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Why the Muslim 'no-go-zone' myth won't die

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But lets explain what I meant as I would do with a kid:

I didn't implied your friend was "lying". I just implied that a TRUE muslim, that is someone following the Quran by chapter and verse, someone belonging to the people you're naming "islamists" or "radical muslims" , yeah he would kill you in a second, or sell you, or enslave you. Given he had a reason to do so. And the reasons are many. There is "only" few tenth thousands of them in american & europe

There is no "moderate islam", that is a concept that has been coined by GW Bush government (first time i've ever heard of it: 2 days after 9/11). There is, on the other hand, millions guys pretending to be muslim because they have nothing else to be proud of, because they wants to belong to something other than the culture of the countries they're living in, because they wants to marry easily, because they wants to have some attitude, because they are teens wanting to be a little different, because they are whities and they are forced to do so by their neighbourhood, because they wants to marry a muslim girl, and, the others.

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you're not only a culinaric disaster.

You have more readers than you know, and your trial for stigmatization of your political opponents is well noticed. Provocations are sometimes a good way to find out how far your political opponents from the other side would be willing to go in case they feel they are on the safe side.

Your point of view is valid because it can be falsified.

It is false, because you are taking some personal experience and pre-selected excerpts from press articles as a proof for generalization. The majority of Muslims have a different point of view. They simply don't shout so much, that's why they get a bit out of focus from a sensationalistic press.

IS is a very small yet aggressive bunch of desperados that now want to recruit combatants for their Jihad against National Armies in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere. Al Quaida tries the same from Pakistan, after they lost their influence in Afghanistan.

Many Muslims are aware that these self-declared Jihadists in reality started an undeclared war on Muslim nations, and even on Muslims in Europe. Guess the majority of Muslims are strong enough to stand for their own interests, and it is certainly not in the interest of Islam to import Iraq-style bombings into Europe.

For those from the USA: you had your problems with Hispanics, but you also had your Guardian Angels to cool it down.

The international "coalition of the willing" (G.W. Bush) turned out to be a military disaster, and this was prophecied by many experts. It was a welcomed chance for the military industrial complex to increase profits, many many human lives were sacrificed for this. If I were a soldier, I would fight and maybe kill to protect my family, certainly not for the profit interests of big money.

I'm German, and I'm really thankful that my country got liberated from the bunch of criminals that had taken over the political power in the 1930ies. Shame on Germany that they needed the Allied Forces to get rid of Hitler and the other creeps. As a post-war child, I guess it's my duty to learn from history, and not let quasi-mythological processes get out of control again.

Arithmetically, you seem to be a bit confused. The quantity of noise in public is not the quantity of followers, and for sure not the quantity of a majority. Maybe it's only political pollution, and your post is a useful contribution - as a demonstration how it should *not* end up.

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There genuinely is something wrong with you - do you not know the level of slaughter perpetrated by ISIS against fellow Muslim's? They detest the "heretics," more than the kafirs. Why do you think the tribes are rising?

Maybe that's a question beyond the capability of your racist, bigoted mind.

Nothing wrong with my head. I am not the one lopping of heads or burning people alive.

If you think the tribes are rising you are severely mistaken.

My racist, bigoted mind as you put it. Is merely interpreting what I see with my own eyes.

That possibility never enter your tiny little mind.

You're probably the only guy on the planet that can't see it's a sectarian war.

Is that it ? Is that the best you can come up with ?

I think I hit the nail on the head in # 404



you're not only a culinaric disaster.

You have more readers than you know, and your trial for stigmatization of your political opponents is well noticed. Provocations are sometimes a good way to find out how far your political opponents from the other side would be willing to go in case they feel they are on the safe side.

Your point of view is valid because it can be falsified.

It is false, because you are taking some personal experience and pre-selected excerpts from press articles as a proof for generalization. The majority of Muslims have a different point of view. They simply don't shout so much, that's why they get a bit out of focus from a sensationalistic press.

