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The Special One has kept us his softly softly campaign to get back to the UK. Obviously he wants Man U. If that's not going to happen who do you think he would go for? A return to Chelsea is out as Abramovich has declared himself a busted flush on further Chelski mega-bucks overnight. [Wonder how VB thinks about that]

Present managements of our two clubs would not stomach the power motor mouth would want and certainly our present owner would not give him the transfer money he needs.

Mr Mancini should be a worried man is what i think.

If he don't win the league he'll be sacked. Mickey mouse management always do this!

It wasn't very clever of him to say the Everton loss was his fault because he didn't prepare properly for it as he thought it would be an easy win! Should have kept his trap shut "again." Everton away is always a tough one as you know.

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The Special One has kept us his softly softly campaign to get back to the UK. Obviously he wants Man U. If that's not going to happen who do you think he would go for? A return to Chelsea is out as Abramovich has declared himself a busted flush on further Chelski mega-bucks overnight. [Wonder how VB thinks about that]

Present managements of our two clubs would not stomach the power motor mouth would want and certainly our present owner would not give him the transfer money he needs.

Mr Mancini should be a worried man is what i think.

I'd agree. And I for one would be extremely happy to have Mourinho at our gaff.

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So big question, post transfer window are we weaker or stronger ? IDE go stagnent, bordering weaker, pav, peanuts, bassong corluka and a couple of non prem first teamers out on loan and saha and nelson in on short term deals,last season I liked both players but this season, well who knows, Nelson hasn't played since april and at 33 could that be an issue. and from the few everton games i've seen, dont like the way moyes teams play, saha looks half a yard plus slower than last season, so both wont feel out of place on our bench, hardly the team improvers ari talked about !!!! but hey ho,

As for aris case,things always look/sound bad and v dramatic when the prosecution are gettin there teeth into things sounds to me they are going for the manderin and are steppin bac on ari? but waht they fuc do i know, I'm just second guessing and peicing it together from tv hacks reporting, but just wait till ari's top end defense get there chance. And thenwe will see, but if he goes down what then? Ide luv murry boy at our place. but maybe a bit 2 early for that and what with the ground development cumin up,bound to effect our spending power and murry boy does like a large transfer kitty, so who else ?

As for mancini and man city,imo , not such a stupid statement by mancini , any fool could see the players had an off day and by him saying what he did, effectively took some of the 'pressure' away from them,if they lose the title, and A T M , imo it;s still there;s 2 lose, on reflection it wont be seen to have improved his job security, but at the current time, smart move, ilogical as it may seem,titles can be as easily lost of the pitch as on them, and it seems Mancini has a healthy realization of that.

Edited by rijit
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So big question, post transfer window are we weaker or stronger ? IDE go stagnent, bordering weaker, pav, peanuts, bassong corluka and a couple of non prem first teamers out on loan and saha and nelson in on short term deals,last season I liked both players but this season, well who knows, Nelson hasn't played since april and at 33 could that be an issue. and from the few everton games i've seen, dont like the way moyes teams play, saha looks half a yard plus slower than last season, so both wont feel out of place on our bench, hardly the team improvers ari talked about !!!! but hey ho,

As for aris case,things always look/sound bad and v dramatic when the prosecution are gettin there teeth into things sounds to me they are going for the manderin and are steppin bac on ari? but waht they fuc do i know, I'm just second guessing and peicing it together from tv hacks reporting, but just wait till ari's top end defense get there chance. And thenwe will see, but if he goes down what then? Ide luv murry boy at our place. but maybe a bit 2 early for that and what with the ground development cumin up,bound to effect our spending power and murry boy does like a large transfer kitty, so who else ?

As for mancini and man city,imo , not such a stupid statement by mancini , any fool could see the players had an off day and by him saying what he did, effectively took some of the 'pressure' away from them,if they lose the title, and A T M , imo it;s still there;s 2 lose, on reflection it wont be seen to have improved his job security, but at the current time, smart move, ilogical as it may seem,titles can be as easily lost of the pitch as on them, and it seems Mancini has a healthy realization of that.

