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Middlemen keeping fresh food prices high despite lower oil prices

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Many things are cheaper in Europe than in Thailand now. Can somebody explain why this is when tax is only 7% here and in EU approximately 20-25% ?

Currency strength (THB) and weakness (EUR).


The government has the authority under the Price Fixing and Anti-Monopoly Act of 1979 to prevent unfair fixing of buying or selling price or conditions and trading practices. The law includes the powers to fix:

(1) the buying or selling price of products under control so that a buyer may not buy at the price lower or the seller may not sell at the price higher than the price so fixed, or to maintain the price at a certain level; and

(2) the maximum profit rate per unit of products under control which the seller may receive from the sale thereof or to fix the differential rates between the buying and selling prices of products under control at each stage of the trade.

It would seem the government has the power to lower middlemen profit margins so that the retail prices are lower. But the question may be to what degree the Junta may be dependent on such middlemen for political support.

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Time for the Aldi to come to Thailand, everything will be affordable and from a good quality. Thai will all love it!

So you moved to Thailand to shop at Aldi??

Hell no!!

If you guys left your ghettos once in a while and went to the local fresh markets: Plenty of cheap/exotic produce, genuine Thai atmosphere and in general a lot of friendly people!!

That is Thailand!!

Markets are filthy, expensive, unreachable, cheaters and have products full of chemicals.

Also too crowded, stinky, dangerous and they won't show the price so they can extort us.

You're not suited to Thailand/Asia, we can tell.


Many things are cheaper in Europe than in Thailand now. Can somebody explain why this is when tax is only 7% here and in EU approximately 20-25% ?

Because they grow rubbertree's, oilpalms, rice, prawns,fish exotic fruit and that's all for export. Money talks.

And of course they protect their market and there is not enough competition. Europe also didn't have supermarkets 35 years ago.


Time for the Aldi to come to Thailand, everything will be affordable and from a good quality. Thai will all love it!

But everything will be imported and thus heavily taxed, very heavily here. Aldi has a great products, theyreally do.


Thailand has become a very expensive place to live in recent years. Much more expensive than in Northh America. Of course, according to Yinkluck, it's all in my imagination.

I didn't realize this was another compare the price of living in Thailand and USA till all the American Chamber of commerce people admit defeat for the umpteenth time thread.

Indices Difference information.png Consumer Prices in United States are 64.53% higher than in Thailand Consumer Prices Including Rent in United States are 77.76% higher than in Thailand Rent Prices in United States are 115.38% higher than in Thailand Restaurant Prices in United States are 174.03% higher than in Thailand Groceries Prices in United States are 55.61% higher than in Thailand

Local Purchasing Power in United States is 219.39% higher than in Thailand


  • Like 1

Most middlemen are not Thai:

Tesco = British

Tops = Dutch

Villa = Farang

etc etc.

Any company that operates in Thailand must be at least 51% Thai!

And actually, the companies you listed are not middlemen but are instead consumer sales outlets.

The simple FACT is almost nobody here KNOWS anything!!

it is all assumed and passed down from one ignorant generation to the next, with ZERO outside input.

they will blame anyone but the greedy owners of the country - for that is not permitted.

ignorance is fine

filth is just the way it is

violence is the 1st solution

and whoring out your daughter/niece/wife can be super rewarding - bullying family members for 'free' stuff is SO awesome...

how they have survived this long baffles me, are they getting by, by sheer number?

HOW can SO many be SO thoughtless?? - because thats how it is supposed to be, obviously.


The simple FACT is almost nobody here KNOWS anything, it is all assumed and passed down from one ignorant generation to the next, with ZERO outside input.

they will blame anyine but the greedy owners of the country - for that is not permitted.

ignorance is fine

filth is just the way it is

violence is the 1st solution

and whoring out your daugter can be super rewarding - 'free' stuff is always awesome...

how they have survived this long baffles me, are they getting by, by sheer number?

HOW can SO many be SO thoughtless - because thats how it is supposed to be, obviously.

Thailand has 197 colleges. Of these, 76 are public (excluding universities for the religious training of monks). These 76 institutes can be categorized as 16 well established public universities, 2 open universities, 41 rajabhat universities, 9 universities of technology, 8 antonomous universities, 58 university extension campuses, 32 private universities, and 31 private colleges that offer bachelor programs.

Bachelors programs between 2007 and 2016 will be approximately 500,000 each year, resulting in between 300,000 to 400,000 new graduates per annum.