IS is a very small yet aggressive bunch of desperados that now want to recruit combatants for their Jihad against National Armies in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere. Al Quaida tries the same from Pakistan, after they lost their influence in Afghanistan.

Many Muslims are aware that these self-declared Jihadists in reality started an undeclared war on Muslim nations, and even on Muslims in Europe. Guess the majority of Muslims are strong enough to stand for their own interests, and it is certainly not in the interest of Islam to import Iraq-style bombings into Europe.

For those from the USA: you had your problems with Hispanics, but you also had your Guardian Angels to cool it down.

The international "coalition of the willing" (G.W. Bush) turned out to be a military disaster, and this was prophecied by many experts. It was a welcomed chance for the military industrial complex to increase profits, many many human lives were sacrificed for this. If I were a soldier, I would fight and maybe kill to protect my family, certainly not for the profit interests of big money.

I'm German, and I'm really thankful that my country got liberated from the bunch of criminals that had taken over the political power in the 1930ies. Shame on Germany that they needed the Allied Forces to get rid of Hitler and the other creeps. As a post-war child, I guess it's my duty to learn from history, and not let quasi-mythological processes get out of control again.

Arithmetically, you seem to be a bit confused. The quantity of noise in public is not the quantity of followers, and for sure not the quantity of a majority. Maybe it's only political pollution, and your post is a useful contribution - as a demonstration how it should *not* end up.

You personally know the vast majority of Muslims ?

How long have you spent in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan or Pakistan ?

But you do not like generalisations !

As a self confessed former inmate of an Asylum, it seems to me that you are the one who is deeply confused.

I truly hope that you seek the help that you need. I know that when I was in Germany the krankenhauses were really good. i hope that is still the case.



so you're afraid a Muslim would "kill you, sell you, or enslave you. Given he had a good reason to" ?

First, I doubt anyone would wish to buy you.

Second, you shout to loud, and someone might prefer to relax. Better go out, join the dogs, and bark to the moon a bit, the moon won't care, and maybe you'd be satisfied after.

You're bashing Muslim youth to be proud of their religion because they have nothing else to be proud of?

What are you so proud of? The money "your" bank keeps? You can't eat money, you know that, so what else?

Freedom of speech was hailed as a high value on another post. What happened to that freedom of speech, when political opponents use it? Lock them up and away from society, because you run out of arguments, is that what you mean?


Hey mich, thanks for your kind answer.


1: Sorry I gave you the impression I was afraid of islam. Since I know islam quite well; I'm not afraid by it. I will just wait it to be dissolved in capitalism. Or course it takes a little too much time I would say. But it will happens ultimately, like for all other religions.

2: I shout "to loud"? please ellaborate.

3: I stated this among one of the many reasons I gave, but that's a sociological fact (as in: stated many times by sociologist researchers ): young sons / grandsons of immigrants, usually thirld generation's, are in a curious situation: They are basicaly the children of people that often fought (in the case of France) the country they are living in now. And because without the colonialist countries, their nations collapsed back in to the thirld world once again, their parents had to became willingly garbages men or construction workers in best of cases, and accept to be exploited during decades by the very people they've fought before. So now they are living in a country their people hated and fought, and aren't quite happy about it, but still love all the advantages (ie: education system, easy money, housing) these societies can give to them compared to the country of origin of their parents. That's the ultimate schysophrenia. So, a lot of them turns into "muslims" to bound with what they think is the only interesting thing in their ancestors's culture to face what they consider to be an humiliation.

4: I didnt understood one word of what you said about this freedom of speech tirade. Are you sure you're talking to the right person?


The reason the 'myth' perpetuates, is no one checking facts. Check out Dearborn, Michigan. And, the original cited article of the OP contains little facts. Jews, Christians, and Moslems all must follow the Ten Commandments. The basic tenet of all three religions.


The reason the 'myth' perpetuates, is no one checking facts. Check out Dearborn, Michigan. And, the original cited article of the OP contains little facts. Jews, Christians, and Moslems all must follow the Ten Commandments. The basic tenet of all three religions.

