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Mitt Romney sparks new 2016 competition among GOP establishment

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Romney sparks new 2016 competition among GOP establishment

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — A shake-out among fiery conservatives with White House ambitions was always a sure thing. Now it appears the competition among the more establishment-minded GOP candidates for president will end up just as fierce.

With Mitt Romney's move in the past week toward launching a third run for president, there are three high-profile Republicans from the party's mainstream suddenly competing for the same group of elite donors and staffing talent, just as the crowded 2016 presidential primary season begins.

And that list — Romney, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush — doesn't even include a group of Midwestern governors, led by Wisconsin's Scott Walker, who also fit the mold of accomplished, economic-minded executives driven as much by a pragmatic approach to governing as their conservative ideology.

"We've never seen anything remotely like it," said Rick Wilson, a Florida-based Republican consultant who has advised presidential campaigns. "There's no analogous situation with three bigfoot characters in the mix."

The abundance of Republican presidential prospects who put economic policy ahead of social issues comes after GOP congressional leaders succeeded last year in beating back primary challenges from farther-right, tea party-affiliated candidates on their way to reclaiming control of the Senate.

It also sets up a potential contest of mainstream Republicans not seen since 2000, when George W. Bush was the favorite in a crowded field, or 1988, when then-Vice President George H. W. Bush was the heavy favorite.

Not one of the ambitious Republicans has formally entered the race yet. But more than a dozen candidates are preparing for what is widely seen as a once-in-a-generation opportunity — an open White House and no Republican heir apparent with a claim to the nomination. The group features no shortage of conservatives with untested mainstream appeal, including Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul and former neurosurgeon Ben Carson.

Carson joins Romney on the agenda at this week's Republican National Committee winter meeting in San Diego, where another cultural conservative favorite, Texas Gov. Rick Perry, and Wisconsin's Walker are also slated to appear. Other would-be presidential contenders are sending senior aides to the three-day meeting to gauge interest in a prospective run.

Romney was added to the program just 36 hours before Wednesday's opening session, having spent much of the weekend phoning leading Republicans and key former supporters across the country to signal serious interest in a 2016 campaign. Those calls continued Tuesday, as Romney reached out to Arizona Sen. John McCain, the party's 2008 nominee.

Romney's potential leap into the race seemed unthinkable a week earlier, when Bush and Christie were seen as more than capable of satisfying the establishment's desire for mainstream candidates with White House-worthy resumes.

"By and large, they're all going after the same base (of donors)," said former Missouri Sen. Jim Talent, a senior adviser to Romney's 2012 campaign and among those he called in recent days to talk about another run.

"One of the things you have to determine is whether you can raise the money, and I think that's one of the things he's calling around about now," Talent said. "I would feel pretty confident about that with him. He's always been pretty good at mobilizing support."

A spokeswoman for Jeb Bush welcomed Romney to the race this week, but she suggested the former Massachusetts governor efforts wouldn't affect Bush's own plans.

Bush will not attend the San Diego gathering, but he will have volunteers on hand to engage with GOP officials.

"Gov. Bush has tremendous respect for Gov. Romney," said spokeswoman Kristy Campbell. "In the coming months, Gov. Bush is going to actively explore a potential run and his timetable and his decision will not be impacted by Gov. Romney's decision to move forward, and we would assume that the reverse is true as well."

While Bush, Romney and Christie dominate the conversation about the developing GOP race, lesser-known potential candidates are also hoping to attract attention this week.

A senior adviser to Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder, Terri Reid, is headed to San Diego to talk up her recently re-elected boss, a former CEO whose accomplishments include helping deliver Detroit out from bankruptcy. Snyder is among the group of Midwestern governors, elected and re-elected in swing- or even Democratic-leaning states, who could emerge as establishment picks should Romney, Bush and Christie all flame out.

While some establishment donors predict that Christie will suffer most from the crowded field, his camp suggests Bush and Romney actually cause as much trouble for each other, if not more.

Christie is making moves that suggest he's preparing to move forward sooner than expected, including a State of the State speech on Tuesday that sought to define his record at home for voters elsewhere.

He has also been on a victory tour attending Republican governors' inaugurations, which will take him to key early voting states like South Carolina and Iowa this week, just as his team prepares to add outgoing Republican National Committee finance chairman Ray Washburne to lead its fundraising operation. Further, high-profile Republican donors in New York and Virginia are planning meet-and-greet events for Christie with donors for later this month.

Wilson, the GOP, consultant, noted the choice facing establishment donors after several months of maneuvering.

Many initially backed Christie but became nervous about his chances. They then turned to Bush, who, as a two-term governor of the nation's largest swing state and the son and brother of presidents, was seen as a proven alternative. Meanwhile, others had held out hope for Romney.

"Now, all of their dreams have come true," Wilson said. "It is a fascinating moment among those folks."