Many things are cheaper in Europe than in Thailand now. Can somebody explain why this is when tax is only 7% here and in EU approximately 20-25% ?

Indices Difference information.png Consumer Prices in Thailand are 37.05% lower than in Germany Consumer Prices Including Rent in Thailand are 37.00% lower than in Germany Rent Prices in Thailand are 36.83% lower than in Germany Restaurant Prices in Thailand are 63.46% lower than in Germany Groceries Prices in Thailand are 15.59% lower than in Germany Local Purchasing Power in Thailand is 64.84% lower than in Germany Apartment (1 bedroom) Outside of Centre Germany 424.38 € Thailand 178.90 €



The simple FACT is almost nobody here KNOWS anything, it is all assumed and passed down from one ignorant generation to the next, with ZERO outside input.

they will blame anyine but the greedy owners of the country - for that is not permitted.

ignorance is fine

filth is just the way it is

violence is the 1st solution

and whoring out your daugter can be super rewarding - 'free' stuff is always awesome...

how they have survived this long baffles me, are they getting by, by sheer number?

HOW can SO many be SO thoughtless - because thats how it is supposed to be, obviously.

Thailand has 197 colleges. Of these, 76 are public (excluding universities for the religious training of monks). These 76 institutes can be categorized as 16 well established public universities, 2 open universities, 41 rajabhat universities, 9 universities of technology, 8 antonomous universities, 58 university extension campuses, 32 private universities, and 31 private colleges that offer bachelor programs.

Bachelors programs between 2007 and 2016 will be approximately 500,000 each year, resulting in between 300,000 to 400,000 new graduates per annum.


whats the point your'e trying to make?

the teachers are poorly educated

the parents are poorly educated if at all

the students are already poorly educated from anuban, prathom, mathayom (if at all)

they arrive at a 'university' that is more like a camp for retards to waste of a few more years copying each other & learning nothing at all of any use to anyone.

there are plenty of graduates, but if they have learnt little to nothing, what use are they??


A few families with conglomerates like CP, Saha, Thaibev, etc. control the market from animal food to processed meat and from seeds to products in the shop and the market.

They also control the government, civil servants, etc. They keep any competitor out, dictate the prices and that's why they make huge amounts of money.

The past few years the price increases have been much faster than before and this elite group is robbing the lower and middle class people completely dry.

It's ridiculous that in a low wage country like Thailand, one of the worlds biggest food exporters the food prices are now at a western European level, it's pure exploitation by these about 20 families that run the show.

In the past year many of my daily expenses like lunch, coffee, fruit, beer, pork etc have all gone up by 25%!

Ya, it's awful.

Restaurant Prices in Thailand are 63.46% lower than in Germany

Restaurant Prices in France are 260.09% higher than in Thailand

Restaurant Prices in Belgium are 279.31% higher than in Thailand



A few families with conglomerates like CP, Saha, Thaibev, etc. control the market from animal food to processed meat and from seeds to products in the shop and the market.

They also control the government, civil servants, etc. They keep any competitor out, dictate the prices and that's why they make huge amounts of money.

The past few years the price increases have been much faster than before and this elite group is robbing the lower and middle class people completely dry.

It's ridiculous that in a low wage country like Thailand, one of the worlds biggest food exporters the food prices are now at a western European level, it's pure exploitation by these about 20 families that run the show.

In the past year many of my daily expenses like lunch, coffee, fruit, beer, pork etc have all gone up by 25%!


It is ridiculous as well as disgusting.

and yet there are so many people who want to ignore these facts - and indeed try and prove that these facts are irrelevant.

i can understand poorly educated people having poor opinions.

if it was clean here i doubt it would even matter that prices have increased, but quality of life & products has dropped, HARD.

the ONLY things still cheap here are pretty much garbage!

and the customer 'service' here has only gone from terrible to offensively terrible - is that due to all the amazing graduates??


farmers coops have been an effective tool against the middlemans excessive profit in many countries. its does not require a whole lot of cooperation between the farmers and the retail shopsfor much of the farm products. Thailand even has middlemen directly involved between the farmer and some of the wholesalers.

Does anybody know of any collectives? I suspect that being a leader/representative of a farmers collective (which are good for many reasons), working to cut out the middlemen, would be a very unhealthy occupation.

It would probably also require a basic education in mathematics and economics , and the Thai education system does not encourage this. Why do you think the Chinese middlemen educate their children in international schools or overseas?

