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NCPO gets thumbs up for performance: poll

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NCPO gets thumbs up for performance: poll
The Sunday Nation

BANGKOK: -- Most people have been satisfied with the performance of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) over the past eight months after the coup in May last year, a public opinion survey has found.

More than 58 per cent of the respondents said that they were "rather satisfied" with the junta's performance and another 32.9 per cent said they were "very satisfied", according to results of the poll released yesterday.

Only 6 per cent of those surveyed said they were "rather dissatisfied" with the NCPO's performance over the past eight months, and another 2.1 per cent said they "were not satisfied at all".

The survey was conducted by Rajabhat Suan Dusit University on 1,840 people in all regions of the country between last Tuesday and last Friday.

The average score the respondents gave the NCPO for their performance in the latest survey was 8.24. In the first month when the junta came to power, the score was 8.82, compared to 8.87 in the second month, 8.80 in the third month, 8.57 in the fourth month, 8.52 in the fifth month, 8.49 in the sixth month, and 8.20 in the seventh month.

Most of those surveyed said they were happy the country was peaceful now although many were concerned about the continuing economic recession and falling prices of farm produce.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/NCPO-gets-thumbs-up-for-performance-poll-30252619.html

-- The Nation 2015-01-25

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Sticks in the craw, doesn't it?

Now someone will tell us the RSDU is "conservative" like KKU, the poll was a sham, or people were afraid to tell the truth. Uh-huh.

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32.9 per cent said they were "very satisfied",

sounds about right...

Abhisit and Suthep's Democrats pulled 35% in 2011

and PTP pulled (or should that be bought with populist false promises) 49% But that was beforehit-the-fan.gif

Your junta has promised more populist policies in their short term than PTP in all their years.

And 49% is still more than 35% and that is what you will see if there are ever real elections again.

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Over 90% is satisfied, yeah right.


Incredible, how naieve this Junta must be to churn out the same fodder week after week thinking that everyone is swallowing it.

They must have all studied the soviet model of brainwashing and propaganda.

One thing I'm convinced of, the more they push, the harder the push back will be eventually.


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Even though the comment was positive this is a political topic so it has been removed along with a comment quoting it.


The problem with the Junta is people already know so much of this is BS. The polls the economy all doing so well etc - its propaganda at its best.

How about lifting Martial Law and lets here what the people have to say then.


8.1% are not satisfied!!

I reckon these polls are rigged.

We do know that 7% of red shirts are hard core meaning they support terrorism and violence, but 8.1%! They are saying that more than 7% now preferred the daily terrorist attacks and instability that rocked Bangkok up until the coup?

I don't believe a word of it. If anything the 81.% should have been going down, but then it must be understood the honeymoon period of the Junta is receding so this increase in numbers could be attributed to that.

Me and my kids thank the Junta on a daily basis for the reversing of the coup. The military backed by the people, preserved their nation, countered the PTP insurgent coup (yes yes yingluck was elected), and reclaimed their country.

Even though this poll is rigged it still shows the overwhelming majority support the reversing of this coup.



You know, some halfwit actually sits somewhere and reckons stuff like this gives legitimacy to the junta.

many were concerned about the continuing economic recession and falling prices of farm produce.

Yet 90%+ were "satisfied." ..... My god the junta needs new PR people facepalm.gif

There isn't a recession in Thailand - just lower growth than is desirable Nb: as is the case with virtually every Nation on this earth in these troubled economic times!!! There was at least one, maybe two recessions under Yingluck's government though - had you conveniently forgotten this fact before spouting such rubbish?.

The reason that people are unhappy with the farm product prices being lower than they would would like is because Prayuth's government is responsible and is trying to wean people off of the PTP's misguided and irresponsible attempts at interfering with market principles/forces through the manipulation of the rice market by promising to buy up every grain of rice produced - offering to pay them ludicrously inflated prices at an unrealistic and unsustainable level of 40 - 50% above market value. Just how crazy and foolhardy was that!! They chose to bribe them with promises of false hope and unreachable dreams of prosperity in order to garner their vote whilst knowing (praying it wouldn't, perhaps) that it would come back to haunt them in the future when the 'stack of cards' collapsed - and it did, spectacularly so, as we all bore witness to.

Rice farming (especially in Thailand) does not make money for either the farmers or the government and they should be encouraged to do other things, or grow other crops that will at least provide them with the opportunity to make a reasonable living.

Thaksin's policies worked a treat, didn't they. Ask the rice farmers families that lost their husbands through suicide, out of desperation at having all their income removed overnight by this incompetent government that inevitably failed to live up to their election promises of 'improving the rice farmers lot' in not being able to pay them a single Baht for months on end as they had (unsurprisingly) run out of money through adopting this 'loony' scheme of theirs.

Let them be unhappy for a while but also to make sure to let them know that a rice farmer is NEVER (despite Thaksin's outrageous (believed unfortunately) lies to the contrary) going to make them rich. Let the more successful rice growing nations produce the rice and Thai farmers can attempt to diversify into other forms of work in order for them to make an honest living.

In today's current business climate (especially with the youth's clear desire and unwillingness to continue with the generations old family history traditions of toiling the fields in an attempt to eke out a living) their long held and proud claim of being the number one rice exporter in the world is irrelevant and should be ditched as it is a 'thing of the past' that serves no purpose any more!! Let India or Vietnam bear this poisoned chalice and Thauiland should be happy to watch them bathe in the false glory that this bestows on them.

Lastly, why on earth would the government need better PR people? It seems that what the government is doing in the eyes of the people speaks volumes. With approval ratings like these then they have to be the most popular government in Thailand's long and tumultuous history - long may it continue, the elections can wait and wait and wait!!!


