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Now might be the time to get into gold

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Gold is a great investment. Banks do manipulate the gold rates and they suppress these rates artificially low. This way, investors will want to invest with the banks and not in gold. The banks spends billions each month suppressing these rates.

Banks also manipulate the FX, bond, and other markets. As these bubbles burst, investors will look to invest in other alternatives, like gold.

China, India, and Russia are all buying gold now and moving away from the US dollar. When the world economy suffers, investors turn to the US dollar for security. This is happening today. However, the US dollar is losing its status as the global reserve currency.

When the US dollar weakens and future bubbles and crises happen in the future, gold will see a large increase in value. The trillion dollar questions are:

1. What will trigger the next economic crisis

2. When will this happen?

Some investors think the bond market or PE market in Japan will be the next trigger. This is speculation.

To answer your question, yes you should buy gold. It's a precious commodity and will increase in value in the future. The question you need to ask yourself is where are you going to store it?

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The so-called London fixings in gold, silver, platinum and palladium are not conspiracies but actual auction markets. The mechanism of the fixings is to find by successive trials the single price for spot (that is, physical for 2-day settlement) at which all orders of buyers and all orders of sellers (primarily bullion dealers and their largest customers) are matched and balanced. The single fixing prices of each metal are used as benchmarks for pricing metals contracts between dealers, mining companies, refineries and fabricators throughout the world.

Gold is fixed twice daily starting at 10:30am and 3pm London time by the five members of the London Gold Market Fixing, who act as brokers for their customers. Silver is fixed daily at noon by the three members of the London Silver Market Fixing.

Platinum and palladium are fixed daily at 9:45am and 2pm by the four fixing members of the London Platinum & Palladium Market.

The price of Gold can be manipulated just like any other commodity behind closed doors. The only one who truly gains is the traders and assayers.

Did everyone forget the LIBOR scandal? It was a series of fraudulent actions connected to the LIBOR (London Interbank Offered Rate) and also the resulting investigation and reaction. The LIBOR is an average interest rate calculated through submissions of interest rates by major banks in London. The scandal arose when it was discovered that banks were falsely inflating or deflating their rates so as to profit from trades, or to give the impression that they were more creditworthy than they were. LIBOR underpins approximately $350 Trillion in derivatives, which will eventually Bankrupt the ENTIRE Global Economy. The LIBOR is now administered by the NYSE Euronext, which took over running the LIBOR in January 2014. However, that only changes the location of the 3 Card Monti game and does not guarantee any increased safety.

If investing in Gold was that Great and Safe, the Voters in Switzerland would have passed their recent referendum overwhelmingly, however they realized the risks involved and trounced down the referendum.

I'll Pass. thumbsup.gif

allow me to comment on your last paragraph about the swiss referendum:

in my opinion, the referendum was not shot down because holding gold is a good or bad investment. it's rather the stipulations in the referendum, which the voters did not agree, mainly:

1. the referendum stipulated that the snb(swiss national bank) has to hold at least 20% of their assets in gold.

now, for the last few years, the snb had to support the exchange rate of the swiss fr. against the euro, resulting in a massively inflated balance sheet. the snb is now sitting on i don't know how many billions of euros.

if this referendum would have passed, the snb would have to have bought another ca. 1500 tons of gold, more than doubling their current reserves, which are already the 8th highest in the world. according to wikipedia, they would end up then right behind the IMF and become no. 4 on the list worldwide.

2. the real kicker however -again in my own opinion- was the stipulation that all that gold which the national bank then holds, cannot be sold for all eternity. this idea alone plus the fact that such a stipulation is massivley obstructing the freedom of action of the national bank, is, what finally sent it downhill, and rightly so.

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Gold was relatively stagnant until around 2004 when it started to rise. It dipped a few times but climbed steadily and then dramatically until around 2011 when it peaked amid huge fanfare. Then it dropped steadily until it is where it is today... about 35% above what it was in 2004.

The only time I buy gold is when a huge financial crisis is about to affect the world, or particularly South Asia and Asia, which most serious financial crises do affect in todays world. If equities markets are going south then I buy gold. Dollar cost averaging for a period of time. When dynamics change, I sell it at first hint of price drop.

