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Yingluck will be arrested if she tries to flee: NACC

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Seems to be in direct contradiction to Prayuth's statement she is free to travel.I suspect the reality is they are terrified of Yingluck's domestic popularity and international acceptance - and can't properly decide on how to neutralise her.But neutralise her they eventually will.She has no political future.

.................."international acceptance"...........................???????

Come on jayboy, even you know she would have been seen as a bit of a joke by the worlds' real leaders, and the only places she would have been accepted and taken seriously were shopping centers.

Your are correct though when you say she has no political future, but I did not think she has much of a political past, either. I wonder what world leaders thought when they heard someone with zero political experience was made the PM of an entire country ?

I do admire your dedication to the cause though, you will defend her to the very bitter end. thumbsup.gif

Actually I have no brief for her though like many I recognise her charm and poise.

But you are totally deluded on some points.

1.Foreign countries are not going to battle for her.This is an internal matter.But as a democratically elected leader she had the kind of global access and approval that Prayuth can only dream about.

As an example social media is buzzing today with the cordial friendly reception she had from a visiting US state department official and the chilly one given to the shameful wreck Abhisit.

2.What political experience do Army officers have? Do you seriously think the current government is not seen internationally as a bit of a joke?

3.The vendetta against her doesn't alter the reality she remains the most popular politician on the country.

How do you know she is popular, and the most popular "on" the country?

Ah, Thaksin's PR machine told you.

Remember the assured smugness that the PTP candidate was going to win the Don Meuang by-election, the Bangkok governor election (why even if they put up a telegraph pole the thinker said)?

One thing about PTP - never learn.


', Amnuay believes it would be "extremely appropriate" to issue an amnesty law.' He would wouldn't he. Anything to save the Red darling from being convicted and forced to pay restitution.

So do you think she directly profited or took money via the rice scheme? there would be a money trail if she did, or if in fact she did then gaol her for corruption no problem, but if not then what? would she be able to counter sue for false arrest?

The thing is I support any gaoling of corrupt people red yellow or purple, but I don't support the selective hunting down of chosen targets to eliminate the opposition.

The other thing is isn't it quite convenient that all the documents just happened to go floating off with the flood waters regarding the Dems corruption issues and no other records were kept and now no case to answer. do you not see the bias and one sidedness here? or do you truly believe that all the Dem's are quite clean honest and just "good people" who only have the interest of the country in mind?

How can a person be impeached whilst no longer holding the office of PM? in reality you can't

But these are just my personal thoughts

The world is watching.

So do you think she directly profited or took money via the rice scheme ??

Its easy, ask her? During her short time in office, her personal fortune and assets almost trebled, and we are talking billions and billions of baht.

Just ask her to prove where all this new found wealth came from......

"Her personal fortune and assets almost trebled" Please provide real evidence of this or quit constantly re-posting this false statement! You link must be reputable not some blog.

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Should won't have to flee as it would be much easier to take refuge in a Wat. Seems to be the only place where Thai politicians can avoid be arrested.

i don't think raw silk robes are allowed.

Seems they are allowed for Suthep.


It's almost like the army want a civil war to begin, create the conditions where a junta is is seen as needed for the forseeable future and then keep it there for years to come


Seems to be in direct contradiction to Prayuth's statement she is free to travel.I suspect the reality is they are terrified of Yingluck's domestic popularity and international acceptance - and can't properly decide on how to neutralise her.But neutralise her they eventually will.She has no political future.

.................."international acceptance"...........................???????

Come on jayboy, even you know she would have been seen as a bit of a joke by the worlds' real leaders, and the only places she would have been accepted and taken seriously were shopping centers.

Your are correct though when you say she has no political future, but I did not think she has much of a political past, either. I wonder what world leaders thought when they heard someone with zero political experience was made the PM of an entire country ?

I do admire your dedication to the cause though, you will defend her to the very bitter end. thumbsup.gif

Actually I have no brief for her though like many I recognise her charm and poise.

But you are totally deluded on some points.

1.Foreign countries are not going to battle for her.This is an internal matter.But as a democratically elected leader she had the kind of global access and approval that Prayuth can only dream about.

As an example social media is buzzing today with the cordial friendly reception she had from a visiting US state department official and the chilly one given to the shameful wreck Abhisit.

