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Obama calls French shooting 'cowardly evil attacks'


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Obama calls French shooting 'cowardly evil attacks'

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama called Wednesday's deadly shooting at a satirical newspaper in Paris "cowardly evil attacks" on journalists and a free press and vowed to help France pursue the terrorists who went on the run.

Obama said the attack that left 12 dead in France's deadliest terror attack in at least two decades is a reminder that such tragedies can occur anywhere in the world. He promised to stay vigilant and "hunt down and bring the perpetrators of this specific act to justice, and to roll up the networks that help to advance these kinds of plots."

"The fact that this was an attack on journalists, attack on our free press, also underscores the degree to which these terrorists fear freedom of speech and freedom of the press," Obama said from the Oval Office during a meeting with Secretary of State John Kerry and Vice President Joe Biden.

"But the one thing that I'm very confident about is that the values that we share with the French people, a belief — a universal belief in the freedom of expression, is something that can't be silenced because of the senseless violence of the few," he added.

Obama later telephoned French President Francois Hollande from Air Force One en route to Detroit for a speech. Obama offered his condolences and expressed solidarity with Hollande and the people of France, the White House said in a statement. Obama also offered help from the United States as France tries to bring the perpetrators of the attack, and any possible accomplices, to justice.

Hollande thanked Obama for his support and updated the president on steps to care for victims and arrest those responsible, the White House said.

Three masked gunmen stormed the office of the satirical weekly newspaper Charlie Hebdo at noon-time on Wednesday and then escaped in a car. Charlie Hebdo has been repeatedly threatened for its caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad and other controversial sketches.

Witnesses said the shooters shouted "Allahu akbar!" France raised its security alert to the highest level, as thousands honored the victims from Republique Square in Paris.

"What that beautiful city represents — the culture and the civilization that is so central to our imaginations — that's going to endure," Obama said. "And those who carry out senseless attacks against innocent civilians, ultimately they'll be forgotten."

Earnest said U.S. officials have been in touch with French counterparts but it's "still in the early stages" of figuring out who was responsible for the attack and he couldn't say whether the gunmen were tied to a specific terror group.

"We're still trying to figure out who is responsible for this attack and what their motivations are but as a general matter, we're very mindful of the threat from foreign fighters and the need to try to counter some of the extremist ideology that ISIL is propagating," Earnest said, using an acronym for Islamic State militants.

Asked about what responsibility news organizations had when it comes to publishing provocative material, Earnest said, "There is no legitimate act of journalism — however offensive some people might find it — that justifies an act of violence, particularly an act of violence on the scale we saw today. That said, it is up to media organizations to make their own decisions about what they choose to publish, what stories they choose to pursue and what sort of commentary they want to broadcast about the world."

Obama called France one of America's strongest allies in dealing with terrorists and said they had been with the U.S. "every moment" since the Sept. 11 attacks.

"For us to see the kind of cowardly evil attacks that took place today I think reinforces once again why it's so important for us to stand in solidarity with them, just as they stand in solidarity with us," Obama said.

Obama said he would be talking with Kerry about protecting Americans living across the globe. Later, Obama counterterrorism adviser Lisa Monaco told MSNBC that there's no evidence of any threat to U.S. personnel in Paris.

Kerry, who has visited Paris more than any other foreign city as America's top diplomat, spoke earlier from the State Department in both English and French to offer America's support.

"I would like to say directly to the people of Paris and of all of France that each and every American stands with you today — not just in horror or in anger or in outrage at this vicious act of violence — but we stand with you in solidarity and in commitment both to the cause of confronting extremism and in the cause which the extremists fear so much," Kerry said.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-01-08

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"Obama calls French shooting "cowardly evil attack" Really?? Remember when Obama said, "The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam." The terrorist who murdered these people in France also believed "the future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam."

Yes, it does seem silly when put like that.

The full address may put Obama in a less harsher light, but still, kinda hard to bury words said, these days:


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I really wish these world leaders, and Hollande, used the same word, would stop calling these attacks cowardly. They are not cowardly. The terrorists risked their lives to pull this off. Realising how dangerous and committed they are is important and the starting point for fighting them. The response has to be every bit as vicious, every bit as ruthless.