Subsistence Sufficiency farming is one of the cornerstones of Thai Happiness. Let us not incite the masses to get educated...

  • Like 1

2 decades of living among them has given me NO interest in sending my children to be educated in this manner.

i am YET to meet a locally educated person who is not in debt.

or who can drive with consideration and respect of others

or who actually 'knows' anything other than made up racist/nationalist nonsense they picked up from EVERY adult from teachers to taxi drivers!

  • Like 1

Many things are cheaper in Europe than in Thailand now. Can somebody explain why this is when tax is only 7% here and in EU approximately 20-25% ?

Indices Difference information.png Consumer Prices in Thailand are 37.05% lower than in Germany Consumer Prices Including Rent in Thailand are 37.00% lower than in Germany Rent Prices in Thailand are 36.83% lower than in Germany Restaurant Prices in Thailand are 63.46% lower than in Germany Groceries Prices in Thailand are 15.59% lower than in Germany Local Purchasing Power in Thailand is 64.84% lower than in Germany Apartment (1 bedroom) Outside of Centre Germany 424.38 € Thailand 178.90 €


These comparisons use a very selective package and often lag years behind. Many products and services are cheaper or the same now in western Europe. A reasonable lunch on a parking on the motorway is 3 to 5 Euro in Germany, same or cheaper than here, a decent steak in a pub in center London is 6 GBP, 300 Baht. Pork in the market now is 190 Baht per kg for all parts, that's close to 5 Euro for ribs or belly!

I'm not even starting about beer, let alone wine those are definitely more than in Europe even up to 3 times the price for wine.

Than look at the cost of decent education, bi-lingual schools, let alone international schools that are even more expensive than international schools in Germany, NL, Belgium or France!

Mortgages of 7%, personal loans from 16 - 25%!

No child support, barely any tax deductions and one of the highest taxes in the region.

I live here with a family of 5 and I spent considerable more here than my brother in Europe with 3 older kids in comparable circumstances and lifestyles and I mean no luxury or going out a lot.

  • Like 2

A few families with conglomerates like CP, Saha, Thaibev, etc. control the market from animal food to processed meat and from seeds to products in the shop and the market.

They also control the government, civil servants, etc. They keep any competitor out, dictate the prices and that's why they make huge amounts of money.

The past few years the price increases have been much faster than before and this elite group is robbing the lower and middle class people completely dry.

It's ridiculous that in a low wage country like Thailand, one of the worlds biggest food exporters the food prices are now at a western European level, it's pure exploitation by these about 20 families that run the show.

In the past year many of my daily expenses like lunch, coffee, fruit, beer, pork etc have all gone up by 25%!


It is ridiculous as well as disgusting.

and yet there are so many people who want to ignore these facts - and indeed try and prove that these facts are irrelevant.

i can understand poorly educated people having poor opinions.

if it was clean here i doubt it would even matter that prices have increased, but quality of life & products has dropped, HARD.

the ONLY things still cheap here are pretty much garbage!

and the customer 'service' here has only gone from terrible to offensively terrible - is that due to all the amazing graduates??

My doctor and vet both make house calls. My bank is open at nights and on the weekends. I can buy prescription meds at the pharmacy and get them delivered to my door for a fraction of Western prices and with no prescription.

I live in a high tech house with large screen TV awesome sound system (all interconnected) Satellite, new tablet and smart phone beautiful women and everything I could ever want and I'm living on Social Security. I eat out whenever and wherever I want. I'm sorry you don't live in Thailand but don't try and fabricate bad stuff because most of us living here are in fat city for peanuts. Oops there is the doorbell (it plays Clementine) my Teuscher chocolates fresh of course.

  • Like 1

Many things are cheaper in Europe than in Thailand now. Can somebody explain why this is when tax is only 7% here and in EU approximately 20-25% ?

Indices Difference information.png Consumer Prices in Thailand are 37.05% lower than in Germany Consumer Prices Including Rent in Thailand are 37.00% lower than in Germany Rent Prices in Thailand are 36.83% lower than in Germany Restaurant Prices in Thailand are 63.46% lower than in Germany Groceries Prices in Thailand are 15.59% lower than in Germany Local Purchasing Power in Thailand is 64.84% lower than in Germany Apartment (1 bedroom) Outside of Centre Germany 424.38 € Thailand 178.90 €


These comparisons use a very selective package and often lag years behind. Many products and services are cheaper or the same now in western Europe. A reasonable lunch on a parking on the motorway is 3 to 5 Euro in Germany, same or cheaper than here, a decent steak in a pub in center London is 6 GBP, 300 Baht. Pork in the market now is 190 Baht per kg for all parts, that's close to 5 Euro for ribs or belly!

