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lack of passion

Crazy chef 1

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Typical.. the young generation is bad rant. Its just because you have grown in your job you can't remember where you started. Also about motivation if you work for yourself your usually far more motivated as when you work for a boss.

I have trained someone recently (been busy with it for over a year now) and she is not Thai but her ethics are good. Then again she is not that young and likes what she is doing.

*edit* the no fail thing is stupid.

Edited by robblok
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Unmotivated lazy staff don't pass probation , if your HR apartment is doing that sort of nonsense then that department needs an overhaul. Sleeping on duty in most places is a dismissal.

Have you ever slept on the job.. I honestly think I never did it not even when the boss was not around when I was a lot younger, though productivity was less when the boss was not around.

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Sounds like your problem is with HR. If they select the wrong people there isn’t much you can do to fix them. In any business, selecting the right people for the job is key.

I think you are doing all you can by trying to keep them busy, even if they hate it. Whether they succeed or fail in life is really up to them. Focus on the ones who show potential.
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as their boss and trainer, you have just admitted your inability to motivate the peope under you.As your boss I would start by firing you and getting someone who can do the job I'm paying them for.

As the boss you have hired him.. you should take responsibility and fire yourself.

*you made a stupid remark now think again*

You can't motivate everyone and he is not responsible for the hiring.

a managers job is to hire people, evaluate their performance, reward if deserved and fire if necessary. stick to your low level duties and leave the management to those who understand the concepts. and how do you know he didnt hire them?

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as their boss and trainer, you have just admitted your inability to motivate the peope under you.As your boss I would start by firing you and getting someone who can do the job I'm paying them for.


You are the single most predictable and contrary poster on this forum. Try saying something nice now and then, even if you don't agree with someone. It's as good for you as it is for them.

my deepest sympathies on your failure to follow through on your declared intention of a few days ago. have you always had this problem?

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as their boss and trainer, you have just admitted your inability to motivate the peope under you.As your boss I would start by firing you and getting someone who can do the job I'm paying them for.

As the boss you have hired him.. you should take responsibility and fire yourself.

*you made a stupid remark now think again*

You can't motivate everyone and he is not responsible for the hiring.

a managers job is to hire people, evaluate their performance, reward if deserved and fire if necessary. stick to your low level duties and leave the management to those who understand the concepts. and how do you know he didnt hire them?

Maybe I got a clue from the fact that there is an HR department.

If he hired the guy then yes I see your point if not I don't. Because if he is not responsible for hiring then he just has to make due with what he gets and that means that he can't control all variables while you want to make him responsible.

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as their boss and trainer, you have just admitted your inability to motivate the peope under you.As your boss I would start by firing you and getting someone who can do the job I'm paying them for.

As the boss you have hired him.. you should take responsibility and fire yourself.

*you made a stupid remark now think again*

You can't motivate everyone and he is not responsible for the hiring.

a managers job is to hire people, evaluate their performance, reward if deserved and fire if necessary. stick to your low level duties and leave the management to those who understand the concepts. and how do you know he didnt hire them?

Maybe I got a clue from the fact that there is an HR department.

If he hired the guy then yes I see your point if not I don't. Because if he is not responsible for hiring then he just has to make due with what he gets and that means that he can't control all variables while you want to make him responsible.

his job is to train and motivate. and if he has some employees who wont be trained and motivated, he should get rid of them.

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as their boss and trainer, you have just admitted your inability to motivate the peope under you.As your boss I would start by firing you and getting someone who can do the job I'm paying them for.


You are the single most predictable and contrary poster on this forum. Try saying something nice now and then, even if you don't agree with someone. It's as good for you as it is for them.

my deepest sympathies on your failure to follow through on your declared intention of a few days ago. have you always had this problem?


That was for that particular thread.

But thank you for proving my point.

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as their boss and trainer, you have just admitted your inability to motivate the peope under you.As your boss I would start by firing you and getting someone who can do the job I'm paying them for.


You are the single most predictable and contrary poster on this forum. Try saying something nice now and then, even if you don't agree with someone. It's as good for you as it is for them.

my deepest sympathies on your failure to follow through on your declared intention of a few days ago. have you always had this problem?


That was for that particular thread.

But thank you for proving my point.

no it wasnt. but hey, dont be embarrassed, plenty of guys havent got the courage of their convictions.

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You are the single most predictable and contrary poster on this forum. Try saying something nice now and then, even if you don't agree with someone. It's as good for you as it is for them.

my deepest sympathies on your failure to follow through on your declared intention of a few days ago. have you always had this problem?


That was for that particular thread.

But thank you for proving my point.

no it wasnt. but hey, dont be embarrassed, plenty of guys havent got the courage of their convictions.


It is very kind and thoughtful of you to repeatedly prove my point.

(See, I paid you a complement, and I feel much better now.)

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Unmotivated lazy staff don't pass probation , if your HR apartment is doing that sort of nonsense then that department needs an overhaul. Sleeping on duty in most places is a dismissal.

according to Thai labor law they have to get caught three times for the SAME offence and warned accordingly...

in regards to the HR department-i can't agree more...

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as their boss and trainer, you have just admitted your inability to motivate the peope under you.As your boss I would start by firing you and getting someone who can do the job I'm paying them for.

As the boss you have hired him.. you should take responsibility and fire yourself.

*you made a stupid remark now think again*

You can't motivate everyone and he is not responsible for the hiring.

may MR Jaydee read the OP again and i will give him some help...

...my kitchen and F&B trainees are now sorted because i keep them constantly busy(and they hate it) but i would like to contribute at least a little to their future in regards of work ethics.

...and as stated in the same OP i am NOT talking about full time employees i am talking about TRAINEES...

may it helps...

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To generalise a bit but......... Only the generation or 2 of Chinese immigrants who built this country and established the businesses here have been the only ones interested in work. Most of their grandchildren aren't interested now either.

No one will fail here because it exposes how bad everything really here is and changing that would upset the status quo.

The country will never move on and the rich like it that way.

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as their boss and trainer, you have just admitted your inability to motivate the peope under you.As your boss I would start by firing you and getting someone who can do the job I'm paying them for.

As the boss you have hired him.. you should take responsibility and fire yourself.

*you made a stupid remark now think again*

You can't motivate everyone and he is not responsible for the hiring.

may MR Jaydee read the OP again and i will give him some help...

...my kitchen and F&B trainees are now sorted because i keep them constantly busy(and they hate it) but i would like to contribute at least a little to their future in regards of work ethics.

...and as stated in the same OP i am NOT talking about full time employees i am talking about TRAINEES...

may it helps...

and you seem unable to impart that motivation. have you considered another line of work?

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