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my new neighbors started a cock fighting ring in their garden.


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If there is gambling involved, it is illegal. Get someone to tip the old bill off, they like the publicity of an easy bust.

I certainly would not take the above advice. Word gets around fast in Thai communities and if there is gambling and money involved you could be leaving yourself and wife vulnerable to those who will bear a grudge.

Where we live there is probably hundreds of feral chickens roaming around the area, we hear them non stop 24/7 including the dogs and cats. Our dogs bark, our neighbors dogs bark, there are the occasional domestic disputes sometimes in the late hours. But this has to be an acceptable part of living within Thai communities and over the years I have become hardly aware of these sounds, none of it bothers me.

As for the cock fights, best to turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to it, especially if these events only happen on occasions and are not frequent. Otherwise it`s as one poster has already advised, if you can`t tolerate it than move on somewhere else into an environment more suited to your lifestyle if you prefer absolute peace and quite. Welcome to Thailand and a whole new way of life, for better or for worse.

I have been living in Chiang mai for some years. And I didn't mind when the other neighbor had just a few chickens walking around. But now this new neighbor has brought in 15 fighting cocks which are there permanent. And when the hold the fights people bring in roosters from outside. I'm living in the middle of the old city not on the edge of the city where you can expect a farm where people hold large groups of animals

I'm not expecting peace and quit because this is an utopia in Thailand but I just don't twelve roosters going of at the same time.

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Someone who raises fighting cocks shows (unless he is forced to do it) that he has no empathy for animals, and that he is a cold-hearted person who will do almost anything for cash. I know a guy personally who raises fighting cocks and as nice and smiling he appears if he knows he has to, as short-fused he is when under pressure... Rest assured that those people will do whatever necessary to get "troublemakers" like you out of the way. They also will know where the complaint was coming from as the RTP (with very few exceptions) is nothing but a rotten pile of corrupt bastards who as well do whatever is needed to make some extra cash. They will snitch on you and your wife. My advise to you is to move away if you simply have rented the place. If you own it... poor you sad.png might try to sell, but chances are bleak I guess...

I breed fighting cocks as do the neighbours. I assure you that, at least around here, these animals are well looked after and a fight is not won when one is dead but when one Thai withdraws his fighter it is because he is afraid of further damage. These beasts live to fight, I have had one fight his way through chicken wire to get at the neighbours cock. That's what they do, they fight.

As for being woken up at 5am... you are supposed to go to bed when it gets dark, if you decide to stay up later, try to live with the consequences.

`To get at the neighbours cock`

Some people giggle.gif

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Sorry, I don't have any advice. Another story that falls under the category of, 'I can't believe my neighbours would do this' but since most of us live here nothing surprises us anymore.

So true, my neighbor has opened a gay paradise resort in the house next door; serving 5 men per day with full 'service'bah.gif This is an exclusive gated community..........so what? TIT

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Sorry, I don't have any advice. Another story that falls under the category of, 'I can't believe my neighbours would do this' but since most of us live here nothing surprises us anymore.

So true, my neighbor has opened a gay paradise resort in the house next door; serving 5 men per day with full 'service'bah.gif This is an exclusive gated community..........so what? TIT

Can you see anything?.........you could sell tickets to that show......bus in loads of Asian tourists to stand on a viewing platform.

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If there is gambling involved, it is illegal. Get someone to tip the old bill off, they like the publicity of an easy bust.

I certainly would not take the above advice. Word gets around fast in Thai communities and if there is gambling and money involved you could be leaving yourself and wife vulnerable to those who will bear a grudge.

Where we live there is probably hundreds of feral chickens roaming around the area, we hear them non stop 24/7 including the dogs and cats. Our dogs bark, our neighbors dogs bark, there are the occasional domestic disputes sometimes in the late hours. But this has to be an acceptable part of living within Thai communities and over the years I have become hardly aware of these sounds, none of it bothers me.

As for the cock fights, best to turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to it, especially if these events only happen on occasions and are not frequent. Otherwise it`s as one poster has already advised, if you can`t tolerate it than move on somewhere else into an environment more suited to your lifestyle if you prefer absolute peace and quite. Welcome to Thailand and a whole new way of life, for better or for worse.

