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Thailand backpacker death: Christina Annesley in mystery death on double Brit-murder island

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You're the one that was making the AC bar posts when the two kids got murdered aren't you? I think I asked if you were posting on behalf of those animals at the AC bar? Guess this answers that question

All these Koh Tao apologists have some form of vested interest in the island, covered in other threads.

jdinasia - http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/775562-british-police-examining-koh-tao-murder-probe-to-return-to-uk/page-11#entry8663016

islandlife - http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/788835-french-man-found-hanged-in-koh-tao-with-his-hands-tied-behind-his-back-foul-play-suspected/page-29

JohnThailandJohn too if I recall, can't find a link I'm sure others will confirm.

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She had been taking Valium, Tramadol and antibiotics with alcohol; overdoses of the first two with alcohol can cause death.

So convenient that the pathologist found all this drugs in her stomach during the autopsy, now the RTP can exclude murder and Mon can keep on with his tourist business as usual.

That´s not what the pathologist found, that's what the deceased said she was taking before her death.

"Anyway I'm off to the beach and sulk and look at beautiful scenery and mong out on valium."

"Am now lying on a sunbed with an alcopop and a bucketload of Tramadol, so feeling a bit better."

Mixing either Valium and/or Tramadol with alcohol can cause death.


No. But we do know that in another other "normal' country there would be a proper investigation.

Do you see any problems with that ?

Why do you think I would I see a problem with an investigation?

Because you can not and never will see anything wrong in Thailand. As you have proved on many occasions..

Do you See the problem yet ?

You seem to think that you know a lot about me and think that because I have a rational view of this country I would not welcome an investigation? You just don't make any sense.

If there is a problem it is certainly not with me, whether I see "anything wrong in Thailand" or not would be an opinion that I am entitled to have and to express but I can assure you that it is a lot more rational than most of the anti-Thai vitriol dumped on here.

So the answer to your last question is "no".


Well actually it can be called Death Island, as it is an island, and a lot of people seem to

mysteriously die there. But I do agree, whoever is doing the killing, is certainly targeting

tourists. So......I guess that means the killer / killers are local people.

What are the a lot of mystery deaths? Two brutal murders with suspects whose sperm was found in one victim and whose dna was found at the crime scene? A sick girl who appears to have died of naturally but just plain idioitc to cause it a mystery at this point simply because it just happened and you don't know the circumstances yet ... extremely drunk person drowning ... diving accident ... suicide

It is no mystery why the sun is hot unless you just want to pretend there is one and ignore the science and cast doubt on the credibility of anyone who has actually researched the subject.

Has there been a cluster of deaths, yup. Would the majority of them have made the news had their not been the brutal murders that can happen anywhere in the world at any time ... probably not. Certainly appears to be a lot of recent deaths but not seeing much mystery unless you simply choose to want to believe mystery and disregard reality. Might not even be a lot of deaths as Thailand has a lot of vices that can bring on depression from money to love woes, attracts both the old and hard party people and in much of the country you are not babysat by authorities to keep you safe and drunks get on bikes or go swimming and others choose to take their own life just like somebody does each day in Las Vegas, another place of vices attracting many less than stable people. Tragic yes, mystery not.

At the time of the September murders of the young British couple I saw logic in everything you said and blasted the conspiracy theorists, for reasons that I believed all judgements should be reserved until the case was concluded. Now since then 2 more people, a Norwegian and now this tragic English girl have been found dead with no satisfactory explanations as to who were the murderers and the other tourists causes of death, plus the first murder case involving the couple still has not been concluded yet.

This means that within the last 4 months 4 tourists have died on that Island, averaging 1 person a month. This is my opinion has to go beyond just being a string of coincidences and cannot be written off as cases of simply bad luck or unfortunate accidents, not on those levels.

There can only be two explanations in my opinion, either there are tourists that are participating in certain dangerous and risky activities that are placing lives at risk or there are some extermely dangerous dodgy individuals roaming that Island doing harm to people, it`s that simple.

The big question now is; are these deaths going to always remain unsolved and become another type of Chiang Mai Down Town Inn mystery and just like the Down Town Inn mystery later bulldozed and swept away?


Natural causes

Natural deaths are the workings of Mother Nature in that death results from a natural disease process. Heart attacks, cancers, pneumonias, and strokes are common natural causes of death. Natural death is by far the largest category of death that the ME sees, making up about half of the cases investigated.

What we need to do is establish the cause of death, which apparently in this case is a cocktail of drugs to treat an illness ?

As the illness did not directly cause the death then it cannot be natural causes ,

Accidental death would be the more appropriate outcome , due to unplanned and unforeseeable sequence of events of the drugs.

