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France reels under tragedy


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France reels under tragedy


Wave of attacks across the country; hunt on for gunmen in northern french town

PARIS: -- France has been on edge following Wednesday's deadly assault by heavily armed gunmen on satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, with more violence yesterday.

French special operations forces deployed yesterday in a northern town where the two suspected gunmen are believed to be located, a police source said.

RAID, the anti-terrorist unit of the French police force, and the GIGN, a paramilitary special operations unit, deployed in Villers-Cotterets in the northern Aisne region "where a car was abandoned after being used by the two suspects, who were identified by a witness", the source said.

A total of seven people had been arrested since the attack, he said. Police sources said they were mostly acquaintances of the two main suspects. One source said one of the brothers had been identified by his identity card, left in the getaway car.

A shootout in southern Paris left a female police officer dead yesterday, triggering searches in the area as the hunt widened for two brothers suspected of killing 12 people at the magazine's offices in an apparent Islamist militant strike.

Muslim places of worship in two French towns were fired upon overnight, leaving no casualties, prosecutors said yesterday.

In the Port-la-Nouvelle district near Narbonne in southern France, several shots were fired in the direction of a Muslim prayer hall shortly after evening prayers. Three blank grenades were thrown at a mosque shortly after midnight in the city of Le Mans, west of Paris. An explosion at a kebab shop near a mosque in the eastern French town of Villefranche-sur-Saone yesterday morning also left no casualties.

No link has yet been established between the attacks and the Charlie Hebdo killings which marked the worst attack on French soil for decades and which national leaders and allied states described as an assault on democracy. Montrouge mayor Pierre Brossollette said the police officer and a colleague went to the site to deal with a traffic accident. A car stopped and a man got out and shot at them before fleeing.

Witnesses said the shooter fled in a Renault Clio car. Police sources said he had been wearing a bullet-proof vest and had a handgun and assault rifle. However, one police officer at the scene said the man did not appear to fit the bill of the Charlie Hebdo shooters.

Live French television showed around a dozen police dressed in protective wear and helmets massed outside a building near the scene of the shoot-out.

The new incident came as France began a day of mourning for the journalists of Charlie Hebdo weekly and police officers shot dead on morning by black-hooded gunmen using Kalashnikov assault rifles. French tricolour flags flew at half-mast.

Charlie Hebdo is well known for lampooning Islam, other religions and political figures. Tens of thousands took part in vigils across France on Wednesday to defend freedom of speech, many wearing badges declaring "Je Suis Charlie" (I Am Charlie) in support of the newspaper and the principle of freedom of speech.

Newspapers across Europe yesterday either re-published its cartoons or mocked the killers with images of their own.

Britain's Daily Telegraph depicted two masked gunmen outside the doors of Charlie Hebdo saying to each other: "Be careful, they might have pens." Many German newspapers republished Charlie Hebdo cartoons.

Police released photos of the two French nationals still at large, calling them "armed and dangerous". They are brothers Cherif and Said Kouachi, aged 32 and 34, both of whom were already under watch by security services.

The attack has raised questions of security in countries throughout the Western world and beyond. Muslim community leaders have condemned the attack, but some have expressed fears of a rise in anti-islamic feeling in a country with a large Muslim population.

Security services have long feared that nationals drawn into Islamist militant groups fighting in Syria and Iraq could return to their home countries to launch attacks - though there is no suggestion that the two suspects named by police had actually fought in either of these countries.

Britain's Cobra security committee met yesterday morning. London's transport network was target of an attack in 2005, four years after 9/11.

Prime Minister Manuel Valls said France faced a terrorist threat "without precedent" and confirmed the two brothers were known to security services. But he added it was too early to say whether authorities had underestimated the threat they posed.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/France-reels-under-tragedy-30251561.html

-- The Nation 2015-01-09

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One source said one of the brothers had been identified by his identity card, left in the getaway car.

I, for one, most certainly believe this bull$hit.

It seems a bit convenient but I've seen exactly this type of thing before (with my own eyes).

Having said that, it seems a bit pointless carrying ones ID card While wearing Balaclava to hide ones identity.

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I believe 9/11 every single thing was destroyed including the near indestructible engines, but a passport was found in perfect shape within hours ID one of the attackers. I wont go down this rabbit hole but even the blind could see the absurdity. Nevertheless, it escapes me how any could be surprised. France is fracturing along religious lines since the first no go area, since Fridays started shutting down Paris streets- since demands began being places on the host by the guests. I have sympathy for the victims, but my sympathy reserve is becoming exhausted at the carnage being wrecked upon this world in the name of islam- it is exhausting. It is numbing- and this is their goal.