Some religions are considering others to be fundamentaly wrong. So no matters they all pretends to follow the 10th commandments if some thinks the others are stupid and false.


Hi Frank78, this took a little while, anyway:

1. Guess you're right. Islam will eventually turn to integrate into capitalism, maybe small credits for the poor like in Bangladesh would be helpful. A challenge for Sharia banks, I guess.

I've been in Islamic countries, too. I've also been in Muslim parts of London, Amsterdam, and many of my friends in Heidelberg, Bangkok and Pattaya are Muslims. Most of them are liberal, some academics, some are taxi drivers etc. etc. Also women in shops and restaurants, and some women that I used to work with when I was a student. Some disputes, of course, but never any real problems. Most of them have somethingto complain about: many native Westerners treat them with disgust and seem to be rather afraid of them. I've seen this in hotels in Bangkok (Banglampoo) many times: a group of Muslims coming in, a whole bunch of tourists check out in panic. I guess something like this is happening in the ghettos now described as 'no-go zones' And many posts here in TVF point into the same direction.

2. By 'shouting too loud' I meant: you repeated yourself too often. You didn't anymore, so let's forget about this.

3. Your historical diagnosis about the rise of Islam after de-colonization is correct, and worth an extra post.

4. I mean the topic about the attack on the 'Charlie Hebdo' office in Paris, see link on top. This to mention did not refer to you so much, but also to many other posters in this Forum who zap through the topics like others through TV channels. Shame on me, I do the same sometimes.


1: All of us here, I believe, have friends of muslim culture origin. I do: I lived in france for so long, and since there is, literraly millions of them over there, it's something that happens to everyone, except when you live in deserted countryside. In france, a lot of guys of north african descent are working in 7/11, actually they are the only guys that cares enough to open late in france. I had one of this guys close to my place, spoke to him numberous times, shake our hands every time we've met in the streets of my city. On day he told me his wife was just giving birth. I was really excited for him and asked the name he picked for his kid. He answered back "Osamma". It was 2 years ago. It's very like l was living in israel in year 2000 and I decided to call my son "Adolf". It's exactly the same thing. It's an act of defiance toward the country and the culture you're living in. And believe me, this guy would be qualified by me as the perfect exemple of kind and well integrated muslim, and he's not an integrist guy at all. And this exemple is seen every day in the news. Every day. Most of my friends from north africa, or africa, are atheists, and somehow fled their own culture for reasons I only understand too well.

4: I've wrote somewhere a 2 pages articles about this killing. I have myself some kind of a remote connection with some of the artists that has been killed. The day they were slaughtered, they were just holding a redaction meeting about islamophobia and how to fight it. And I think I may know what were their last thought ; "I can't believe I'm not being killed by right wing extremists, or integrists christians but by the very persons we helped to settle in our country despite what the french people wanted so deeply". What killed them, was terrorism of course, but more of that it was Relativism. This idiotic belief that state that everything is equal: religions, cultures in a precise point in time and space. During more than 3 decades they published really violent drawings, mostly against french people, and christians, and police. Really fun, but really crude. And despite many warnings coming from a lot of persons around them, and the fact that the 80yo artist Wolinsky was afraid this day may come, they believed that world's muslims would be as cool and patient with them as the christians and right wingers has been for decades. This is being really ignorant about the Islam thing.

One of the most important axiom of science is : if 2 things are not alike, they can't possibly be equal. And that apply for every part of the universe, including fruits, animals, cars and religions. Islam had interest back in the 7th century in middle east and it should not have survived the middle ages. This is a religion that is against all of our principes despite what people may tell you. When I hear "religion of peace and love" I just can't agree, because, as I said, I study islam since something like 20 years. People that state this are either liers, idiots, ignorants, or journalists that just opened a Quran and read it quickly without any knowledge of historical context. They can't possibly know that a vast majority of the respectful verses, the very ones you hear as the ultimate proof that islam is a cool belief, the ones calling for religious tolerance (only for jews and christians, not buddhism or hinduism for instance) or telling not to kill an human being, are actually cancelled by other violent verses. This is reflecting the medin and the mecca periods of muhammad. But you can always disgress during hours about the sens of texts (despite the fact that unlike the Bible, New testament, and Talmud Torah, the Quran is supposed to have been dicatated to the prophet by God himself, therefore you have to apply every principes it may contains ). Every week, on french TV, i see islam specialists, trying to do damage control and trying to justify the existence of these verses. It's so funny to see. So funny and sad, because a lot of peeps believe them.

