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JK Rowling assails Murdoch tweet about Muslims

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I agree with lots of what you say -- religion is not the culprit here, but the nutcases who interpret their religion in a warped way. Look at the enforcement of christianity on whole populations during the British and other empires times.

On another point -- to say that most terrorists are muslims is possibly close to the truth but it is inflammatory unless it is emperically proven.

Identifying the enemy is exactly the step that the presidents of USA have successively ignored. They have invaded and suppressed the same Taliban in Afghanistan that they were allies with a while ago when Moscow was trying to get in there. People have amazingly short memories wink.png

Not only do muslims need to identify and correct the extremists in their midst, christians would do well to do the same......

What an utterly absurd comment!

The British Empire did not enforce Christianity on anyone, which is why, for instance, when the British left India in 1948 the population was divided, lethally so in many instances, between hundreds of millions of Hindus and Muslims.

Even now the the Muslim population of India (leaving aside Pakistan) is estimated at around 120 million. The British Empire may have encouraged Christian missionaries, but its citizens were never coerced into changing their religion; unlike what happens in much of the Muslim world today.

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It's not a war when it's criminal gangs. It's criminal gangs. Giving them the honour of a war is entirely unjustified, and sets them as our equals. The claims of war are an excuse to sink to their level of hatred, and to justify sacrificing our own virtues and values. When we have to do that, the war is already lost.


Edit: maybe should read "had" and "was"

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Yes, all the world must stop and pay attention to the words of Rowling. After all, she writes children's books.

Not that it is Germaine to this discussion, but she has also written a couple of top notch adult, detective novels.

Both top notch? At least one of them I thought was rubbish.


Anyone who gives that money-grubbing pseudo-Jewish toad Murdoch credit for anything needs their head examined.

"Pearls of wisdom can come from the mouth of babes"..........


Hitler was a christian .. need I really say more ????

No he wasn't. He used some Christian rhetoric to fool the masses, but he was actually very much against it. He made dozens of anti-Christian remarks that are well documented.

The reason why the ancient world was so pure, light and serene was that it knew nothing of the two great scourges: the pox and Christianity.

-Adolf Hitler, Hitler's Secret Conversations 1941-1944

“I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so” [Adolph Hitler, to Gen. Gerhard Engel, 1941]

  • Like 1
When was the last time any extreme Christians killed 133 children in a school, or forced a teenage girl to suicide bomb a busy market?.

Would you like to have a guess what percentage of suicide bombers over the last 30 years have been Muslim?

Would you like to bet me all of your life savings whether Muslim extremists OR Christian extremists murder dozens of innocent civilians all over the world tomorrow?

I always find it annoying when apologists try to excuse the blame by saying things like "yeah, well Christians had the crusades" like it somehow justifies the barbaric acts that are happening against us today. Extreme Muslims are our modern day Nazis and they are already waging a war on us, but it's not an issue because you think that there are a couple of extreme Buddists and extreme Hindus out there also.

Your viewpoint reflects the anti-Muslim diet you have been fed, just as an anti-Saddam, anti-Noriega, anti-Russia, anti-Gadaffi, anti-Milosevic, anti-Assad, anti-thenexttargetedcountry diet would do the same.

There is nothing noble in murdering people but please explain how a suicide bomber giving up his life, blowing up people, compares to a predator drone operator, with a crucifix round his neck? One sacrifices himself for his cause. The other sits behind a joystick, safely tucked away from any response.

The media are sparing you the body count at the hands of so-called 'Christians' or atheists.

Personally, I try to resist the media telling me who I am supposed to hate and who I am supposed to kill.

When was the last time any extreme Christians killed 133 children in a school, or forced a teenage girl to suicide bomb a busy market?.

Would you like to have a guess what percentage of suicide bombers over the last 30 years have been Muslim?

Would you like to bet me all of your life savings whether Muslim extremists OR Christian extremists murder dozens of innocent civilians all over the world tomorrow?

I always find it annoying when apologists try to excuse the blame by saying things like "yeah, well Christians had the crusades" like it somehow justifies the barbaric acts that are happening against us today. Extreme Muslims are our modern day Nazis and they are already waging a war on us, but it's not an issue because you think that there are a couple of extreme Buddists and extreme Hindus out there also.

Your viewpoint reflects the anti-Muslim diet you have been fed, just as an anti-Saddam, anti-Noriega, anti-Russia, anti-Gadaffi, anti-Milosevic, anti-Assad, anti-thenexttargetedcountry diet would do the same.

There is nothing noble in murdering people but please explain how a suicide bomber giving up his life, blowing up people, compares to a predator drone operator, with a crucifix round his neck? One sacrifices himself for his cause. The other sits behind a joystick, safely tucked away from any response.