Associated Press writers Jill Colvin in Trenton, New Jersey; David A. Lieb in Jefferson City, Missouri; Michael J. Mishak in Miami and Erica Werner in Washington contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-01-14


With a better run campaign, and the full realization by the American people that Obama and

the democrats have run America into the toilet, I think Romney will be an easy winner.

The midterm elections will be a harbinger of what is coming....

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Romney, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie...

It won't be any of them, nor will it be another Bush.

Those tired old sods are getting on my nerves. Fortunately the people get to pick the nominees for the final ballot.

Just watch. It's going to be someone who isn't on the radar or who's only recently on the radar. It will be like when Reagan and Obama came out of nowhere and knocked off the MSM's picks.

Romney always looks tired and afraid of his own shadow. He didn't have a chance last time and nothing's changed.

  • Like 1

Romney, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie...

It won't be any of them, nor will it be another Bush.

Those tired old sods are getting on my nerves. Fortunately the people get to pick the nominees for the final ballot.

Just watch. It's going to be someone who isn't on the radar or who's only recently on the radar. It will be like when Reagan and Obama came out of nowhere and knocked off the MSM's picks.

Romney always looks tired and afraid of his own shadow. He didn't have a chance last time and nothing's changed.

I agree with your contention that Obama "...came out of nowhere..." but have to disagree about Reagan.

The Gipper had been a GOP warhorse since Goldwater's campaign. He was very well known.

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Stock market trebled, unemployment 5%, rate of hiring increasing every quarter, cheap oil (low gas prices), expansion of manufacturing. Shame on you Obama! Only the US and England did QE and only they are growing. But what do you expect from a Black Man but ineptitude? Oh and he COPIED Romney's health care plan. Shame!

I liked Bush's 2 wars, economic meltdown, vast expansion of the federal government, expansion of Medicare, high gas prices. Bring on more!

Under Obama the national debt increased from about 10 trillion dollars to about 18 trillion dollars - almost half the nation's debt occurred in just 6 years under Obama.

The US can't afford any more such geniuses.

The only one who raised the debt limit more times then Bush was Reagen. Fact.

  • Like 1

Stock market trebled, unemployment 5%, rate of hiring increasing every quarter, cheap oil (low gas prices), expansion of manufacturing. Shame on you Obama! Only the US and England did QE and only they are growing. But what do you expect from a Black Man but ineptitude? Oh and he COPIED Romney's health care plan. Shame!

I liked Bush's 2 wars, economic meltdown, vast expansion of the federal government, expansion of Medicare, high gas prices. Bring on more!

Under Obama the national debt increased from about 10 trillion dollars to about 18 trillion dollars - almost half the nation's debt occurred in just 6 years under Obama.

Of course government spending needs to be brought under control, but what percent of that 8 trillion is directly due to servicing the debt that accumulated even before he took office? What percentage is tied to entitlements? What percentage is due to the 2009 stimulus? Furthermore what percentage was spent on paying for two wars that lasted nearly a decade?

And finally, you seem to be forgetting that Republicans have controlled the House since 2010. So there's enough blame to go around.

For those interested in serious policy positions related to the Federal government and its spending, I would recommend this independent, non-profit, non-partisan organization:


Or you could continue reading hyper-partisan blogs that post clickbait. whistling.gif

  • Like 1

I like Romney better than anyone else running so far and I am sure he would have been a much better President than Obama, but the liberal media did such a smear job on him last time, that I don't know if he has a chance. What a shame that there is so much dishonesty in political campaigns.

Smear job my behind, he stuck his foot in his mouth so often he can only blame himself.

He's not called Mitt the Twit for nothing.

I hope he does run again, it would be like taking candy from a baby for the Dems.

  • Like 1

I like Romney better than anyone else running so far and I am sure he would have been a much better President than Obama, but the liberal media did such a smear job on him last time, that I don't know if he has a chance. What a shame that there is so much dishonesty in political campaigns.

Smear job my behind, he stuck his foot in his mouth so often he can only blame himself.

He's not called Mitt the Twit for nothing.

I hope he does run again, it would be like taking candy from a baby for the Dems.

Who do you plan to vote for?

  • Like 1

I like Romney better than anyone else running so far and I am sure he would have been a much better President than Obama, but the liberal media did such a smear job on him last time, that I don't know if he has a chance. What a shame that there is so much dishonesty in political campaigns.

Smear job my behind, he stuck his foot in his mouth so often he can only blame himself.

He's not called Mitt the Twit for nothing.

I hope he does run again, it would be like taking candy from a baby for the Dems.

Who do you plan to vote for?


The nationality nazis police have arrived and they are beginning to round people up.....they want answers!

Here at ThaiVisa World News Forum

everybody's favorite global forum

coffee1.gif .

  • Like 1

Just a simple question. Don't get your panties in a twist.

