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UDD leader Jatuporn sentenced to 2 years in jail for defaming former PM Abhisit

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What did he say as defamation to get 2 years?

He said that the former premier was suppressing the protesters.

The protesters at the time were fighting to have elections.

A protest that coincidentally kicked off days after Thaksin had his ill gotten gains seized.

Yup - all about elections.

Try seizing the ill gotten gains from the rest of the political machine and see how far you get.

One of the wonderful things about --------- is that. The people can prosecute wrong doers. The people can investigate wrong doers. The people can hold all public servants accountable. Something they are not able to do presently.


Are the courts making a statement or are they making an example , we all remember motor mouth Jatuporn, , if the PTP ever become a political party again they must remember to tick all the boxes , brain dead idiots must not apply , however I think that former P.M. Abhist had more than this to contend with, 2 years for this or was it for a combination other outbursts as well.coffee1.gif

Of course it's the later, he is being made an example of. This jaunta have no intention of reconsiliation, and this WILL lead to civil war. For this very reason I have left Thailand after 25 years of work and investment there. Why did Kasit the foul mouth ex-Foreign Minister just

recently get aquitted of the same offense, I quote

"But the court overruled the defamation charge reasoning that Thaksin was a former prime minister and a well known public figure whom everyone could criticise.

Although some wordings in the criticism was impolite, but the public address was made with honesty to protect the ~ and national interest."

A double standard that is at the essessence of why the majority poor will raise arms on Bangkok streets in the coming future if the upper middle class and elites don't gain an understanding of what they are feeling at heart.

Tear me apart as the messanger, but it's not me whos mind you have to persuade with your agruement, it's 45 million north and north-easterners you have to convince.

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Abhisit should take the high-road, and win major points amongst former PT supporters if he was to withdraw the charges. This would show that he puts unity above self and would soften hearts with his detractors.

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I see all usual Yellows out and celebrating here again as usual even though you don't seem to know what he said. Seems the lot of you blindly idolize the junta like many north Koreans do. Any opposing voice must be jailed seems to be your mantra. I see the one-sided purge continues.

I'm not a "usual yellow" and I most certainly would not support the reds. But the current administration which you refer to as a junta, has done more good for this country in such a short time, than all the politicians have done in the past ten years or more. There are many cases outstanding of wrongs committed by the previous administration. We will be hearing about judgements on the activities of all the lesser ex-MPs as time goes by I'm sure.

" ... ex MPs" I think your more than generous. Salaried immoral yes men with no capability and no conscience would be more appropriate.

I take your point. MP's and ex-MP's are rarely statesmen of integrity and never gentlemen.

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BKKBrit post # 126.

Abhisit should take the high-road, and win major points amongst former PT supporters if he was to withdraw the charges. This would show that he puts unity above self and would soften hearts with his detractors.

Like the example as set by Thaksin and the P.T.P. in general?

And what don't you understand when I said that Abhisit should take 'the high road'? What has a personal defamation case got to do with Thaksin? Jeesh..get over him already.


Are the courts making a statement or are they making an example , we all remember motor mouth Jatuporn, , if the PTP ever become a political party again they must remember to tick all the boxes , brain dead idiots must not apply , however I think that former P.M. Abhist had more than this to contend with, 2 years for this or was it for a combination other outbursts as well.coffee1.gif

Of course it's the later, he is being made an example of. This jaunta have no intention of reconsiliation, and this WILL lead to civil war. For this very reason I have left Thailand after 25 years of work and investment there. Why did Kasit the foul mouth ex-Foreign Minister just

recently get aquitted of the same offense, I quote

"But the court overruled the defamation charge reasoning that Thaksin was a former prime minister and a well known public figure whom everyone could criticise.

Although some wordings in the criticism was impolite, but the public address was made with honesty to protect the ~ and national interest."

A double standard that is at the essessence of why the majority poor will raise arms on Bangkok streets in the coming future if the upper middle class and elites don't gain an understanding of what they are feeling at heart.

Tear me apart as the messanger, but it's not me whos mind you have to persuade with your agruement, it's 45 million north and north-easterners you have to convince.

You may care to refer to this and do a little research before posting.

The population of Thailand is estimated at 67,222,972 as of July 1 2014. ref https://www.google.co.uk/?gws_rd=ssl#q=population+of+thailand+2014

The demographics reference came from here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Thailand

The vast majority of Isaan people (1/3 of Thailand population) are ethnic Lao intermixed with remnants of Khmer Empire blood (and speak Isaan language).