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Let's hope the extreme political right in France and Europe don't exploit this great tragedy for their own political purposes.

They won't need to. People will naturally come running to them. As shown by the recent gains by UKIP and Marine Le Pen's National Front. Though I would disagree they're 'extreme'.

The experience of Europe being dominated by the extreme right has been rejected in the extreme, as in World War II.

Mainstream Europe will not go that route again, or to anything even remotely resembling it in the 21st century.

The present right sector of Europe are not the Nazis, but they are extreme, irrational, exploitative. The right will appeal to some, but the mainstream remains stout and steadfast against extremism.

Putin besides is actively trying to align the far right of Europe to his side, and that too will fail because Putin cares not about democracy, civility or of Western civilization itself.

Recall the last time in Europe a rightist managed to squirm his way to become a finalist for president, in France in 2002, the original LePen. His daughter whom you reference is suggestive of a Jeanne d' Arc..

Chirac landslide against Le Pen

May 6, 2002

PARIS, France (CNN) -- President Jacques Chirac has been re-elected in a landslide victory over extreme-right leader Jean-Marie Le Pen, after a dramatic presidential race that shook France and much of Europe.

With all votes counted in mainland France, Interior Ministry figures gave Chirac 82 percent of the vote, and Le Pen 18 percent, The Associated Press reported.

Chirac's massive victory was helped by a bigger turnout than for the April 21 first round, when 28 percent of voters stayed at home. Turnout on Sunday was estimated at about 80 percent.


Pres Obama, Chancellor Angela Merkel, PM David Cameron and others have united to make significant statements of support of the French people and the French republic that will assist the French and all democrats everywhere to see this time to a successful recovery and a renewed strength.

Russia Reaches Out To Europe's Far-Right Parties

A Russian loan to France's National Front. Invitations to Moscow for leaders of Austria's Freedom Party. Praise for Vladimir Putin from the head of Britain's anti-European Union party.

Russia fears that the EU and NATO could spread to countries it considers part of its sphere of influence. And it has repeatedly served notice that it will not tolerate that scenario, most recently with its Ukraine campaign.

Europe's right-wing and populist parties, meanwhile, see a robust EU as contrary to their vision of Europe as a loose union of strong national states. And some regard the EU as a toady to America.

The fact that many of Moscow's allies are right to far-right reflects the Kremlin's full turn. Under communism, xenophobic nationalist parties were shunned.

Now they are embraced as partners who can help further Russia's interests and who share key views — advocacy of traditional family values, belief in authoritarian leadership, a distrust of the U.S. and support for strong law-and-order measures.


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Those who hate the United States and President Barack Obama need to know the nation and the free world stand firmly against religious extremism of any and every kind, Islamic terrorism especially and in particular.

This attack in Paris is an attack against all free and democratic peoples everywhere which is why we stand united against the enemies of the United States in particular. The people of the United States need to speak out in favor of democracy, freedom and our Constitution.

Let's hope the extreme political right in France and Europe don't exploit this great tragedy for their own political purposes.

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Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2769706/Iraqi-PM-says-Islamic-State-planning-attacks-Paris-U-S-subway-systems.html#ixzz3OC2BS2ex

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There are plenty of USA, haters on this site for sure but you would have to look hard to find people who hate Obama. However, there are many who hate his idiotic ideology and constant non-truths.

Lets hope the political right in Europe, is able to point out the real threat to their fellow Europeans, that radical Islam poses. The French government needs to grow a set, and put an end to the Muslim no-go zones and allowing Muslims to practice Sharia law in France.

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"Obama calls French shooting "cowardly evil attack" Really?? Remember when Obama said, "The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam." The terrorist who murdered these people in France also believed "the future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam."


..........as another post above pointed out, there is is lot more excellent stuff as a part of the quote that was omitted........

The single sentence quote is lifted from Pres Obama's address to the annual meeting of the general assembly of the UN in NYC.