However if whoever supplied the drugs (assuming medication) has not carried out due diligence then this could change the definition of death


From extensive experience it's very hard to overdose on tramadol / antibiotics mixed with alcohol, laughable really to think that and derive any meaning from a youth's 'lonely' tweet. I took 600mg of tramadol recreationally once and several beers, the body just makes you vomit. Unless the girl vomited in her sleep which hasn't been reported.

Bunch of elderly posters overstating the dangers of recreational substance abuse, and understating how commonly girls get date raped here. And when your bloodline is that powerful why not kill the girl to cover it up afterwards.


You're the one that was making the AC bar posts when the two kids got murdered aren't you? I think I asked if you were posting on behalf of those animals at the AC bar? Guess this answers that question

No I wasn't, go and check your posts. Guess you didn't answer your question.


OMG....I am not going to let any of my children or family anywhere near that island. It's very very scary, with a french guy hung with his hands tied to his back last in the last few weeks, and somebody else from the UK who was found dead on the rocks after having gone to bed normally. It is too much of coincidence over there. I wish the army would go themselves and clean the place up

Since the two Brits were murdered, there has been several mysterious deadly incidents on Death Island, first a Swiss guy, whose body was found at sea, then the French guy who committed suicide with his hands tied behind his back, followed by the young Brit guy who supposedly fell off a 50 ft cliff but sustained no bruises ,scratches,or other injuries but apparently drowned in very shallow water, and now this young lady who as died under "unknown" circumstances. There has just got to be something wrong here. I could ask more questions, but will leave it to the police if they have not already come to a simple conclusion other than "no Thai would do this" facepalm.gif


looks like there might be a serial killer on the island, and this killer seems quiet busy.

Maybe it's just for fun at this point, who knows?

Anything is possible. But I can think of only one or two serials who liked to murder both men and women. I'm thinking of Son of Sam and the Zodiac nut. But neither of them used such a wide variety of MO's. As for signature--I haven't read anything about signatures, have you? That doesn't mean there weren't any signatures--but the Thai authorities or Thai media haven't mentioned any that I've seen. (M.O. is of course the modus operandi; ALL criminals have an MO--techniques and habits they use to complete the crime, escape, and avoid capture. Signature on the other hand is committed to satisfy the emotional and psychological needs of the offender and usually define the theme of a crime. It often takes the form of some type of left-behind or staged ritual like you see in the movies.

Serial killer of 'farangs' on KT? I wouldn't rule it out. I would avoid the place, that's for sure.

Agree, but not sure on Zodiac only using one method.

Zodiac used a few different methods. Didn't he 'dress up' on Lake Harman in a weird costume then tie up and stab a young couple? He shot other couples (in cars) and also shot a lone male taxi driver (which seemed totally different to the other cases). And those weird ciphers, filled with clues (some of which have still not been solved fully). He killed by knife and gun and 'seemed' to murder couples, but also murdered a lone male.

One of the most baffling cases of all time (so much circumstancial evidence points to the perp...but no DNA, handwriting or fingerprint match), but I'm sure some on here would've backed the RTP to find the guilty party inside an afternoonthumbsup.gif

Imagine the RTP getting hold of this:


They would do a great impersonation of a dog being shown a card trick (or they'd just put the cipher in the bin...my money's on the bin).


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She had been taking Valium, Tramadol and antibiotics with alcohol; overdoses of the first two with alcohol can cause death.

So convenient that the pathologist found all this drugs in her stomach during the autopsy, now the RTP can exclude murder and Mon can keep on with his tourist business as usual.

That´s not what the pathologist found, that's what the deceased said she was taking before her death.

"Anyway I'm off to the beach and sulk and look at beautiful scenery and mong out on valium."

"Am now lying on a sunbed with an alcopop and a bucketload of Tramadol, so feeling a bit better."

Mixing either Valium and/or Tramadol with alcohol can cause death.

And the 5 days between ?


Here's Mon , pictured at a family celebration on the 17th Sept .. Looks a little edgy to me ...

wonder what he looks like 2 days after the latest death ?



We have all heard of them. But most of us have never head about PC 31 deciding within 24 hour this is how someone has died.

Are you starting to understand yet ?

Do you understand that I was responding to a question querying death at a young age?

And can you understand this, Einstein, the police believe she died of natural causes based on the circumstances in which she was found. The body was sent for a postmortem in order to specifically identify the cause.

How's your understanding coming on?

No need to be Einstein to believe what the police believe. As the poster before mentions, how can the police determine the cause of death when there are no facilities on the island to do so.

It must be getting a little late for you as your understanding is clearly abandoning you. I made no comment on the speed of the determination or otherwise by the police of the cause of death or how they came about it. My comment was re death at a young age, that's all, now can you get that into your head please.