But beyond the text, there is an easy way to discover what islam is really about after all: the life of the prophet, facts , historical facts, transmitted by muslims themselves: and what do they tells us? That he was war chief, ordered killings (an entire jew tribe has been eradicated on his direct order), and, guess what, he also ordered a poet that mocked him up to be slain, very much like the guys of Charlie Hebdo; few centuries before. These things are well known by any muslim, and it is really important because, for every believer (everyone of them), Muhammad is the "most perfect man that ever walked the face of earth" and a "beautiful role modele to follow in everything". So it's pretty different to be told to admire such a person, that to follow the principles told by some jew hippie called Jesus that made fishes and loafs of bread appear in thin air.

And to end this, as I said earlier, and despite what I may think of Fox News, these so called no go zones, are far to be a myth in france. Well, actually you can "go" inside but things will probably happens. It's not something really impressive for a guy living in Los Angeles or Washington DC, but for french people, believe me it's something pretty crazy to understand. I lived there, and my in laws are still living there, and they have problems every damn week of their life. That's not an exageration. And I don't speak of people seeing bearded muslim guys in djellabah and being afraid of them. But of girls walking in the street dressed in a (long) skirt and being harassed every 10 meters by every people they will met. Being spitted on, called a "whore" by dozens different persons for just no reasons at all. I'm speaking of kids, being asked for a cigarette, not wanting to give one, and being stabbed with a knife for not having complied to the demand. That's how it is. There is no much of these zones in paris, but only 2 of them that people tend to avoid as much as possible. And i'm talking about daylight time. Of course most of the people that will harass you are not religious "muslims" but for sure, they are of muslim origin and more important, and that's my point, of muslim culture, evolving of what has became their own muslim enclave.

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6 months from Iraq to Pakistan. 2 months back to Iran.

Is that long enough to get an idea what it's all about?

University Clinic of Heidelberg: 2 months forced to stay, then kicked out. Interviewed and examined on demand of court. Guess what result? Any good idea, master of ICD-10?

A whole 8 months !! You must be such an expert.

Some people have more years under their belt than you have months, but of course they know nothing.

Heidelberg, nice place as I remember.

I can guess what the result was, courts have a long history of making wrong decisions.


Of course most of the people that will harass you are not religious "muslims" but for sure, they are of muslim origin and more important, and that's my point, of muslim culture, evolving of what has became their own muslim enclave.

From the comfort of my 'farang' enclave, I agree with this. Birds of a feather...

When I was attacked by a gang of young Pakistanis, in the UK, a few years back, none of them were shouting 'Allah Akhbar!' Gang culture was allowed to develop with Police refusing to respond to calls from the public, unless you went to the station and made a written complaint... thereby setting yourself up for retaliation.

Go to any 'sink-estate' in the UK and feral youths have turned life for ordinary folk into a nightmare, with drugs, theft and thuggery. There may be a few extreme examples, which the press are only too happy to whip into 'Islamic Caliphate in Camden!' but the deeper malaise is the same as it has always been... poverty = crime.

The religion mostly responsible is that of political correctness, where parents and teachers were denied the ability to discipline children ('abuse') and police only issued cautions to thugs. The end result was predictable. Out of control immoral, illiterate, children, encouraged by Hollywood to have zero respect for authority. You can't blame Muslims for wanting to establish re-discipline.