2.What political experience do Army officers have? Do you seriously think the current government is not seen internationally as a bit of a joke?

3.The vendetta against her doesn't alter the reality she remains the most popular politician on the country.

How do you know she is popular, and the most popular "on" the country?

Ah, Thaksin's PR machine told you.

Remember the assured smugness that the PTP candidate was going to win the Don Meuang by-election, the Bangkok governor election (why even if they put up a telegraph pole the thinker said)?

One thing about PTP - never learn.

When one is told one's opinions are informed by Thaksin's PR machine, it's clear what kind of mentality is at work.

I have already said that Yingluck has no political future. Nevertheless she is still very popular.If you have an alternative most popular politician let's hear it.(I'm guessing you will avoid responding seriously)

Your Bangkok example is not only irrelevant but a stupid one.Fr this distance the most abiding impression is the small distance between

the parties in what is meant to be a Democrat stronghold.


It's almost like the army want a civil war to begin, create the conditions where a junta is is seen as needed for the forseeable future and then keep it there for years to come

You seem to be getting the Army confused with Thaksin. He was the one who tried to start a civil war in 2010 to justify his desires, to attract sympathy from the people.

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It's almost like the army want a civil war to begin, create the conditions where a junta is is seen as needed for the forseeable future and then keep it there for years to come

Are you fair dinkum? By ridding the country of a whole of government, by this I mean both sides, which contained many inept and corrupt politicians, your are asking if the army wants a civil war? I am afraid that the people of Thailand are a lot smarter than you and now know how they were being bled. So what if the Junta remains for a number of years? I do not care as it has not effected me and given that martial law is still in effect and is keeping certain ones from rearing their ugly heads. Is that bad or conducive to wanting civil unrest? I think not but then maybe you have a different view.

I'll ask you, as I have many. Has the coup affected you or anyone you know in any way? Have the killings, bombings and thuggery stopped? Are there people now starting to be held accountable for their misgivings.?(outright thievery) Has the bitterness and bickering ceased? (only on one side) Is the country getting on with its daily routine without major interference? Were the farmers paid after being lied to many times?

Who are now going about threatening the peace and harmony if someone is impeached or gaoled for their wrongdoings? Who continues to believe they are above the law and are not answerable to anyone? Who threatened to burn down Bangkok if they could not get their own way? Who brought in thugs to disrupt and maim and kill their opposition because their rallies were not to their liking? Who tried to push an amnesty bill through in the early hours of the morning. Who was it to benefit. Who re-issued a Thai passport to a convicted criminal after it had been cancelled by the previous government? Who is still attempting to divide the nation?

Answer truthfully (which a certain lot have trouble doing) and you will see who wants the people to turn against each other and it ain't the army. Tell me, why is it that a number on here are so blinded by the BS that is being espoused, when a nation of Thais can see what has happened and have readily accepted that it has occurred for the betterment of them and their country. It is only a certain group who cannot accept that this is the start of a new beginning for this country and its people but want to continue with their little snippets in a hope that it will, in the end, divide and start the civil unrest that you continue to bay for. Thank god that it is only the minority and that intelligence is in the forefront.

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It's almost like the army want a civil war to begin, create the conditions where a junta is is seen as needed for the forseeable future and then keep it there for years to come

Are you fair dinkum? By ridding the country of a whole of government, by this I mean both sides, which contained many inept and corrupt politicians, your are asking if the army wants a civil war? I am afraid that the people of Thailand are a lot smarter than you and now know how they were being bled. So what if the Junta remains for a number of years? I do not care as it has not effected me and given that martial law is still in effect and is keeping certain ones from rearing their ugly heads. Is that bad or conducive to wanting civil unrest? I think not but then maybe you have a different view.

I'll ask you, as I have many. Has the coup affected you or anyone you know in any way? Have the killings, bombings and thuggery stopped? Are there people now starting to be held accountable for their misgivings.?(outright thievery) Has the bitterness and bickering ceased? (only on one side) Is the country getting on with its daily routine without major interference? Were the farmers paid after being lied to many times?

