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Why are there so many English man living in Thailand?.


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We get wonderful weather in Britain compared with the rest of the world. No hurricanes.No earthquakes. No Tsunamies.No bush or forest fires.No serious flooding.No avalanches.No serious disasters caused by the weather.No sandstorms.

The four seasonsarrow-10x10.png give us an ever changing variety which is much better than the never changing weather you get in Australia etc. It must be so boring. It always makes me laugh when people from the USA,Australia etc who have all these weather disasters criticise Britain at the mere sight of a few drops of rain.

Maybe,it is an outlet for the jealousy that is always there. Great Britain is truly great and it always will be.

5555 hilarious, a defence of the weather in the UK is based on no natural disasters.The weather in England is too dull to have anything like a flood or drought.

Grey skies for months on end, snow for a few days, gorgeous sunshine for a week or two, and then duuuuuulllness.

Bland like the food.

Give me the riotous colours of Thai flowers, plants and crops that grow all year round, rain that falls heavily and then stops- not the persistent drizzle of the UK.

March and April are suffocatingly hot here, I agree, but apart from that it's a cool and pleasant winter, a verdant and luxurious rainy season and a sometimes cool autumn.

I don't want to see the leafless trees of an English winter for months on end.

The UK has some wonderful attributes- the comedy, music and architecture for example, but the weather is undeniably crap.

Very friendly people though at heart.

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Bannork.I dont believe you have every been to Britain. Its not like that at all.It is one of the most beautiful countries in the world.OK it rains sometimes but that is why the fields and meadows are so green and the English gardens are so fresh and colourful. You can keep your bush fires,earthquakes and volcanos and I will stick to the mountain streams and lovely villages in Britain.

Also,if Britain is as bad as you say,why are millions upon millions of people from all over the world desperately trying to get in?

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Bannork.I dont believe you have every been to Britain. Its not like that at all.It is one of the most beautiful countries in the world.OK it rains sometimes but that is why the fields and meadows are so green and the English gardens are so fresh and colourful. You can keep your bush fires,earthquakes and volcanos and I will stick to the mountain streams and lovely villages in Britain.

Also,if Britain is as bad as you say,why are millions upon millions of people from all over the world desperately trying to get in?

555 you're not a bad troll super22k but the thread is about Thailand and Englishmen fleeing England to live in Thailand. Bush fires do occur in Thailand to a very limited degree but earthquakes and volcanoes are certainly not on the radar.

There are hundreds of beautiful villages in England, as a teen I cycled through Rutland and Oakham- beautiful in the summer. Later I lived in Bristol and work took me to Chew Magna and the delights of Somerset. My mother lives near Penzance- Dorset,Devon and Cornwall- gorgeous stone cottages, cliffs, meadows, pubs and hotels. But the warm summer days to enjoy them can be counted on 2 hands.

Andt it's hopelessly overcrowded and overpriced, traffic jams on Exmoor every bank holiday. Laws governing your every move.

Stupid newspapers- The Sun for example and plenty of stupid TV programmes.

It's an indoor life and that's no way to live, too insular for me.

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Bannork.I dont believe you have every been to Britain. Its not like that at all.It is one of the most beautiful countries in the world.OK it rains sometimes but that is why the fields and meadows are so green and the English gardens are so fresh and colourful. You can keep your bush fires,earthquakes and volcanos and I will stick to the mountain streams and lovely villages in Britain.

Also,if Britain is as bad as you say,why are millions upon millions of people from all over the world desperately trying to get in?

why are people trying to get in,,,,,,,

so the can get the social and free houses, that i and my father his father paid for,,not forgeting free health care for them

it must be the only country in the world that does this

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Well I'm British, but..............

For me it started when the neighbour sold his house to an Arab Family.

The Jewish family across the road weren't happy about that.

Anyway then a Pakistani moved in two doors up

That angered the Indian family living on the other side of me

Then the Chinese at the corner shop told me a Muslim Family just bought 14 houses in the next street.

That wasn't true, they only bought 10 houses, the other 4 were bought by Russians.

Then the Rumanian gypsies occupied the spare land at the end of the road

The Muslims weren't happy about that as it delayed their plans to build a Mosque there.

With so many of these foreigners starting to stir up trouble in the UK,

I thought Faz, If you can't beat them, join them, so I came to Thailand to become a foreigner.