I have been living in Chiang mai for some years. And I didn't mind when the other neighbor had just a few chickens walking around. But now this new neighbor has brought in 15 fighting cocks which are there permanent. And when the hold the fights people bring in roosters from outside. I'm living in the middle of the old city not on the edge of the city where you can expect a farm where people hold large groups of animals

I'm not expecting peace and quit because this is an utopia in Thailand but I just don't twelve roosters going of at the same time.

If you really cannot tolerate the noise, then what I would do is first take your wife and go to speak with your neighbor and in a polite and diplomatic manner explain to him that the chickens are spoiling the enjoyment of your home and would it be possible if he could move the offending birds and the cock fighting activities elsewhere and then see how your neighbor reacts or whether he is willing to submit to your request or even make some sort of compromise. If the guy is totally non amenable or makes a thousand excuses why he cannot consider your requests, then if you are renting, is to seek accommodation elsewhere.

If the property you live in is owned, and you fail to get a reasonable response from your neighbor, then go to see the head man of the area and see if he can do anything. If the property is owned and you are living in the heart of the city, than you shouldn`t have any problems selling, unless you are running any sorts of business from your property that would make your situation rather more complicated.

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Someone who raises fighting cocks shows (unless he is forced to do it) that he has no empathy for animals, and that he is a cold-hearted person who will do almost anything for cash. I know a guy personally who raises fighting cocks and as nice and smiling he appears if he knows he has to, as short-fused he is when under pressure... Rest assured that those people will do whatever necessary to get "troublemakers" like you out of the way. They also will know where the complaint was coming from as the RTP (with very few exceptions) is nothing but a rotten pile of corrupt bastards who as well do whatever is needed to make some extra cash. They will snitch on you and your wife. My advise to you is to move away if you simply have rented the place. If you own it... poor you sad.png might try to sell, but chances are bleak I guess...

I breed fighting cocks as do the neighbours. I assure you that, at least around here, these animals are well looked after and a fight is not won when one is dead but when one Thai withdraws his fighter it is because he is afraid of further damage. These beasts live to fight, I have had one fight his way through chicken wire to get at the neighbours cock. That's what they do, they fight.

As for being woken up at 5am... you are supposed to go to bed when it gets dark, if you decide to stay up later, try to live with the consequences.

It's always nice if people have hobbies that don't take their neighbors in consideration. What if I would come live next to you and start banging my drum set at 1 am and my reaction if you would come and complain would be "sleeping is for the weak". I don't mind if people have one or two roosters walking around but 15 roosters in a residential area is just a selfish act if you wanna start a farm move to the countryside where its normal to have farm animals around on that scale.

But I hope you enjoy your cruel hobby and I feel for your neighbors

As mentioned, the neighbours don't mind. You never saw a cock fight in Thailand did you?

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Someone who raises fighting cocks shows (unless he is forced to do it) that he has no empathy for animals, and that he is a cold-hearted person who will do almost anything for cash. I know a guy personally who raises fighting cocks and as nice and smiling he appears if he knows he has to, as short-fused he is when under pressure... Rest assured that those people will do whatever necessary to get "troublemakers" like you out of the way. They also will know where the complaint was coming from as the RTP (with very few exceptions) is nothing but a rotten pile of corrupt bastards who as well do whatever is needed to make some extra cash. They will snitch on you and your wife. My advise to you is to move away if you simply have rented the place. If you own it... poor you sad.png might try to sell, but chances are bleak I guess...

I breed fighting cocks as do the neighbours. I assure you that, at least around here, these animals are well looked after and a fight is not won when one is dead but when one Thai withdraws his fighter it is because he is afraid of further damage. These beasts live to fight, I have had one fight his way through chicken wire to get at the neighbours cock. That's what they do, they fight.

As for being woken up at 5am... you are supposed to go to bed when it gets dark, if you decide to stay up later, try to live with the consequences.

What total and complete crapola. I guess you are British.

Firstly you are breaking the law plus cock fighting is a cruel and barbaric practice. Cockerels do not live to fight, their natural instinct is to overpower other males for the purposes of breeding with females and territory, usually a well balanced affair where nature sets the limits and not artificially placed into fighting situations for the entertainments and the making of profits for idiots, animal abusers and morons.

I would be interested to know where you live and how much money you make out of your cock breeding and cock fighting business?

Ypou call yourself cooked. I sincerly hope that one day your goose is cooked, or should I say chicken.

