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Vigil for Charlie Hebdo massacre victims in Bangkok


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Well France has allowed the scum of the world to stand on it's soil and now the scum are spilling French blood on that same soil. Will France do something now?

How can the French govt know which of its citizens are going to turn to scum?

Or are you just claiming all members of one faith are scum.

Nah, doubt any one could be that bigoted.

From the BBC today

"Dr Shuja Shafi, secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain, also condemned the attack - believed to be in response to cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad.

"Nothing is more immoral, offensive and insulting against our beloved Prophet than such a callous act of murder," he said.

A group of 15 UK imams released a statement saying "cold-blooded murder such as this is the antithesis of Islam and its tenets".

There was an equally outright condemnation from one of the leading centres of Sunni Islamic teaching in Egypt yesterday.

Yes these killers are scum.

However they are not representative of any faith.

Empty words. They made similar statements when Lee Rigby was slaughtered in Woolwich. Because they speak these words we're supposed to believe them? How about these words then? He spoke them so they must be true, right? He speaks for ALL Muslims, he says. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xe9suuordxY

Choudary - all hate and no sense of humor...


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Of course it would be nice, if all the powerful Muslim- heads of state etc. would be out in droves, condemning the Paris- massacre.

But do they really have to?

When it turned out, that a certain Anders Breivik, who killed more than 70 young people in Norway, was a right wing fringe, Catholic religious nut...did anyone ask the Pope to issue a statement on behalf of all Christians?

Or any pastor or priest in any church all over Europe, to preach about this despicable act on the following Sunday and denounce Breivik as a Christian?

Some did, some didn't...but strangely enough, everybody (rightfully) concentrated on his obvious madness.

But here, it's Muslims...so every Muslim in the world has to come forth and issue a personal note, reading "I, Yussuf Lam Kebab, hereby declare, that I ....".

Bit two- tongued, isn't it?!

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Well France has allowed the scum of the world to stand on it's soil and now the scum are spilling French blood on that same soil. Will France do something now?

How can the French govt know which of its citizens are going to turn to scum?

Or are you just claiming all members of one faith are scum.

Nah, doubt any one could be that bigoted.

From the BBC today

"Dr Shuja Shafi, secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain, also condemned the attack - believed to be in response to cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad.

"Nothing is more immoral, offensive and insulting against our beloved Prophet than such a callous act of murder," he said.

A group of 15 UK imams released a statement saying "cold-blooded murder such as this is the antithesis of Islam and its tenets".

There was an equally outright condemnation from one of the leading centres of Sunni Islamic teaching in Egypt yesterday.

Yes these killers are scum.

However they are not representative of any faith.

Empty words. They made similar statements when Lee Rigby was slaughtered in Woolwich. Because they speak these words we're supposed to believe them? How about these words then? He spoke them so they must be true, right? He speaks for ALL Muslims, he says. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xe9suuordxY

No one speaking words of hate represents anyone but their own intolerance.

That includes religious bigots and the intolerant narrow minded islamaphobics who want to blame a whole faith for the actions of a few.

Clerics condemn violence and that's not enough for some.

Their views are as blind as the terrorists.

Bigots only believe what they want to believe.

On all sides.

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Europe is already lost caused by the musliminvasion - Islam is not a religion, its a mental sickness


However you do appear to be suffering from intolerance, prejudice and bigotry.

I recommend a course of thinking.

Edited by Bluespunk
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As one US politician said; "not all muslims are terrorists,but right now all terrorists are muslims . About sums it up.! Lets face it,they hate us,no matter how many sympathetic words they utter 'after the event'

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Well France has allowed the scum of the world to stand on it's soil and now the scum are spilling French blood on that same soil. Will France do something now?

Totally agree and they will just do one thing: allow more innocent to die in the name of democracy !

Ridiculous them, sometimes I love China and Russia...

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Of course it would be nice, if all the powerful Muslim- heads of state etc. would be out in droves, condemning the Paris- massacre.

But do they really have to?

When it turned out, that a certain Anders Breivik, who killed more than 70 young people in Norway, was a right wing fringe, Catholic religious nut...did anyone ask the Pope to issue a statement on behalf of all Christians?

Or any pastor or priest in any church all over Europe, to preach about this despicable act on the following Sunday and denounce Breivik as a Christian?

Some did, some didn't...but strangely enough, everybody (rightfully) concentrated on his obvious madness.

But here, it's Muslims...so every Muslim in the world has to come forth and issue a personal note, reading "I, Yussuf Lam Kebab, hereby declare, that I ....".

Bit two- tongued, isn't it?!

Please get your "facts" straight !!

Anders B had no religious affiliation whatsoever. And Norway is not a Catholic country.

