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Nutcases, psychos and generally dysfunctional posters


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SoiBiker post # 30

There is a small group of weirdly obsessive, angry and somewhat misguided posters on here. Sadly they seem to see their 'enemy' lurking behind every post, leading to them to get thread after thread closed with the same nonsense.

Judge not others lest you be judged yourself.
Remember you too are also judged by the company you keep both in the real world and the cyber world.whistling.gif
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SoiBiker post # 30

There is a small group of weirdly obsessive, angry and somewhat misguided posters on here. Sadly they seem to see their 'enemy' lurking behind every post, leading to them to get thread after thread closed with the same nonsense.

Judge not others lest you be judged yourself.
Remember you too are also judged by the company you keep both in the real world and the cyber world.whistling.gif

Is this the part where you decide that I'm 'friends' with some posters that in reality I have no particular connection with, in order to fit in with your preconceived agenda?

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SoiBiker post # 38.

Is this the part where you decide that I'm 'friends' with some posters that in reality I have no particular connection with, in order to fit in with your preconceived agenda?

A fine description of your good self a man a mystery a myth (got a lisp? should that be miss?)

Myth = an imaginary or fictitious thing or person.

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SoiBiker post # 43

I'm fictitious now?

You've properly lost the plot mate.

Please desist from those delusions of grandeur you appear to be suffering from by calling me ''mate.''

Indeed striking evidence of social inadequacy shown by the inventing an imaginary friend.

Certainly an action in keeping with the thread title.

As an aside I shan't be needing a plot, I am to be cremated and my ashes scattered into the sea.

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Who is soibiker?

Look at my reply #14. There will be other similar along soon no doubt.

You mean this one?

sad thing is OP, that many posters here have made a poor life choice, now have to rely on iffy activities, scraping an existence from such sources as gay porn, internet surveys, boiler room employment, abusing the Ed visa rules just to be here in a life of abject squalor.

When their failings are brought home to them, they start flame wars about 'old men' 'wage slaves' etc rather like they are angry at the successful normal people here, for some poorly made decision they made in their lives at some point.

Nope. For a start, I'm not here on an ED visa, or exploiting any sort of loophole to remain in the country. Neither am I 'scraping an existence' - certainly not by any dubious means involving the internet or similar.

Perhaps you have me confused with someone else?

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Sounds like the typical foreigner i see everywhere with a bar girl. I think his name is Mr. Loser-Boozer

Rather than face up to the complete balls up they've made of their own lives with nobody to blame but themselves regarding relationships, financial decisions etc. and their complete lack of any social skills and the ability to interact with their fellow man they seek and find an outlet for their vehemence and self loathing.

Knew a guy a few years back; on the point of morbidly obese, 4, count em, 4 failed marriages to Thais behind him ( at that point I'd start questioning my own ability to choose a partner as opposed to his oft chanted mantra of " All Thai women are after your money cheating b***** ". I mean, I dunno about anyone else but having met his latest " flame" it be like me living in America and looking for the love of my life in a Detroit project for a woman with 5 kids and a crack habit).

Hated Thai people - check

Hated Thai food - check

Hated the weather -check

Conspiracy theories up the wazoo - check

Thai living in a big house and driving a Benz = corrupt - check.

I wonder what his user name is?

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