Good old Beetup juice, always good with an insightful response. What would my nationality have to do with it? The reason that cock fighting is often against the law is that a lot of money gets won and lost on betting. Not around here it isn't. The way it is carried out here is NOT cruel, you should see how these animals are looked after, no way will serious damge get done. Pushed into a corner, you crapola filled piece of garbage, like everyone around here I do not make a penny out of breeding or fighting and hope you learn to read posts properly. Fighting cocks are aggressive beasts as I said, they will break through chicken wire to get at another one, that's when damage occurs, when nobody is there to separate them. Fighting cocks, not nice fluffy chickies.

You never saw a cock fight, did you?

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If there is gambling involved, it is illegal. Get someone to tip the old bill off, they like the publicity of an easy bust.

I certainly would not take the above advice. Word gets around fast in Thai communities and if there is gambling and money involved you could be leaving yourself and wife vulnerable to those who will bear a grudge.

Where we live there is probably hundreds of feral chickens roaming around the area, we hear them non stop 24/7 including the dogs and cats. Our dogs bark, our neighbors dogs bark, there are the occasional domestic disputes sometimes in the late hours. But this has to be an acceptable part of living within Thai communities and over the years I have become hardly aware of these sounds, none of it bothers me.

As for the cock fights, best to turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to it, especially if these events only happen on occasions and are not frequent. Otherwise it`s as one poster has already advised, if you can`t tolerate it than move on somewhere else into an environment more suited to your lifestyle if you prefer absolute peace and quite. Welcome to Thailand and a whole new way of life, for better or for worse.

I have been living in Chiang mai for some years. And I didn't mind when the other neighbor had just a few chickens walking around. But now this new neighbor has brought in 15 fighting cocks which are there permanent. And when the hold the fights people bring in roosters from outside. I'm living in the middle of the old city not on the edge of the city where you can expect a farm where people hold large groups of animals

I'm not expecting peace and quit because this is an utopia in Thailand but I just don't twelve roosters going of at the same time.

If you really cannot tolerate the noise, then what I would do is first take your wife and go to speak with your neighbor and in a polite and diplomatic manner explain to him that the chickens are spoiling the enjoyment of your home and would it be possible if he could move the offending birds and the cock fighting activities elsewhere and then see how your neighbor reacts or whether he is willing to submit to your request or even make some sort of compromise. If the guy is totally non amenable or makes a thousand excuses why he cannot consider your requests, then if you are renting, is to seek accommodation elsewhere.

If the property you live in is owned, and you fail to get a reasonable response from your neighbor, then go to see the head man of the area and see if he can do anything. If the property is owned and you are living in the heart of the city, than you shouldn`t have any problems selling, unless you are running any sorts of business from your property that would make your situation rather more complicated.

Yes we just opened a guesthouse from our property and were just working on building up positive reviews and now our guest start complaining that they are not able to get a good nights rest.

We are looking at several options one would be replacing the windows with double glassed windows but this will be a considerable investment.

My wife has been living on this property with her family for more than 20 years, so moving is not an option,

But it's just frustrating to see that we have worked really hard this past year to build our business and now we are confronted with a situation which could affect our livelihood.

I would not mind giving any donation to any official to help us out to get this situation within normal limits, I know that completely quit doesn't exist in Thailand.

But some form of a livable noise levels should be not to much to ask for within the city limits.

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If there is gambling involved, it is illegal. Get someone to tip the old bill off, they like the publicity of an easy bust.

I certainly would not take the above advice. Word gets around fast in Thai communities and if there is gambling and money involved you could be leaving yourself and wife vulnerable to those who will bear a grudge.

Where we live there is probably hundreds of feral chickens roaming around the area, we hear them non stop 24/7 including the dogs and cats. Our dogs bark, our neighbors dogs bark, there are the occasional domestic disputes sometimes in the late hours. But this has to be an acceptable part of living within Thai communities and over the years I have become hardly aware of these sounds, none of it bothers me.

As for the cock fights, best to turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to it, especially if these events only happen on occasions and are not frequent. Otherwise it`s as one poster has already advised, if you can`t tolerate it than move on somewhere else into an environment more suited to your lifestyle if you prefer absolute peace and quite. Welcome to Thailand and a whole new way of life, for better or for worse.

I said "get someone". In other words don't let it be tied to you.

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Sorry, I don't have any advice. Another story that falls under the category of, 'I can't believe my neighbours would do this' but since most of us live here nothing surprises us anymore.