A women gets sick and dies in Thailand, nothing to suggest any foul play ... this to many posters is proof positive of foul play. Run to facebook pages and and other conspiracy based delusional social media posters to get up on the latest conspiracy theories and start spreading them fast in numbers because it will not be long before the non-nutters start pointing out the reality which includes her own tweets before her death about being ill after two weeks of solid drinking and needing to spend around 3,000 baht for antibiotic treatment.

Nothing to suspect foul play by any reasonable person but too many posters know better and know reasonable thinking doesn't help promote their internet detective skills or spread their hateful insecure agenda.

Thailand John peddled the same crap when te couple were murdered, did he have anything to do with it ?


Regardless of whether she was murdered or not, Koh Tao has one of the highest mortality rates for tourists in the world and I would recommend people stay away.

It's unfortunate because Koh Tao is stunning and Koh Nang Yuan even more so. I spent six weeks in there in 2010 and the mafia presence was quite palpable. Being such a small place I did rub shoulders with one of the main mafia figures and the gay cop who runs the station between Mae Haad and Sairee (I was told they are cousins). I heard several stories from residents of Burmese workers being murdered and their bodies disposed of in the sea.

Their really is no law in Koh Tao, the main function of the police is to have informants sell drugs to tourists and then shake them down. Occasionally the Surat Thani police will show up, but they are also there for shaking down tourists. That was five years ago, it sounds like it's gotten much worse. I'm looking forward to diving in Indonesia next month. It's a bit more expensive than Koh Tao, one of the cheapest diving spots in the world, but also much more diverse underwater and without the criminal element.


OMG....I am not going to let any of my children or family anywhere near that island. It's very very scary, with a french guy hung with his hands tied to his back last in the last few weeks, and somebody else from the UK who was found dead on the rocks after having gone to bed normally. It is too much of coincidence over there. I wish the army would go themselves and clean the place up

Since the two Brits were murdered, there has been several mysterious deaths on Death Island, first a Swiss guy, whose body was found at sea, then the French guy who committed suicide with his hands tied behind his back, followed by the young Brit guy who supposedly fell off a 50 ft cliff but sustained no bruises ,scratches,or other injuries but apparently drowned in very shallow water, and now this young lady who as died under "unknown" circumstances. There has just got to be something wrong here. I could ask more questions, but will leave it to the police if they have not already come to a simple conclusion other than "no Thai would do this"

"There has just got to be something wrong here"

Yes, your recollection of events, the British man you allude to died nine months before the murders and was injured:

"Home Office pathologist Dr Michael Biggs said Nick had 237 mg of alcohol in his body. The UK legal limit for driving is 80 mgs.

He said: “There were some bruises on his face. He could have fell, bumped, or been assaulted. From a pathologist’s point of view, his injuries are not from an assault but I can’t rule it out.”

The Frenchman death has already been ruled as a suicide, something the family accepts, and the Swiss guy wasn't the Swiss guy "It has been announced that the dead body found off the southern island of Koh Tao yesterday is not that of Hans Peter Suter a Swiss national who went snorkeling off Siree Beach"


Another day, another death in Koh Tao, so that is 4 deaths of tourists in less than a 6 month period...

Correction .....Five !

more..much more in total..... if you include the locals and the Burmese workers..those who never get in the news or just are found as floaters here and there


We have all heard of them. But most of us have never head about PC 31 deciding within 24 hour this is how someone has died.

Are you starting to understand yet ?

Do you understand that I was responding to a question querying death at a young age?

And can you understand this, Einstein, the police believe she died of natural causes based on the circumstances in which she was found. The body was sent for a postmortem in order to specifically identify the cause.

How's your understanding coming on?

No need to be Einstein to believe what the police believe. As the poster before mentions, how can the police determine the cause of death when there are no facilities on the island to do so.

It must be getting a little late for you as your understanding is clearly abandoning you. I made no comment on the speed of the determination or otherwise by the police of the cause of death or how they came about it. My comment was re death at a young age, that's all, now can you get that into your head please.

Sorry my fault. When you mention the police believe she dies of natural causes I thought you meant the police believed she died of natural causes.

I will try harder next time you post. Hope all is forgiven.


What is wrong with these foreigners, especially British, unless have a death wish, STAY AWAY from this island simple at that

Surprisingly enough,not every person who`s planning a visit to Thailand is a frequent visitor on TV coffee1.gif ..........

"Thai authorities cannot be trusted at all to tell the truth. Until some of these deaths are investigated independently (never) doubts and suspicions will always be there."

If the Thai authorities don't investigate who do you think will, another country's investigators? What kind of make believe world do you live in, can you name just one country, anywhere, that allows such things to happen?

C'mon JT, I mean Sviss Geez, read it properly if you can - do you see that bit in my quote that says '(never)'? Do you know what never means?

