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Why are there so many English man living in Thailand?.


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Hey Lukecan

>>>Thailand is an amazing country, unlimited dining options, the cost of living is quite low, you can lead a decent lifestyle for 2-2.5k usd a month, in the west this money is only enough to get you by. I'm 25 years old, its my 5th time in Thailand now, I want to settle in Bangkok some day, its an amazing city. For me the most important thing is being able to afford a decent serviced apartment, I hate cleaning my room, in the west a serviced apartment will cost a fortune, you really need to be rich to live in one.<<<

Like many expats, I have been commuting between here and the old country for decades.

Just as it kept me in Mexico, in France, in New York and now in Bangkok . . . . . the prospect of unlimited dining options keeps me in the thrall of Thailand.

Edited by Donnie Brasco
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Those who move here full-time but don't get stuck here (by building a house, etc) usually end up going back home eventually. That's why you see so many TV members disappearing from the forum on an ongoing basis. That and Mr Toad annoys them.

Then there are those who stay. They are stuck here, or they have nothing to go home to. Then there are the few who fit in with Thais, like it here, and stay here until they die.

By the way, pay no attention to MrToad. He's a meany.


Expat spectator sport.

Go to ANY venue "with telly" when they're watching "the foughbough"

Watch them guzzling their Chang jugs, nursing lukewarm brownies, or a chip butty.

When one of their Haircut 100 footie lads scores, they'll scream like William Wallace warriors.

As IF . . . . . . .

You'll here stuff like "loadabollux, "ee's bin sat 'ere an hour", "i were in YOUUU Kaaay las' moonth" and "sagh agh me local owe die watchin' footie on telly"

Off to teach English "of a Moondeh" to a pack of unsuspecting Thai kids who'd MUCH rather be learning from a qualified teacher who pronounces all the consanents and relies less heavily on Wayne Rooney-isms in order to express himself.

In groups of more than two, one is usually "skint"

Love 'em.

Those are northerners. We don't really like them much, either.

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A lot of British come here for the women

Here they can be 50 60 or older and get a 20-25 year old Thai to look after them

British men want a young hottie to take care of them

In the UK they cannot get the hotties anymore

So American, Australian and European 50-60 year olds can

get 20-25 year old hotties in their countries more easily

than British men can?

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It amuses me when expats tell me they left England because it's over run by immigrants. Oh the irony

...ie, immigrants shouting about how immigrants are the problem, ha That is a weird one, every day...every day.

Edited by John1thru10
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Berkshire, don't u mean ,when the middle eastern people take over australia, far more of them than Chinese . If the "meany" English people were honest , they'd admit it's the vast array of Thai females that are freely available & I use the term "freely" loosely here. I also think the op maybe referring to eng speakers rather than England the country.

Edited by enufsaid
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Those who move here full-time but don't get stuck here (by building a house, etc) usually end up going back home eventually. That's why you see so many TV members disappearing from the forum on an ongoing basis. That and Mr Toad annoys them.

Then there are those who stay. They are stuck here, or they have nothing to go home to. Then there are the few who fit in with Thais, like it here, and stay here until they die.

By the way, pay no attention to MrToad. He's a meany.


Expat spectator sport.

Go to ANY venue "with telly" when they're watching "the foughbough"

Watch them guzzling their Chang jugs, nursing lukewarm brownies, or a chip butty.

When one of their Haircut 100 footie lads scores, they'll scream like William Wallace warriors.

As IF . . . . . . .

You'll here stuff like "loadabollux, "ee's bin sat 'ere an hour", "i were in YOUUU Kaaay las' moonth" and "sagh agh me local owe die watchin' footie on telly"

Off to teach English "of a Moondeh" to a pack of unsuspecting Thai kids who'd MUCH rather be learning from a qualified teacher who pronounces all the consanents and relies less heavily on Wayne Rooney-isms in order to express himself.

In groups of more than two, one is usually "skint"

Love 'em.

Windy cleaners and mini cab drivers is all i meet.

