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Former Thai PM Yingluck to face criminal corruption charge: attorney general

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I don't like Yingluck, not because of herself, after all she is a not so bright, presentable lady, an ideal woman in my opinion, but for the damage she has caused to her country as a PM.

I don't think she will ever go to jail and I don't wish so, but this will be a good warning to all future politicians attempting to bribe the nation for their own benefit.

She did not cause anything. She hardly ever attended any meetings.

Her brother put her in to benefit other members and himself.

She just was not bright enough to realize it


The supreme court will nail her coffin shut. Shes going down for 10 years I bet, next phase is to hunt down her brother and put him away too.

You're not too bright are you ? everyone, including the PM knows exactly where Thaksin is, so no need to hunt him down, I'd rather he focused on stopping the Insurgency in the South, the lifting of Martial Law, and actually bring smiles BACK to the LOS, and then bringing true reconciliation to the country, where expressing opinions that differ, are taken in their stride, and not taken to "education camps", where asking questions isn't met with temper tantrums.

I'd like to see him do exactly what he said he would do with Koh Tao, and send the troops there to end Mafia control, and I'd like to see him answer the truth about the microphone system that's still in place, despite the claims they were all returned back to the Bose supplier. ;)

Transparency and honesty works both ways.

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Some very bright sparks on TV calling the blood of Yingy baby... 10 years in jail my @rse, barred from politics for 5 years at best, even the general ain't that <deleted> dumb...w00t.gif OK maybe... Selfie anyone?

The muppet Suthep and the mad monk caused a lot more damage with their months of lawlessness and insanity, the reconciliation of this country ain't going to happen with Yingy behind bars!

Another Pathetic post by people who wear Red Tinted Glasses.

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Banned from politics for life, Significant asset seizure, imprisonment for 10 years and only allowed to visit Siam Paragon once every 6 months and that would be a good start and send the message that you were sincerely trying to improve the country and clamp down on elitism and corruption.

The "elites" and middle class are the very ones against the PTP. Wealth is not necessarily an indicator of elitism OR CORRUPTION for that matter. She is not being charged for corruption and there is absolutely no evidence presented as of this time that she personally profited from being in government, so give it a rest. Give me an example of a political party world wide that does not promise something to their supporters and once in government try to deliver on their promise. in the USA, Obama and his party are a good example as his sole goal is wealth redistribution.

Comments like the one above tell more about the poster than anything else. When I see the venom in many TV posts against Yingluck and the constant references to her wealth and shopping habits, it seems they hate her for her wealth more than anything else. It is just sour grapes in my book.

Why not try to find out where the good general and his brother accumulated their wealth while working on an army salary? There are much worse examples around than Yingluck when it comes to corruption. Look at CIB Chief, we will never know all the tentacles of that bit of corruption or how far up it reached because the powers that be will never allow a "complete" investigation.

This whole show and process against the former members of the PTP is being run by the puppeteer who wants to weaken the PTP and Yingluck. In a final irony, if the PTP is smart they will wait it out (as there is not much they can do in the mean time) be working with their base in the north and find another Shinawatra to trot out and start building on that person as a leader and just wait for the elections that have to come at some point. Let's see how an election would go. If they win they should go after all the generals that took part in the coup, investigate thoroughly, and jail them for illegally taking over the civilian government. That might once and for all keep the generals in the barracks where they belong.

It is amazing to me that those so against the PTP are so supportive of the coup. Kind of like the pot calling the kettle black. While I am no fan of corruption and feel that it is necessary to route it out it is not always a person like Yingluck that is the blame. They should be going after the money first and prosecute those that benefited from corruption. As it is they are trying to cut off the head of the PTP and that is what this is about.


Banned from politics for life, Significant asset seizure, imprisonment for 10 years and only allowed to visit Siam Paragon once every 6 months and that would be a good start and send the message that you were sincerely trying to improve the country and clamp down on elitism and corruption.

The "elites" and middle class are the very ones against the PTP. Wealth is not necessarily an indicator of elitism OR CORRUPTION for that matter. She is not being charged for corruption and there is absolutely no evidence presented as of this time that she personally profited from being in government, so give it a rest. Give me an example of a political party world wide that does not promise something to their supporters and once in government try to deliver on their promise. in the USA, Obama and his party are a good example as his sole goal is wealth redistribution.

Comments like the one above tell more about the poster than anything else. When I see the venom in many TV posts against Yingluck and the constant references to her wealth and shopping habits, it seems they hate her for her wealth more than anything else. It is just sour grapes in my book.