Now you have inflamed Publicus and there is no telling where this will lead.cheesy.gif

  • Like 1

Just a simple question. Don't get your panties in a twist.

Now you have inflamed Publicus and there is no telling where this will lead.cheesy.gif

A simple, but irrelevant question, since the title is not "Mitt Romney sparks new 2016 competition among GOP establishment (for American readers only)".

And even if it was, I'd ignore that bit.



This Mitt character is very needy to be president. How much is for him and how much is it as a way of normalizing Mormonism (still called by many a CULT) as a religion? I don't know but I do feel there is something very creepy about Mitt, the man. I don't really feel this is about public service for him. I think he is hearing weird voices in his head that aren't entirely healthy and I don't want a man like that as my president. We already had Nixon the schizo and W. Bush who admitted to hearing voices. Enough already. bah.gif

  • Like 2

He deserves criticism. If that was the best the Republicans had to offer, they deserved to lose, too.

Sounds like you bought the MS media smears, distortions and propaganda, hook line and sinker - no surprise there. Luckily, a lot of people have woken up to how they were manipulated.

July 2, 2014 - Obama Is First As Worst President Since WWII, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; More Voters Say Romney Would Have Been Better.


  • Like 2

He deserves criticism. If that was the best the Republicans had to offer, they deserved to lose, too.

Sounds like you bought the MS media smears, distortions and propaganda, hook line and sinker - no surprise there. Luckily, a lot of people have woken up to how they were manipulated.

July 2, 2014 - Obama Is First As Worst President Since WWII, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; More Voters Say Romney Would Have Been Better.


Sounds like you're in denial. He's a walking gaffe.

  • Like 1

He deserves criticism. If that was the best the Republicans had to offer, they deserved to lose, too.

Sounds like you bought the MS media smears, distortions and propaganda, hook line and sinker - no surprise there. Luckily, a lot of people have woken up to how they were manipulated.

July 2, 2014 - Obama Is First As Worst President Since WWII, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; More Voters Say Romney Would Have Been Better.


Sounds like you're in denial. He's a walking gaffe.

Joe Biden for President!

  • Like 2

This Mitt character is very needy to be president. How much is for him and how much is it as a way of normalizing Mormonism (still called by many a CULT) as a religion?

Your post has crossed the line I've arbitrarily drawn to assuage my inherent sense of victimhood, and I've determined that it is HATE SPEECH. And by the way, Mormons are a PEOPLE.



He deserves criticism. If that was the best the Republicans had to offer, they deserved to lose, too.

Sounds like you bought the MS media smears, distortions and propaganda, hook line and sinker - no surprise there. Luckily, a lot of people have woken up to how they were manipulated.

July 2, 2014 - Obama Is First As Worst President Since WWII, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; More Voters Say Romney Would Have Been Better.


That survey 6 months ago has been surpassed by the post mid-term election polling which shows Prez Obama's several executive actions and climate change treaty with China are popular and win public approval.

CNN-ORC finds Prez Obama's approval at a 20-month high.

Another post mid-term election survey, by AP-AfG found Prez Obama's approval back to the level of the bin Laden day of infinite justice.

Pres Obama has done what no other president has done....he has recovered from a late term slippage of approval.

Obama Approval on the Rise

December 23, 2014

A new CNN/ORC poll finds President Obama’s approval rating has jumped to a 20-month high at 48%.

“The approval jump follows a late-quarter jolt in Obama’s governing agenda, which gained momentum after unilateral actions on immigration and relations with Cuba. Separate surveys have showed those moves popular among the American people. It all amounts to some welcome good news for Obama


Romney wants to run again because Obama won't be on the ballot again, in 2016, and because Mitt is convinced that this time he can get the crucial swing votes of America's Black Republican Mormons laugh.png

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There are definite differences among the Republican party candidates but as the chart shows, it's not exactly a left-right division, as there is a Republican middle ground waaay off on the right that is out there and occupied by the several of 'em.

The GOP’s Five Ring Circus

January 13, 2015 By Taegan Goddard


Nate Silver: “The chart is an oversimplification, but it recognizes the GOP’s dynamics are more complex than a simple left-right spectrum would imply. Some wings overlap more with others. For instance, a candidate could easily have a lot of appeal to both tea party and libertarian voters. But it’s unlikely that one candidate would simultaneously be the choice of both Christian conservatives and moderate voters.”


Still and all the same, it can be difficult to understand how each four years the Republicans ask us to differentiate between Jeb Romney, Mitt Bush, Chis Cruz, Ted Huckabee, Mike Christie, Sarah Santorum, Rick Palin or is it Perry, and another half-dozen of completely new guys whose names we don't even know.

I think it's good enough that what most Americans remember about the Republican party is the name Bush.

At least the second coming of a Clinton is by a woman.

And I and many others hope we don't have to wait till the fat governor sings to find out which of 'em we got.

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