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Koh Tao - last time 5 years ago - changes? recommendations? Please!

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I used to spend a lot of time right on Sairee beach from 2004-2010. At small bungalows owned by Mama Ochai. I wonder if she is still around?

Are there still places near Sairee for 4-500bt? Or has everything gone overpriced? I would like to stay as close as possible to the beach...

Given the political, economic, and murder climate, is Koh Tao really crowded for this high season? Or just moderately over-crowded?

And speaking of climate, a few weeks ago, the weather looked pretty rough. Is Sairee very swim-able these days? I have this real need to spend a lot of time in the water...

Is Lamprayah still the only fast easy option? (I used to take slow buses and the night ferries, but now I don't have that much time or energy!).

The last time I was there, the coral had gone eerily white (change in water temp). Has it gone back to normal?

I dunno what else. Just trying to figure out if I should go there for a visit or not. I used to love it, but that was a while ago...

Any advice would be great. Can PM me if you want...

Thanks, Mark

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The island is still the same island you visited however since the locals are controlling it, by now at the open it is official the island has become death island.

Better you visit from a boat and stay on the boat as venturing on the island feed those savages worse than animals.

Too many murderers happen and are not settled in court properly.

The old story : do not have a flashy/ too sexy/ too rich g/f some one will like to grab her drunk or not and will not hesitate to kill you first then afterwards the woman as well.

Up to you otherwise to take your chances.

I would not go and restrict any one to go.

Pure self defense and common sense plus jelly fishes etc.....

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