Well Rij, Saha and Pav is a difficult one, pav would probaly score more goals and Saha would do more for the team, Bassong must be better than Nelson but perhaps harry feels his presence in the treatment room will help Gallas and King, what i don't understand is Corluka going, no cover for right back, whats that all about, ok some people will say Kabul can play there but for me kabul is now our no.1 centre half and thats where he should stay.

Footnote Rij, whats this Murry business, i take it that it is your pet name for Mourinho 40.gif

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So big question, post transfer window are we weaker or stronger ? IDE go stagnent, bordering weaker, pav, peanuts, bassong corluka and a couple of non prem first teamers out on loan and saha and nelson in on short term deals,last season I liked both players but this season, well who knows, Nelson hasn't played since april and at 33 could that be an issue. and from the few everton games i've seen, dont like the way moyes teams play, saha looks half a yard plus slower than last season, so both wont feel out of place on our bench, hardly the team improvers ari talked about !!!! but hey ho,

As for aris case,things always look/sound bad and v dramatic when the prosecution are gettin there teeth into things sounds to me they are going for the manderin and are steppin bac on ari? but waht they fuc do i know, I'm just second guessing and peicing it together from tv hacks reporting, but just wait till ari's top end defense get there chance. And thenwe will see, but if he goes down what then? Ide luv murry boy at our place. but maybe a bit 2 early for that and what with the ground development cumin up,bound to effect our spending power and murry boy does like a large transfer kitty, so who else ?

As for mancini and man city,imo , not such a stupid statement by mancini , any fool could see the players had an off day and by him saying what he did, effectively took some of the 'pressure' away from them,if they lose the title, and A T M , imo it;s still there;s 2 lose, on reflection it wont be seen to have improved his job security, but at the current time, smart move, ilogical as it may seem,titles can be as easily lost of the pitch as on them, and it seems Mancini has a healthy realization of that.

Well Rij, Saha and Pav is a difficult one, pav would probaly score more goals and Saha would do more for the team, Bassong must be better than Nelson but perhaps harry feels his presence in the treatment room will help Gallas and King, what i don't understand is Corluka going, no cover for right back, whats that all about, ok some people will say Kabul can play there but for me kabul is now our no.1 centre half and thats where he should stay.

Footnote Rij, whats this Murry business, i take it that it is your pet name for Mourinho 40.gif

I find any notions of Mourinho joining us rather ridiculous because we just don't have the money or the inflated wage structure that he would want.

Our dealings in the window were peculiar and the loaning of the versatile Corluka plain stupid. As you say, Kaboul is no 1 at center back and i wouldn't want him on the wing either. It just doesn't make any sense loanong Corluka.

I do wonder whether these are signs of Redknapp's iminent departure. Levy knows he'll have to offer a new manager a transfer budget and lets face it, Harry's case isn't going very well so far is it.

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Just looking at you next 7 games, tough run coming up?

Liverpool (A)

Newcastle (H)

Arsenal (A)

Man United (H)

Everton (A)

Stoke (H)

Chelsea (A)

"Bastion of Invincibility" Liverpool Football Club.

Yes it is! Its the pivital stage of the season for us. I'm sure you've taken a look at our run in. We really need a bit of luck with injuries and we'll see.

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Just looking at you next 7 games, tough run coming up?

Liverpool (A)

Newcastle (H)

Arsenal (A)

Man United (H)

Everton (A)

Stoke (H)

Chelsea (A)

"Bastion of Invincibility" Liverpool Football Club.

Been having a sneeky look at our games have ya Dev, why would that be ? thinking you might catch us ah Dev, well if you are, dream on mate 4.gif

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Just looking at you next 7 games, tough run coming up?

Liverpool (A)

Newcastle (H)

Arsenal (A)

Man United (H)

Everton (A)

Stoke (H)

Chelsea (A)

"Bastion of Invincibility" Liverpool Football Club.

