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Pope on Charlie Hebdo: There are limits to free expression

Lite Beer

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There are also limits to how you express your offense at speech that you think has gone too far ... coffee1.gif

So you are not going to kill me for this one??attachicon.gifdouble-standard 3.gif

No, why would I do that? That's an Islamic Jihadist thing to kill over offensive cartoons and last time I checked that doesn't describe me. In reference to Charlie Hebdo though, the message is rather off considering they have published cartoons offensive to Jews as well as Muslims and Catholics. If you're asking me if I think it's OK that holocaust denial should be illegal in France, my answer to that is that is a matter for French law and I ain't French. I'm American and it is not illegal there.

Edited by Jingthing
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There is a reason these cartoons resonate with people: they poke fun at the posturing religious fools, of all faiths, who seek power and to exercise control of others. A pox on all their houses and long may satirists continue to expose their hypocrisy.

Sure, but actually pretty much all humans, religious or not, are hypocrites to some degree and are potential targets of satirists. That includes the satirists themselves!

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Hey Frank!

Shove your pontificating and <deleted> off.

"...the Vatican and four prominent French imams ... urged the media to treat religions with respect."

Don't even get me started on your horrific past, you self-rightous hypocrite.

Respect? My ass...

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I don't see why insulting someone's religion is any different to insulting someone's politics. It's all part of the mechanism religions use to control people.

The Pope has decided to take sides with Terrorists. It's understandable really.

Religion is quickly losing popularity and he is concerned.

Mohammed was a pedophile same as many Catholic Priests and he can see them being branded with the same brush in the future.

Clutching at straws. Disgusting filth.

The human race will move forward and religion will be a thing of the past.

I hope to live long enough to rejoice the end of fairy tale religion.

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I think Pope Francis walks the talk,.... Many Christians proclaim "What would Jesus do?" Pope Francis asks that and does what Jesus would have done, following in the footsteps of holy men like Jesus, Muhammad, and Buddha... I'm a Buddhist-leaning Episcopalian, but I admire this Pope for his forward vision and his truly following the example of Jesus...

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I was brainwashed through The Cold War that the Communists tried to stamp out religion., with terror.

Religion is still around in the old USSR.

Marx said, and you don,t hear this quote that much anymore, " the opium of the people "

I think religion has been replaced as the opium of the masses... Today, it is corporate faux democracy pretending to be democracy...

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I was brainwashed through The Cold War that the Communists tried to stamp out religion., with terror.

Religion is still around in the old USSR.

Marx said, and you don,t hear this quote that much anymore, " the opium of the people "

I think religion has been replaced as the opium of the masses... Today, it is corporate faux democracy pretending to be democracy...

"Marx said, and you don,t hear this quote that much anymore, " the opium of the people".

But of course Marx needed to get rid of religion it was too much competition for him and Communism,which was designed to be the new Opium of the people!

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He should have said, freedom of speech comes with responsibility and respect. By setting a limit on it in the context of the Charlie Hebdo massacre he's condoning the murderous response to what he sees as those "limits" having been exceeded.

Very poor choice of words from the Pope.

Organised religion is just another money spinner.

Edited by MJP
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I don't see why insulting someone's religion is any different to insulting someone's politics. It's all part of the mechanism religions use to control people.

The Pope has decided to take sides with Terrorists. It's understandable really.

Religion is quickly losing popularity and he is concerned.

Mohammed was a pedophile same as many Catholic Priests and he can see them being branded with the same brush in the future.

Clutching at straws. Disgusting filth.

The human race will move forward and religion will be a thing of the past.

I hope to live long enough to rejoice the end of fairy tale religion.

The prophet Mohammed was not a pedophile... His first wife was much older than him, and young brides were not that uncommon in the past in the East and the West...

He was a man of his time. Unfortunately, many of his followers also want to live in that time and for the rest of the world to have to follow suit.

Exactly, it's why we know he wasn't divine or receiving any divine messages just as Christ wasn't anything that was claimed for him. Otherwise we would have been handed a blueprint for the future, things like slavery would have been banned right there and then but all those moral injunctions such as they were stemmed from that period, firmly anchored in that time.

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I totally agree, and I am glad that Pope Francis said that, and I hope more influential people will do it.

If you know a person in your village that is insane and violent, and that do not like farangs, will you make fun of him in public?..and more...insulting his religion?.... and more....knowing that there are many others like him in the village?

Will be a surprise is him, or others like him, come to your home and kill you and everyone inside?

How Mr. Charlie will feel about his "mission" if he was not present at his office that sad day, and everyone there were killed but not him?

Insults and difamation, specially about other people's religion, for any reason, will have consequences. People and countries allowing that cannot be surprise of any kind of violent response, and keeping in doing it is totally wrong.

Edited by umbanda
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