 1000 baht for a beer and that was in 93, beers then were around a dollar.


I live in Singapore and have talked to many Thai ladies ('normal' and not so 'normal') here and in Thailand. Have never come across a single one who said they like Singaporean men, though they will marry them for practical reasons. They like the place because they say it's clean and safe. As others have said, darker complexioned nationalities also tend to be near the bottom of the list for them: Indians, Africans, Arabs, etc. Japanese guys are said to be generous but emotionally distant. I've never heard anyone mention Koreans--for good or bad--perhaps because they don't have much exposure to them (beyond what they see on TV). For some reason, a lot of the Thai women I've talked to like Germans ... see them as a good mix of caring, being culturally open, and not prone to violence or drunkenness (maybe they've not been to an Oktoberfest); I suspect they wouldn't distinguish them from Scandinavians.

Makes sense in a way. Germans are exposed to more different cultures than Brits and Americans and tend to be more widely travelled (I think). Germans at least tend to be more sober and hard-working as well, at least in the north (and they also consider the Brits to be loud drunkards - see: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/article-2650649/Germans-complain-British-tourists-loud-drunk-not-bad-Russians.html.)

And no, I'm not German http://static.thaivisa.com/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/smile.png[/

Germans you are joking me , have not meet a good one yet and thai woman care about money,money,money

If a thai lady is lucky to get a man from any we're she will take him on for the money , a lot of man here forget we are all A T M S .

Germans you are joking me , have not meet a good one yet and thai woman care about money,money,money

If a thai lady is lucky to get a man from any we're she will take him on for the money , a lot of man here forget we are all A T M S .

Wow - I hope you don't live in Thailand. If so, it must really be depressing getting out of bed everyday ...


There's no doubt, whatsoever, that all Thai women are attracted to Greeks............especially me.wub.png

All the others are here to fill the gap that unfortunately I haven't got enough time to fill up.

I have everything that a woman dreams of.

Loads of money, super hansum, very well equipped and I have a six pack that bring the envy to anybody.

In fact this world is not big enough for me, the word God can describe me more.

Now I'm off on my Ferrari to make some more Thai women delirious.

Sorry, can't help it...................

OH Costas....you hansum devil you...lol!


I think money is number one.... But as for country, I think USA first but countries like Norway, Sweden, Denmark where the tourists have money are liked to. Asian countries are also looked highly upon. Years ago it use to be the Brits but too many tattoos, drunks and every other word being "F" has put them way behind. I am from US so my feedback from Thai girls is normally positive. When I say I am American their eyes light up and they smile. One thing they really like about Americans is that they can understand our English. They also love our movies, music, Iphones and Obama. Most Americans coming to Thailand have money and normally tip 10 to 15%. Just my observation but Again I am American. Just saying :)

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Nothing to do with Nationality, its usually about MONEY as is the case with most women of any nationality.

Men who think like this will tend to attract women like that... and the cycle of confirmation bias continues.

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I am an Australian, And I am married to my wife who is Thai. So I say it is Australian Men.

However, I have a mate who is english and is married to his wife who is thai. So he says English.

He has a friend who is Dutch and is married to his wife who is thai....ETCETCETCETCETC whistling.gif


I am an Australian, And I am married to my wife who is Thai. So I say it is Australian Men.

However, I have a mate who is english and is married to his wife who is thai. So he says English.

He has a friend who is Dutch and is married to his wife who is thai....ETCETCETCETCETC whistling.gif

what an egotistical group

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The question I was trying to ask is whether or not there is a particular country(ies) whose men in general terms are more tempermentally and dispositionally compatible with Thai women than others.

Has anyone noticed that men from a particular nationality seems to get along with or understand Thai women better than most others?

Just meant as a light-hearted discussion topic.


This question is bound to bring out the barstool experts. Which, of course, will give you what "bargirls" prefer, not normal Thai women.