And your point is? Are you suggesting that any teams on that list are better than us?, it seems to take a stroke of luck or some v poor refing 2 get a result against us,

every team on that list , barring man utd and and maybe chelsea, we should or have already beaten this season.

and just my opinion but given how good your team currently is, ending your posts quoting shankly makes you seem rather, lets be kind

here, not quite in touch with the current reality!! and i'm sure the great man would be amused at u using a 'moniker' that is normally

associated with man utd, But there we go live and let live I say.

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Just looking at you next 7 games, tough run coming up?

Liverpool (A)

Newcastle (H)

Arsenal (A)

Man United (H)

Everton (A)

Stoke (H)

Chelsea (A)

"Bastion of Invincibility" Liverpool Football Club.

And your point is? Are you suggesting that any teams on that list are better than us?, it seems to take a stroke of luck or some v poor refing 2 get a result against us,

every team on that list , barring man utd and and maybe chelsea, we should or have already beaten this season.

and just my opinion but given how good your team currently is, ending your posts quoting shankly makes you seem rather, lets be kind

here, not quite in touch with the current reality!! and i'm sure the great man would be amused at u using a 'moniker' that is normally

associated with man utd, But there we go live and let live I say.

Whenever I think of Shankly the quote that comes into my mind is this....

"The socialism I believe in is everybody working for the same goal and everybody having a share in the rewards. That's how I see football, that's how I see life."

I cant think but imagine how he is turning in his grave when he looks at modern football and modern footballers. And Maggie's gargoyle is laughing somewhere - laughing and pissing itself at the same time.

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Thanks for the bastions of whatever and the Shankly quotes but this is the Tottenham thread and were not interested.

If you want a quote than theres none better than the late great Bill Nicholson, a true gentleman and one of the greatest managers in the history of the game.

"It is better to fail aiming high than to succeed aiming low. And we at Spurs have set our sites very high, so high infact that even failure will have in it an echo of glory."

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My team for monday, Friedel, Walker, Kabul, King, Bae Parker, Modric, Sandro Bale, Vdv / Lennon Adebayor, should be enough to get the job done !

I think you're right there. A good game to rekindle the Sandro/Parker partnership.

I agree. The right team and it will get the job done. Only problen is about five of them have to pass late fitness tests!!

No worries about tomorrow as long as we keep that bellend Bellamy tucked up. He's the one that makes things happen. Hopefully it will take a while for Suarez to settle in. Perhaps Parker should be allowed to wear some sort of a face guard incase he makes contact with the forearm of Suarez.

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My team for monday, Friedel, Walker, Kabul, King, Bae Parker, Modric, Sandro Bale, Vdv / Lennon Adebayor, should be enough to get the job done !

I bet Liverpool play a 4-5-1 wink.png

Yes carms, it seems that they are a bit worried by our attacking players, so probaly only one up front.

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My team for monday, Friedel, Walker, Kabul, King, Bae Parker, Modric, Sandro Bale, Vdv / Lennon Adebayor, should be enough to get the job done !

I bet Liverpool play a 4-5-1 wink.png

Yes carms, it seems that they are a bit worried by our attacking players, so probaly only one up front.

Abbys not staying up for this one either!

My only concern is both VDV and Lennon being unavailable. As discussed Redknapp has left us very vulnerable on the right. I also fancy Saha to get a run out at some stage especially as Adebayor has a dodgy hamstring.

fro the few Liverpool games i've seem Bellamy is the one that provides the spark and i've always rated the mouthy little sh1t! I'd be delighted if he was absent. Other than hi the only one i really fear is the referee. ph34r.png

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My team for monday, Friedel, Walker, Kabul, King, Bae Parker, Modric, Sandro Bale, Vdv / Lennon Adebayor, should be enough to get the job done !

I bet Liverpool play a 4-5-1 wink.png

Yes carms, it seems that they are a bit worried by our attacking players, so probaly only one up front.

You know what Alf, i'm starting to worry. Its blatently obvious the team to play but do you think Harry's going to do something really really stupid?

Dalglish knows he must sort out our midfield thats for sure but i'm concerned Harry might have one of his stupid ideas floating around in his head.

Lets hope he's more focused on the tuesday trial verdict and lets the players decide!