So true, my neighbor has opened a gay paradise resort in the house next door; serving 5 men per day with full 'service'bah.gif This is an exclusive gated community..........so what? TIT

I was going to say this is off topic, but there may be a certain amount of cockfighting involved.

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The police! There are new anti-cruelty laws. You might contact the Soi Dog Foundation for proper direction.

These laws were recently used against a man who attacked a cat...he paid a fine and had to apologize smile.png

Good luck!

Are the persons to whom he had to apologise to,,,,,still alive????

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Someone who raises fighting cocks shows (unless he is forced to do it) that he has no empathy for animals, and that he is a cold-hearted person who will do almost anything for cash. I know a guy personally who raises fighting cocks and as nice and smiling he appears if he knows he has to, as short-fused he is when under pressure... Rest assured that those people will do whatever necessary to get "troublemakers" like you out of the way. They also will know where the complaint was coming from as the RTP (with very few exceptions) is nothing but a rotten pile of corrupt bastards who as well do whatever is needed to make some extra cash. They will snitch on you and your wife. My advise to you is to move away if you simply have rented the place. If you own it... poor you sad.png might try to sell, but chances are bleak I guess...

I breed fighting cocks as do the neighbours. I assure you that, at least around here, these animals are well looked after and a fight is not won when one is dead but when one Thai withdraws his fighter it is because he is afraid of further damage. These beasts live to fight, I have had one fight his way through chicken wire to get at the neighbours cock. That's what they do, they fight.

As for being woken up at 5am... you are supposed to go to bed when it gets dark, if you decide to stay up later, try to live with the consequences.

What total and complete crapola. I guess you are British.

Firstly you are breaking the law plus cock fighting is a cruel and barbaric practice. Cockerels do not live to fight, their natural instinct is to overpower other males for the purposes of breeding with females and territory, usually a well balanced affair where nature sets the limits and not artificially placed into fighting situations for the entertainments and the making of profits for idiots, animal abusers and morons.

I would be interested to know where you live and how much money you make out of your cock breeding and cock fighting business?

Ypou call yourself cooked. I sincerly hope that one day your goose is cooked, or should I say chicken.

Good old Beetup juice, always good with an insightful response. What would my nationality have to do with it? The reason that cock fighting is often against the law is that a lot of money gets won and lost on betting. Not around here it isn't. The way it is carried out here is NOT cruel, you should see how these animals are looked after, no way will serious damge get done. Pushed into a corner, you crapola filled piece of garbage, like everyone around here I do not make a penny out of breeding or fighting and hope you learn to read posts properly. Fighting cocks are aggressive beasts as I said, they will break through chicken wire to get at another one, that's when damage occurs, when nobody is there to separate them. Fighting cocks, not nice fluffy chickies.

You never saw a cock fight, did you?

Beetup juice and you crapola filled piece of garbage. We are aggressive are we.not.

In the UK pit bull dog fighting and cock fights has become the sport of the lower classes, especially among the council estate inhabitants, look it up for yourself. As regarding these birds are well cared for prior to being manipulated into fighting each other, this reminds me of the Roman gladiators that were treated like heroes until they were thrown into the arena to fight to their deaths.

i did once watch a few minutes of a cock fighting on video, didn`t have the stomach to watch all of it made me feel physically sick and would never actually go to see a cock fight.

There are no ways that anyone can justify any forms of animal abuse and cruelty to me and cock fighting is a cruel and barbaric practice, no mater how many ways you try to gloss over what is involved. That`s my opinion, that cock fighting stinks, I have no respect for the sport and no respect for those who participate in these kinds of activities, otherwise if all is what you say was fact, there would not be laws set in place to outlaw these practices, laws that you obviously disregard and continue to flaunt with impunity.

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My sympathies are with the OP. A noisy and inconsiderate neighbour once drove me mad, and it can consume you and spoil your quaility of life, especially if you think you are powerless to do something about it.

I would try and get a local to make some discreet enquiries as to whether these people are intending to stay long, and if they are, then it might be easier to put plans in motion to relocate.

Good luck

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NO I haven't ever seen one and I would care to see one. I have more respect for two fighters stepping in the ring instead of having an animal fighting for you.

As I have fought myself I know what kind of stress this brings on one you cant tell me these animals enjoy being forced to fight each other. I believe like bull fighting these sports are cruel and I cant have a lot of respect for people forcing an animal to fight their battles for them.