I have made about 10% on my money doing this but it is too risky for more than "play money" - money I can afford to lose. Otherwise I put it in US blue chip equities with about 20% in mutual funds, some growth funds. I used to have and want more of the Thai blue chips - Siam Cement, Siam Commercial Bank, largely for same reasons others did... a certain family owns a lot of them. But I am skittish about them now. For Thai markets I like Central Group - primarily Central Retail.

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If I had the money, may be, I would.

Unfortunately my pensions do not allow me such luxuries.

But I never thought of considering gold as an investment.

Don't worry and enjoy your freedom while listening to Janis Joplin: Freedom is just another word for nothing more to loose.

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It would have been better to have got in A couple of weeks ago.I will wait til it gets to $1,000 an ounce again.By low never sell.I invest in 23K gold chains and

24k coins.When the economy and stock market is good Gold will be down.When the economy and stock market is down Gold goes up.It's A hedge.

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If you are going to buy gold then make sure you buy the real physical object. There is a lot of paper gold going around. People think they are buying gold and it is stored in a vault somewhere but the truth is they only have it on paper. If the world economy goes tits up and everyone tries to withdraw their gold at the same time then you may find that there is not enough to go around. A bit like when there is a run on a bank and people try to take their money out of a bank only to realise the bank don't have enough money to cover everyone.

Some actually nearly have the amount of gold they sell stocks for. There is now way to trade that fast. I am talking billions in gold.

Some definitely do not.

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It would have been better to have got in A couple of weeks ago.I will wait til it gets to $1,000 an ounce again.By low never sell.I invest in 23K gold chains and

24k coins.When the economy and stock market is good Gold will be down.When the economy and stock market is down Gold goes up.It's A hedge.

No it isn't.

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If you are going to buy gold then make sure you buy the real physical object. There is a lot of paper gold going around. People think they are buying gold and it is stored in a vault somewhere but the truth is they only have it on paper. If the world economy goes tits up and everyone tries to withdraw their gold at the same time then you may find that there is not enough to go around. A bit like when there is a run on a bank and people try to take their money out of a bank only to realise the bank don't have enough money to cover everyone.

'A bit like' , 'you may find' and so on.........

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I agree, but I went all in ( instead of the more-practical 5 - 20%) 100%, lost over 40 million baht over the last 3 years in gold juniors....and am almost broke.

That's what happens when you go temporarily insane in the markets...

Talat hoon almost killed methumbsup.gif.

The inherent volatility is becoming more so each year, hence it's harder to predict where gold is going. Until about 4-5 years ago, gold was quite predictable.. buy in the fall for example..

1. Years ago, Gold moved on world catastrophes..the Japanese Tsumani never moved it - that was a surprise.

2. When North Korea sunk the South Korean Battleship - gold did not spike - that was a surprise.

3. The Arab spring never moved it..

4. The Indian wedding season (now) used to move it quite a bit..

One way I got through losing 90% of my life-savings, was realizing that not one person in the world gave a damn, but me..

so I worked on myself.. and never self-harmed..wai2.gif

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If you are going to buy gold then make sure you buy the real physical object. There is a lot of paper gold going around. People think they are buying gold and it is stored in a vault somewhere but the truth is they only have it on paper. If the world economy goes tits up and everyone tries to withdraw their gold at the same time then you may find that there is not enough to go around. A bit like when there is a run on a bank and people try to take their money out of a bank only to realise the bank don't have enough money to cover everyone.

'A bit like' , 'you may find' and so on.........

Such a valuable contribution to the debate. Thank you.

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If you are going to buy gold then make sure you buy the real physical object. There is a lot of paper gold going around. People think they are buying gold and it is stored in a vault somewhere but the truth is they only have it on paper. If the world economy goes tits up and everyone tries to withdraw their gold at the same time then you may find that there is not enough to go around. A bit like when there is a run on a bank and people try to take their money out of a bank only to realise the bank don't have enough money to cover everyone.

'A bit like' , 'you may find' and so on.........

Such a valuable contribution to the debate. Thank you.

Didn't you know that SheungWan is also called "The Weatherman" .

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knowing what you know now, and it was 1990 again, and you could only buy one of two things, gold or Apple stock, which would you buy?

