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Should I just butt out?


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At a recent visit to Emporium I was paying at the checkout when a Westerner was asking the same checkout girl for directions... Usually I'd ignore the issue, but I was there.

The guy was stressed and irritated, the checkout girl didn't know the answer to a simple question (it was clear she understood it).

The guy was asking if there was a bookshop nearby... The shop assistant had no idea...

I offered that there are two on either the floor below or two floors below..... The guy then berated me for not knowing exactly where a book store was, then went on to complain to me that the staff at Emporium had no idea.... Quite, I thought... In the West we are used to all staff at a shopping mall being a mind of information, living here I am used to the fact that the Staff have no interest in anything outside of their immediate world.

I pointed out to the guy that he won't get any further help from me or the staff if he has an aggressive attitude... he walked off in the direction I'd pointed....

I was left wondering why I'd tried to help, but realising that a simple issue was right there on the tip of my nose and it was so easy for me to offer a simple assistance and directions...

So... In answer to the Ops Question: Should I butt out?... YES - Unless people ask directly for help or need some form of medical attention... Butt Out - there are too many weirdos, whack-jobs and self-centred miserable gits out there... Those who are happy are less likely to need help anyway...

You did a good service in trying to help. Some people seem to be beyond help.

Helping others, for me, is trying to be of assistance and not worrying about the outcome.

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Coulda Shoulda done a POLL!

Just sayin'

- I would acknowledge you

- I might acknowledge you

- I would not acknowledge you

- I would taser you

He just misses the blether that's all.

Costas is a blether who has metamorphosed from a Scotsman into a Greek.

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At a recent visit to Emporium I was paying at the checkout when a Westerner was asking the same checkout girl for directions... Usually I'd ignore the issue, but I was there.

The guy was stressed and irritated, the checkout girl didn't know the answer to a simple question (it was clear she understood it).

The guy was asking if there was a bookshop nearby... The shop assistant had no idea...

I offered that there are two on either the floor below or two floors below..... The guy then berated me for not knowing exactly where a book store was, then went on to complain to me that the staff at Emporium had no idea.... Quite, I thought... In the West we are used to all staff at a shopping mall being a mind of information, living here I am used to the fact that the Staff have no interest in anything outside of their immediate world.

I pointed out to the guy that he won't get any further help from me or the staff if he has an aggressive attitude... he walked off in the direction I'd pointed....

I was left wondering why I'd tried to help, but realising that a simple issue was right there on the tip of my nose and it was so easy for me to offer a simple assistance and directions...

So... In answer to the Ops Question: Should I butt out?... YES - Unless people ask directly for help or need some form of medical attention... Butt Out - there are too many weirdos, whack-jobs and self-centred miserable gits out there... Those who are happy are less likely to need help anyway...

You did a good service in trying to help. Some people seem to be beyond help.

Helping others, for me, is trying to be of assistance and not worrying about the outcome.

My Uncle once told me "Phil,l if you see a kangaroo in distress after it has been hit with a car and it is injured, do not stop to help it. It will turn on you".

So what happened years later...

I hit a kangaroo with my car. I stopped to see if it was ok. I then ran back to my car in fear of my life.

Some people haven't evolved yet....

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My name is Billy No Mates. I like it that way. If I meet you in the gym pumping iron, in a dojo practising ju-jitsu or aikido or in the vet's office caring for your animals, I will speak. Otherwise I am really not interested in speaking to random white gits on an adhoc basis, so please don't invade my space.

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Nothing wrong with a nod or quick hello in sakon nowhere, where foreigners aren't everywhere. Not saying I want a conversation.

+ 1 to that and I agree I always give the nod of the head or a g'day. I live up in Udon and had a big chat about it with a mate who lives not far away he said for him (and I tend to agree) in smaller more rural areas if you go out of your way to meet people and they turn out to be a goose, nonce, drunk, plonker or whatever then your stuck with them and it is hard to unload. Basically if things go sour you are in an unfortunate situation and for the more senior less confrontational members this could pose a problem because after initial contact for many if things dont work out you can't just tell them to sod off. As for myself living in Isaan I am cordial with a few people but mostly find those who moved up this way are more than happy to not interact with local farang in fact it is mostly the reason they live up here IMHO.

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Coulda Shoulda done a POLL!

Just sayin'

- I would acknowledge you

- I might acknowledge you

- I would not acknowledge you

- I would taser you

He just misses the blether that's all.

Costas is a blether who has metamorphosed from a Scotsman into a Greek.