Why not try to find out where the good general and his brother accumulated their wealth while working on an army salary? There are much worse examples around than Yingluck when it comes to corruption. Look at CIB Chief, we will never know all the tentacles of that bit of corruption or how far up it reached because the powers that be will never allow a "complete" investigation.

This whole show and process against the former members of the PTP is being run by the puppeteer who wants to weaken the PTP and Yingluck. In a final irony, if the PTP is smart they will wait it out (as there is not much they can do in the mean time) be working with their base in the north and find another Shinawatra to trot out and start building on that person as a leader and just wait for the elections that have to come at some point. Let's see how an election would go. If they win they should go after all the generals that took part in the coup, investigate thoroughly, and jail them for illegally taking over the civilian government. That might once and for all keep the generals in the barracks where they belong.

It is amazing to me that those so against the PTP are so supportive of the coup. Kind of like the pot calling the kettle black. While I am no fan of corruption and feel that it is necessary to route it out it is not always a person like Yingluck that is the blame. They should be going after the money first and prosecute those that benefited from corruption. As it is they are trying to cut off the head of the PTP and that is what this is about.

This is just a part of the process of finding the true criminal hiding behind the policy. Unfortunately she was the chairperson and the PM, so she must endure this process. She first have to proof that she was never in charge of the program and never took responsibility. Then once that happens, then we can ask the question, who was in charge then.

This it's just the logical process. She will need to defend her self as she is the chairperson for the policy. Not being the prime minister now doesn't clear her for the tremendous damage her policy has caused to the people of Thailand at the time.

Technically she allowed corruption to happen under her leadership. And allowed the policy to go on, even though it reached the budget cap and the govt need more money. The cap is there for a reason. The problem should have been tackled with a long time ago before it reached the budget cap. But nothing was done, as YL didn't do her job. Simple as that.

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Personally, I think it's more of a sin to waste the rice rotting in storage than just giving money away freely. The government should have sold the rice at a lost rather than hold on to it. The money that bought the rice are hard earned baht that every individual in Thailand paid for directly or indirectly in a form of tax. And the rotting rice in storage is something that the land provided for the people of Thailand.

Why would they hold it in storage. No one wants to buy aged rice. It's bad enough that they will sell it at a loss. Now to incur more loss because the quality of the rice has deteriorated. Unless this was the goal of the policy. Then YL can claim it was a success.


OK NACC, Yellow shirts and all the other Hi-So elite, you have your revenge, you have your pound of flesh. Yingluck has been impeached and I really don't think she gives a rat's ass or at least she shouldn't. Who would want to go back into politics in this country again given the shear hatred directed at her.

Now the criminal charges are complete crap and need to be tossed. Anyone doing their job badly should be fired, not sent to jail. Yingluck is already out of politics so what is their to gain by throwing her in jail...nothing except pure unadulterated revenge and hatred of her brother. This is all about her brother, not her.

IMO, they would have to prove she did all of this rice-scheme fiasco with an intention to harm people and steal money which I'm pretty sure they can't do. Go ahead NACC shows us the evidence.

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And please, no Chang fuelled barroom theorising or claims that she wasn't elected. Only a fool would claim such (although these forums seem to host a few who claim so over and over).

Oh, she was 'elected' alright. But if you call buying of votes and coercion as actually being elected, then more fool you.

Whatever happens here, idea is to make it so she cannot be a part of the junta's new and improved 'democratic' Thailand. whistling.gif

Like Suthep supporters who, I'm told by Thai people, were paid 2,000 THB per day to join his demonstrations in Bangkok???


And please, no Chang fuelled barroom theorising or claims that she wasn't elected. Only a fool would claim such (although these forums seem to host a few who claim so over and over).

Oh, she was 'elected' alright. But if you call buying of votes and coercion as actually being elected, then more fool you.

Whatever happens here, idea is to make it so she cannot be a part of the junta's new and improved 'democratic' Thailand. whistling.gif

Like Suthep supporters who, I'm told by Thai people, were paid 2,000 THB per day to join his demonstrations in Bangkok???
I thought he received a lot of money from protestors.
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With the NACC finished with Yingluck's impeachment, maybe it has the time now to move on to Abhisit and Suthep impeachments for abuse of power while they led the government during the murder of protesters in 2010.