Those who turn children into prostitutes have nothing to do with religion. If they really had religion, they wouldn't do it. Turning to so-called authority in the Koran is the same as quoting the worst of the Jewish Talmud. These are criminal acts.

The 'Islamaphobia' hysteria, deliberately whipped up by the directed media, can only lead to internal strife, as communities respond to feeling threatened. We are supposed to turn to the State for protection, ignoring the Machievellians who caused the problems in the first place.


Numerous off-topic posts and replies have been removed. Please stay on topic and stop with the personal remarks directed at other posters.


Like the Saudi's you mean ?

Saudi blogger flogged for 'insulting Islam'


The Muslims are not shy at handing out insults.

But when the shoe is on the other foot, jail and flog him.

And people still struggle to see the hypocrisy of that Religion / Ideology.

Western countries have long passed the stage where people were burned at the stake for being heretics or of the wrong religion.

Even the Holocaust is now 70 years ago.

That other countries do not enjoy the same freedom of speech and freedom of religion that we in the West do is no reason for us to revert back to that barbarism.

Though it often seems that some members here wish that we did!


Like the Saudi's you mean ?

Saudi blogger flogged for 'insulting Islam'


The Muslims are not shy at handing out insults.

But when the shoe is on the other foot, jail and flog him.

And people still struggle to see the hypocrisy of that Religion / Ideology.

Western countries have long passed the stage where people were burned at the stake for being heretics or of the wrong religion.

Even the Holocaust is now 70 years ago.

That other countries do not enjoy the same freedom of speech and freedom of religion that we in the West do is no reason for us to revert back to that barbarism.

Though it often seems that some members here wish that we did!

Would that be the same freedom of speech that has millions of Muslims out on the streets over a cartoon ?

Or perhaps the same freedom of speech that resulted in the deaths of cartoonists in Paris ?

I dont think I have to labour the point. We have all seen pictures and videos of Muslims on the streets of the UK with their banners. Albeit that their spelling leaves a lot to be desired. Therein lies the hypocrisy that I speak of.

I do not think that they have reverted back to barbarism. I think it is more a case of they have never progressed beyond barbarism.

But of course. You will know better.

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Freedom of speech means that people can legally demonstrate over issues they feel strongly about; even if others do not agree with them.

For example, I am pro choice, but accept that others are not and have the right to say so; Anti-abortion activists protest at Belfast clinic opening

Of course, if such demonstrations involve violence, that is a different matter.

Of course, there is no excuse for murder.

BTW, I said that we should not revert back to barbarism; not that 'they' have reverted back to barbarism. it seems your English comprehension has let you down again.


The liberal in me wants to find excuses, but can't anymore. Yes, the overwhelming majority of muslims are peaceful and do not partake in 'Sharia Patrols' and such. The problem is that the the Islamic community as a whole have mainly been silent on the issue of radicalism. Islam has a problem. Their problem is their failure to deal with radicals. Every religion has them, but in the 21st Century, nothing comes close to Islamic Fundementalism. They are not as 'few' as some suggest. They are managing to take over large parts of certain nations (ISIS in Syria and Iraq for example). There seemed to be more than just a 'few radicals' on the streets when they threw that suspected gay guy off the top of a building this week. He amazingly survived the fall, but was then horrifically stoned to death.

Time has run out now it seems. The west has had enough of this nonsense. Even many Middle East nations are also getting sick of it, but not doing enough. It's now time for the Middle East to help clean up its own mess. The news regarding the Jordianian leader considering getting back in his fighter jet to take ISIS out is a good thing. The world needs this attitude from muslims. They can't stand idly by anymore, or innocent muslims will suffer in the war to end all wars. That is not a hope of mine by the way, but unless Islam takes a firm stand against its own nutcases, I can see no other outcome.


Freedom of speech means that people can legally demonstrate over issues they feel strongly about; even if others do not agree with them.

For example, I am pro choice, but accept that others are not and have the right to say so; Anti-abortion activists protest at Belfast clinic opening

Of course, if such demonstrations involve violence, that is a different matter.