I along with many others around the world thought the above quote as a part of the whole speech was excellent and superbly presented by the president, the whole of it.

...........and you?

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"Obama calls French shooting "cowardly evil attack" Really?? Remember when Obama said, "The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam." The terrorist who murdered these people in France also believed "the future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam."


..........as another post above pointed out, there is is lot more excellent stuff as a part of the quote that was omitted........

The single sentence quote is lifted from Pres Obama's address to the annual meeting of the general assembly of the UN in NYC.

I along with many others around the world thought the above quote as a part of the whole speech was excellent and superbly presented by the president, the whole of it.

...........and you?

"I've now been in 57 states — I think one left to go." —at a campaign event in Beaverton, Oregon, May 9, 2008. I am fond of this quote. Other than that, I can't think of anything else this guy has said that I thought much of. Thanks for asking.

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"Obama calls French shooting "cowardly evil attack" Really?? Remember when Obama said, "The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam." The terrorist who murdered these people in France also believed "the future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam."


..........as another post above pointed out, there is is lot more excellent stuff as a part of the quote that was omitted........

The single sentence quote is lifted from Pres Obama's address to the annual meeting of the general assembly of the UN in NYC.

I along with many others around the world thought the above quote as a part of the whole speech was excellent and superbly presented by the president, the whole of it.

...........and you?

"I've now been in 57 states — I think one left to go." —at a campaign event in Beaverton, Oregon, May 9, 2008. I am fond of this quote. Other than that, I can't think of anything else this guy has said that I thought much of. Thanks for asking.

No need to thank me cause I'd do it for almost anyone who's in such a dire need of assistance.....

.....So I guess you didn't like the UN speech I'd mentioned......

The attacks and shooting of police are nasty stuff so these perps need to be hunted down to have an infinite justice delivered to them, same as has happened to bin Ladin and other crackpot leaders of his kind.

The perps are trying to provoke France and the West into a crackdown on Mulsims in general, to begin an indiscriminate and unwise campaign against Mulsims per se.

These murderers need to be eliminated and annihilated mercilessly but relations among our populations in general need to be stable and to remain intact. Don't give anything special and don't take anything away.....stay the course.

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Top post as usual arjunandawn, Islam is no laughing matter!

Yes, indeed. His post should solve all the problems. If you agree just say "aye aye charlie.."

My frequent posts on this subject are not designed to "solve all the problems." The magnitude of the issue before us brings all men and women of conscience and rationalism to confront what is happening throughout the world. We may reach different conclusions as to the cause and motivations, but debating effect is futile- the world is on fire, people are dying, Christianity is persecuted in unmatched slaughter, civil governments are trembling at the knees, free countries no longer remain so (having early surrendered freedoms for imagined security), emigration of the persecuted are reaching record numbers, and no place any longer remains a safe place. There can be little argument that the effect is a deepening realization that the words of those who mean harm to others (jihadists) ring true- that this is indeed religious (al Baghdadi), it is certainly global (A. Choudary), and it is to the death ("you love life like we love death"- Hamas).

I have no solutions to "all the problems." I cannot begin to solve any of this on my own; it is overwhelming and even the good solutions are bad choices. My only effort is to wake others to the gravity of this threat to all humanity. Perhaps smarter people than me can figure out how to "solve all the problems."

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"I've now been in 57 states — I think one left to go." —at a campaign event in Beaverton, Oregon, May 9, 2008. I am fond of this quote. Other than that, I can't think of anything else this guy has said that I thought much of. Thanks for asking.

No need to thank me cause I'd do it for almost anyone who's in such a dire need of assistance.....

.....So I guess you didn't like the UN speech I'd mentioned......

The attacks and shooting of police are nasty stuff so these perps need to be hunted down to have an infinite justice delivered to them, same as has happened to bin Ladin and other crackpot leaders of his kind.

The perps are trying to provoke France and the West into a crackdown on Mulsims in general, to begin an indiscriminate and unwise campaign against Mulsims per se.

These murderers need to be eliminated and annihilated mercilessly but relations among our populations in general need to be stable and to remain intact. Don't give anything special and don't take anything away.....stay the course.