So no reason for the Pope to issue any statement on his behalf!!

But facts remain, that the attacks in Toronto, Sydney and now Paris all had one common denominator: "Allah Akbar". Time for the apologists to wake up and smell the coffee................coffee1.gif

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Of course it would be nice, if all the powerful Muslim- heads of state etc. would be out in droves, condemning the Paris- massacre.

But do they really have to?

When it turned out, that a certain Anders Breivik, who killed more than 70 young people in Norway, was a right wing fringe, Catholic religious nut...did anyone ask the Pope to issue a statement on behalf of all Christians?

Or any pastor or priest in any church all over Europe, to preach about this despicable act on the following Sunday and denounce Breivik as a Christian?

Some did, some didn't...but strangely enough, everybody (rightfully) concentrated on his obvious madness.

But here, it's Muslims...so every Muslim in the world has to come forth and issue a personal note, reading "I, Yussuf Lam Kebab, hereby declare, that I ....".

Bit two- tongued, isn't it?!

Please get your "facts" straight !!

Anders B had no religious affiliation whatsoever. And Norway is not a Catholic country.

So no reason for the Pope to issue any statement on his behalf!!

But facts remain, that the attacks in Toronto, Sydney and now Paris all had one common denominator: "Allah Akbar". Time for the apologists to wake up and smell the coffee................coffee1.gif

Time for those who blame all Muslims for the actions of fanatical intolerant bigots to wake up and realise that the views they espouse are part of the problem.

Anders B was as full of hate for Muslims was those who use Islam to justify their hate and bigotry.

Neither represents a faith or any form of rational thought.

Hate is hate no matter who spews it.

Edited by Bluespunk
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As one US politician said; "not all muslims are terrorists,but right now all terrorists are muslims . About sums it up.! Lets face it,they hate us,no matter how many sympathetic words they utter 'after the event'

The only fact, that this drivel sums up, is the fact, that the world in the meantime is turning a blind eye to all other kinds of terror.

As long as it is Muslims, it is terror!

If it is not a Muslim, it is just some deranged lunatic.

But I think, you made it clear, when you said "one US politician"- my expectations tumbled to a new low!

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As one US politician said; "not all muslims are terrorists,but right now all terrorists are muslims . About sums it up.! Lets face it,they hate us,no matter how many sympathetic words they utter 'after the event'

Not true.

You bought it because it rolled out nice and parallel.

If you have any friends or acquaintances who know the military or have ever attended a war college in their country you wouldn't be so quick on the draw.

Every state pulls this stuff.

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Well France has allowed the scum of the world to stand on it's soil and now the scum are spilling French blood on that same soil. Will France do something now?

How can the French govt know which of its citizens are going to turn to scum?

Or are you just claiming all members of one faith are scum.

Nah, doubt any one could be that bigoted.

From the BBC today

"Dr Shuja Shafi, secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain, also condemned the attack - believed to be in response to cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad.

"Nothing is more immoral, offensive and insulting against our beloved Prophet than such a callous act of murder," he said.

A group of 15 UK imams released a statement saying "cold-blooded murder such as this is the antithesis of Islam and its tenets".

There was an equally outright condemnation from one of the leading centres of Sunni Islamic teaching in Egypt yesterday.

Yes these killers are scum.

However they are not representative of any faith.

Agreed, I know many Muslims that are as good as anyone else I have met from any religion. That being said, I would like to see the Muslims come out in great force to protest against these cowardly acts with the same zeal and venom that they exhibit when someone posts a cartoon or writes a book against them.

Their religion is being hi-jacked and they are all being painted with the same brush. If they truly want to be viewed as the religion of peace then start showing why you believe that!!! Your children are being slaughtered in schools, people are murdering innocents everywhere in the world in the name of YOUR religion!!!

Stand up and make a strong, consistent and powerful statement against these atrocities. The only way this will have a chance of ending is if Muslims take the pole position in combating these acts. If they fail to do so, then the inevitable religious/race war that is rapidly heating up will be almost as much your fault as those in your religion that are committing these acts.

It is nice to see these statements being made, but get off your asses and get on the streets en mass and take your religion back from the extremists.

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2 people killed and over 20 injured.

Watch that video.

Watch the trajectory. Line it up with the gun smoke and the impact onto the concrete/stone footpath.

Open your eyes.

Open your eyes!!

This is happening as we type.

All part of the bigger conspiracy of course!!

Forum rules prevent me from saying what I really want to get off my chest.......................

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2 people killed and over 20 injured.

Watch that video.

Watch the trajectory. Line it up with the gun smoke and the impact onto the concrete/stone footpath.