Someone who raises fighting cocks shows (unless he is forced to do it) that he has no empathy for animals, and that he is a cold-hearted person who will do almost anything for cash. I know a guy personally who raises fighting cocks and as nice and smiling he appears if he knows he has to, as short-fused he is when under pressure... Rest assured that those people will do whatever necessary to get "troublemakers" like you out of the way. They also will know where the complaint was coming from as the RTP (with very few exceptions) is nothing but a rotten pile of corrupt bastards who as well do whatever is needed to make some extra cash. They will snitch on you and your wife. My advise to you is to move away if you simply have rented the place. If you own it... poor you sad.png might try to sell, but chances are bleak I guess...

I breed fighting cocks as do the neighbours. I assure you that, at least around here, these animals are well looked after and a fight is not won when one is dead but when one Thai withdraws his fighter it is because he is afraid of further damage. These beasts live to fight, I have had one fight his way through chicken wire to get at the neighbours cock. That's what they do, they fight.

As for being woken up at 5am... you are supposed to go to bed when it gets dark, if you decide to stay up later, try to live with the consequences.

It's always nice if people have hobbies that don't take their neighbors in consideration. What if I would come live next to you and start banging my drum set at 1 am and my reaction if you would come and complain would be "sleeping is for the weak". I don't mind if people have one or two roosters walking around but 15 roosters in a residential area is just a selfish act if you wanna start a farm move to the countryside where its normal to have farm animals around on that scale.

But I hope you enjoy your cruel hobby and I feel for your neighbors

As mentioned, the neighbours don't mind. You never saw a cock fight in Thailand did you?

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Yes we just opened a guesthouse from our property and were just working on building up positive reviews and now our guest start complaining that they are not able to get a good nights rest.

We are looking at several options one would be replacing the windows with double glassed windows but this will be a considerable investment.

My wife has been living on this property with her family for more than 20 years, so moving is not an option,

But it's just frustrating to see that we have worked really hard this past year to build our business and now we are confronted with a situation which could affect our livelihood.

I would not mind giving any donation to any official to help us out to get this situation within normal limits, I know that completely quit doesn't exist in Thailand.

But some form of a livable noise levels should be not to much to ask for within the city limits.

Amazing how I eventually manage to read between the lines and get to the crux of the matter.

I`will put it to you this way and on a subject that I have warned members about countless times here in the past. If you are running a renting business, a guest-house, then is this run strictly as imposed under Thai law, meaning a registered company where you have the appropriate permissions and work permit?

If so, then you have nothing to lose if your livelihood is threatened by going to the appropriate authorities or even hiring a lawyer after of course trying to negotiate the situation with your neighbor first.

If not, then you are trending on shaky ground, because you have no jurisdiction over the said guest house, plus you cannot afford to bring attention and scrutiny over your business affairs, you will have to let your wife deal with the neighbors and any legal occurrences that may arise from this while you remain discretely in the background.

Those in my opinion are your options or otherwise just continue on and hope for the best.

I don`t make these comments as personal or with prejudice, just putting in some food for thought on your part and some facts that you may wish to take into consideration if you want to resolve this matter.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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Ever heard of those Big Bang fire crackers ? Shoot a few of those everyday as a " farang thing " when their busy with their rooster fights to disorientate the roosters and they will soon move their activities ells where

Good luck....

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Yes I do have a work permit and we are running the business completely legal.

My wife just found out trough other neighbors that the neighbor in question has connections with the local police as they come their to watch the fights

So replacing the windows looks like our only option

Yes we just opened a guesthouse from our property and were just working on building up positive reviews and now our guest start complaining that they are not able to get a good nights rest.

We are looking at several options one would be replacing the windows with double glassed windows but this will be a considerable investment.

My wife has been living on this property with her family for more than 20 years, so moving is not an option,

But it's just frustrating to see that we have worked really hard this past year to build our business and now we are confronted with a situation which could affect our livelihood.

I would not mind giving any donation to any official to help us out to get this situation within normal limits, I know that completely quit doesn't exist in Thailand.

But some form of a livable noise levels should be not to much to ask for within the city limits.

Amazing how I eventually manage to read between the lines and get to the crux of the matter.