If you exclude Thai men, I'd say Koreans are the flavor of the day. Followed by Singaporean and American men. Japanese and English men are considered well mannered. Beyond that, who knows. Funny you would ask a bunch of farang men what Thai women prefer.


Funny a "farang man" would attempt to answer, rather than waiting for some of the Thai women who are posters on TV to come along and answer.

Not long ago i asked a Thai lass in the office a similar question and she told me British men are smelly and always complaining and stingy (keeneau). American men are always talking and know everything (put mak kee more). German man cannot joking.

Australian man smell good and good heart.

Lemme guess, you are Australian.

They always tell me that American men make the best husbands, but then their first question is, What country you from? So they already know I am American.

I find that most Thai ladies have no idea from which country the farang hails. So, you can tell them any country you like.

  • Like 1

This question is bound to bring out the barstool experts. Which, of course, will give you what "bargirls" prefer, not normal Thai women.

If you exclude Thai men, I'd say Koreans are the flavor of the day. Followed by Singaporean and American men. Japanese and English men are considered well mannered. Beyond that, who knows. Funny you would ask a bunch of farang men what Thai women prefer.


Funny a "farang man" would attempt to answer, rather than waiting for some of the Thai women who are posters on TV to come along and answer.

I'm fairly confident there aren't any Thai women posting on TV.

Miss Farm Girl was the only real one, and she hasn't posted for ages.

(the other two are bogus)

About 4-5 Thai men, but brought up in the west with Thai mothers, so not sure we count as real Thais either.

But my relatives (real Thai women) seem to be attracted to Korean and Japanese men because they fancy them, and Norwegians and Germans because they are well known to throw a lot of money around.

Agree with you on zee German's.

I was told when I asked this question that nationalty doesn't matter a fig, but who can take care of the family.

English (myself) aren't regarded very high on that list but zee German's & zee Austrians are thought of to be very generous.


You really think that Thai women can distinguish from which country men come? I doubt it, as long as they speak english and......


There's no doubt, whatsoever, that all Thai women are attracted to Greeks............especially me.wub.png

All the others are here to fill the gap that unfortunately I haven't got enough time to fill up.

I have everything that a woman dreams of.

Loads of money, super hansum, very well equipped and I have a six pack that bring the envy to anybody.

In fact this world is not big enough for me, the word God can describe me more.

Now I'm off on my Ferrari to make some more Thai women delirious.

Sorry, can't help it...................

Guess you're talking about the six pack in your hand :P
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+ Marry & Move: Americans

+ For A Good Time: Russians

+ To Marry & Stay In Thailand: English & Australians

+ Under 25 yr old: Korean

+ Marry & Move Close: Australian

+ Marry & Move & Take Whole Family: USA

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In my experience 20 and 30 somethings are usually into the Korean popstar look and white-skinned Thai/Chinese looking men (the ones you see in Thai Lakorn). Of course, many are also attracted to western heartthrobs like Justin Timberlake, Brad Pitt and so on. Hate to break it to you guys, but there aren't many Thai women in their 20s and 30s attracted to 50+ foreign men. Reminds me of that old classic line, "He not look good but he take care. He good heart". cheesy.gif

  • Like 1

This question is bound to bring out the barstool experts. Which, of course, will give you what "bargirls" prefer, not normal Thai women.

If you exclude Thai men, I'd say Koreans are the flavor of the day. Followed by Singaporean and American men. Japanese and English men are considered well mannered. Beyond that, who knows. Funny you would ask a bunch of farang men what Thai women prefer.

among mainstream non zombie society many seem to like brad pitt and similar types. seems to be more the look/style than the country of origin.


a close female Thai friend once told me that many of her lady friends prefer Indians, Pakistani, any sort of Arab country, Nigeria and Sierra Leone ... for that.


a close female Thai friend once told me that many of her lady friends prefer Indians, Pakistani, any sort of Arab country, Nigeria and Sierra Leone ... for that.