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1. The weather.

2. I have never understood why there are a large amount of Australians living here. I was always under the impression that Australia was always the land of Milk and Honey. Barbies, beaches and the nice... um... weather.

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ExPratt, on 10 Jan 2015 - 01:52, said:

Because despite what other people tell you the UK is finished. Its a rat race to work in the weather is shit for 8 months of the year followed by the winter, Australia is a beautiful country and Thailand isnt much of a "Step up" as it is to us inner city Brits. That will be the last time I ever say anything positive about Australia

The comment about the weather made me laugh out loud on a cold morning here in the UK, the sun's out for a change though! Yes the UK is <make up your own word here> now, the only thing keeping me here is youngest sons imminent exams, when he goes to Uni, me and my Thai wife will be moving to our house which I built 20 years ago!

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Why are there so meany Australians in London? The weather's shit, the food is crap, the pubs are staffed by Romanians & the women - don't even go there...

I thoroughly enjoyed an American correcting the "English" of an Australian. 2558 is shaping up to be a most amusing year.

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George, I have noticed a. few a having a shot at the way you spell many (meany) and living (lining) but hopefully they are being a little whimsical your expense.

I imagine that others, like myself, came to live here for what Thailand can offer. For myself, I am at that stage in life where I don't have to worry about being there and doing that as I already have. Like yourself, I'm from Australia, born and bred there and having been successful throughout my working life, and after travelling the world, I decided to settle here. The exchange rate It allows me a very comfortable lifestyle and where I live I find that the area provides me with an idyllic existence.

Don't get me wrong I am very patriotic about my country and having explored it far and wide, I am now looking for new horizons. Being here has given me the opportunity to learn a new culture, a new language, meet different people and be able to travel to the sub-continent and Europe, to explore those countries I have not had the opportunity to visit before. One never knows when their time is up so at this time of life I am trying to see and do as much as my aging body will allow.

Yes Thai women are part of the intrigue, in my case, my wife and seeing you married a Thai woman then you should know what I mean. The food is great, most Thais are accepting and not all think we are walking ATM'S. Sure it has it's political problems but it has never affected me in any way at this stage. Who knows about the future but one an tackle that when and if it ever presents itself.

Gerry wanted to know is it POM bashing in January? He should know that us Aussies bash the POMs every month, not just in January so George being an Aussie of Greek Heritage, you should know that the rivalry between the POMS and Us knows no end but is never given and hopefully not taken in any other way then jest. We owe a lot to them, they sent all their bloody crims out here in 1778 and they've not let us forget it since, and on a few occasions, in this day and age, they send a few more. One day we'll get back at them. I know, it's probably because we keep flogging them at cricket and in football, (rugby league) that they keep trying to get square.

Anyway, back to you question. I don't know if the Englishmen, as you so eloquently phrased it, have left because of the problems being experienced in their country, such as the multicultural experiment, that has also gone awry to some extent in Australia, or they came here for a different life style like I sought. Hopefully you will get a few who will give you an honest answer. I don't know how old you are but if you're getting into you twilight years, maybe one day you will have a rethink, or at least discuss it with the missus. Take care and don't forget, as an Aussie, you're allowed to give the POMS a serve, 3645 days a years but they are only allowed once a month.

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Not to be a smartass either, but you mentioned the word "meany" several times, including the thread title. Is this how they spell "many" in Australia? "Meany" just sounds like a person who's not so nice.

But to your question, I've talked to many Englishmen in Thailand. In no particular order, they say their homeland is cold, bleak, over-regulated, expensive, and overrun by immigrants. I'm American, so I'm only speaking from comments that I've heard. And yes, I'm sure Thai women have something to do with this.

"they say their homeland is cold, bleak, over-regulated, expensive, and overrun by immigrants. ... And yes, I'm sure Thai women have something to do with this. "

People have blamed Thais for just about everything on earth, but now you're saying Thai women have something to do with England being cold, bleak, over-regulated ... and overrun by soap-dodgers?

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