All I have said is that due to their track record any suspicious death will always be just that in Thailand - because the authorities have shown time and again they have certain agendas and they cannot be trusted in the least.

Just where did I suggest that outside investigation was possible / likely?

Yes, I did see that and I do know what "never" means. I also saw that you'd put the word in brackets so what you wrote suggested that you thought independent investigators should be involved.

Well I think you have made an assumption there.

I merely stated that the current 'investigation' team(s) are not trustworthy therefore distrust will continue to exist each time unless / until an alternative more trustworthy authority investigates some of these happenings.

To me the sentence reads along the lines of 'these deaths will never be independently investigated so doubts will continue'.

On a related note, are you not concerned about the 3rd man's DNA in the Hannah / David case?


Well actually it can be called Death Island, as it is an island, and a lot of people seem to

mysteriously die there. But I do agree, whoever is doing the killing, is certainly targeting

tourists. So......I guess that means the killer / killers are local people.

What are the a lot of mystery deaths? Two brutal murders with suspects whose sperm was found in one victim and whose dna was found at the crime scene? A sick girl who appears to have died of naturally but just plain idioitc to cause it a mystery at this point simply because it just happened and you don't know the circumstances yet ... extremely drunk person drowning ... diving accident ... suicide

It is no mystery why the sun is hot unless you just want to pretend there is one and ignore the science and cast doubt on the credibility of anyone who has actually researched the subject.

Has there been a cluster of deaths, yup. Would the majority of them have made the news had their not been the brutal murders that can happen anywhere in the world at any time ... probably not. Certainly appears to be a lot of recent deaths but not seeing much mystery unless you simply choose to want to believe mystery and disregard reality. Might not even be a lot of deaths as Thailand has a lot of vices that can bring on depression from money to love woes, attracts both the old and hard party people and in much of the country you are not babysat by authorities to keep you safe and drunks get on bikes or go swimming and others choose to take their own life just like somebody does each day in Las Vegas, another place of vices attracting many less than stable people. Tragic yes, mystery not.

Please stop ranting now John, you are not credible.

You definately has something to do with Koh Tao, maybe you have a business, relatives or you might even live on Koh Tao so your feverish attempts to defend Koh Tao is starting to get transparent.

The family of the young girl is already notified, so it can't be that reason.

Let people voice their concern, even if it's not based on whats really happened.

Lets sit back and see what happens and how police handles this case but don't get upset of others who don't..

"Let people voice their concern, even if it's not based on whats really happened."

Where's the credibility in that statement? Your own credibility went down the drain with that statement, never mind your perception of JTJ's.

Another worried Koh Tao citizen apparently.


Here's Mon , pictured at a family celebration on the 17th Sept .. Looks a little edgy to me ...

Looks like a relatively ordinary Thai family to me.

Why she would be taking Tramadol in the first place is difficult to imagine considering it's a strong painkiller, but given the easy access to pharmaceutical drugs in Thailand, she probably wouldn't experience any difficulty getting hold of it.

A real tragedy for the girl and the family. A shame that she was unable to spend enough time in the hub of unregulated societies to correct her alleged beliefs in Libertarianism.


Honestly, how high is the probability of a young British girl, who in a way is a Hannah lookalike, and who has EXACTLY the same age as Hannah, to die at EXACTLY the same resort (In Touch) where Hannah was also staying within 4 months time-period?

I would say the chance of that happening is 1 to, probably the same as winning the lotto jackpot 4 consecutive times in one month?

Seriously, this is "roofie" territory where a lot of horny Thai wannabee bad boys are targeting the Farang chicks and I'll bet you this one is no different but will of course be covered up as well. It is dangerous territory!

I must say that is exactly what I thought when I saw a photo of Christina Annesley today, the similarities between her and Hanna smacked me right in the face, it`s creepy and scared me in fact.. Also reading some of these posts I had no idea of how high the death rates of tourists have been on the Island over the years. My opinions regarding the deaths from September have changed after the deaths of more tourists since that incident.

All I can say is this; I wouldn`t want to speculate on these cases one way or another, but unless there are some that like to live dangerously, than best to avoid that holiday destination, which is the logical thing to do considering the circumstances.


Latest is two guys had a punch up over her even tho she had no interest in either.

This quote was lifted off her Twitter account before it was taken down....intense indeed......

"So my night ended with two men I repeatedly told I wasn't interested in getting in a bar fight over me. Broken ribs and noses. Intense." 15th Jan.


I think we should send Mon's family over to JohnT's house to teach him a few lessons on natural deaths and suicides.


How many tourists are stupid enough to still go to this island?

And how could she spend 60GBP (3,000bht) on antibiotics?

you make no sense, what do you find strange about 60 gbp on anti biotics?

Price maybe?!

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