I`will put it to you this way and on a subject that I have warned members about countless times here in the past. If you are running a renting business, a guest-house, then is this run strictly as imposed under Thai law, meaning a registered company where you have the appropriate permissions and work permit?

If so, then you have nothing to lose if your livelihood is threatened by going to the appropriate authorities or even hiring a lawyer after of course trying to negotiate the situation with your neighbor first.

If not, then you are trending on shaky ground, because you have no jurisdiction over the said guest house, plus you cannot afford to bring attention and scrutiny over your business affairs, you will have to let your wife deal with the neighbors and any legal occurrences that may arise from this while you remain discretely in the background.

Those in my opinion are your options or otherwise just continue on and hope for the best.

I don`t make these comments as personal or with prejudice, just putting in some food for thought on your part and some facts that you may wish to take into consideration if you want to resolve this matter.

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Your wife and her family have to speak the headman in your area, that is the only way this will get resolved.

I would of thought she would of known that already?

As a farang, keep well out of this one.

Edit: Just saw your latest post. Yep, you're stuffed. You could still try to get the headman onboard but it is unlikely that you'd seen any resolution soon, if at all.

Edited by scd
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You need to find an intermediary who will speak with them and negotiate how much money you need to pay them to have them move the birds. The price will be high because they know the value and they moved in to collect it. They are waiting and you should act fast before your guest house reputation for no sleep gets further established.

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I do feel for you, hard to think its 2015 and you cannot ask your neighbours about noise etc etc...

i suppose it would be like asking some ''Chav'' in the UK, to keep the noise down, the effect would be horrendous, probably a brick through the window..

Some people have no consideration for there Neighbours...

Personally if it was me, i would move...

anything for an easy life..

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Yes I do have a work permit and we are running the business completely legal.

My wife just found out trough other neighbors that the neighbor in question has connections with the local police as they come their to watch the fights

So replacing the windows looks like our only option

Yes we just opened a guesthouse from our property and were just working on building up positive reviews and now our guest start complaining that they are not able to get a good nights rest.

We are looking at several options one would be replacing the windows with double glassed windows but this will be a considerable investment.

My wife has been living on this property with her family for more than 20 years, so moving is not an option,

But it's just frustrating to see that we have worked really hard this past year to build our business and now we are confronted with a situation which could affect our livelihood.

I would not mind giving any donation to any official to help us out to get this situation within normal limits, I know that completely quit doesn't exist in Thailand.

But some form of a livable noise levels should be not to much to ask for within the city limits.

Amazing how I eventually manage to read between the lines and get to the crux of the matter.

I`will put it to you this way and on a subject that I have warned members about countless times here in the past. If you are running a renting business, a guest-house, then is this run strictly as imposed under Thai law, meaning a registered company where you have the appropriate permissions and work permit?

If so, then you have nothing to lose if your livelihood is threatened by going to the appropriate authorities or even hiring a lawyer after of course trying to negotiate the situation with your neighbor first.

If not, then you are trending on shaky ground, because you have no jurisdiction over the said guest house, plus you cannot afford to bring attention and scrutiny over your business affairs, you will have to let your wife deal with the neighbors and any legal occurrences that may arise from this while you remain discretely in the background.

Those in my opinion are your options or otherwise just continue on and hope for the best.

I don`t make these comments as personal or with prejudice, just putting in some food for thought on your part and some facts that you may wish to take into consideration if you want to resolve this matter.

I would take the police thing with a pinch of salt. Certain Thais who lack total consideration for anyone else will always try to put round that they have police connections or relatives that are police in order to scare people off. And if some police, who I would guess are just part of the local residents in your area do come to watch the cock fights, than so what? Your dispute is with the neighbor not the police. As would be usual with these morons, move them away from one location and they will find somewhere else.

As I said previous, first, it you have not already done so? Go and talk with the neighbor and see where the land lies. It is possible that these events maybe temporary, you won`t know unless you enquire first.

What you decide has to be up to your own discretion. Good luck and wishing you all success with your guest house.

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Ever heard of those Big Bang fire crackers ? Shoot a few of those everyday as a " farang thing " when their busy with their rooster fights to disorientate the roosters and they will soon move their activities ells where

Or simply some ells which is extremely annoying and interfere with the roosters performance you can do when they start these fights.

Guess you have not lived here long. If you have, guessing most of that time has not been outside the usual expat areas. Do something like you suggest up my way and you will find yourself floating down the Mekong river.

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