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Insurance Co. (AIG) denies medical treatment in Thailand

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In America I was injured in work resulting in my being placed in skeletal traction for approx. 9 weeks for a fractured hip, and two knee operations. In my workers compensation settlement claim AIG Ins. Co. admitted/accepted total responsibility for any injury related medical services needed for the duration of my life.

Now arthritis in my hip (which was fractured) pains me greatly, and limits my mobility. I'd like to see a Dr., but AIG demands that I return to U.S.A. for assessment and causality of the arthritis. I am retired and living in Thailand, and a trip to U.S.A. would cause economic and logistical hardship.

Does anyone know how to persuade AIG to fulfill their legal obligation regardless of where I reside? I would like to have medical treatment here in Thailand. AIG refuses to budge, and did not even answer my question asking if they would reimburse me for travel and lodging if I was to return to U.S.A. per their demand.

I've lived in Thailand for almost 10 years and have a wonderful Thai wife. I have little desire to return to U.S.A. and especially for medical treatment.

Thanks in advance for your assistance.


Have no idea what the details of your settlement are but the fact is most US insurance will not pay out for treatment, other than emergency short term, when overseas. As until there is a medical fault determined they are not even responsible so maybe if you feel it will be covered a trip might be worth the effort, especially if you have family you could visit. Once fault is determined they might be happy to pay the lower costs of treatment in Thailand?

Do you have any insurance here that you can use?


The OP states that AIG has accepted responsibility for the rest of his life.

OP, you'd have to read the original policy and see what the exclusions are. Most US policies exclude non-emergency treatment in other countries and if so, you aren't covered in Thailand. AIG's liability is limited to what they promised to do.

These policies are regulated at the state level and each state has an Insurance Commissioner's office or whatever that might be called in your state. They will always arbitrate something like this so that is your next step. They will demand a copy of the policy from AIG, read it, and and if you're covered, order the insurance company to pay. If you're not covered then they'll tell you that.

Your Insurance Commissioner is a consumer protection agency through which the insurance company is licensed to do business in your state. They have the power to impose fines on insurance companies and/or to revoke their license in the state. AIG won't give them any guff.


Looks like AIG has a Thai branch: http://www.aig.co.th/_2112_330500.html

You might contact them to see what relationship they have with AIG in the U.S. If it's close, AIG U.S. might accept an evaluation chopped off by AIG Thailand as valid and then cover your costs here. Might not, too....

I expect that AIG U.S. is concerned about potential fraudulent claims from overseas subscribers, this might be a way around that problem.


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