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The sad irony here, is that almost all of Europe have been busy persecuting and purging the Jews

from Europe back in the 1930-45, they forced all but none to flee Europe, and allow the Arabs

and the Muslims to come in by the millions... Europe, you have made your bed... now lie in it...

... so said Eli.

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I believe 9/11 every single thing was destroyed including the near indestructible engines, but a passport was found in perfect shape within hours ID one of the attackers. I wont go down this rabbit hole but even the blind could see the absurdity. Nevertheless, it escapes me how any could be surprised. France is fracturing along religious lines since the first no go area, since Fridays started shutting down Paris streets- since demands began being places on the host by the guests. I have sympathy for the victims, but my sympathy reserve is becoming exhausted at the carnage being wrecked upon this world in the name of islam- it is exhausting. It is numbing- and this is their goal.

There will be certain posters come along shortly to remind you that

1. There are no no-go areas in Europe.

2. They do not make demands, they are willingly trying to integrate, it is the hosts that will not allow them to integrate.

3. There are no religious divides in Europe. Multiculturalism is fine and dandy.

4. It is nothing to do with Islam.

I need to get some of whatever they are smoking.

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I believe 9/11 every single thing was destroyed including the near indestructible engines, but a passport was found in perfect shape within hours ID one of the attackers. I wont go down this rabbit hole but even the blind could see the absurdity. Nevertheless, it escapes me how any could be surprised. France is fracturing along religious lines since the first no go area, since Fridays started shutting down Paris streets- since demands began being places on the host by the guests. I have sympathy for the victims, but my sympathy reserve is becoming exhausted at the carnage being wrecked upon this world in the name of islam- it is exhausting. It is numbing- and this is their goal.

There will be certain posters come along shortly to remind you that

1. There are no no-go areas in Europe.

2. They do not make demands, they are willingly trying to integrate, it is the hosts that will not allow them to integrate.

3. There are no religious divides in Europe. Multiculturalism is fine and dandy.

4. It is nothing to do with Islam.

I need to get some of whatever they are smoking.

can't speak for 1, But 2 3 4 is wrong, They are not willing to integrate, there is a religious divide, Multiculturalism is a failure, and it has everything to do with Islam.

I think you have already smoked what ever they are smoking!

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I believe 9/11 every single thing was destroyed including the near indestructible engines, but a passport was found in perfect shape within hours ID one of the attackers. I wont go down this rabbit hole but even the blind could see the absurdity. Nevertheless, it escapes me how any could be surprised. France is fracturing along religious lines since the first no go area, since Fridays started shutting down Paris streets- since demands began being places on the host by the guests. I have sympathy for the victims, but my sympathy reserve is becoming exhausted at the carnage being wrecked upon this world in the name of islam- it is exhausting. It is numbing- and this is their goal.

There will be certain posters come along shortly to remind you that

1. There are no no-go areas in Europe.

2. They do not make demands, they are willingly trying to integrate, it is the hosts that will not allow them to integrate.

3. There are no religious divides in Europe. Multiculturalism is fine and dandy.

4. It is nothing to do with Islam.

I need to get some of whatever they are smoking.

can't speak for 1, But 2 3 4 is wrong, They are not willing to integrate, there is a religious divide, Multiculturalism is a failure, and it has everything to do with Islam.

I think you have already smoked what ever they are smoking!


You missed my sarcasm tongue.pngtongue.png

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I believe 9/11 every single thing was destroyed including the near indestructible engines, but a passport was found in perfect shape within hours ID one of the attackers. I wont go down this rabbit hole but even the blind could see the absurdity. Nevertheless, it escapes me how any could be surprised. France is fracturing along religious lines since the first no go area, since Fridays started shutting down Paris streets- since demands began being places on the host by the guests. I have sympathy for the victims, but my sympathy reserve is becoming exhausted at the carnage being wrecked upon this world in the name of islam- it is exhausting. It is numbing- and this is their goal.

There will be certain posters come along shortly to remind you that

1. There are no no-go areas in Europe.

2. They do not make demands, they are willingly trying to integrate, it is the hosts that will not allow them to integrate.

3. There are no religious divides in Europe. Multiculturalism is fine and dandy.

4. It is nothing to do with Islam.

I need to get some of whatever they are smoking.

