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Why the Muslim 'no-go-zone' myth won't die

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Re this ongoing "who gave you the right," meme -

The myth of the no-go areas continues because people who clearly don't know what they are talking about do the racists and Islamaphobes work for them by propagating the nonsense.

I reserve the right to call out people who post gibbering garbage after admitting they have no clue. Especially when they post links such as in the first reply - and laughable links giving guys like Tommy Robinson any credence.

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Idiotic stuff

Idiotic stuff like telling people on the Internet that they can't comment on a subject unless they have been there personally? I hope they start enforcing that rule on the anti-American posters. laugh.png

I'm OK then I was there in June for the umpteenth time.


How the hell did they let YOU in? tongue.png

Muslim 'no-go-zone' myth

Probably a case of playing with words.

I suspect the reality is more likely to be - "don't want to go" zones from the people who claim it.

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I am from Birmingham and while the Fox News guy went overboard HE IS SPOT ON ABOUT NO GO ZONES in Birmingham of course Birmingham is not 100% Muslims but certain areas ARE 100% MUSLIM and I challenge any lefty liberal to walk down those areas drinking beer or dressed wrong and I guarantee you will be accosted.

its not PC to say it but NO GO AREAS are in the UK and there have been multiple attacks there is even a sharia Patrol 3 muslims got jailed another Patrol beat up SEVERLY an American tourist who dared walk into the no go area

Here is an American guy interviewing in Burnley and this is EXACTLY THE WAY IT IS you can see how scared the white women are teh one was off as soon as she seen the mob gathering

Sharia Patrol in London

American Tourist beaten severly by Muslim Sharia patrol

I could post more and more

Anyone that says there is not a issue and its growin has their head up their ass and dont want to see it

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Numerous off-topic, inflammatory, troll posts and replies have been removed.

The topic is about Muslim 'no-go-zones'.


I am from Birmingham and while the Fox News guy went overboard HE IS SPOT ON ABOUT NO GO ZONES in Birmingham of course Birmingham is not 100% Muslims but certain areas ARE 100% MUSLIM and I challenge any lefty liberal to walk down those areas drinking beer or dressed wrong and I guarantee you will be accosted.

its not PC to say it but NO GO AREAS are in the UK and there have been multiple attacks there is even a sharia Patrol 3 muslims got jailed another Patrol beat up SEVERLY an American tourist who dared walk into the no go area

Here is an American guy interviewing in Burnley and this is EXACTLY THE WAY IT IS you can see how scared the white women are teh one was off as soon as she seen the mob gathering

Sharia Patrol in London

American Tourist beaten severly by Muslim Sharia patrol

I could post more and more

Anyone that says there is not a issue and its growin has their head up their ass and dont want to see it

You are correct,used to absolutely hate going into Birmingham. Just wonder what agenda the lefties,the loony lefties have in denying it exists,its a scary horrible ,and I mean horrible expirience being there,third world on your doorstep. Something wants doing there to eradicate this problem and restore it to something normal,not ghetto normal either

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5 of the top 6 topics are fanatic Muslim-related. They're sure good at hogging the world's headlines. It's like a family with 10 kids. If one kid always plays with firecrackers, and chases the other kids around with a knife while screaming, ....then that kid will get the most attention.


Perhaps Muslim religion is a giant balancing act. Humans have been around for a mere blip, in the history of life on this planet. For the past several hundred years, humans have been waging war on the environment, and nature has lost every battle, except perhaps pathogens, cockroaches and poison oak. Now there's a self-afflicting belief system which keeps 1/8 of the world's humans in its fold (if you want to leave, you get killed). It's a sort of penalty for the all humans (for destroying nature). Radical Muslims don't just target members of their own cult, but target everyone. In their view, everyone who doesn't believe exactly their particular sect believes, are apostates/heretics and must be killed - to avenge their bloodthirsty Prophet/God.

Putting a dent in over-population? Not much, but probably more than Ebola.


I got lost driving in Chicago around 19h, a police car stopped me and ordered me out, "U-turn here and now sir!"

I got lost South of Atlanta airport and got out myself.

I walked over a bridge in New York and what I saw made me run to the nearest subway station and get back to civilization.

There are areas in Brussels where I used to wander when I was young (from 1960 to 2000)

I had a walk around recently and I won't be seen there no longer, I did feet like in Marrakesh though.

Needless to say Marrakesh is not an inviting place.

I would call these places ghettos.

Hey, Marrakesh is actually a fairly nice city, well, the old town.

