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Thai ex-PM impeachment could appear 'politically driven': US envoy

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No No No...the US simply does not understand Thai politics...this is all about taking it to the entire family...the message is clear...get out and stay out of Thai government...

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"I'll be blunt here: When an elected leader is deposed, impeached by the authorities that implemented the coup, and then targeted with criminal charges while basic democratic processes and institutions are interrupted, the international community is left with the impression that these steps could be politically driven".

Good work US

The World is Watching and the more it looks the harder it will be to bend the rules. If they can't bend the rules they cannot win an election

Thank You I was looking for a definition of Bull Shit and now I found it !! Once again Thank You

Wail and see how much bullshit it is when the ballot boxes open again

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Everyone should be very afraid of dealing with China !! Some day they will get a bloody nose over how they want to take over every piece of land in the China and South China Sea, perhaps we should change the name of that part of the Pacific Ocean !!

Americans have been in bed with them far too much !! Quit buying made in China and they will listen, maybe !!


In a speech delivered at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok he said "the perception of fairness is important"

Yes, just like 'face', perception is the important thing.


"A top US diplomat Monday said Yingluck Shinawatra's impeachment could be perceived as "politically driven" after meeting the former premier in Bangkok as the most senior Washington official to visit Thailand since the coup."

I think American don't understand Thai people and Thai democracy at all.

Who ever he is, he needs to go back to school to read politics. I would recommend Thammasart University, best political school.


It appears to me that so many people support the idea that two wrongs do make a right...

That a Military Coup is ok as long as it leads to Democracy even if all of the 'Power Players' are all from the same school of thought...

It begs the question in my mind, "Has one form of corruption simply been replaced by another?"

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Could be perceived as "politically driven" in diplomatic lingo means it sure the hell was politically driven and I couldn't agree more.

Agree, most of the western world see's it for what it really is!

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

"I'll be blunt here: When an elected leader is deposed, impeached by the authorities that implemented the coup, and then targeted with criminal charges while basic democratic processes and institutions are interrupted, the international community is left with the impression that these steps could be politically driven".

Good work US

The World is Watching and the more it looks the harder it will be to bend the rules. If they can't bend the rules they cannot win an election

Thank You I was looking for a definition of Bull Shit and now I found it !! Once again Thank You

Wail and see how much bullshit it is when the ballot boxes open again
Vote buying is no bulshitt. It is serious business.
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He could be an errand boy from an overly image conscience poser of a president, but he touched on due process and the fact that the Junta stacked Parliament found her guilty.

If a nation deals with China, it needs to be strong; Korea, Japan and Taiwan. The history of military governments does not bode well for Thailand; corruption, poor planning, stifling of free speech. Thailand should aspire to be more like the strong countries mentioned, but that would disrupt the elitist gravy train.


The phrasing "politically motivated" always irks me: they are politicians, of course it is going to be politically motivated, but this should matter a lot less than knowing if the charges can stick.

We all wished the law would be fair and applied equally to all, but until then, I see no reason not to apply it in this case. Or are some people still pretending that this rice scheme and its budget were managed appropriately?

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Could be perceived as "politically driven" in diplomatic lingo means it sure the hell was politically driven and I couldn't agree more.

Yep. And when this 'visit' was being trailed a couple of days ago, the impression being given was that a 'senior' US official was jetting out to meet the Thai top brass.

It now appears that this US guy is actually on a regional tour - probably routine. I notice he didn't meet the General/PM.


Quite a lot of us are political novices ( I include myself) yet many of us have come to the same conclusion.

Are you sure that you are not allowing your possible mild dislike of Mr Obama and his administration colour your views on Mr Russell's statement?

Yes, and quite a few of you are US born and bred. It seems (a perception only) that you education system focuses solely on elections as the basis of democracy without the complications of the other pillars. This is to be expected from a country where judges, police and even dog-catchers are elected positions, and where the need for campaign funds inevitably leads to "rich man's justice".

Anybody who looks beyond the fact that she was elected should be able to see the extent of her crimes. But then, in the US, conflict of interest rules are scarcely enforced, so it's no wonder Us citizens ignore its criminal aspects.

"Rep. Mike Kelly, a Republican of Pennsylvania, was allowed to sponsor a natural gas bill the same month Exxon negotiated a multimillion-dollar deal with his wife. Across the aisle, former Rep. Dennis Cardozo, Democrat of California, helped pass a bill that involved tax breaks for racehorses and was then bought seven such racehorses when the new tax breaks came into effect." http://www.thewire.com/politics/2012/10/lucky-congress-blatant-conflict-interest-still-perfectly-legal/57698/

That last example sound familiar to you?

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sad.png Why don't the Americans mind there own business and stop acting like they know everything when they do not?

They are the most insular people regarding World knowledge and base everything on their limited ability to see reality.

The situation in Thailand re the Coupe etc is unlike other places.

On the face of it Democracy is supposed to be the fair way BUT this is Thailand and for many reasons it doesn't work here.

The good General / PM has done wonders and I hope he continues holding the fort and that there is NOT an Election.

That would simply put the Red Shirts back in power due to the ignorance of the Issan voters.

To give the disgraced former PM Yingluck an audience at the US Ambassadors residence was an insult to the Thai people.

So, Mr Assistant to South East Asia....go home and keep your nose out!clap2.gif


Could be perceived as "politically driven" in diplomatic lingo means it sure the hell was politically driven and I couldn't agree more.


It would look much better when a Senate full with elected senators impeaches a former PM.

Result is the same though rolleyes.gif


Could be perceived as "politically driven" in diplomatic lingo means it sure the hell was politically driven and I couldn't agree more.


It would look much better when a Senate full with elected senators impeaches a former PM.

Result is the same though rolleyes.gif

The result would not be the same though as they would mostly be PTP whistling.gif

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Could be perceived as "politically driven" in diplomatic lingo means it sure the hell was politically driven and I couldn't agree more.


It would look much better when a Senate full with elected senators impeaches a former PM.

Result is the same though rolleyes.gif

The result would not be the same though as they would mostly be PTP whistling.gif

For once we agree about the same. May be not for the same reason though, as I would remind you of the Thaksin thinks Pheu Thai acts slogan.

Erm ... impeachment is done by the Senate, not parliament.


Is this the same America that described the military takeover as a coup but the more violent and repressive one in Egypt wasn't ?

Yep. The same America that had no problem supporting rebels who illegally overthrew the Ukraine President - and now say that was fine because he was corrupt.

It seems Obama's regime is a bit like PTP - say anything you like to suit the context.

Disappointing that even a senior American government official can openly lies and claim Yingluck was deposed. She dissolved parliament, she was removed for abusing authority whilst pursuing nepotism.

Seems like America under the current administration supports which version of events it prefers, nothing to do with truth or justice.

Wait, what was it that she did which was sooooo horrible and an abuse of authority? Come on, go into the details, please.

As for lies, please elaborate. What were the lies that the envoy told...

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