The media are sparing you the body count at the hands of so-called 'Christians' or atheists.

Personally, I try to resist the media telling me who I am supposed to hate and who I am supposed to kill.

History is written by the victors -- who invariably don't include the naughty things they did -- preferring to concentrate on how "bad" the vanquished were. "Bad" in this context means not conforming to the victors norms -- not necessarily emperically so bad. Depends on whose rules you're working to. The UN is christian dominated. Where's the balance?


The sad part is that irrelevant people such as Rowling or Ruppert get so much attention.

They are nothing special and their opinion means no more than the middle class working stiff making $ 35,000 a year.

Twitter is frickin stupid and the attention whores user twitter to try and remain cool or relevant are pretty pathetic or insecure. Having money does not make one in expert in all things and apparently does not relieve one of deep imbedded inferiority complexes.


Here is some profound truthiness directly relating to the POV of Murdoch. Yes Islamic Jihadist terrorism IS directly related to the religion of Islam and modern Muslims. Some leaders Muslim and otherwise get that, and some don't. This is really worth a listen. Don't ignore it just because it is from Israel.


Melanie Philips is a UK journalist who has a very good insight into the problem, just spot on here. She wrote a book called Londonistan years ago about the growing threat of Jhadists in the UK, ignored by politicians just as it is today. Wise woman, no doubt a 'bigot' though to some!


I don't think JK misses the point.... Islam ius not the problem fanaticism or extremism is.

To apply Godwin's Law, would the haulocast better be described as "Christian massacre of Jews"?

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To apply Godwin's Law, would the haulocast better be described as "Christian massacre of Jews"?

Hitler was very anti-Christian and he was in charge. He disparaged the Bible as "too Jewish." Nazism itself was consistently a racial ideology - not religious - so no it could not be described that way accurately.

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I don't think JK misses the point.... Islam ius not the problem fanaticism or extremism is.

To apply Godwin's Law, would the haulocast better be described as "Christian massacre of Jews"?

If Islam is not the problem why do Islamists and terrorists quote passages from the Koran to justify themselves. When did they ever commit an atrocity not in the names of Allah and the prophet?

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Wise woman, no doubt a 'bigot' though to some!

Has anyone noticed how the word 'bigot' has replaced 'racist' as the current insult thrown around by the left at so-called 'Islamophobes' aka 'anyone who criticises Islam' aka 'islamorealists'?

They've finally worked out that Islam is not a race, so can't use that old chestnut.

Expect to see 'bigot this' and 'bigot that' now used more often by TV's resident apologists.

We should be grateful we have so many experts on islam here, to tell us who the bad and good ones are.

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I agree with lots of what you say -- religion is not the culprit here, but the nutcases who interpret their religion in a warped way.

People keep saying this, but interpretation is not the problem. They are following their religion literally. They have to ignore many of the teachings in the Qur'an to qualify as moderate Muslims, which means that the religion is a big part of the problem. .

Yes, the western invention of the "moderate" muslim is the apostate muslim by islamic standards. Western people little realize the moderates they know are actually apostate and this is among the most vital reasons for the global silence.

Wasn't the same true regarding Christianity back when?

It took Christianity over a millennium to accept different schools of thought within itself. Many nowadays Christians would be considered heretics, apostates and whatnot by earlier standards. Not sure that the concept of a "moderate" Christian got too much mileage as far history goes. There were times when mainstream view held it inconceivable to live as a Christian outside of the boundaries laid by the church.

When was the last time any extreme Christians killed 133 children in a school, or forced a teenage girl to suicide bomb a busy market?.

Would you like to have a guess what percentage of suicide bombers over the last 30 years have been Muslim?

Would you like to bet me all of your life savings whether Muslim extremists OR Christian extremists murder dozens of innocent civilians all over the world tomorrow?

I always find it annoying when apologists try to excuse the blame by saying things like "yeah, well Christians had the crusades" like it somehow justifies the barbaric acts that are happening against us today. Extreme Muslims are our modern day Nazis and they are already waging a war on us, but it's not an issue because you think that there are a couple of extreme Buddists and extreme Hindus out there also.

Your viewpoint reflects the anti-Muslim diet you have been fed, just as an anti-Saddam, anti-Noriega, anti-Russia, anti-Gadaffi, anti-Milosevic, anti-Assad, anti-thenexttargetedcountry diet would do the same.

There is nothing noble in murdering people but please explain how a suicide bomber giving up his life, blowing up people, compares to a predator drone operator, with a crucifix round his neck? One sacrifices himself for his cause. The other sits behind a joystick, safely tucked away from any response.

The media are sparing you the body count at the hands of so-called 'Christians' or atheists.

