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Charlie Hebdo print run could hit three million after attack

PARIS Tue Jan 13, 2015 2:36am EST

(Reuters) - Up to 3 million copies of Charlie Hebdo could hit newsstands this week, dwarfing its usual print run of 60,000, in response to soaring demand for the first edition of the satirical weekly since last week's deadly attacks by Islamist militants.

Seventeen people, including journalists and police, were killed in three days of violence that began on Jan. 7 when militants burst into Charlie Hebdo's office during a regular editorial meeting and shot dead five of its leading cartoonists.

Liberation newspaper, now temporarily housing Charlie Hebdo operations, revealed the front page of the Jan. 14 edition via Twitter late on Monday - an image of the Prophet Mohammad holding a sign saying "JE SUIS CHARLIE" ("I am Charlie") below the headline "TOUT EST PARDONNE" ("All is forgiven").



Soon as I see it in the shops here in the Netherlands I can buy you one and send by post.

If you can do that I'll be grateful, please also send me/PM bank/payment details of how I can pay you.

I am very grateful.


Soon as I see it in the shops here in the Netherlands I can buy you one and send by post.

If you can do that I'll be grateful, please also send me/PM bank/payment details of how I can pay you.

I am very grateful.

Sure no problem. But don't send any money until I have managed to buy one. They send only 500 copies to the Netherlands, but still I think I will be able to get a few via my local bookstore I just order them. I will let you know then.



Why would you want to but this 'Hate' paper??? Their depiction of Mohammed is deeply offensive to so many people. I would also suggest that the above copy of the cover is removed from this website. I still can't believe that the BBC have published the cover on their website. They only changed their rules 4 days ago and they did it very quietly. This paper is very provocative and is exacerbating an already dangerous situation. There will be no end to this war until the West starts respecting Islamic traditions. Moderate Muslims ( the majority) need to be appeased as they are the key to influencing the extremists. Publishing offensive images of the prophet show a complete lack of respect and intelligence...

I remember the uproar on this site when some Thai students dressed up as Nazis! But its OK for us to depict the Prophet in whatever offensive way we choose. Perhaps this is already World War 3 and the beginning of the end???


The image of the Islamic Prophet is equivalent to Nazis?

He said it!

Je suis Charlie.

Look dudes the CH magazine has been publishing content offensive to various religions, not only Islam.

That's their POV. People don't have to agree with it or read it.

Why should Islam be spared the same treatment in a free, democratic, and SECULAR nation like FRANCE?

Now in some regressive theocracies like Iran, that's another story.

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The image of the Islamic Prophet is equivalent to Nazis?


He said it!

Je suis Charlie.

Look dudes the CH magazine has been publishing content offensive to various religions, not only Islam.

That's their POV. People don't have to agree with it or read it.

Why should Islam be spared the same treatment in a free, democratic, and SECULAR nation like FRANCE?

Now in some regressive theocracies like Iran, that's another story.

You've twisted my words! I didn't compare the image to the Nazis. I referred to the fact that many Westerners are offended when Nazis are depicted or when uneducated Asian kids dress up in SS uniforms! My point was that westerners were offended by this and many of them posted on this site.

This rag in France depicts many different religions and mocks them. However, everybody knows that the ultimate insult to Islam is to depict their prophet.This magazine did that on numerous occasions. And then some nutcase extremists storm the building and cause carnage. I'm not saying they deserved that but surely they saw it coming!! I believe there was a previous attempted attack on their workplace before too..

Westerners get annoyed when people dress up as Nazis and so they complain vociferously when that happens and are shocked by it. Why should this rag be allowed to publish stuff that is so deeply offensive. In the UK people get arrested for saying nasty stuff on Twitter so dont hit me with that freedom of speech BS.. If something is deeply offensive to anyone it shouldn't be published.( Note the word 'deeply!) And pls don't twist my words. Try to understand them before replying!

And BTW while France is a secular nation it also has millions of muslims. That rag should have been closed down due to reasons of national security years ago. The Western governments want to prolong this war with Islam.Its in their interests politically and financially to do so..Those drone planes that kill innocent children are big business for them!!

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