Yes, indeed. Folks like this tend to actually provide little evidence for their point of view and instead prefer to shift the burden to have posters seek out evidence that confirms the obvious- islam is ravaging the world, as it has done for 1,400 years with only one interlude; I would like to address your few points. Example: I say islamic terrorism is on the increase, and a poster asserts "prove it." Well, it is so utterly apparent that to prove it I would be required to conduct an exhaustive meta-search- of course it is on the increase. This is one example of the vacuous responses in support of this silent majority.

1) It is beyond dispute that Europe and France in particular has large, and many, no-go areas; indeed, many of these areas have municipal and other state functions left locally- a subtle insinuation toward shar'ia, which by necessity can be the only form of government, personal, local, national, and global.

2) As in the blueprint, Mecca1/Medina, 7th century, they cry "foul" and insist only on equality but even a topical review clearly shows they want special privileges under the color of cultural equality.

3) The vast amount of Jews emigrated from Europe paint a very different empirical response to "there is no religious divide" in Europe. Furthermore, the multiculturalism in, Sweden, for example, results in the highest immigrant on host rape capital in the world. Besides the frequent judicial arguments that the rapists or attackers do not know better because their culture permits it, European culture enables this division by both allowing these arguments in the justice system and occasionally allowing the argument to mitigate the crimes. Thus the notion of cultural relativity screams absurd to the locals. Of course its the difference between enlightened living and barbarism.

4) I remain conflicted regarding those who state this has nothing to do with islam. It is so bloody (point intended) apparent that this is solely based on islam that I both question the motives of such speakers and/or their mental faculty. I try to refrain from insulting but I really cannot get it- how can some not see what is so palpably apparent?

The Anjem Choudary fascist from UK- a self professed imam and mouthpiece of western islam- made a point in both oped and Fox interview that the goal of all islam is shar'ia; well of course it is. It is not possible to be muslim and dissuade or abuse the goal of global islam- it is a basic tenet of the faith. He also noted that it is sheer BS that people cant practice their own religions under shar'ia. Once they assume dhimmi status and pay the tax they are protected. This defines the double speak that the westerners frequently hear from islamic apologists. "there is no compulsion in islam," "To injure one is as if to injure the whole world," etc. These out of context sura excerpts have the sympathetic believing their is this silent majority who are not like the others. The facts and polls do not support this. People can have freedom, people can have this and that, only insofar as it is permitted under shar'ia. Ive told people for years

Islam does not mean peace; this is a mistranslation. Islam means submission!

The day will come, and shortly, where people, if they have the courage, will return to these pages and admit that they were wrong, and hopefully join the caravan of those of us who are trying to wake others up. How many more atrocities in the west do you think there will be? I will guess, many! I also suggest they will increase exponentially. Therefore, if I am wrong you can return next year and call me a dumb ass. But I am not mistaken. You are at war whether you accept it or not.



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I believe 9/11 every single thing was destroyed including the near indestructible engines, but a passport was found in perfect shape within hours ID one of the attackers. I wont go down this rabbit hole but even the blind could see the absurdity. Nevertheless, it escapes me how any could be surprised. France is fracturing along religious lines since the first no go area, since Fridays started shutting down Paris streets- since demands began being places on the host by the guests. I have sympathy for the victims, but my sympathy reserve is becoming exhausted at the carnage being wrecked upon this world in the name of islam- it is exhausting. It is numbing- and this is their goal.

Indeed the biggest tragedy for France is two generations of unassimilated Muslim immigrants, not to mention the fact that the left has such an ideological blindspot when it comes to this that it appears they would rather let their Country go to ruin than admit the conservative right was correct all along.
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I believe 9/11 every single thing was destroyed including the near indestructible engines, but a passport was found in perfect shape within hours ID one of the attackers. I wont go down this rabbit hole but even the blind could see the absurdity. Nevertheless, it escapes me how any could be surprised. France is fracturing along religious lines since the first no go area, since Fridays started shutting down Paris streets- since demands began being places on the host by the guests. I have sympathy for the victims, but my sympathy reserve is becoming exhausted at the carnage being wrecked upon this world in the name of islam- it is exhausting. It is numbing- and this is their goal.

There will be certain posters come along shortly to remind you that

1. There are no no-go areas in Europe.

2. They do not make demands, they are willingly trying to integrate, it is the hosts that will not allow them to integrate.

3. There are no religious divides in Europe. Multiculturalism is fine and dandy.

4. It is nothing to do with Islam.

I need to get some of whatever they are smoking.