Personally, I try to resist the media telling me who I am supposed to hate and who I am supposed to kill.

And yet, here you are, personally telling posters who they are supposed to hate....coffee1.gif

  • Like 2
When was the last time any extreme Christians killed 133 children in a school, or forced a teenage girl to suicide bomb a busy market?.

Would you like to have a guess what percentage of suicide bombers over the last 30 years have been Muslim?

Would you like to bet me all of your life savings whether Muslim extremists OR Christian extremists murder dozens of innocent civilians all over the world tomorrow?

I always find it annoying when apologists try to excuse the blame by saying things like "yeah, well Christians had the crusades" like it somehow justifies the barbaric acts that are happening against us today. Extreme Muslims are our modern day Nazis and they are already waging a war on us, but it's not an issue because you think that there are a couple of extreme Buddists and extreme Hindus out there also.

Your viewpoint reflects the anti-Muslim diet you have been fed, just as an anti-Saddam, anti-Noriega, anti-Russia, anti-Gadaffi, anti-Milosevic, anti-Assad, anti-thenexttargetedcountry diet would do the same.

There is nothing noble in murdering people but please explain how a suicide bomber giving up his life, blowing up people, compares to a predator drone operator, with a crucifix round his neck? One sacrifices himself for his cause. The other sits behind a joystick, safely tucked away from any response.

The media are sparing you the body count at the hands of so-called 'Christians' or atheists.

Personally, I try to resist the media telling me who I am supposed to hate and who I am supposed to kill.

History is written by the victors -- who invariably don't include the naughty things they did -- preferring to concentrate on how "bad" the vanquished were. "Bad" in this context means not conforming to the victors norms -- not necessarily emperically so bad. Depends on whose rules you're working to. The UN is christian dominated. Where's the balance?

How is the UN "Christian dominated" in any meaningful way?


There is nothing noble in murdering people but please explain how a suicide bomber giving up his life, blowing up people, compares to a predator drone operator, with a crucifix round his neck?

A suicide bomber is purposely targeting innocent men women and children.

A drone operator is trying to rid the world of the scum who send suicide bombers out to commit mass murder.

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I agree with lots of what you say -- religion is not the culprit here, but the nutcases who interpret their religion in a warped way.

People keep saying this, but interpretation is not the problem. They are following their religion literally. They have to ignore many of the teachings in the Qur'an to qualify as moderate Muslims, which means that the religion is a big part of the problem. .

Yes, the western invention of the "moderate" muslim is the apostate muslim by islamic standards. Western people little realize the moderates they know are actually apostate and this is among the most vital reasons for the global silence.

Wasn't the same true regarding Christianity back when?

It took Christianity over a millennium to accept different schools of thought within itself. Many nowadays Christians would be considered heretics, apostates and whatnot by earlier standards. Not sure that the concept of a "moderate" Christian got too much mileage as far history goes. There were times when mainstream view held it inconceivable to live as a Christian outside of the boundaries laid by the church.

I read your post a few times trying to tease out whether this was true or not; it is true. While for 300 years or so christianity was peaceful and actually fairly mystical and gnostic in many ways, after the coup at the council of nicsa the catholic church became, IMO, barbaric and very worldly. This lasted for over 1,000 years before the reformation. Why could there even have been a reformation?

Because there is no inherent authority in scriptures for a worldly chrisitian empire and assuming secular roles. While clearly it was done, it was a vacant authority. This is why some chrisitan denominations assert there was an actual apostasy of Jesus' church after the 4th century; theosophically arguing the church was recalled to heaven. OK, enough of that. So, we have an example where the two are similar but the dissimilarity is the issue- islam proscribes earthly secular authority and has a highly evolved system of law, living, and all manner of chain of being and interactions proscribed by the faith. Islam has no real mechanism for reformation other than returning to the orthodox; though I do applaud al Sisi of Egypt for his recent remarks.

I am uncertain finding a comparison in the evolution of another religion serves any value. If it is thus suggested wait until they go through growing pains, no! I don't want to be part of that. I dont want to live through the bloodshed and dying and decaying underlying the notion that perhaps on the other end will be a relative social partner. Islam does not have inherent this blueprint. From Shar'ia to the Hirjah, Islam is designed for war. There are carefully laid out designs on how to enter a non muslim country, resolve to decieve, live with one's own, make demands, then force the host to adhere to Shar'ia. This is not controversy; this is fact. So it has always been, so it will always be. Murdoch may be a clown but he is correct here.

  • Like 1
When was the last time any extreme Christians killed 133 children in a school, or forced a teenage girl to suicide bomb a busy market?.

Would you like to have a guess what percentage of suicide bombers over the last 30 years have been Muslim?