Both had arrest warrants against them issued by the Administrative Criminal Court during the Yingluck regime, received bail from the court, and were formally arrested by Gen. Prayuth after the military coup. However, the Supreme Court then ruled that the charges were inappropriate because Administrative Criminal Court was not the proper venue for the charges, and so charges were dropped. The Supreme Court ruled that the NACC was the appropriate authority to determine whether charges should be brought against Abhisit and Suthep since they were government officials at the time the alleged crimes of murder were committeed.

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The very first thing that should be actioned, is to take away her passport(s).

Will they? I doubt it.

Sorry I can't remember the specifics. Didn't Thaksin get a passport from another country? The Maldives maybe? >>

In April 2009 the new Democrat-led government revoked his Thai passport but he was able to travel on passports from Nicaragua and Montenegro. In October 2011 the Yingluck administration issued him a new Thai passport through the Thai embassy in Abu Dhabi. If the military can once again hand the government to the Democrats, no doubt Thaksin's passport will again be revoked.


That would be the route to reconciliation- not!

Reconciliation without getting rid of corrupt politicians is pointless

Surely you are not naive enough to think the current bunch don't have their fingers in the various pies?

That is the particular issue that is so disturbing and angers so many people.

The judges, the jury and the hangmen are just as guilty, complicit and or just as malfeasant.

In the end it makes matters worse as it will not stop the corruption rather it will sustain the ability of the people in control of the country to manipulate the politics in their favor and suppress any opposition to their rule in disguise of doing good for the country when really they are re-asserting their authority.


Suspended sentence...banned from politics for the rest of her life...which is what the ruling party wants out of this anyway...just go away and be quiet...

Yeah go away and be quiet, you're far too popular.


"Both Thaksin and Yingluck are loathed by many Thais in the upper and middle classes,"

This is why they are after her, pure and simple.

As she says, how can she be impeached - she's not in the job anymore.

They may well finish her off, but prosecution will be a step too far, they will find out to their peril.


"Both Thaksin and Yingluck are loathed by many Thais in the upper and middle classes,"

This is why they are after her, pure and simple.

As she says, how can she be impeached - she's not in the job anymore.

They may well finish her off, but prosecution will be a step too far, they will find out to their peril.

Please elaborate on "They will find out to their peril." Very close to being a threat. Bet you don't have the makings to outline exactly what you mean by this little bit of nastiness. What is it with people of your ilk continuing to carry on in such a devisive manner? Do you really hate Thailand that much?


Brainwashed junta supporters who live off bias commentary controlled by the junta!

Really you didn't need attitude adjustments you were already there.

I'd hate to be in a trench with you lot!

Who is brainwashed or controlled by the Junta? I think that many on here are quite clear thinkers and are able to determine the BS from the truth. It's a shame that some do not have this ability and cannot bring themselves to accept the truth, even when it hits them right between the eyes.

As for the trenches, Who has stayed and stuck it out and who has run. Yes, she has, I'll give her that but these matters are far from finished, so no one, of any political persuasion, should count their chickens before they're hatched or resort to derogatory remarks.


The kangaroo court stacked with the military passes down this decision and now we head to another kangaroo court to find another Shinawatra guilty of nothing but being popular with the voting thai population.

I really hope they find her guilty which is already a done deal and give her house detention .

She will be the next Aung San suu kyi !

Never in a million years could she ever hope to fill the shoes of the lady you mentioned. She could however, go down as a distant second to Imelda Marcos

I think he meant to say She will be the next Imelda Marcos :)

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Hey si in your world does not running but hiding behind a monks robe and given freedom to ignore a courts order count because of services rendered?

Earth to the stuttering parrot, Earth to the stuttering parrot, please come in.

Now that you have proven you have knowledge of one, who, by the way, has not fled the country, do you want me to start and let you know the numbers of those who have fled and those who stir the possum from overseas and do not have the gumption to return and face the music. But I think deep down, you know, don't you?


If you have ELECTION-COLLECTION in Thailand, you're screwed

If you have a military take over, you're screwed in disguise, too.....

The rich and influential on either side or playing on the sidelines, are laughing their behinds off and get away in the end at the cost of the not so rich ones.....wai.gifwai.gifwai.gifwai.gif

Costas2008, on 23 Jan 2015 - 06:18, said:

I don't like Yingluck, not because of herself, after all she is a not so bright, presentable lady, an ideal woman in my opinion, but for the damage she has caused to her country as a PM.