Yes, indeed. Folks like this tend to actually provide little evidence for their point of view and instead prefer to shift the burden to have posters seek out evidence that confirms the obvious- islam is ravaging the world, as it has done for 1,400 years with only one interlude; I would like to address your few points. Example: I say islamic terrorism is on the increase, and a poster asserts "prove it." Well, it is so utterly apparent that to prove it I would be required to conduct an exhaustive meta-search- of course it is on the increase. This is one example of the vacuous responses in support of this silent majority.

1) It is beyond dispute that Europe and France in particular has large, and many, no-go areas; indeed, many of these areas have municipal and other state functions left locally- a subtle insinuation toward shar'ia, which by necessity can be the only form of government, personal, local, national, and global.

2) As in the blueprint, Mecca1/Medina, 7th century, they cry "foul" and insist only on equality but even a topical review clearly shows they want special privileges under the color of cultural equality.

3) The vast amount of Jews emigrated from Europe paint a very different empirical response to "there is no religious divide" in Europe. Furthermore, the multiculturalism in, Sweden, for example, results in the highest immigrant on host rape capital in the world. Besides the frequent judicial arguments that the rapists or attackers do not know better because their culture permits it, European culture enables this division by both allowing these arguments in the justice system and occasionally allowing the argument to mitigate the crimes. Thus the notion of cultural relativity screams absurd to the locals. Of course its the difference between enlightened living and barbarism.

4) I remain conflicted regarding those who state this has nothing to do with islam. It is so bloody (point intended) apparent that this is solely based on islam that I both question the motives of such speakers and/or their mental faculty. I try to refrain from insulting but I really cannot get it- how can some not see what is so palpably apparent?

The Anjem Choudary fascist from UK- a self professed imam and mouthpiece of western islam- made a point in both oped and Fox interview that the goal of all islam is shar'ia; well of course it is. It is not possible to be muslim and dissuade or abuse the goal of global islam- it is a basic tenet of the faith. He also noted that it is sheer BS that people cant practice their own religions under shar'ia. Once they assume dhimmi status and pay the tax they are protected. This defines the double speak that the westerners frequently hear from islamic apologists. "there is no compulsion in islam," "To injure one is as if to injure the whole world," etc. These out of context sura excerpts have the sympathetic believing their is this silent majority who are not like the others. The facts and polls do not support this. People can have freedom, people can have this and that, only insofar as it is permitted under shar'ia. Ive told people for years

Islam does not mean peace; this is a mistranslation. Islam means submission!

The day will come, and shortly, where people, if they have the courage, will return to these pages and admit that they were wrong, and hopefully join the caravan of those of us who are trying to wake others up. How many more atrocities in the west do you think there will be? I will guess, many! I also suggest they will increase exponentially. Therefore, if I am wrong you can return next year and call me a dumb ass. But I am not mistaken. You are at war whether you accept it or not.



No arguments from me.

I have shouted the same loudly on this forum, It is not I who is blind.

Unfortunately, those that you hope will return to these pages and admit they are wrong will simply disappear, never to be heard of again and will be reborn with some other moniker.

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The Liberal media are already turning this into a free speech propagander fight, the people of France defend the right to free speech.


White Europeans free speech has been taken away decades ago, by white liberals.

Using PC laws, if you say the wrong thing according to them, then you will lose your employment and could be jailed.

A new form of Stazi ism exists in Europe.

We cannot speak our minds.

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The Liberal media are already turning this into a free speech propagander fight, the people of France defend the right to free speech.


White Europeans free speech has been taken away decades ago, by white liberals.

Using PC laws, if you say the wrong thing according to them, then you will lose your employment and could be jailed.

A new form of Stazi ism exists in Europe.

We cannot speak our minds.

You are absolutely correct, I no longer have a clear idea of where free speech ends in the UK to the extent I would be reluctant to write exactly what I thought on a public forum there. I suspect it would be a case of who complained which would be the determining factor. I wonder what Voltaire would have made of all this. Here is an article about the myth of Solidarity. True solidarity would have seen all Western newspapers publishing Charlie Hedbo cartoons the very next day.


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The sad irony here, is that almost all of Europe have been busy persecuting and purging the Jews

from Europe back in the 1930-45, they forced all but none to flee Europe, and allow the Arabs

and the Muslims to come in by the millions... Europe, you have made your bed... now lie in it...

... so said Eli.

I must get someone from Europe to tell me why they did that..

Because A/ In the 70's we needed hands to build our road system and B/ In the 80s and 90's it was used to lower salaries and hire cheaper illegal workers.

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