Would you like to bet me all of your life savings whether Muslim extremists OR Christian extremists murder dozens of innocent civilians all over the world tomorrow?

I always find it annoying when apologists try to excuse the blame by saying things like "yeah, well Christians had the crusades" like it somehow justifies the barbaric acts that are happening against us today. Extreme Muslims are our modern day Nazis and they are already waging a war on us, but it's not an issue because you think that there are a couple of extreme Buddists and extreme Hindus out there also.

Your viewpoint reflects the anti-Muslim diet you have been fed, just as an anti-Saddam, anti-Noriega, anti-Russia, anti-Gadaffi, anti-Milosevic, anti-Assad, anti-thenexttargetedcountry diet would do the same.

There is nothing noble in murdering people but please explain how a suicide bomber giving up his life, blowing up people, compares to a predator drone operator, with a crucifix round his neck? One sacrifices himself for his cause. The other sits behind a joystick, safely tucked away from any response.

The media are sparing you the body count at the hands of so-called 'Christians' or atheists.

Personally, I try to resist the media telling me who I am supposed to hate and who I am supposed to kill.

History is written by the victors -- who invariably don't include the naughty things they did -- preferring to concentrate on how "bad" the vanquished were. "Bad" in this context means not conforming to the victors norms -- not necessarily emperically so bad. Depends on whose rules you're working to. The UN is christian dominated. Where's the balance?

How is the UN "Christian dominated" in any meaningful way?

The UN was built with a prayer room to Gaia, Mother Earth. To assert is is christian in any way is silly.

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The UN was built with a prayer room to Gaia, Mother Earth. To assert is is christian in any way is silly.

Check out the balance of voters in the UNHCR, for example. How many christian countries vs how many muslim, vs how many "others"


Yes, the western invention of the "moderate" muslim is the apostate muslim by islamic standards. Western people little realize the moderates they know are actually apostate and this is among the most vital reasons for the global silence.

Wasn't the same true regarding Christianity back when?

It took Christianity over a millennium to accept different schools of thought within itself. Many nowadays Christians would be considered heretics, apostates and whatnot by earlier standards. Not sure that the concept of a "moderate" Christian got too much mileage as far history goes. There were times when mainstream view held it inconceivable to live as a Christian outside of the boundaries laid by the church.

I read your post a few times trying to tease out whether this was true or not; it is true. While for 300 years or so christianity was peaceful and actually fairly mystical and gnostic in many ways, after the coup at the council of nicsa the catholic church became, IMO, barbaric and very worldly. This lasted for over 1,000 years before the reformation. Why could there even have been a reformation?

Because there is no inherent authority in scriptures for a worldly chrisitian empire and assuming secular roles. While clearly it was done, it was a vacant authority. This is why some chrisitan denominations assert there was an actual apostasy of Jesus' church after the 4th century; theosophically arguing the church was recalled to heaven. OK, enough of that. So, we have an example where the two are similar but the dissimilarity is the issue- islam proscribes earthly secular authority and has a highly evolved system of law, living, and all manner of chain of being and interactions proscribed by the faith. Islam has no real mechanism for reformation other than returning to the orthodox; though I do applaud al Sisi of Egypt for his recent remarks.

I am uncertain finding a comparison in the evolution of another religion serves any value. If it is thus suggested wait until they go through growing pains, no! I don't want to be part of that. I dont want to live through the bloodshed and dying and decaying underlying the notion that perhaps on the other end will be a relative social partner. Islam does not have inherent this blueprint. From Shar'ia to the Hirjah, Islam is designed for war. There are carefully laid out designs on how to enter a non muslim country, resolve to decieve, live with one's own, make demands, then force the host to adhere to Shar'ia. This is not controversy; this is fact. So it has always been, so it will always be. Murdoch may be a clown but he is correct here.

Thanks for taking the time to lay out some very relevant facts. I agree with a lot of what you say, but I have to take issue with the idea that Christianity has no foundation in a worldly church. Isn't it true that Jesus used the old testament and the new testament was actually never "approved" by him? The OT has ample reference to a worldly church.

The other point is that I agree totally that Murdoch is a clown for posting like that - worse - he is guilty of dividing populations. Hence I disagree -- he was not right in word or intention. His post was publicity seeking and damaging to all. Witness the polarisation of the posters in here.


The UN was built with a prayer room to Gaia, Mother Earth. To assert is is christian in any way is silly.

Check out the balance of voters in the UNHCR, for example. How many christian countries vs how many muslim, vs how many "others"

Ok, I see this point but all kinds of metrics can be used to reach conclusions. IMO the UN is for the most part not christian at all. Many, many of their positions would be contrary to traditional christian values. But your point is made.

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