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My team for monday, Friedel, Walker, Kabul, King, Bae Parker, Modric, Sandro Bale, Vdv / Lennon Adebayor, should be enough to get the job done !

I bet Liverpool play a 4-5-1 wink.png

Yeah they will have studied the Citeh game. If they start with two un front I'll be delighted. Tempting for them as well with Suarez back.

In any case we didn't have Parker and Sandro playing together for that one. We should win this no matter, only concern as you rightly pointed out carms is Lennon.

VDV...well...supersub please. jap.gif

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You guys are feeling a bit confident and in a bouyant mood aren't you.

I wouldn't say confident untill we see the selection and set up. Harry is prone to making some strange decisions. If he picks the side Alfie went for i would be reasonably confident. Its about controlling that midfield and a Spurs midfield containing Modric Parker and Sandro would do just that.

All i would ask is "Can we please have a game without a refereeing howler?"

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You guys are feeling a bit confident and in a bouyant mood aren't you.

I wouldn't say confident untill we see the selection and set up. Harry is prone to making some strange decisions. If he picks the side Alfie went for i would be reasonably confident. Its about controlling that midfield and a Spurs midfield containing Modric Parker and Sandro would do just that.

All i would ask is "Can we please have a game without a refereeing howler?"

Its Mike Oliver so expect a soft red card or two. Suarez please! biggrin.png

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You guys are feeling a bit confident and in a bouyant mood aren't you.

I wouldn't say confident untill we see the selection and set up. Harry is prone to making some strange decisions. If he picks the side Alfie went for i would be reasonably confident. Its about controlling that midfield and a Spurs midfield containing Modric Parker and Sandro would do just that.

All i would ask is "Can we please have a game without a refereeing howler?"

Its Mike Oliver so expect a soft red card or two. Suarez please! biggrin.png

I'm getting used to the referees decisions deciding who wins a game this season. Becoming an unfunny joke.

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You guys are feeling a bit confident and in a bouyant mood aren't you.

Liverpool is a mess of a team. Very much hit and miss while we've been consistent most of the season.

We should win comfortably.

Yes you have been consistent while we have been very much hit and miss I would agree.

Your consistency has meant that you have been extremely efficient at disposing of substandard opposition while we have not. However, in matches against the top 6 we have actually scored 1 more point than you and in matches against the top 10 you have only scored 1 more point than us.

Despite the second best away record in the league you have lost 3 times away from home. And, Liverpool, despite a poor home record in the league have not lost this season at Anfield.

We might have been a little hit and miss but the only time we have been beaten at Anfield in over year is by you guys so there is no desperate reason to think it will happen again.

Still I seem to remember a Spurs supporter posting that your moto was something like 'aim for the sky and even when you fail dismally it will feel like an achievement' something like that.,,,,

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<p>Abrak, your attempt at humour is appreciated but not enjoyed (by me), your football financial statistics are, occasionally. and your football statistics are always welcome!Sometimes you look in a field and see a cow.


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You guys are feeling a bit confident and in a bouyant mood aren't you.

Liverpool is a mess of a team. Very much hit and miss while we've been consistent most of the season.

We should win comfortably.

Yes you have been consistent while we have been very much hit and miss I would agree.

Your consistency has meant that you have been extremely efficient at disposing of substandard opposition while we have not. However, in matches against the top 6 we have actually scored 1 more point than you and in matches against the top 10 you have only scored 1 more point than us.

Despite the second best away record in the league you have lost 3 times away from home. And, Liverpool, despite a poor home record in the league have not lost this season at Anfield.

We might have been a little hit and miss but the only time we have been beaten at Anfield in over year is by you guys so there is no desperate reason to think it will happen again.

Still I seem to remember a Spurs supporter posting that your moto was something like 'aim for the sky and even when you fail dismally it will feel like an achievement' something like that.,,,,

Bore off Abrak, theres a good chap

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For me, after last nights result. tonights game just got bigger. A chance to pull a further two points clear of Chelsea and keep the pressure on manchester.

Fingers crossed the players are properly up for it and not otherwise distracted.

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