What??? You think the killers aren't radical Muslims, and are trying to provoke France into a crackdown on Muslims??? You have to be joking.


Read the post again thx, this time for comprehension thx again.

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"Obama calls French shooting "cowardly evil attack" Really?? Remember when Obama said, "The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam." The terrorist who murdered these people in France also believed "the future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam."

There are those who rightly point out that Obama's UN speech actually contained further commentary which provides greater context; it does. However, his above statement stands out either singularly or as part of the larger context, and is outrageous. The context of the larger speech does not change this fact. If we are told we require the rest of his speech to add context then why not look at the body of speeches for context, starting with Egypt, where the president groveled and minimized America to his audience while demanding of Mubarak special accommodation and front row seating to the Muslim Brotherhood, then an illegal and banned terrorist organization in Egypt. Yes, context is important but somethings are not clarified by context.

This president, just like many muslim leaders, speaks to two audiences- the west and the islamic world. It is emphatically clear that the statement the "future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of islam" cannot be mitigated by additional context. No context can clarify it. This is an utterly outrageous statement because concurrent with the speech is the background blasphemy laws being pushed in Europe and the UN by the Islamic Conference. This statement is a direct assault on free speech. This statement singularly sets the islamic prophet apart from other religious icons as deserving special consideration and deferment. This statement indirectly adds ammo to the weaponry of those who plot massacres such as the one in France. This statement, in alone or as part of a speech, is teased out by the jihadists in any event and provides succor to those who see divine support as they choose. It is hardly a stretch to connect such a speech to such an act- they are simply "tagged" as the same topic.

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"Obama calls French shooting "cowardly evil attack" Really?? Remember when Obama said, "The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam." The terrorist who murdered these people in France also believed "the future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam."

There are those who rightly point out that Obama's UN speech actually contained further commentary which provides greater context; it does. However, his above statement stands out either singularly or as part of the larger context, and is outrageous. The context of the larger speech does not change this fact. If we are told we require the rest of his speech to add context then why not look at the body of speeches for context, starting with Egypt, where the president groveled and minimized America to his audience while demanding of Mubarak special accommodation and front row seating to the Muslim Brotherhood, then an illegal and banned terrorist organization in Egypt. Yes, context is important but somethings are not clarified by context.

This president, just like many muslim leaders, speaks to two audiences- the west and the islamic world. It is emphatically clear that the statement the "future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of islam" cannot be mitigated by additional context. No context can clarify it. This is an utterly outrageous statement because concurrent with the speech is the background blasphemy laws being pushed in Europe and the UN by the Islamic Conference. This statement is a direct assault on free speech. This statement singularly sets the islamic prophet apart from other religious icons as deserving special consideration and deferment. This statement indirectly adds ammo to the weaponry of those who plot massacres such as the one in France. This statement, in alone or as part of a speech, is teased out by the jihadists in any event and provides succor to those who see divine support as they choose. It is hardly a stretch to connect such a speech to such an act- they are simply "tagged" as the same topic.

This statement indirectly adds ammo to the weaponry of those who plot massacres such as the one in France. This statement, in alone or as part of a speech, is teased out by the jihadists in any event and provides succor to those who see divine support as they choose. It is hardly a stretch to connect such a speech to such an act- they are simply "tagged" as the same topic.

One can't quite be confident as to which might concern you more, the jihadists or the people of your own society, culture, civilization, of whom you disapprove and with whom you might disagree. Or perhaps the two groups might be equally objectionable to you.

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Dear arjun,

It is emphatically clear that the statement the "future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of islam" cannot be mitigated by additional context.

It is emphatically clear to me that the exact opposite is true. He was making a point about all prejudice and bigotry. Your commentary appears to make valid, rational points. But it comes from your own prejudice of fanatical christianity. You and your ilk hold irrational, medieval and nonsensical views that are a threat to all sensible and peace loving people. If you are offended by this then so be it.

Obama is one of the fairest presidents in history. His inaugural address was the first to recognise the views of atheists. It us to be hope that one day an incumbent if the White House will be elected who is just that, an atheist.

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