Of course, there is no excuse for murder.

BTW, I said that we should not revert back to barbarism; not that 'they' have reverted back to barbarism. it seems your English comprehension has let you down again.

If the freedom of speech you support exists then trying walking around Bradford or Luton next weekend with a cartoon of Mohamed chanting he is a myth just like the tooth fairy.

By the way you seem to get your anti catholic rants into every thread whatever the topic.

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If the freedom of speech you support exists then trying walking around Bradford or Luton next weekend with a cartoon of Mohamed chanting he is a myth just like the tooth fairy.

He could try that little trick much closer to his hometown than Bradford or Luton, the result would be the same, blue light to A&E.

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Meanwhile in today's Daily Mail the following headline....

Police in swoop on 45 more men over child sex grooming: 'Milestone' operation sees dozens of Asian suspects charged with rape, sexual assault and trafficking

20 suspects charged with alleged offences after Northumbria Police probe

Alleged offences involve 12 victims, including one girl who was aged 13

In separate case, 25 men from Halifax charged with historic sex offences

Almost all are from Asian backgrounds, prompting fears over racial tension

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2941963/Police-swoop-45-men-child-sex-grooming-Milestone-operation-sees-suspects-charged-rape-sexual-assault-trafficking.html#ixzz3QxLD0Z00

Prompting fears over racial tension.

That last paragraph says it all.

I have already posted the names of those charged in Halifax but here are the names of those from Newcastle.

Those charged

- Eisa Mousavi, 39, of Todds Nook, Newcastle has been charged with sexual assault by touching on a female 13 or over; intimidating a witness/juror/person assisting the investigation; rape of a female aged 16 or over; supplying or offering to supply a class B controlled drug; causing or inciting prostitution for gain.

- Monjur Choudhury, 30, of Philip Place, Newcastle has been charged with permit use of premises for supply of drugs; supply or offer to supply class B controlled drugs; causing or inciting prostitution for gain.

- Redwan Siddquee, 30, of West Road, Newcastle has been charged with causing or inciting prostitution for gain; supply or offering to supply a class B controlled drug.

- Mohammed Hassan Ali, 32, of Bentinck Street, Newcastle has been charged with a sexual act on a female and possession of mephadrone with intent to supply.

- Abdulhamid Minoyee, 31, of Gainsbrough Grove, Newcastle has been charged with rape of a female aged 16 or over; supply or offer to supply cannabis; sexual assault by touching a female 13 or over.

- Ebrahim Ali, 38, of Wetherby Grove, Gateshead has been charged with supply or offer to supply a class B controlled drug; supply or offer to supply a class A controlled drug; trafficking within the UK for sexual exploitation; arrange child prostitution; rape of a female aged 16 or over.

- Habibur Rahim, 32, of Kenilworth Road, Newcastle has been charged with sexual assault by touching a female 13 or over; administering a substance with intent; sexual assault by touching a female 13 or over; supply or offering to supply a class B controlled drug; supply or offer to supply cannabis; trafficking within the UK for sexual exploitation; causing or inciting prostitution for gain.

- Ibrahim Rousel, 34, of Manor Gardens, Wardley has been charged with rape of a female aged 16 or over and administering a substance with intent.

- Mohammed Khalique, 22, of Beaconsfield Street, Newcastle has been charged with rape of a female aged 16 or over; supply or offer to supply a class B controlled drug.

- Mohammed Azram, 33, of Croydon Road, Newcastle has been charged with rape of a female aged 16 or over; supply of mephadrone; supply or offer to supply a class B controlled drug; sexual assault by touching a female aged 13 or over; trafficking within the UK for sexual exploitation; causing or inciting prostitution for gain.

- Nadeem Aslam, 41, of Belle Grove West, Newcastle has been charged with possession of cannabis; possession of mephadrone; supply of mephadrone; permit the use of premises for supply of drugs; causing or inciting prostitution for gain.

