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Russian Tourist Attacked For 'Not Buying Watch'

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...update : Here is the version of the "other side of the coin" ( as always, I decline any responsibility for my post, and I affirm, in the wake of all the mongerers here, that I am NOT trying to defend using a knife in a dispute ! )

On Monday Night, the fake watcher seller, wanted in connection with the stabbing of a Russian Man outside of a Starbucks Coffee Shop located next to Pattaya Police Station, gave himself up to Pattaya Police and was arrested.

Police Colonel Supatee, the Pattaya Police Chief, confirmed the arrest of Khun Payu aged 33, a former National Junior Muay Thai Champion, who was forced to retire from the sport due to injury.

For many years he has been selling fake branded watches in Pattaya and the version of events leading up to the stabbing given to Police was different to the earlier account given by the victim.

Khun Payu claims he approached the man and offered a watch to him for 850 Baht. The suspect claims that the victim, Mr. Ivan Cherkashin aged 32, used foul and abusive language towards him and the vendor responded by saying “Russian No Good Man”. At this point the encounter allegedly became physical, during which time the suspect claims the victim threw a chair at him. Khun Payu admits to stabbing the victim but claims it was in self-defense as he thought his life was in danger.

After the alleged attack, Khun Payu decided to hide in a rented room in Pattaya and discarded the knife on Jomtien Beach, which was later recovered by Police. Eventually he decided to give himself up to Police and despite his version of events, the suspect has been charged with the offence of assault with a deadly weapon. Police also noted that the suspect has a criminal history of violence which was noted in the case files, which will now be handed over to the Pattaya Courts.

- See more at: http://www.pattayaone.net/pattaya-news/164767/fake-watcher-seller-arrested-by-pattaya-police-following-stabbing-of-russian/#sthash.3s8dgpM9.dpuf

another comment on this, which I side:

I'd say the the blame was likely to be 50/50. ignorant, rude Russian versus Thai face thing. However, no excuse for using a knife, should have been settled with fists if violence was the only option. Should cop a jail sentence for assault with a deadly weapon but will probably get away with a small fine. Beats me why he needed a knife if he's a former Muay Thai champion.

Edited by crazygreg44
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...update : Here is the version of the "other side of the coin" ( as always, I decline any responsibility for my post, and I affirm, in the wake of all the mongerers here, that I am NOT trying to defend using a knife in a dispute ! )

On Monday Night, the fake watcher seller, wanted in connection with the stabbing of a Russian Man outside of a Starbucks Coffee Shop located next to Pattaya Police Station, gave himself up to Pattaya Police and was arrested.

Police Colonel Supatee, the Pattaya Police Chief, confirmed the arrest of Khun Payu aged 33, a former National Junior Muay Thai Champion, who was forced to retire from the sport due to injury.

For many years he has been selling fake branded watches in Pattaya and the version of events leading up to the stabbing given to Police was different to the earlier account given by the victim.

Khun Payu claims he approached the man and offered a watch to him for 850 Baht. The suspect claims that the victim, Mr. Ivan Cherkashin aged 32, used foul and abusive language towards him and the vendor responded by saying “Russian No Good Man”. At this point the encounter allegedly became physical, during which time the suspect claims the victim threw a chair at him. Khun Payu admits to stabbing the victim but claims it was in self-defense as he thought his life was in danger.

After the alleged attack, Khun Payu decided to hide in a rented room in Pattaya and discarded the knife on Jomtien Beach, which was later recovered by Police. Eventually he decided to give himself up to Police and despite his version of events, the suspect has been charged with the offence of assault with a deadly weapon. Police also noted that the suspect has a criminal history of violence which was noted in the case files, which will now be handed over to the Pattaya Courts.

- See more at: http://www.pattayaone.net/pattaya-news/164767/fake-watcher-seller-arrested-by-pattaya-police-following-stabbing-of-russian/#sthash.3s8dgpM9.dpuf

another comment on this, which I side:

I'd say the the blame was likely to be 50/50. ignorant, rude Russian versus Thai face thing. However, no excuse for using a knife, should have been settled with fists if violence was the only option. Should cop a jail sentence for assault with a deadly weapon but will probably get away with a small fine. Beats me why he needed a knife if he's a former Muay Thai champion.

Lol. So "NOT" trying to defend, but then defending...

Of COURSE the local had his own version of the story - he DID use a knife and DOES have a "criminal history of violence". Any witness accounts of the "chair throwing"? OR the "foul and abusive language"? Hmmm? FPS, it was right next to the police station! (I actually find the foul language bit easier to swallow than the chair throwing claim.)

OK, I definitely HAVE seen (and heard!) Russians treating the locals badly. More than once. Much more than any other group. 'Never been witness to anything physical, but even the women can be loud & insulting. I cringe when I see foreigners behaving badly like that; I truly do. 'Makes me wonder why they come to Thailand for their holiday in the first place if that's how they plan to "relax". But that's NO justification for violence and use of a deadly weapon by the offended Thai. NONE! It needs to be severely dealt with (which of course it won't be).

Edited by hawker9000
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you no buy fee wach, you baaaaaaaa

me stabba youuuuuuuuuuu

funny, just red the post about the EX THAI BOXING CHAMPION , that was afraid for his life, because of a chair .... so that makes it ok to try to stab someone with a knife, let's say, in the neck or chest ? right ?

500 baht fine for all the thai apologist posts, please

Edited by maidee
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  • 4 weeks later...

"We will find the perpetrator and bring him to justice as soon as possible,

because this incident damages the image of Pattaya as a tourist destination," Pol.Lt. Jakkrit said.".

Not because of assault with a deadly weapon.


Another quality host. wai2.gifwai.gif

Vendor thru the knife 'into the sea', so now some tourist in the water across the street from Starbucks is going to step on a sharp object and wonder what the heck.

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