Your "ghetto" attractes more than 10 million tourists per year but

suppose one has to have been or lived there, to appreciate it ;-)

Ha, well in Marrakash as soon as I walked out of my hotel I would be surrounded and accompanied by a least 10 Moroccan men shouting Guide, Camel market, Soukh. They would follow me all over town. You could not walk 5m on Djema Ell Fna market without being harassed by some idiot.

The same would happen driving around teh country and stopping anywhere to have a look around.

One man even had teh brilliant idea to tell me :Give me 50 dhiram and I will chase the touts away for you, but I swiveled my photo camera around my head to keep them at a distance. Doing so gets tiring however after some time. I stopped at a cafe to have a drink and a few would just sit around waiting I would continue my walk.

Marrakesh a fairly nice city, yes, if you stay inside La Mamounia.

BTW, no need to travel to Marrakesh, the Sunday morning market at Gare du Midi Brussels will do. I did like that place in my early Belgian years, might visit next trip to Brussels April 2015.

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Garbage? People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw ... whistling.gif

People that don't know what they are talking about shouldn't spread lies on the Internet -

I refer you to the headline of the thread.

And yet you - who probably hasn't stepped foot in the UK in your entire life - just couldn't wait to post a woeful link.


Garbage? People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw ... whistling.gif

People that don't know what they are talking about shouldn't spread lies on the Internet -

I refer you to the headline of the thread.

And yet you - who probably hasn't stepped foot in the UK in your entire life - just couldn't wait to post a woeful link.

Please provide us with your first hand experiences in Muslim No-Go zones.

Do you have any opinions based on personal observations you can provide us as a contribution to the thread?

How about providing us a little personal knowledge from somebody that has actually been there and done that?

I, personally, haven't been in the UK since 1988 so my voice must remain silent. We welcome your input.

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Try reading this:


No-go areas everywhere; some serious, some not so.

Endless no-go areas for both rich and poor all over the place.In Europe used to be that you came from the 'other' village. In the US people were 'run out of town' There are places in BKK my wife won't go.

Any places you can document that are 'no-go' in LOS?



Betcha Bobby Jindal no go there laugh.png

He's probably afraid of certain areas in his own state, and I'm not talking about Islamis.

I think those Black Panther guys who beat people up if they didn't vote for Obama live in those places too.


Garbage? People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw ... whistling.gif

People that don't know what they are talking about shouldn't spread lies on the Internet -

I refer you to the headline of the thread.

And yet you - who probably hasn't stepped foot in the UK in your entire life - just couldn't wait to post a woeful link.

Please provide us with your first hand experiences in Muslim No-Go zones.

Do you have any opinions based on personal observations you can provide us as a contribution to the thread?

How about providing us a little personal knowledge from somebody that has actually been there and done that?

I, personally, haven't been in the UK since 1988 so my voice must remain silent. We welcome your input.

Guys like you head to wikipedia and make up arguments as you go along. That's how shallow your lives are.

My personal experience? I have never been prevented by anyone from entering any area of the UK for any reason - that includes all of these so-called no-go areas mentioned here. They don't exist - they are a figment of fevered imaginations. There are parts of the country populated by white people that are far closer to no-go areas than any Muslim district.


They are more like Muslim intimidation areas than 'no go' and this is NOT a myth. I used to live in one in the UK, over a couple of decades most of the white people, Hindus and Sikhs moved elsewhere. Of course there were ones who stayed like my liberal 'multicultural lover' labour supporting neighbour. However, even she fled in the end tired of being harassed in the street by Muslim males calling her a prostitute for the way she dressed and afraid for the safety of her 14 year old daughter who was constantly targeted by Muslims with sexual overtures. The koran instructs Muslims not to befriend non believers, therefore the true Muslim can not live and integrate with non believers.

I accept that there are Muslim's of that ilk. The intimidation is comparable to places such as Brixton that guy was talking about earlier where the Afro-Caribbeans held sway. I ha a problem in St Pauli in Bristol due to being a white face in a "black," bar. I had the same thing in the US, I even had the same thing on a USAF base. Same in Germany in a Turkish bar, and I wasn't exactly welcome in a certain bar in Beijing. So what - there's idiots everywhere of every creed.

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My personal experience? I have never been prevented by anyone from entering any area of the UK for any reason - that includes all of these so-called no-go areas mentioned here. They don't exist - they are a figment of fevered imaginations. There are parts of the country populated by white people that are far closer to no-go areas than any Muslim district.

You will not be physically stopped that's why I say they are intimidation areas. But you will not be welcomed as an equal, you will be looked down on as the 'worst of people' your wife will be looked upon as a prostitiute and your daughters as rape material. Of course if you are Jewish or gay you might well experience open hostility. If you are OK with that then fine.

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