I have used the 1/3 figure as a rough guide but you can use any figure you like

Now 1/3 of 67,222,972 comes to about 22,407,657 and perhaps 1/3 again are too young or not permitted to vote which leaves about 14,938,438. Not all of them would vote PTP say perhaps again 1/3 of them which leaves 9,958,958. A tad short of the 45 million you claim. I would think that not all of them would vote PTP this time especially the poor farmers who are now worse off and deeper in debt than before.

I also think that the PTP have done a lot of convincing already against themselves.

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so let's be clear about the court bias :

  • it's OK to call Thaksin a republican if you're yellow
  • it's not OK to point out the true about a PM if you're red

Wrong. Some reds have had defamation cases against them dismissed recently.

The whole defamation laws and practices are ludicrous. Thaksin and Tarit in particular initiated them like confetti or used them as threats every time someone said anything they didn't like. Even non Thais use them - ask Andrew Drummond or Andy Hall.

PTP have and their supporters whine court bias every time a ruling goes against their agenda. They must never ever be wrong or do anything wrong and absolutely work perfectly within the law and all procedures to achieve the innocence they proclaim - if only.

Right. There may be cases against one side or the other which are dismissed, but roll up the numbers and the court bias is obvious.

Or are you saying that there isn't one?

In this case, how is it defamation to state that Abhisit ordered a crack down on protesters?

It doesn't show court bias exclusively. There are TWO possible scenarios (one which you conveniently ignore): 1 it shows court bias BUT 2...perhaps one side files more BS lawsuits than the other :rolleyes:

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I see all usual Yellows out and celebrating here again as usual even though you don't seem to know what he said. Seems the lot of you blindly idolize the junta like many north Koreans do. Any opposing voice must be jailed seems to be your mantra. I see the one-sided purge continues.

I'm not a "usual yellow" and I most certainly would not support the reds. But the current administration which you refer to as a junta, has done more good for this country in such a short time, than all the politicians have done in the past ten years or more. There are many cases outstanding of wrongs committed by the previous administration. We will be hearing about judgements on the activities of all the lesser ex-MPs as time goes by I'm sure.

Could you please be specific what good changes the junta has made?

Ok I admit they have created bike paths.

Motorcycle taxis are back to overcharging with the old rates, beach vendors are back, jet ski rip offs still happening. Koa Tao investigation with daily updates to PM completed. My retail business sustained huge losses due to curfew with the soldiers on motorbikes ordering it shut early for the first 2 weeks of the coup. Please tell me what they have accomplished more in the 7 months than last gov. in 10 years than a massive one sided political culling?

Expand your thinking, right now your thinking is confined to a very small sand box.

My sand box was expanded after all the promises of the last coup. I was not crazy about Thaksin but during those years the business environment was great here. There was no BS being pulled with getting my business licenses renewed or provincial. government hassles like what was happened since.


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BKKBrit post # 126.

Abhisit should take the high-road, and win major points amongst former PT supporters if he was to withdraw the charges. This would show that he puts unity above self and would soften hearts with his detractors.

Like the example as set by Thaksin and the P.T.P. in general?

And what don't you understand when I said that Abhisit should take 'the high road'? What has a personal defamation case got to do with Thaksin? Jeesh..get over him already.

Very poor attempt to sideline the discussion. Attempt failed.

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I was not crazy about Thaksin but during those years the business environment was great here. There was no BS being pulled with getting my business licenses renewed or provincial. government hassles like what was happened since.

Thaksin personally helped you in getting your business license renewed more easily? blink.png



Good. Now I guess we can expect to see those Dems and their supporters hauled up before a court for suggesting that Yingluck had an illicit sexual liaison at a hotel a couple of years back. coffee1.gif

Well , looks like Jutaporn needs some pointers on how to insult people and get away with it. Had he just called Abhisit a stupid bitch everything would have been o.k. We know this to be the case since when Abhisit used the term against Yingluk , gentleman that he is , he got away with it , not withstanding he later denied the remark was intended for her , or women either in general or indeed anyone. So we can only conclude he was talking to himself about himself.

Ah, the secret to successful defamation: be vague enough to allow for plausible denial. :-)


Don't forget the lottery prices are even higher now than before the crackdown on lottery started. So much for all the crackdowns. I don't see anything better here.

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