I agree (as farang) that Thailand must be very happy that the NCPO take the decision to regulate the country.
Begin 2014 i was scared that Egypt events are going to happen in Thailand.

I believe Thailand need a man like as PM Prayut to clear the corruption and make more differentiation in the economic structure to get ready for the future.

What they did in 8 months is much in my eyes, but there is much to do.

Not many Thai are interested in politics, they look to the money they have to spend.
But the corruption take a lot of the development an i hope they will seize the money and properties.

The Thai economy is now depending to much on the car-production by foreign companies.

The agriculture is important but must go work in cooperation and scale up, because the prices are low.

Good luck for the coming year NCPO

PS When you order mini-busses don't look only to the quotation, but also to the quality.
A mini-bus from Scania or Volvo can be used for 30 years and a Chinese product for 10 years.

In that case pay 1 million baht more for longtime quality.


In a country of 65,000,000 people with 2 different sides, how can a public opinion survey of only 1,840 accurately tell whether prople are genuinely satisfied.


In a country of 65,000,000 people with 2 different sides, how can a public opinion survey of only 1,840 accurately tell whether prople are genuinely satisfied.

A poll of this size is probably accurate to + or - 3% so between 89 and 95% of the people think that this government is doing a satisfactory job. I think that this reasonably reflects that they are being well received in what they are doing.

They could always do a poll of say 30,000,000 or so in 2016 when the elections have been made free and fair (without any influence from fugitives such as Thaksin (and Yingluck?) lying to the people again) in order to get elected.


In a country of 65,000,000 people with 2 different sides, how can a public opinion survey of only 1,840 accurately tell whether prople are genuinely satisfied.

A poll of this size is probably accurate to + or - 3% so between 89 and 95% of the people think that this government is doing a satisfactory job. I think that this reasonably reflects that they are being well received in what they are doing.

They could always do a poll of say 30,000,000 or so in 2016 when the elections have been made free and fair (without any influence from fugitives such as Thaksin (and Yingluck?) lying to the people again) in order to get elected.

If you get into technicalities, there are other important unanswered questions: What is the sampling procedure? how is the sample composed of? What is the questionnaire? Do people feel they answer freely under current political circumstances (imagine a phone survey: the phone rings, and someone asks: "We are doing a poll" "are you satisfied with the current government? smile.png)

Anyway, anyone with a a bit of experience and/or a brain knows that satisfaction rates of around 90% don't happen in real life! Whether it is about Thaksin, Prayuth, Obama, Churchill, De Gaule, Merkel, etc... It simply never happens.


Just a thought, but if they are relying on people with landline telephone numbers - ie telephones in their homes, that does rather skew the socio economic range from which this 1840 people are drawn does it not?


By their very nature Thai people always opt for the path of least resistance - it avoids conflict. If someone cooks food and its tastes like old socks. The person eating it will still smile and say delicious, even if they are about to chuck. Speaking their mind would create conflict so they lie.

Same with polls (and asking for directions)

Tell em what they want to hear and smile.



You know, some halfwit actually sits somewhere and reckons stuff like this gives legitimacy to the junta.

many were concerned about the continuing economic recession and falling prices of farm produce.

Yet 90%+ were "satisfied." ..... My god the junta needs new PR people facepalm.gif

There isn't a recession in Thailand - just lower growth than is desirable Nb: as is the case with virtually every Nation on this earth in these troubled economic times!!! There was at least one, maybe two recessions under Yingluck's government though - had you conveniently forgotten this fact before spouting such rubbish?.

It`s a direct quote you fool. If you think it`s "rubbish" you had better contact the makers of the poll.

For the record Thailand was never in recession under Yingluck.


The general cynicism and negative comments can be quite wearing at times, especially when coming from some wealthy and privileged foreigners who are lucky to enjoy the hospitality and lifestyle of Thailand.

You all seem to forget where the country was just a few short months ago, a stagnating economy, a failed rice scheme that was designed to fill the coffers of the connected, a convicted criminal taking part in in meetings and influencing policy by Skype...

Change was required in Thailand, change was a necessity as the country could not continue down the path it was on! There was a feeding frenzy with the beneficiaries being the fat cat friends and business associates of a select few (and we all know who I am referring too)

Do any of you honestly think that the solutions and remedies for the problems Thailand faces will be instantaneous and painless??? The circumstances surrounding the change of government may not be ideal, but it had to happen!

The present government are making the hard choices, they may not be popular but I believe they have the general population as their first priority. The cynics among you may say you have seen it all before but I for one am prepared to see where this present governments take us.

It has to be better than the self serving and corrupt bunch before, with them Thailand was doomed...


Concerned about a recession? The new boys have only spent about 10% on what is available on infustructure projects?

Falling farming prices? Maybe time for a rubber or rice scheme? or give it a new name.

Maybe the new squad can get the IP addresses of the 2.1%, who are hard to please and re-educate them?


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8.1% are not satisfied!!

I reckon these polls are rigged.

We do know that 7% of red shirts are hard core meaning they support terrorism and violence, but 8.1%! They are saying that more than 7% now preferred the daily terrorist attacks and instability that rocked Bangkok up until the coup?

I don't believe a word of it. If anything the 81.% should have been going down, but then it must be understood the honeymoon period of the Junta is receding so this increase in numbers could be attributed to that.

Me and my kids thank the Junta on a daily basis for the reversing of the coup. The military backed by the people, preserved their nation, countered the PTP insurgent coup (yes yes yingluck was elected), and reclaimed their country.

Even though this poll is rigged it still shows the overwhelming majority support the reversing of this coup.

The "rigged" poll shows that the majority of those POLLED or about 1,693 people allegedly support the junta-led government. Put that in perspective with 33 million voters. The Junta has been very wise to keep the whole "rigged" constitution process away from the Thai electorate.

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