Open your eyes.

Clearly that shot missed the cops head but he was already gunned down moments earlier.

Dead? I don't know.

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2 people killed and over 20 injured.

Watch that video.

Watch the trajectory. Line it up with the gun smoke and the impact onto the concrete/stone footpath.

Open your eyes.

Open your eyes!!

This is happening as we type.

All part of the bigger conspiracy of course!!

Forum rules prevent me from saying what I really want to get off my chest.......................

Easy, easy old chap.

We agree here.

Look at that video please. Frame by frame. No impact to the cops head. No blood/brain splatter. Puff of gun smoke and mark on the footpath.

They are all there.

AND they can all be digitally analyzed.

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As one US politician said; "not all muslims are terrorists,but right now all terrorists are muslims . About sums it up.! Lets face it,they hate us,no matter how many sympathetic words they utter 'after the event'

Not true.

You bought it because it rolled out nice and parallel.

If you have any friends or acquaintances who know the military or have ever attended a war college in their country you wouldn't be so quick on the draw.

Every state pulls this stuff.

Yea. Like the Twin Towers in New York. All planned out by Bush, right?

Why would you say that ?

On what evidence would be basing THAT ?

I mean really, there hasn't ever even been a real procedural investigation and assembly of all the evidence.

So how could you ever accuse anyone ?

Oh. Hehehehe, I get it. That's sarcasm.

You're using sarcasm as a rhetorical tool.

How quaint.

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2 people killed and over 20 injured.

Watch that video.

Watch the trajectory. Line it up with the gun smoke and the impact onto the concrete/stone footpath.

Open your eyes.

Clearly that shot missed the cops head but he was already gunned down moments earlier.

Dead? I don't know.

That was reported as a head shot.

See what I mean ??

Sloppy sloppy

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2 people killed and over 20 injured.

Watch that video.

Watch the trajectory. Line it up with the gun smoke and the impact onto the concrete/stone footpath.

Open your eyes.

Clearly that shot missed the cops head but he was already gunned down moments earlier.

Dead? I don't know.

Gunned down but not dead. He's very clearly moving around n'est-ce pas?

He's very much alive in that sequence.

(I'm just telling you what you can see for yourself)

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2 people killed and over 20 injured.

Watch that video.

Watch the trajectory. Line it up with the gun smoke and the impact onto the concrete/stone footpath.

Open your eyes.

Clearly that shot missed the cops head but he was already gunned down moments earlier.

Dead? I don't know.

That was reported as a head shot.

See what I mean ??

Sloppy sloppy

Yes Donnie. We see what you mean. Now try to relax a little bit before you pop a vessel. Worried about you.

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Good afternoon

I am french.. I have not read all comments but some of them.. I would like to point out I am 61 years old, and I am devastated... My youth is gone.. These people were a symbol of freedom.. It must be said they were using each and every fact to make it fun.. they were moderate good human beings and no racists.. In fact Charb was finishing a bood about muslim fundamentalism and his companion I think was of arab origin ( Bourgrab)..

I agree with some comments.. Unfortunately France pays for her politicians' policy for years.. I have nothing against muslims..; but why when we were young did they try to act as french in terms of clothes for example.. From minimum 20 years now they try to fight our values.. and this was admitted.. France is now full of mosquees... financed by french or foreign funds.. they wear those black horrible clothes when we had to fight for iquality between men and women.. They fight against Xmas trees to be put in schools, refuse porc meat to be served in schools and want to impose us their values and religion..

And just not to be told they are racists, politicians follow all those "orders" and even give them more than they ask..

They used to say they would win against France through their women bellies.. This is done..

200.000 get papers every year in France, each and every of them get 4 to 8 kids, then go back to the village to bring spouses or husbands who become french by marriage and again have 4 to 8 kids..

Houellebecq just wrote a book type of fiction in which french republic president in 2022 is muslim.. We already have muslim ministers and senate vice president is muslim..

I have nothing against muslim as long as they respect our philosophy.. They can have their religion but not try to impose it to us..

Time is now with this tragic horrible event for unity, mourning, and grief..

Thanks for sharing it with us.. French people are angry but they are mainly very sad.. but they are not scared..

Will the politicians take measures after this, I have my big doubts... No one except the extreme right will have the "balls" to do it... unfortunately..

UK is not doing better and accepts too many things in his kingdom

Have a nice week end

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Well France has allowed the scum of the world to stand on it's soil and now the scum are spilling French blood on that same soil. Will France do something now?

How can the French govt know which of its citizens are going to turn to scum?

Or are you just claiming all members of one faith are scum.

Nah, doubt any one could be that bigoted.