I don't think she will ever go to jail and I don't wish so, but this will be a good warning to all future politicians attempting to bribe the nation for their own benefit.

Wow!!! Not even close, my yellow shirt fried! Yingluck is brighter than most and I'm sure that this includes you. Many regimes have caused as much financial damage or more than her's and this is especially true for all the juntas. It does not take a keen eye for the obvious to see what is happening here. The minority yellow shirt elite (or whatever they call themselves now) want to rule Thailand forever! They make charges and the judiciary (and now the government) are their people to make whatever laws they desire to keep in power. Anybody that challenges them are jailed or threatened with jail so they will leave the country and no longer be a problem. I am truly amazed that you fail to grasp this. I guess you have not been here long enough yet!!!

What has one's IQ got to do with this topic? Don't be so rude, you have no idea how intelligent she is or for that matter, Costas. Yes, I can read and note what has been stated but why carry one with it. Can't you debate without going tit for tat. It's not funny anymore with adults (?) trying to out do each other with their snide remarks. I just wish that people would read the post and then respond with legitimate argument but no, many have to go off on a tangent, and in turn, show one and all that they are not aware of the facts, therefore cannot present a legitimate argument.

There is no need to be divisive, the post is not about colours, it's about what she did or didn't do whilst PM and that some of her actions have caused her to be impeached and now also to be charged criminally. Under her mantle, she placed herself in the position of chairperson of the Rice Pledging Scheme, never attended a meeting; caused rice to be bought at double the world market value, refused to pay the farmers, despite saying many times that she would; Suicides followed, and later allowed the scheme to continue despite being told it was damaging the country's finances (500Billion). Tell me that this is not negligence, actually, criminal negligence.

That's one part. The next is the killings of innocents, the spate of bombings, no one being brought to justice for obvious criminal actions that they perpetrated; the flood fiasco in Bangkok, as well as the straw that broke the camel's back, the attempted passing of the Amnesty Bill in the early hours of the morning, despite it being against the wishes of the populace. Ok, we all agree that corruption is rife, but since the coup, the farmers were paid, some of the rorters prosecuted and others are waiting in the wings to take a nose dive. The killings and bombings and random shootings have ceased, and many big wigs are being brought to justice, whilst others have fled the country.

You also want to compare losses of the present with the past, not relevant but I would love to see your figures and be told how you derived at the findings. We are talking about her impeachment and criminal charges that arose because of incidents occurring under her prime ministership, nothing to do with past or present Juntas. If it doesn't take a keen eye, then what does it take to see what is going on. I'll tell you, read your and many other's posts, listen to the news, if you can read Thai then get the newspapers and you will see what is and has happened and just how divisive some people are. With posts similar to yours, there is no logic, no facts, no legitimate argument, just the unilateral belittlement of those who have opposing views.

Oh, I nearly forgot. What has the length of time that one has been here got to do with the post. Does the length of time in a country make one an expert? Or is it the willingness to learn and understand the people, their culture, learn the language and know, that through knowledge, we will hopefully understand a little, the principles of this nation. Yes, we all have certain feelings, but everyone must remember that nothing we say or do will have any bearing on the outcome

You are truly amazed? I think many others on here would feel the same about you. Read your post and tell me you are not biased; that you do not want to divide the country, that you have facts to back up your response and that what you post is factual and will help in the reconciliation of a country that was almost brought to its knees by people on both sides. There is abundant evidence that many, on either side, were only thinking of themselves and not their country or fellow countrymen and women. Are you going to tell me that this Junta has inflicted pain on it's citizens or those of us who call Thailand home. I'd say no, but then let's have your opposing views. I, in anticipation, await your logic, and no, I am not biased, I just deal with the facts. Please feel free to do the same.

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OK NACC, Yellow shirts and all the other Hi-So elite, you have your revenge, you have your pound of flesh. Yingluck has been impeached and I really don't think she gives a rat's ass or at least she shouldn't. Who would want to go back into politics in this country again given the shear hatred directed at her.

Now the criminal charges are complete crap and need to be tossed. Anyone doing their job badly should be fired, not sent to jail. Yingluck is already out of politics so what is their to gain by throwing her in jail...nothing except pure unadulterated revenge and hatred of her brother. This is all about her brother, not her.

IMO, they would have to prove she did all of this rice-scheme fiasco with an intention to harm people and steal money which I'm pretty sure they can't do. Go ahead NACC shows us the evidence.

DOH, that is why there will be a trial, for the NACC to show us the evidence.

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