Neither. My money in those days was tied up paying off the mortgage and doing the place up, so no spare cash for trinkets or shares.

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The markets are rigged. When the US$ crashes in a few months you will wish you had physical gold in your hand...there is a very good reason why Ukraine/Germanys'Fort Knoxs gold is missing.

The clock is ticking on fiat currencies and physical gold is your only choice under a new world order.

If things ever get this bad as a new "World Order" will engulf the world - Gold will not save the day for you as Gold has one major disadvantage: No matter how long you boil it in hot water, it's still not fit for human consumption.

In a truly global "melt-down", the only investment of any importance would be large amounts of canned food stored in your basement plus plenty of drinking water. With any surplus food one could truly accumulate Gold when the "exchange-rate" would be = 2 cans of corn beef equal the price of 1 kg of Gold. Otherwise it's "enjoy your (Gold) meal."

BTW: The first time I heard that "the Dollar will collapse next year" was in 1968.


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The markets are rigged. When the US$ crashes in a few months you will wish you had physical gold in your hand...there is a very good reason why Ukraine/Germanys'Fort Knoxs gold is missing.

The clock is ticking on fiat currencies and physical gold is your only choice under a new world order.

If things ever get this bad as a new "World Order" will engulf the world - Gold will not save the day for you as Gold has one major disadvantage: No matter how long you boil it in hot water, it's still not fit for human consumption.

In a truly global "melt-down", the only investment of any importance would be large amounts of canned food stored in your basement plus plenty of drinking water. With any surplus food one could truly accumulate Gold when the "exchange-rate" would be = 2 cans of corn beef equal the price of 1 kg of Gold. Otherwise it's "enjoy your (Gold) meal."

BTW: The first time I heard that "the Dollar will collapse next year" was in 1968.


If one is really pessimistic about things it sounds like an investment in the three Bs is in order - bullets, beans and barbed wire.

As for me, the glass remains half full.

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The markets are rigged. When the US$ crashes in a few months you will wish you had physical gold in your hand...there is a very good reason why Ukraine/Germanys'Fort Knoxs gold is missing.

The clock is ticking on fiat currencies and physical gold is your only choice under a new world order.

If things ever get this bad as a new "World Order" will engulf the world - Gold will not save the day for you as Gold has one major disadvantage: No matter how long you boil it in hot water, it's still not fit for human consumption.

In a truly global "melt-down", the only investment of any importance would be large amounts of canned food stored in your basement plus plenty of drinking water. With any surplus food one could truly accumulate Gold when the "exchange-rate" would be = 2 cans of corn beef equal the price of 1 kg of Gold. Otherwise it's "enjoy your (Gold) meal."

BTW: The first time I heard that "the Dollar will collapse next year" was in 1968.


I guess you must have missed out on the several collapses the dollar experienced since that day.

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The markets are rigged. When the US$ crashes in a few months you will wish you had physical gold in your hand...there is a very good reason why Ukraine/Germanys'Fort Knoxs gold is missing.

The clock is ticking on fiat currencies and physical gold is your only choice under a new world order.

Wish the new world order would hurry up and get here. Seems like we've been waiting quite a while.

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The markets are rigged. When the US$ crashes in a few months you will wish you had physical gold in your hand...there is a very good reason why Ukraine/Germanys'Fort Knoxs gold is missing.

The clock is ticking on fiat currencies and physical gold is your only choice under a new world order.

If things ever get this bad as a new "World Order" will engulf the world - Gold will not save the day for you as Gold has one major disadvantage: No matter how long you boil it in hot water, it's still not fit for human consumption.

In a truly global "melt-down", the only investment of any importance would be large amounts of canned food stored in your basement plus plenty of drinking water. With any surplus food one could truly accumulate Gold when the "exchange-rate" would be = 2 cans of corn beef equal the price of 1 kg of Gold. Otherwise it's "enjoy your (Gold) meal."

BTW: The first time I heard that "the Dollar will collapse next year" was in 1968.


I guess you must have missed out on the several collapses the dollar experienced since that day.

How to you define "collapse", and based upon that definition, has gold also collapsed?

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Yes but in 1963 Greece, Argentina, Venezuela, Ireland,Russia and Ukraine were not on the verge of Bankruptcy and a themo nuclear WW3 was not looming. Not to mention the attack on the petrol dollar by Brics nations mainly Russia and China.