From the BBC today

"Dr Shuja Shafi, secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain, also condemned the attack - believed to be in response to cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad.

"Nothing is more immoral, offensive and insulting against our beloved Prophet than such a callous act of murder," he said.

A group of 15 UK imams released a statement saying "cold-blooded murder such as this is the antithesis of Islam and its tenets".

There was an equally outright condemnation from one of the leading centres of Sunni Islamic teaching in Egypt yesterday.

Yes these killers are scum.

However they are not representative of any faith.

Empty words. They made similar statements when Lee Rigby was slaughtered in Woolwich. Because they speak these words we're supposed to believe them? How about these words then? He spoke them so they must be true, right? He speaks for ALL Muslims, he says. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xe9suuordxY

No one speaking words of hate represents anyone but their own intolerance.

That includes religious bigots and the intolerant narrow minded islamaphobics who want to blame a whole faith for the actions of a few.

Clerics condemn violence and that's not enough for some.

Their views are as blind as the terrorists.

Bigots only believe what they want to believe.

On all sides.

BP. I agree with some of your words but not all. Firstly, no, Clerics condemning this sort of thing it is not enough. They know fine well who these people are, they should be shaming them and banning them from Mosques, they should be reporting to the police. They do neither. Secondly, like many others you use the term "Islamaphobics" A phobia is an irrational fear of something. There's nothing irrational about fearing Islam, ask the families and friends of the 13 murdered in Paris by followers of Islam. Ask people in Woolwhich, friends and family of Drummer Rigby. Ask people who live in Luton, Bedford, Bradford or Malmo for example. When people in the 70' and 80's were worried about IRA bombs etc those people weren't called IRAaphobes or something as equally ridiculous as Islamaphobes because the fear is real. I think Christians living in Syria and northern Iraq and teenage girls in Nigeria might agree with me too. It's the feeble apologists that are scared to look at the truth who empower these animals. Open your eyes and look at these people who use the excuse of religion to cause such mayhem and terror. If people like these Imams and you were to open your eyes to reality and speak out against it, instead of making excuses for it and saying anyone who disapproves of wholesale slaughter is a bigot, these animals would not have such impunity.

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You have every right to express your opinion about the topic. You may disagree, but it must be done in a civil manner.

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Empty words. They made similar statements when Lee Rigby was slaughtered in Woolwich. Because they speak these words we're supposed to believe them? How about these words then? He spoke them so they must be true, right? He speaks for ALL Muslims, he says. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xe9suuordxY

No one speaking words of hate represents anyone but their own intolerance.

That includes religious bigots and the intolerant narrow minded islamaphobics who want to blame a whole faith for the actions of a few.

Clerics condemn violence and that's not enough for some.

Their views are as blind as the terrorists.

Bigots only believe what they want to believe.

On all sides.

BP. I agree with some of your words but not all. Firstly, no, Clerics condemning this sort of thing it is not enough. They know fine well who these people are, they should be shaming them and banning them from Mosques, they should be reporting to the police. They do neither. Secondly, like many others you use the term "Islamaphobics" A phobia is an irrational fear of something. There's nothing irrational about fearing Islam, ask the families and friends of the 13 murdered in Paris by followers of Islam. Ask people in Woolwhich, friends and family of Drummer Rigby. Ask people who live in Luton, Bedford, Bradford or Malmo for example. When people in the 70' and 80's were worried about IRA bombs etc those people weren't called IRAaphobes or something as equally ridiculous as Islamaphobes because the fear is real. I think Christians living in Syria and northern Iraq and teenage girls in Nigeria might agree with me too. It's the feeble apologists that are scared to look at the truth who empower these animals. Open your eyes and look at these people who use the excuse of religion to cause such mayhem and terror. If people like these Imams and you were to open your eyes to reality and speak out against it, instead of making excuses for it and saying anyone who disapproves of wholesale slaughter is a bigot, these animals would not have such impunity.

I feel that condemning a whole religion because of the actions of bigots who wrongly claim to represent it and kill in the name of god [any god or philosophy] is wrong.

You mention the IRA. I come from an Irish Catholic family and believe me the prejudice was there in the 70s and less so in the 80s. The mid 70s in particular were not good. Families moved because of the feeling all micks/paddies/white niggers were the same. A lot of good people despised violence, yet they were Irish, so they were just as guilty in the eyes of some. Not all, not the majority, but it was there. There was a good reason they always lived in predominantly Catholic areas.

There is no justification to blame a whole faith because of the crimes of some scum acting in it's name [any faith or philosophy]. That is why I call this fear irrational and unjustified.

Unless we all stop hating the violence will never end.

PS I've lived and worked in both Bradford and Luton.

Edited by Bluespunk
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