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NLA impeaches Yingluck with 190 votes


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The eight who abstained should be sacked, if they cant or are afraid to make a decision on something this important they shouldn't be in the job.

Ok the decisions have been made on the evidence presented now lets see who does and does not accept them.

A purge and nothing more. You should have voted also....

If it were a purge - what's wrong with it? A purge is used as treatment for a disease

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What I like about the yellow ultra-partisans is that first it was about "democracy" then "national reconciliation".... every time it's then thrown out the window clap2.gif ...nothing matters not corruption not national interest it's only about getting a win against the Shinawatras.

When even The Nation starts questioning the stretch it is to link Yingluck to rice scheme corruption and brings up the words political persecution you have to start wondering..

Actually it was just about a former PM who was not so responsible and dodged accountability. Even the remark she made in her defence of "but the figures on the scheme loss differ due to different accounting methods" also suggest 'negligence'.

So, yes we wonder about a 'elected' 'democratic' government which misused it's parliamentary majority to screw up to the amount of 700 billion Baht on the RPPS.

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It's kind of curious though, how AFP always mentions the rice pledging scheme as funneling money to Thaksin's base among NE farmers. But somehow, they conveniently seem to forget it was YL's government's failure to actually pay those farmers what they were owed that led to a lot of the protests at the time.

It was Thaksin's OTHER supporters and cronies -- not the common people farmers -- who didn't end up having to wait months to get their substantial serving from the gravy train.

While others will conveniently forget it was the street protests, disruption of elections and threats of legal backlash that meant Thai commercial bank withheld the loans.

no, it was the fact that yl never organized the money before she stepped down and after that they were not allowed to take it out due entirely to the laws of the country, very convenient that as it meant she could give a bullsh*t reason and lie continually to the farmers . She never had any intention of paying them and simply kept promising to stop them rioting and causing her more grief, At last she is being held up for her lies and corrupt ways, this is just the start

It seems that both political sides contributed to it, not only YL's side:

Protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban last night warned both commercial and state banks against any rice loans to the caretaker government with threat of facing shutdown by protesters.


Anti-government demonstrators Wednesday stalled the electronic rice auction by cutting power supply at the Commerce Ministry forcing the auction to be put off to March 26.


Ms. Yingluck stated mid-2013 that the RPPS needed 260 or 270 billion Baht for 2013/2014 and she had arranged financing. In December 2013 she suddenly wanted to borrow 130 billion Baht for the scheme which had an extended non-revolving funds (from 500 to 600 or 700 billion) and was empty again.

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Ignored by most here, but let me rejoice in k. Somsak and k. Nikhom having managed to provide sufficient clarifications and are free of any blame.

My opinion is that the reason for them not to impeach them, is exactly the same reason that led you to make this post! :)

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Ignored by most here, but let me rejoice in k. Somsak and k. Nikhom having managed to provide sufficient clarifications and are free of any blame.

Yes, well even the junta would understand that Thailand would become the laughing stock of the world had these military appointed officials found them guilty...of trying to make the senate more representative.

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Ignored by most here, but let me rejoice in k. Somsak and k. Nikhom having managed to provide sufficient clarifications and are free of any blame.

My opinion is that the reason for them not to impeach them, is exactly the same reason that led you to make this post! smile.png

To serve justice and have justice served.

Now if only Ms. Yingluck had managed to provide to the point answers rather than the wishi-washi stuff her legal team and merry band of tubers gave her.

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Ignored by most here, but let me rejoice in k. Somsak and k. Nikhom having managed to provide sufficient clarifications and are free of any blame.

Yes, well even the junta would understand that Thailand would become the laughing stock of the world had these military appointed officials found them guilty...of trying to make the senate more representative.

Your bias influences your objectivity.

The NLA in majority decided that there was no valid ground to impeach the two gentlemen. Their name is now cleared. That has nothing to do with the junta, Thaksin or the temperature outside.

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Ignored by most here, but let me rejoice in k. Somsak and k. Nikhom having managed to provide sufficient clarifications and are free of any blame.

Yes, well even the junta would understand that Thailand would become the laughing stock of the world had these military appointed officials found them guilty...of trying to make the senate more representative.

Your bias influences your objectivity.

The NLA in majority decided that there was no valid ground to impeach the two gentlemen. Their name is now cleared. That has nothing to do with the junta, Thaksin or the temperature outside.

And your belief in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy remains unshaken.

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