Yes i agree with your comment about not been able to eat gold...but lets just say if finding food was not an issue i would want gold as to hold my wealth. This year i see WW3 causing the collapse of the dollar. Its no secret the globalists want a socialist one world government/bank/military and also they need a new currency..The new currency will be called either the Phoenix or the Amero.

The secretive global banking cabal that runs the world economy has big plans for this year. Dont say i didnt warn you.

The markets are rigged. When the US$ crashes in a few months you will wish you had physical gold in your hand...there is a very good reason why Ukraine/Germanys'Fort Knoxs gold is missing.

The clock is ticking on fiat currencies and physical gold is your only choice under a new world order.

If things ever get this bad as a new "World Order" will engulf the world - Gold will not save the day for you as Gold has one major disadvantage: No matter how long you boil it in hot water, it's still not fit for human consumption.

In a truly global "melt-down", the only investment of any importance would be large amounts of canned food stored in your basement plus plenty of drinking water. With any surplus food one could truly accumulate Gold when the "exchange-rate" would be = 2 cans of corn beef equal the price of 1 kg of Gold. Otherwise it's "enjoy your (Gold) meal."

BTW: The first time I heard that "the Dollar will collapse next year" was in 1968.


Edited by KiwiKarlos
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The markets are rigged. When the US$ crashes in a few months you will wish you had physical gold in your hand...there is a very good reason why Ukraine/Germanys'Fort Knoxs gold is missing.

The clock is ticking on fiat currencies and physical gold is your only choice under a new world order.

If things ever get this bad as a new "World Order" will engulf the world - Gold will not save the day for you as Gold has one major disadvantage: No matter how long you boil it in hot water, it's still not fit for human consumption.

In a truly global "melt-down", the only investment of any importance would be large amounts of canned food stored in your basement plus plenty of drinking water. With any surplus food one could truly accumulate Gold when the "exchange-rate" would be = 2 cans of corn beef equal the price of 1 kg of Gold. Otherwise it's "enjoy your (Gold) meal."

BTW: The first time I heard that "the Dollar will collapse next year" was in 1968.


I guess you must have missed out on the several collapses the dollar experienced since that day.

How to you define "collapse", and based upon that definition, has gold also collapsed?

How about losing 2/3 of it's value during certain periods ?





























































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If things ever get this bad as a new "World Order" will engulf the world - Gold will not save the day for you as Gold has one major disadvantage: No matter how long you boil it in hot water, it's still not fit for human consumption.

In a truly global "melt-down", the only investment of any importance would be large amounts of canned food stored in your basement plus plenty of drinking water. With any surplus food one could truly accumulate Gold when the "exchange-rate" would be = 2 cans of corn beef equal the price of 1 kg of Gold. Otherwise it's "enjoy your (Gold) meal."

BTW: The first time I heard that "the Dollar will collapse next year" was in 1968.


I guess you must have missed out on the several collapses the dollar experienced since that day.

How to you define "collapse", and based upon that definition, has gold also collapsed?

How about losing 2/3 of it's value during certain periods ?





























































If you want to call that a collapse, that's fine by me, but losing an average of 2.8% per year against another currency over a prolonged period of time (as those numbers seem to show) isn't the type of collapse that prominent goldbugs are predicting. Also, the Dollar Index was down a total of only about 20% over those same years, so comparing it against only the Deutsch Mark might be a little misleading.

Edited by AngelsLariat
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I guess you must have missed out on the several collapses the dollar experienced since that day.

How to you define "collapse", and based upon that definition, has gold also collapsed?

How about losing 2/3 of it's value during certain periods ?





























































If you want to call that a collapse, that's fine by me, but losing an average of 2.8% per year against another currency over a prolonged period of time (as those numbers seem to show) isn't the type of collapse that prominent goldbugs are predicting. Also, the Dollar Index was down a total of only about 20% over those same years, so comparing it against only the Deutsch Mark might be a little misleading.

1971 : 3.64 DM > 1975: 2.41 DM , you call that a decline of 2.8% a year?Then a further decline of 30% in the next 5 years 1980 : 1.71 DM

I think everyone would call that a collapse

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