And that's about the truth of it all. And I totally agree. So I'll be back over soon..........ps there's more to England then London , Lake District , Snowdonia , Peak District , Cornwall is beautifully In the summer and even that cold shit part of the UK has some lovely country, once you get out of Glasgow. oh and for the younger generation we have the best music scene going in the world full stop, real house music , and rock , in fact all styles of music , not that shit edm stuff and hip hop crap the euro boys Play and the American lads play. But I must admit I'm mid 30s so I can still cut some shapes on the dance floor and get away with it ;) and has for some of our ladies there beautiful as well, but hay there is a few trolls here to , but to be honest there a lot of hideous creatures in Thailand as well with there buck teeth And wrinkle up skin and there is not nothing worse then a fat Asia bird , oh hold up i take that back there is, a fat middle eastern bird......:) oh and as for oz yeah it's a nice place , but the Sheila's are rough and tough as old boots

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Yes it raining here, blowing a gale, cold and probably snow soon , so the last place I want to be at 50 plus is here stuck on some roof when I can then go to Thailand for good still live and play like a 20 year old with my hard earned money and talk to some Greek oz wannabe oh maybe his family left Greece because they new their country was going to end up broke

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Well I'm British, but..............

For me it started when the neighbour sold his house to an Arab Family.

The Jewish family across the road weren't happy about that.

Anyway then a Pakistani moved in two doors up

That angered the Indian family living on the other side of me

Then the Chinese at the corner shop told me a Muslim Family just bought 14 houses in the next street.

That wasn't true, they only bought 10 houses, the other 4 were bought by Russians.

Then the Rumanian gypsies occupied the spare land at the end of the road

The Muslims weren't happy about that as it delayed their plans to build a Mosque there.

With so many of these foreigners starting to stir up trouble in the UK,

I thought Faz, If you can't beat them, join them, so I came to Thailand to become a foreigner.

You realise you're describing the last 2000 years in the British Isles?

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We get wonderful weather in Britain compared with the rest of the world. No hurricanes.No earthquakes. No Tsunamies.No bush or forest fires.No serious flooding.No avalanches.No serious disasters caused by the weather.No sandstorms.

The four seasons give us an ever changing variety which is much better than the never changing weather you get in Australia etc. It must be so boring. It always makes me laugh when people from the USA,Australia etc who have all these weather disasters criticise Britain at the mere sight of a few drops of rain.

Maybe,it is an outlet for the jealousy that is always there. Great Britain is truly great and it always will be.

Sitting outdoors on my veranda enjoying the vista with my morning coffee perusing through the updates on this thread.

I came across this little gem from super22k. Thanks 55555555

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Because they can't shag beautiful third world prostitutes for 20 quid a pop back in the UK. That would only get you a BJ from a drug addict round the back of some council estate in the East End. That said, most would have trouble shagging anything. English women tend to be a tad more picky than those in Thailand desperate for a financial donor.

And there we have it; the voice of experience.

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Well i am English and most certainly " speak the Queens English " with a BBC Radio Voice...... I must admit after living in Thailand for almost 4 years have bumped into very few " British People " I live in Naklua ( Pattaya ) and didn't realise that there were many Brits here! ( i have met just a handful over the years ) I have lived in the Canary Islands for 20 years and 4 years here in Thailand.I am NOT here to meet the Thai ladies ( although they do " meet me " ...) i am here for the cheap living,The fabulous outdoor lifestyle and my train adventures around Thailand.I shall be moving on soon to " pastures new " very soon and probably spend some time in the UK ( 25 years " On Holiday " is along time away ! ) But Thailand has been most enjoyable and met some great people in the last 4 years that i am proud to call " Best Friends ".It's still a cheap Country to live in! ( i don't think there are many countries left in the world where i could live on 120 GBP a month " all in "

But my advise to anybody thinking about moving here is to " move here while you are still young " Don't leave it until you are 60 years old plus as it's too late in life ( you are " out of the game " ...) I am 51 and left the Uk when i was 26 with just 100 GBP in my pocket! i must of been " nuts " perhaps i still am...............................

Greetings to you all,

Farang jaidee xwai2.gif


Wow thats amazing

What do you eat?

Where do you live?

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Because they can't shag beautiful third world prostitutes for 20 quid a pop back in the UK. That would only get you a BJ from a drug addict round the back of some council estate in the East End. That said, most would have trouble shagging anything. English women tend to be a tad more picky than those in Thailand desperate for a financial donor.

And a lot of English men are a lot more picky too. I would rather keep it in my pants than get it on with those overweight, cellulite riddled females, of which there are so many now that the medical profession are concerned. ( Yes, the men are not all that much better, but some of us choose to vote with our feet and come here).

Beneath the surface in Thailand, there are many women in the 35+ age bracket with grown up children who are looking for some romance in their lives. A lot are financially sound and not seeking a sponsor, but want companionship, love and someone to sit and have a meal with.

