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Treatment for Parkinsons in Thailand


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A friend is suffering from Parkinsons disease for 7 - 8 years. He is progressivley getting worse and now need full time care.

He is only 54 years old and lives in Northern Laos. He and his family are looking for an effective treatment - be it surgical or a more better drug regimen.

He has been treated both in Laos and Vietnam but get's little relief.

The family is not rich but would be willing to take a bank loan to finance this.

I have tried to get information from some of the leading hospitals in Bangkok on what type of treatments they can offer but they all want to do a full medical exam before offering any advice.

Before they start spending any money I'd like to give them a summary of what is offered in Thailand so I hope that TV members with experience on can provide some information on treatments available and what my friend can expect to have to pay.

Thanks beforehand

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Have no personal knowledge but you might want to check this webpage of possible treatment options - suspect most hospitals in Thailand would be able to provide but as they say it needs to be specific to the patient so an exam is going to be required - that would mean a short trip to Bangkok and depending on hospital an exam and doctor visit but beyond that there would not be any firm commitment until you/he decides what to do.

http://www.md.kku.ac.th/en/index.php?index_page=med_serv is a teaching facility so might be a closer and more reasonably priced option - not there primary focus but expect they would have some with experience.

Do not know if any Udon hospital would be as good or not.

Edit: Sorry for not including first Mayo webpage link


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sorry to hear of your friends battle , i have a friend who has early stage parkinsons , not nearly as advanced as your friend , he relieves the symptoms with a combination of 5 aryuvedic herbs ... a product called Body Balance ..pm me i will send you the details if you like ...

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I have two friends (who don't know each other) and they have both cured themselves of Parkinson's using a Chi Kung based exercise system, as well as other modalities.

One of them offers a program that you can take via the internet and he has a number of people in remission at this point.

Go here:


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The full range of medications, botulinum toxin injections and surgery (deep brain stimulation) are all available in Thailand. The last would be costly, however. And of course not all patients are suitable candidates for all of these treatments - it will indeed take a consulltation and possibly some tests to determine that.

This doctor specializes in Parkinsons and is excellent. Can make an appointment directly with him, no need to see anyone else first. (Forget about trying to medical information from the folks who reply to emails, they are administrative staff only)>

Dr. Apichart Pisarnpong

He can be seen privately at either Bangkok Hospital https://www.bangkokhospital.com/en or (presumably) the private wing of Siriraj Hospital http://www.siphhospital.com/en/index.html

His hours at Bkk Hops are on their website, for Siriraj you have to call and ask. I am assuming he can be seen privately at Siriraj since I know he is on faculty there. Assuming so, it will probably cost a little less to see him at Siriraj though location is less convenient (acorss the river in Thonburi). And should surgery be considered the savings would probably be more significant. It might also be posisble, after having seen him privately, to have the surgery done through the public wing of the hospital at lower cost but I cannot guarantee this. Anyhow, what I am getting at, is try to see him privately at Siriraj if possible.

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I take a Parkinson's medication which costs me a fortune in Bangkok. It is subsidised in the west and is now about 20% of the cost in the old country as opposed to BKK? Unfortunately it's a fact of life that you have to pay the current rate in the country you buy the medication. Good luck to your mate

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My wife's uncle has had it for over 20 years and is going downhill now. Many years ago he had a neurostimulator fitted which they tell me was very effective for a long time. I believe that there is a window for it to be worth while, if I remember right it is 5 to 10 years into the disease.

Recently he has tried a new treatment in the form of a patch that was to relieve symptoms for about 8 hours. The treatment did work but he gave it up as a side effect was hallucinations.

Good luck.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank's for all the good advice - now I am working on a plan to bring him to Bangkok.

Difficult to arrange due to the disease.

Depends how you go about it.

We took my wife's uncle to Ubon for a few days last year. Air Asia were very good,wheelchair from the airport entrance to the aircraft steps and assistance on to the aircraft. When we checked in they changed both him and my wife to priority seating by the door. At Ubon there was a wheelchair at the steps and a member of staff stayed with us until we left in the hire car.

Similar service on the return journey with a member of staff taking the wheelchair down into the car park.

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