- Prabhat Nelli, 31, Corporation Road, Newcastle has been charged with supply or offer to supply a class B drug and causing or inciting prostitution for gain.

- Taherul Alam, 29, of Normanton Terrace, Newcastle has been charged with supply or offer to supply a class B controlled drug; permit the use of premises to supply drugs; sexual assault by touching on a female 13 or over; causing or inciting prostitution for gain.

- Yassar Hussain, 25, of Canning Street, Newcastle has been charged with rape of a female aged 16 or over; permit the use of premises to supply drugs; assault occasioning actual bodily harm; possession of mephadrone; possession of amphetamine; causing or inciting prostitution for gain.

- Jahangir Zaman, 41, of Hadrian Road, Newcastle has been charged with supply or offer to supply a class B controlled drug and causing or inciting prostitution for gain.

- Badrul Hussain, 34, of Drybeck Court, has been charged with rape of a female aged under 16; supply of mephadrone; permit the use of a premises to supply drugs and causing or inciting prostitution for gain.

- Abdul Sabe, 37, of Dean House, Newcastle has been charged with possession of cannabis; trafficking within the UK for sexual exploitation; non-penatrative sexual activity with a girl 13 to 15; supply or offer to supply cannabis; sexual assault by touching a female 13 or over and administering a substance with intent.

- Karzan Mohammed, 23, of Graingerville South, Newcastle has been charged with rape of a female under 16; falsely imprison/detain another; supply or offer to supply cannabis; assault occasioning actual bodily harm; administering a substance with intent; rape of a female aged 16 or over and trafficking within the UK for sexual exploitation.

- Saiful Islam, 32, of Strathmore Crescent, Newcastle has been charged with rape of a female aged under 16 and supply or offer to supply cannabis.

- Nashir Uddin, 33, of Joan Street, Newcastle has been charged with supply or offer to supply a class A controlled drug; supply of mephadrone; permit the use of premises for supply of drugs; rape of a female under 16; causing or inciting prostitution for gain; failing to surrender to custody/respond to bail.

Source http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/north-east-news/northumbria-police-charged-20-people-8587632

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Paris bring Fox News to the court for this stupid lie!i never watched fox, before I switch off the tv!

So if FoxNews tells the day of tomorrow will be sunny, I will have to bring an umbrella?

You have to know that Anne Hidalgo, the Paris mayor, has been elected, like french president Francois Hollande, mostly on a really unusual strong vote by the muslim communuty. A communuty that don't really care about national votations...usually. That was the first time it happened in France for such big elections.

You also have to know that since the concept of classes struggle is long gone, given the main dream of french workers is to own an house, a cool car, and a big screen tv, the socialists or other parties with marxist ideas, has became less and less appealing even for the poor working class in France. Given that, and quite officially, through reports by the main think tank of french socialist party, the new core of socialists voters has been immigrant populations, and not workjing classes anymore as the main force to conquer.

So don't be too eager to negate a problem that is hidden by the very people that has created it in the first place, especially if you never lived in such "non existing no go zones".

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I see that, as ever, my words have been quoted out of context, twisted to mean something else or simply ignored.

The usual tactic by those who have no answer to what I have actually said.

What the result of walking around anywhere with a picture of Mohammed claiming he is a myth would be is irrelevant to the issue of freedom of speech.

If I were prevented from so doing, whether by violence or not, that would be a violation of my right to freedom of speech; and wrong.

Of course, like Anjem Choudray and others, I may also be arrested for inciting racial or religious hatred; but unless at the same time I also spouted the views of many here; I doubt it.

As for my home town; every weekend there are a bunch of Christians in the town centre preaching their faith; whilst around the corner are a bunch of Muslims doing the same. No problems between them at all; ever.

I believe the right to freedom of speech should apply to all; even those with whom I disagree or even strongly oppose.

Unlike many here, who from their posts believe that right should only extend to those with whom they agree.

BTW; Mohammed is a real, historical person. Whether you believe he is also the final prophet of God depends on your religion; not being a Muslim, I don't.

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