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Ka-ching,early pay day for the girls in the bars and the BIB :D

The Muay Thai boys will be earning their keep with the matelots as well, never turn down a scrap with a little bloke :o

But they can't beat a Brit matelot when it comes to sinking a pint

But as the yanks say...........a friendly kill is still a kill, so watch out :D

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:D The American Navy, (The icecream fleet) did you know it costs 1 million USD a day to keep those floating weapons of mass distruction working!

Let's hope that some of that is for a good supply of condoms and penicillan. :o

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:D The American Navy, (The icecream fleet) did you know it costs 1 million USD a day to keep those floating weapons of mass distruction working!

Let's hope that some of that is for a good supply of condoms and penicillan. :D

those old guys with the sandles and socks best take thre birds away for a week thse guys have hevy weapons :o

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:o The American Navy, (The icecream fleet) did you know it costs 1 million USD a day to keep those floating weapons of mass distruction working!

Maybe they are planning a strike on LamChaBang to police those unruly containers that keep getting out of line. :D

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Is the kittyhawk the largest American service man carrier or is there one bigger one with more American service men on it.

As there was a warhead found in some waste land next to a restuarant ,as reported in this weeks Pattaya Mail,is it wise for them to call at all?

Chok dee Khap

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Is the kittyhawk the largest American service man carrier or is there one bigger one with more American service men on it.

Kittyhawk is not the largest nor does it have the largest contingent of staff.

All of the Nimitz Class super carriers in the US Navy are larger. The last of the Nimitz Class ships (ten total) is currently under construction (USS George H W Bush - 2008). Then they will move on to what will probably be even bigger vessels in the CVN-21/CVNX class ships the first of which is might be completed some time in 2015.

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:D The American Navy, (The icecream fleet) did you know it costs 1 million USD a day to keep those floating weapons of mass distruction working!

Let's hope that some of that is for a good supply of condoms and penicillan. :D

those old guys with the sandles and socks best take thre birds away for a week thse guys have hevy weapons :o

No worries lot will head for Boys Town, they are seamen after all. :D

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From 1993 until about 2002, I recall that the US sailor boys and their ships moored in Pattaya Bay frequently...maybe twice a year. Then their visits stopped. This might be folk lore but does anyone know if it's true that the reason for the disappearance of these flotillas from Pattaya Bay was because the Governor of Chonburi had the bright idea of charging a 500 baht per head landing charge everytime one of the sailor boys landed at the old pier? The admiral at the time (and I think the last major ship to vist Pattaya Bay was the USS Kitty Hawk), or whoever was in charge of the flotilla/fleet, said something like "Bugger this for a game of soldiers (or sailors)" and pulled up the anchors and left for Singapore never to return to Pattaya Bay.

Edited by Artisan
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Does anyone know if they are still allowing the 'locals' access to the ship PX?

In the past goods were purchased and offloaded by the boat load. :D

Can't beat those government subsidized prices. :o

I doubt very much that anyone will be on board due to security threats, but dose anyone have an answer for this? My buddy was hoping to access the credit union on board.

Thanks Guys

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I was just hoping for a few photos for a friend at work, he used to drink against the Yanks (they are pretty light weights agaist a british matelpt)

He was telling me they had leaflets given to them, dont try to outdrink a British matelot, you will lose and dont point guns at them, if you want to keep your teeth :o ) He said they were happy days :D

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I was just hoping for a few photos for a friend at work, he used to drink against the Yanks (they are pretty light weights agaist a british matelpt)

He was telling me they had leaflets given to them, dont try to outdrink a British matelot, you will lose and dont point guns at them, if you want to keep your teeth :o ) He said they were happy days :D

True, i have some good memories of drinking the yanks under the table when i was in the Navy.

I went on a Nimitz class ship once, jeeeezus, it was one MF of a huge ship. They also had "ghetto like" zones, with muggings and no go areas. :D

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I was just hoping for a few photos for a friend at work, he used to drink against the Yanks (they are pretty light weights agaist a british matelpt)

He was telling me they had leaflets given to them, dont try to outdrink a British matelot, you will lose and dont point guns at them, if you want to keep your teeth :o ) He said they were happy days :D


But in all fairness, up until a short while back, drinking while not on shift was a Brit Navy tradition. The US Navy never allowed that, and as you know, going dry for a couple of months at a time while at sea tends to lower the amount of alcohol required to get shitefaced.

Most former US Navy men I know now are making up for lost time!!! :D

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I was just hoping for a few photos for a friend at work, he used to drink against the Yanks (they are pretty light weights agaist a british matelpt)

He was telling me they had leaflets given to them, dont try to outdrink a British matelot, you will lose and dont point guns at them, if you want to keep your teeth :o ) He said they were happy days :D


But in all fairness, up until a short while back, drinking while not on shift was a Brit Navy tradition. The US Navy never allowed that, and as you know, going dry for a couple of months at a time while at sea tends to lower the amount of alcohol required to get shitefaced.

Most former US Navy men I know now are making up for lost time!!! :D

Dunno if its true, but he said all US ships are dry :D , whereas UK ships (and Subs) the entitlement is 2 pints a day (and some captains still maintain the rum ration :D )

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Dunno if its true, but he said all US ships are dry :D , whereas UK ships (and Subs) the entitlement is 2 pints a day (and some captains still maintain the rum ration :D )

If this is true a large number of the photos I have printed for US sailors were of them breaking regulations. :o

They do get into all sorts of trouble if they are "under the influence" when on duty.

Access is possible if you know the right people, it has to be cleared through the proper channels in advance, security checks and all that ..... For the poster wanting to access Credit Union facilities, I would contact the embassy to see if they have a contact email or procedure.

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Dunno if its true, but he said all US ships are dry :o , whereas UK ships (and Subs) the entitlement is 2 pints a day (and some captains still maintain the rum ration :D )

In 1970, the Admiralty abolished the rum ration within the Royal Navy, apparently on health grounds! Sailors now can buy alcohol at sea, while the wardrooms continue their old policy of allowing officers to do as they will.

Ref: Historical Highlight Navy News

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I think the U.S. Navy arrived either yesterday or this morning as the Crown Prince went to Satahip yesterday and I saw him coming back today. I also think one 9of the princeses was with him.


That's nice, give him my regards :D you could give the princess a kiss from me as well (if you have the time :o )

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Dunno if its true, but he said all US ships are dry :o , whereas UK ships (and Subs) the entitlement is 2 pints a day (and some captains still maintain the rum ration :D )

In 1970, the Admiralty abolished the rum ration within the Royal Navy, apparently on health grounds! Sailors now can buy alcohol at sea, while the wardrooms continue their old policy of allowing officers to do as they will.

Depends on the Captain's of the ships and subs, they pay for it themselves, but as you know, there are ways round everything :D

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