Who are now going about threatening the peace and harmony if someone is impeached or gaoled for their wrongdoings? Who continues to believe they are above the law and are not answerable to anyone? Who threatened to burn down Bangkok if they could not get their own way? Who brought in thugs to disrupt and maim and kill their opposition because their rallies were not to their liking? Who tried to push an amnesty bill through in the early hours of the morning. Who was it to benefit. Who re-issued a Thai passport to a convicted criminal after it had been cancelled by the previous government? Who is still attempting to divide the nation?

Answer truthfully (which a certain lot have trouble doing) and you will see who wants the people to turn against each other and it ain't the army. Tell me, why is it that a number on here are so blinded by the BS that is being espoused, when a nation of Thais can see what has happened and have readily accepted that it has occurred for the betterment of them and their country. It is only a certain group who cannot accept that this is the start of a new beginning for this country and its people but want to continue with their little snippets in a hope that it will, in the end, divide and start the civil unrest that you continue to bay for. Thank god that it is only the minority and that intelligence is in the forefront.

I will answer truthfully that the coup has affected my way of life very little. Taking into account the "steps in the right direction", and occasional unwise choice of words, the only downside that I can see up to now is that one is not allowed to voice your disagreement publicly about any actions or decisions made if you feel so inclined.


The job of Thai prime minister must be the least desirable job in the world.

The chances of the army taking over and you being ended up either abroad or in jail must be close to 100%.

But hey, we know from the past that all military dictators that took over the country were nice people, and they were not corrupt at all .... right?

Being PM minister in Thailand means that you can spend and make billions without accountability. All high ranked politicians are billionaires in Thailand.

Especially if you are something like say, 'a boss of the army', or his brother, or his cousin or his aunty ........... but for sure no more nepotism here now of course, oh no not any longer, now all the politicians are selected purely on merit, for having a good heart and (really) fore caring about all Thai people. (Allegedly) 5555555555555555555555.


The job of Thai prime minister must be the least desirable job in the world.

The chances of the army taking over and you being ended up either abroad or in jail must be close to 100%.

But hey, we know from the past that all military dictators that took over the country were nice people, and they were not corrupt at all .... right?

Being PM minister in Thailand means that you can spend and make billions without accountability. All high ranked politicians are billionaires in Thailand.

Especially if you are something like say, 'a boss of the army', or his brother, or his cousin or his aunty ........... but for sure no more nepotism here now of course, oh no not any longer, now all the politicians are selected purely on merit, for having a good heart and (really) fore caring about all Thai people. (Allegedly) 5555555555555555555555.


The job of Thai prime minister must be the least desirable job in the world.

The chances of the army taking over and you being ended up either abroad or in jail must be close to 100%.

But hey, we know from the past that all military dictators that took over the country were nice people, and they were not corrupt at all .... right?

Being PM minister in Thailand means that you can spend and make billions without accountability. All high ranked politicians are billionaires in Thailand.

Especially if you are something like say, 'a boss of the army', or his brother, or his cousin or his aunty ........... but for sure no more nepotism here now of course, oh no not any longer, now all the politicians are selected purely on merit, for having a good heart and (really) fore caring about all Thai people. (Allegedly) 5555555555555555555555.


Well, thanks Thai Visa,

I don't know what happened to the "wait 10 second's bit" but never mind, I really do think what I have to say is worth saying 3 times .............er........this may not receive universal concurrence, but I can live with that.

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If politicians anywhere were forced to face impeachment or criminal charges for self-serving actions in office or genuine mistakes, they'd all be in jail!

(Hmmm, not a bad idea!)

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Have they put her on the Immigration Stop List or is that too much like commonsense unless they'd rather she did a runner ?

All you need to do is cancel the passport , something the Democrats should have done with Thaksin , then none of this would be happening.

Correct, all it takes is to enter the details into a computer and hey presto, no passport, but lets be honest, Prayuth and the Dems need the Shins, who else is going to be able to replace the bogeyman?

If you kill of the bogeyman, then there's no real reason for continuing the vice like grip that's been in place all over the country since May 2014, get rid of the Shins, who else is there to blame when it all goes tits up?

All those smart people who are constantly going on about Yingluck being Thaksin puppet obviously it hasn't transcended over to the Junta way of thinking, if they know she's a "mere puppet" then why are they pursuing her with so much vigour, it looks like every single agency that has abbreviations are pursuing Yingluck for one thing or another, seems to be a lot of focus on energy for a mere "puppet".