I'm not even starting about beer, let alone wine those are definitely more than in Europe even up to 3 times the price for wine.

Than look at the cost of decent education, bi-lingual schools, let alone international schools that are even more expensive than international schools in Germany, NL, Belgium or France!

Mortgages of 7%, personal loans from 16 - 25%!

No child support, barely any tax deductions and one of the highest taxes in the region.

I live here with a family of 5 and I spent considerable more here than my brother in Europe with 3 older kids in comparable circumstances and lifestyles and I mean no luxury or going out a lot.

Oh Look, FACTS!!

quick locals & local apologists, blame them for your failings!!


A few families with conglomerates like CP, Saha, Thaibev, etc. control the market from animal food to processed meat and from seeds to products in the shop and the market.

They also control the government, civil servants, etc. They keep any competitor out, dictate the prices and that's why they make huge amounts of money.

The past few years the price increases have been much faster than before and this elite group is robbing the lower and middle class people completely dry.

It's ridiculous that in a low wage country like Thailand, one of the worlds biggest food exporters the food prices are now at a western European level, it's pure exploitation by these about 20 families that run the show.

In the past year many of my daily expenses like lunch, coffee, fruit, beer, pork etc have all gone up by 25%!


It is ridiculous as well as disgusting.

and yet there are so many people who want to ignore these facts - and indeed try and prove that these facts are irrelevant.

i can understand poorly educated people having poor opinions.

if it was clean here i doubt it would even matter that prices have increased, but quality of life & products has dropped, HARD.

the ONLY things still cheap here are pretty much garbage!

and the customer 'service' here has only gone from terrible to offensively terrible - is that due to all the amazing graduates??

My doctor and vet both make house calls. My bank is open at nights and on the weekends. I can buy prescription meds at the pharmacy and get them delivered to my door for a fraction of Western prices and with no prescription.

I live in a high tech house with large screen TV awesome sound system (all interconnected) Satellite, new tablet and smart phone beautiful women and everything I could ever want and I'm living on Social Security. I eat out whenever and wherever I want. I'm sorry you don't live in Thailand but don't try and fabricate bad stuff because most of us living here are in fat city for peanuts. Oops there is the doorbell (it plays Clementine) my Teuscher chocolates fresh of course.

Ignorance IS bliss, but only for the ignorant.

the rest of us are sickened by you & your ignorant outlook & opinions that affect us all living here.

  • Like 1

Most middlemen are not Thai:

Tesco = British

Tops = Dutch

Villa = Farang

etc etc.

Any company that operates in Thailand must be at least 51% Thai!

And actually, the companies you listed are not middlemen but are instead consumer sales outlets.

The biggest middlemen are giant conglomorates like CP and Saha group who control virtally all consumer products, fresh and frozen foods.

  • Like 2

A few families with conglomerates like CP, Saha, Thaibev, etc. control the market from animal food to processed meat and from seeds to products in the shop and the market.

They also control the government, civil servants, etc. They keep any competitor out, dictate the prices and that's why they make huge amounts of money.

The past few years the price increases have been much faster than before and this elite group is robbing the lower and middle class people completely dry.

It's ridiculous that in a low wage country like Thailand, one of the worlds biggest food exporters the food prices are now at a western European level, it's pure exploitation by these about 20 families that run the show.

In the past year many of my daily expenses like lunch, coffee, fruit, beer, pork etc have all gone up by 25%!

Ya, it's awful.

Restaurant Prices in Thailand are 63.46% lower than in Germany

Restaurant Prices in France are 260.09% higher than in Thailand

Restaurant Prices in Belgium are 279.31% higher than in Thailand


Restaurants of that level barely exist in Thailand and those that are comparable in quality are close to the European prices.

A normal lunch or dinner is the same now, in the past 2 years I've been in Germany, Netherlands, UK and Switzerland and only the last country is expensive. Much to my surprise the snowy Swiss mountains are for about 80% filled with Asian tourists!

  • Like 1

Many things are cheaper in Europe than in Thailand now. Can somebody explain why this is when tax is only 7% here and in EU approximately 20-25% ?