Not quite the same picture you painted.

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You can't really comment on England as if it's all the same. I lived in London and loved the place, but I wouldn't move to some dreary provincial town with a high street full of chain stores if you paid me.

And I would never live in a city, especially London

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... I believe the origin of the term comes from the 50s/60s ... ".

Not sure that's true, Jock.

My grandad, born 1894, whose family had been in Oz for a few generations before him, did the reverse trip - from Oz to UK - in 1930 and never returned there.

When I was a small kid in the 50s, I remember him often referring to my Oz-born mum as a "Possie" which was, he said, a mix of Pom & Aussie.

I'm certain he wouldn't have used the word if it was of 1950s origin.

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There are plenty of attractive, financially independent 35+ women in the UK, too.

They just wouldn't touch the kind of losers that end up here with a ten foot pole.

another jem from the biker,,,lol

losers,, not all of us,, far from it

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MartinL, on 13 Jan 2015 - 13:04, said:
phuketjock, on 12 Jan 2015 - 17:33, said:

... I believe the origin of the term comes from the 50s/60s ... ".

Not sure that's true, Jock.

My grandad, born 1894, whose family had been in Oz for a few generations before him, did the reverse trip - from Oz to UK - in 1930 and never returned there.

When I was a small kid in the 50s, I remember him often referring to my Oz-born mum as a "Possie" which was, he said, a mix of Pom & Aussie.

I'm certain he wouldn't have used the word if it was of 1950s origin.

The first recorded use of the word 'POM' was dated in 1915.

Long before you, I, or Jock was around.

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reasons why brits live in thailand

1... the weather

2...not having to live under sharia law

3...no 65% taxation

4...low cost of houses or condos

5...less ugly fat smelly women

6... no PC bullshit

7...no nanny state

8...freedom of choice

9....lower cost of living

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reasons why brits live in thailand

1... the weather

2...not having to live under sharia law

3...no 65% taxation

4...low cost of houses or condos

5...less ugly fat smelly women

6... no PC bullshit

7...no nanny state

8...freedom of choice

9....lower cost of living



Sharia law? Daily Mail reader by any chance?

You do realise that an older man who keeps himself in
decent fettle will find that he has a choice of more
attractive women-here or back in the West??
How can these men be nasty about Western women when a
large percentage of them are themselves at 50%
body fat and sweating like turkeys at Thanksgiving?
So many of those farang men who complain about local
women playing away from home don't stop for a moment
to look in the mirror at what their teerak has to

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reasons why brits live in thailand

1... the weather

2...not having to live under sharia law

3...no 65% taxation

4...low cost of houses or condos

5...less ugly fat smelly women

6... no PC bullshit

7...no nanny state

8...freedom of choice

9....lower cost of living

Sharia law?

Freedom of choice?

65% tax?

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Interesting those defending mother England while living the high life over here. Sounds to me like a guilt complex. Cheap beer, hot tottie that is actually pleasant and willing to make you happy, world class cuisine, cheap living, fantastic beaches and very nice people. That is why people stay here. QED. Any wingers get back to Blighty where you belong. At least 3 months of the year you can enjoy similar warm pleasant climes similar to hear. But then you have to put up with women that look like they have been chewing on a wasp. Good look. For the rest welcome to Nirvana

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I suspect many of the posters here claiming to be British are not. I can tell by the slip ups they make with the language. Is this bashing Britain week? Is Thaivisa anti-British? Are the posters ganging up on Britain? If so,why? If you ask me it is some deep rooted form of envy that stimulates at least 11 pages and 266 replies on Thai visa. I love Britain.

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Interesting those defending mother England while living the high life over here. Sounds to me like a guilt complex. Cheap beer, hot tottie that is actually pleasant and willing to make you happy, world class cuisine, cheap living, fantastic beaches and very nice people. That is why people stay here. QED. Any wingers get back to Blighty where you belong. At least 3 months of the year you can enjoy similar warm pleasant climes similar to hear. But then you have to put up with women that look like they have been chewing on a wasp. Good look. For the rest welcome to Nirvana


Guilt complex? Nope. It's a little thing called gratitude.

The hot tottie is pleasant and willing to make you happy

for a price and not all British men are here paying for it

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I suspect many of the posters here claiming to be British are not. I can tell by the slip ups they make with the language. Is this bashing Britain week? Is Thaivisa anti-British? Are the posters ganging up on Britain? If so,why? If you ask me it is some deep rooted form of envy that stimulates at least 11 pages and 266 replies on Thai visa. I love Britain.

same reason folks bash america. a reaction to arrogance

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