You think its the same guy?

I can guarantee you its not.

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I enjoy nodding and smiling a hello to men I assume are Western and know English; sometimes I will say Hello. I observe that tourist types are most cold and avoid me; whereas, residents at least nod back. What I would like is for the old guy to sit at my table and lets trade Thai stories for a few minutes. I guess I should make the first move more often.

I admit it, I miss speaking and hearing good English, but cant stand the burned out cases at the "foreigners gatherings" especially at bars.

Oh well, I have Skype.tongue.pngsmile.pngwai.gif

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Would a Vietnamese greet another Vietnamese in a Wallmart in rural Arkansas? coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJARfU4 alt=coffee1.gif width=32 height=24>

Why not?

In the past I have been in the deepest, darkest regions of Chiang Mai, sometimes sitting or queuing to pay a bill or sitting in a noodle stall at a local market and found myself sharing the same space as another farang. Then just made a simple comment, such as, this is a long queue, or it`s been a hot day today or similar on those lines, then had a response by either a grunt, total no response at all or a look as if I had just trod in a pile of dogs crap. Most of them have faces that could sink a thousand ships, totally unapproachable and these days I would not even consider infringing on their good person by letting them know I exist, something that appears to be strictly taboo with many ex-pats here in Thailand.

I can remember once about 12 years ago when I was at a local market. I saw an American guy who could not speak a word of Thai trying to ask a Thai lady where he could get a key cut. I knew of a key shop that was close by, so I intervened and told the guy, I can show you where to have a key cut. Then i took the guy to the shop, there was no one in the shop and then went to fetch the man who cut the keys. The American gave the man his key to be copied and the key man told the American to come back in 15 minutes. On that note the American just turned his back and walked out of the shop without any acknowledgement to me at all. I chased after the American guy, grabbed his arm and said; where I come from people usually say thank you if you do them a good deed. Then he begrudgingly said thanks and walked off. I thought; you a/hole, I hope the new key doesn`t fit.

In my opinion these people are weird and these days have found it better to blank these farangs if out and about.

The main reason why he's so rude to you is he's American...

if anything Americans are over polite, not that its a good thing. The rude ones who tend to not look or make eye contact are the Western Europeans for the most part

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My Uncle once told me "Phil,l if you see a kangaroo in distress after it has been hit with a car and it is injured, do not stop to help it. It will turn on you".

So what happened years later...

I hit a kangaroo with my car. I stopped to see if it was ok. I then ran back to my car in fear of my life.

Some people haven't evolved yet....

Farang as injured kangaroo. Approach with caution. That's classic, sipi. cheesy.gif

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Would a Vietnamese greet another Vietnamese in a Wallmart in rural Arkansas? coffee1.gif

Yes, they do.

I have noticed Asians in America (especially women) talk to each other, excitedly, if they are from the same area.The men...not so much.

Of course they do. coffee1.gif

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Don't you think you should but out? if a person wants to meet new people or new friends they will answer you,,,,,,If it is someone like me I will answer only to people I want to talk/know,,,,NOT to people who want me to talk to or know them,,,,Clear or not.

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Don't you think you should but out? if a person wants to meet new people or new friends they will answer you,,,,,,If it is someone like me I will answer only to people I want to talk/know,,,,NOT to people who want me to talk to or know them,,,,Clear or not.

Are you Thai?

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....it's the 'stark reality' that hits us.....

...a few words would never be enough to convey....

...we don't even trust throwing back 'a certain look'......

...in brief...it is a shocker.....this whole predicament.....and unless you have planned well and wisely....

...and not invested the better of yourself or your assets.....you come to realize.....you are done for.....

....so how to express .......or share that....with words or without.....and....do you dare......

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I'm amazed that people attach so much importance to being acknowledged by

strangers. Being here i great - I don't feel bad not acknowledging farangs because

I honestly believe they're not the kind of people I'd acknowledge in my home land.

I don't associate with whoremongers and chancers at home - I'm not going to do it


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Would a Vietnamese greet another Vietnamese in a Wallmart in rural Arkansas? coffee1.gif

JT you obviously never had a Thai (ok not Vietnamese) back in your home country. You will be surprised how after you have a Thai gf all of a sudden Thais appear from nowhere and they all start to meet and greet and come to your home.

facepalm.gif I've already said multiple times on this thread that I think the answer is definitely YES.

That you assumed I thought the answer is no has nothing to do with me. It's your filters.


Edited by Jingthing
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