If Prayuth had balls, he'd fly to Dubai or Singapore himself to speak to Thaksin direct and face to face, and put the cards on the table, anyone who says there isn't some for of agenda going on here is also in Denial.

Yingluck deserves to be punished for her negligence, but where are all the middle men, the millers, the rice farmers and the ministers who were also part of this corruption, if they know this, where is the money, why have they not taken steps to freeze assets of all those suspected of being invlolved??

The current Regime will always need a bogeyman, that way they can keep the country in the current status till after the "event"

Reconciliation is nothing but a red herring, a rouse that so many long term Thai living farangs seem quite adept at believing the Junta are for the people... no they are not, they have to be in power at the specific moment in time, dress all what's going on in Thailand today anyway you want, this is the biggest power play underway since 1936.

The Shins are a mere sideshow and distraction of other things going on. You don't have to have lived in Thailand long term to have an understanding of what's going on.

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If you commit a crime, and give yourself amnesty for said crime. Are you still a criminal?

Not if its a coup.


', Amnuay believes it would be "extremely appropriate" to issue an amnesty law.' He would wouldn't he. Anything to save the Red darling from being convicted and forced to pay restitution.

So do you think she directly profited or took money via the rice scheme? there would be a money trail if she did, or if in fact she did then gaol her for corruption no problem, but if not then what? would she be able to counter sue for false arrest?

The thing is I support any gaoling of corrupt people red yellow or purple, but I don't support the selective hunting down of chosen targets to eliminate the opposition.

The other thing is isn't it quite convenient that all the documents just happened to go floating off with the flood waters regarding the Dems corruption issues and no other records were kept and now no case to answer. do you not see the bias and one sidedness here? or do you truly believe that all the Dem's are quite clean honest and just "good people" who only have the interest of the country in mind?

How can a person be impeached whilst no longer holding the office of PM? in reality you can't

But these are just my personal thoughts

The world is watching.

So do you think she directly profited or took money via the rice scheme ??

Its easy, ask her? During her short time in office, her personal fortune and assets almost trebled, and we are talking billions and billions of baht.

Just ask her to prove where all this new found wealth came from......

What is wrong with you???? I trebled my assets inside the last tree weeks, just a lill homework n sum smarts, AND MY PAPER TRIAL IS THIER, just like anyone who can do the same......... I paid my taxes, ie for the nay sayers, what did gold do in the last three weeks?????????????? over a BT1,100,,,, wake dopy.....


What is wrong with you???? I trebled my assets inside the last tree weeks, just a lill homework n sum smarts, AND MY PAPER TRIAL IS THIER, just like anyone who can do the same......... I paid my taxes, ie for the nay sayers, what did gold do in the last three weeks?????????????? over a BT1,100,,,, wake dopy.....

Arai waaa?

Thaivisa could certainly benefit from some kind of breathalyser system.

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What is wrong with you???? I trebled my assets inside the last tree weeks, just a lill homework n sum smarts, AND MY PAPER TRIAL IS THIER, just like anyone who can do the same......... I paid my taxes, ie for the nay sayers, what did gold do in the last three weeks?????????????? over a BT1,100,,,, wake dopy.....

Arai waaa?

Thaivisa could certainly benefit from some kind of breathalyser system.

I have a certain perspective of the "drunks" when working in Sudan…It is only 20:45 here. So 12:45 in Thailand.

I love the comments after 23:00 in Thailand. That is when the freaks come out!!!

Wait till they change the subject by questioning you age and location because they are too drunk you answer your questions while keeping up the facade that they are intellectually challenging….So PTP and UDD...

He believed Yingluck would not flee the country because she has already announced her intention to fight the charges in accordance with justice procedures.

Like her Brother whistling.gif


So do you think she directly profited or took money via the rice scheme ??

Its easy, ask her? During her short time in office, her personal fortune and assets almost trebled, and we are talking billions and billions of baht.

Just ask her to prove where all this new found wealth came from......

Trebled. billions and billions.

Hmmm.... according to the anti-graft agency (can't accuse them of pro-Yinluck bias) her fortune increased about 5% while in office, mostly from stocks she holds firms, including SC Asset Corporation, which rose in value during her tenure.

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