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Thailand to celebrate close relations with North Korea


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No, No, please No......I don't want to hear about this.

General, come to your senses.......this is not a country to have any relations with.

You have to be deaf, blind, illiterate, but definitely witout any it (figure taht out yourself).

But, nevertheless, you don't have to be anotehr Einstein to make up the sums, c'mon, man.

North Korea is not only what they need (Thai oppressor leaders), they exactly AIM for this kind of association. Who else would they learn the art of oppression, human rights scrapping, torture, brainwash, elimination, etc., from, if not from North Korea? China? No way, even China grants more fr eedom and human rights to ist people than the kingdom of smlies (what smiles?).

No? Don't believe?

Then live and work in China for 16 years, work very close together with the Chinese government and expereince how Thaiand's clowns (sorry, governors) try to suck up, at least 5 times a year.

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Commonalities with North Korea disappeared with Pheu-Thai and their utterly shameless government of lies.

The General should join the civilised world and keep this brainwashed dictatorship at arms length.

Wrong. I would say it's a massive commonality having bonding sessions with NK.

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No, No, please No......I don't want to hear about this.

General, come to your senses.......this is not a country to have any relations with.

Have you ever visited this country, or just ruminating your Goebbels TV?

Deep, so deep.

I don't know how I will ever keep up.coffee1.gif

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No, No, please No......I don't want to hear about this.

General, come to your senses.......this is not a country to have any relations with.

You have to be deaf, blind, illiterate, but definitely witout any it (figure taht out yourself).

But, nevertheless, you don't have to be anotehr Einstein to make up the sums, c'mon, man.

North Korea is not only what they need (Thai oppressor leaders), they exactly AIM for this kind of association. Who else would they learn the art of oppression, human rights scrapping, torture, brainwash, elimination, etc., from, if not from North Korea? China? No way, even China grants more fr eedom and human rights to ist people than the kingdom of smlies (what smiles?).

No? Don't believe?

Then live and work in China for 16 years, work very close together with the Chinese government and expereince how Thaiand's clowns (sorry, governors) try to suck up, at least 5 times a year.

Where do you guys come from?

Why attack poor old Costas? If you have been around for longer than a minute you would know that everyone loves him.

But no, you have to go straight for the jugular.

The Thais don't need NK to teach them any of this stuff. They learned how to do it years ago. You forget that these guys are the cousins of the same people that gave you the killing fields.

And I have lived and worked in China and worked closely with the government and my wife is Chinese.

I don't know who put the chip on your shoulder but don't take it out on Costas.

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This is just a move to sell some fish & rice. The North Koreans need fish and rice and in return will sell.........something to Thailand. I'll get back to you when I know what something is!

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Did anyone tell Thai north Korea doesn't have any money


With all the "More Quality Terrorists" now streaming to this world unique Holiday destroynation, they will soon be one of the richest countries, don't you worry.

Did anyone tell how dumb the Western tourists still are, since they still want to eperience all this racism, hate, violence,,,in that sick country, first hand?

It's time to not just stay back or pull out, but seriously sanction these 3rd century-alike dictator turf. Oh, and don't issue any visa for this folk anymore. Let them breed and poison their own land. They love it soooooooo much, they kill everyone who doesn't, don't they.

Is there still a difference between Thailand and the IS/Taliban ... Oh yes. The former are at least tranparent and admint to who they are, whereas Thailand blames Burmese and other Farang for all their sickness ... sorry, I forgot.


Edited by Harleys
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We should enjoy the last few days of being about to criticize the Government on an online forum.

Soon, we would be taken to a camp far away to be "reprogrammed" or introduced to Little Kims dogs.

It's the little things I will miss.

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Yes, guys!

The USA is totally on par with North Korea in every single way!

I dislike many of the US- politics (intern and international), but please tell me: was it a quiet day under your bridge?

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No where in the article does it say what the title claims. Very bad and dishonest article.

"Thailand to celebrate close relations with North Korea.":

The military junta is preparing to hold a celebration to mark the 40th anniversary of Thailands and North Korea's diplomatic relations while North Korea has proposed that Thailand opens an embassy in its capital.[/size]

In the meantime, he will assign a related organization to organize an event to celebrate their relationship.


Where is the word close. Edited by pmarlin
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No, No, please No......I don't want to hear about this.

General, come to your senses.......this is not a country to have any relations with.

Don't tell me dear old Costa's coming to his sense about the D.............. (censored)

Edited by binjalin
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Thais will curry favor with any nation that will have them. They consider it a success. Soon the Thais will shift from the "German" model of parliament to the "North Korea" model.


They will curry favour with any nation that won't question what they are doing, the way they act politically and their blasé attitude to blatant corruption...

For instance, if they tried to curry favour with the Western pigdogs, those respective nations are more likely to take issue with some of Thailands shadier business practices...

Making friends with the North Koreans essentially makes Thailand look like the Archangel Gabriel by comparison...

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There will shortly be an announcement that they have managed to sell their stockpile of rotten rice to an unnamed country.

Rotten Rice??

North Korea needs no stinking rotten rice!!

The people of North Korea are doing very well on nothing but Dirt Soup!

At least, none of them are complaining about it! lol

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