Anybody except you...
  • Like 1

The question I was trying to ask is whether or not there is a particular country(ies) whose men in general terms are more tempermentally and dispositionally compatible with Thai women than others.

Has anyone noticed that men from a particular nationality seems to get along with or understand Thai women better than most others?

Just meant as a light-hearted discussion topic.

Really hard to generalize as priorities are different based on socio-economic background of the Thai lady and her prior experiences with both Thai men and foreigners...

At the low end of the scale you will find Thai ladies who want someone to "take care"... This statement makes the hair on the back on my neck stand straight up and warning bells to go off... They really don't have a preference as their priority is baht...

Then comes Thai ladies that have had bad experiences with Thai men and think that foreigners make better mates... Until they find out this is not the case either based on the behavior of the foreigner... Drink, smoke, carouses with prostitutes... Sometime they get lucky, sometimes not...

Then come ladies with a few years under their belts, have a decent job / income and are looking for the same thing as similar aged foreigners... A friend, lover, travel mate and someone to share their life... IME, these ladies will seek out Europeans or Americans as their disposition is more suited to LTR with one lady...

Huge generalizations, but just my experience...

  • Like 2

Contrary to popular opinion on here, women - even Thai women - aren't simply a homogenous group who think alike, but are actually individuals with thoughts, desires, and dreams of their own.

I'm aware this might be a shock to some of you.

Thais who have been through Thai schools have had most of the individuality beaten out of them.

Their goals and dreams are remarkably homogeneous.

You don't speak Thai do you?

And you have never lived with any Thais?

Do you really feel a few 5 minute chats in broken English makes you an expert on Thais?

Not true. Any individual has the potential to rise above their environment. If you would have said most have had the individuality beaten out of them, I might not have taken exception. But anytime you lump tens of millions into one very simple minded category, many of us are going to disagree. There are many very dynamic, open minded, intelligent Thai women in this country. Granted, the more educated, at the higher levels, perhaps the greater the chance they will have a cosmopolitan world view. But to say they are all the same is really doing a disservice to the women of this wonderful country. In my opinion, the women run this country. They allow the men to think they are holding the power. And their comfort with their own femininity allows them to do so, unlike women in the west. But, where would Thailand be without its amazing women? Many are anything but lazy. Many work very hard, and do not seem to shy away from hard work. Many are very creative and industrious. Many are successful businesswomen.

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a close female Thai friend once told me that many of her lady friends prefer Indians, Pakistani, any sort of Arab country, Nigeria and Sierra Leone ... for that.

Anybody except you...

would you please be a little less impersonal...


The question I was trying to ask is whether or not there is a particular country(ies) whose men in general terms are more tempermentally and dispositionally compatible with Thai women than others.

Has anyone noticed that men from a particular nationality seems to get along with or understand Thai women better than most others?

Just meant as a light-hearted discussion topic.

Really hard to generalize as priorities are different based on socio-economic background of the Thai lady and her prior experiences with both Thai men and foreigners...

At the low end of the scale you will find Thai ladies who want someone to "take care"... This statement makes the hair on the back on my neck stand straight up and warning bells to go off... They really don't have a preference as their priority is baht...

Then comes Thai ladies that have had bad experiences with Thai men and think that foreigners make better mates... Until they find out this is not the case either based on the behavior of the foreigner... Drink, smoke, carouses with prostitutes... Sometime they get lucky, sometimes not...

Then come ladies with a few years under their belts, have a decent job / income and are looking for the same thing as similar aged foreigners... A friend, lover, travel mate and someone to share their life... IME, these ladies will seek out Europeans or Americans as their disposition is more suited to LTR with one lady...

Huge generalizations, but just my experience...

thai men have a much higher incidence of having a mistress and using prostitutes than most farang men


a close female Thai friend once told me that many of her lady friends prefer Indians, Pakistani, any sort of Arab country, Nigeria and Sierra Leone ... for that.

Anybody except you...

would you please be a little less impersonal...

Sorry, you lined yourself up for that one.

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