Indices Difference information.png Consumer Prices in Thailand are 37.05% lower than in Germany Consumer Prices Including Rent in Thailand are 37.00% lower than in Germany Rent Prices in Thailand are 36.83% lower than in Germany Restaurant Prices in Thailand are 63.46% lower than in Germany Groceries Prices in Thailand are 15.59% lower than in Germany Local Purchasing Power in Thailand is 64.84% lower than in Germany Apartment (1 bedroom) Outside of Centre Germany 424.38 € Thailand 178.90 €


These comparisons use a very selective package and often lag years behind. Many products and services are cheaper or the same now in western Europe. A reasonable lunch on a parking on the motorway is 3 to 5 Euro in Germany, same or cheaper than here, a decent steak in a pub in center London is 6 GBP, 300 Baht. Pork in the market now is 190 Baht per kg for all parts, that's close to 5 Euro for ribs or belly!

I'm not even starting about beer, let alone wine those are definitely more than in Europe even up to 3 times the price for wine.

Than look at the cost of decent education, bi-lingual schools, let alone international schools that are even more expensive than international schools in Germany, NL, Belgium or France!

Mortgages of 7%, personal loans from 16 - 25%!

No child support, barely any tax deductions and one of the highest taxes in the region.

I live here with a family of 5 and I spent considerable more here than my brother in Europe with 3 older kids in comparable circumstances and lifestyles and I mean no luxury or going out a lot.

I'm not making anything up. If you have a more accurate up to date value website list it. However don't call them a liar until you find one. I'm retired and for me everything is a bargain. If you have a family and live here without an expat package I have no sympathy for you. Go home.


Most middlemen are not Thai:

Tesco = British

Tops = Dutch

Villa = Farang

etc etc.

Any company that operates in Thailand must be at least 51% Thai!

And actually, the companies you listed are not middlemen but are instead consumer sales outlets.

The biggest middlemen are giant conglomorates like CP and Saha group who control virtally all consumer products, fresh and frozen foods.

yes, but thailiketoo is a rich whore-monger so <deleted> everyone else!


A few families with conglomerates like CP, Saha, Thaibev, etc. control the market from animal food to processed meat and from seeds to products in the shop and the market.

They also control the government, civil servants, etc. They keep any competitor out, dictate the prices and that's why they make huge amounts of money.

The past few years the price increases have been much faster than before and this elite group is robbing the lower and middle class people completely dry.

It's ridiculous that in a low wage country like Thailand, one of the worlds biggest food exporters the food prices are now at a western European level, it's pure exploitation by these about 20 families that run the show.

In the past year many of my daily expenses like lunch, coffee, fruit, beer, pork etc have all gone up by 25%!

Ya, it's awful.

Restaurant Prices in Thailand are 63.46% lower than in Germany

Restaurant Prices in France are 260.09% higher than in Thailand

Restaurant Prices in Belgium are 279.31% higher than in Thailand


Restaurants of that level barely exist in Thailand and those that are comparable in quality are close to the European prices.

A normal lunch or dinner is the same now, in the past 2 years I've been in Germany, Netherlands, UK and Switzerland and only the last country is expensive. Much to my surprise the snowy Swiss mountains are for about 80% filled with Asian tourists!

You find a better site for comparing cost of living why not list it. I don't believe your small sample of anecdotal evidence. Come on apples my sample of thousands of pieces of data and millions of views as opposed to you one person who travels a bit.


Time for the Aldi to come to Thailand, everything will be affordable and from a good quality. Thai will all love it!

So you moved to Thailand to shop at Aldi??

Hell no!!

If you guys left your ghettos once in a while and went to the local fresh markets: Plenty of cheap/exotic produce, genuine Thai atmosphere and in general a lot of friendly people!!

That is Thailand!!

How dare anyone wish for a foreign company to join the Thai retail landscape. Ghettos? Laughable, since I don't know anyone personally, let alone where they live.

Part of being friendly, in my mind, is not presuming to know more than the other fellow whom I've not met.

Live and Let Live

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I am surprised that the Food Vendors in one location do not collaborate and buy from one supplier ! (I don't expect this to happen ?)

If they were successful I am sure pressure from the buyers would generate some competition, but sadly these people always ask the Government to control the total market.

A bit like the Thai lady who asked the Government last week to force the discount Airlines to increase their fares so he Bus Companies she owned could make more money.

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