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US statement 'wounded' Thailand, Deputy Foreign Minister says

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Those damn foreigners. They are always trying to mess up our party. And they cause us great pain, when they say bad things about us. It seems to us like they are making all this stuff up. All the weird rumors about military coups, press censorship, human rights violations, migrant worker issues. When will those foreigners just leave us alone. It used to be so much better without all the social media, and all that international news. Who needs it?

Bingo...still can't believe this one that vanished very very quickly, now what was that release based on again? Police Farce...Thailand you're soaking in it...Som num na..


In many of our minds there is no doubt that heinous act was committed by Nomsod. And it is safe to label him a serial killer, as this was not the first time, nor his last. When one is allowed to kill with near impunity, there is little reason to stop. Nobody will stop him or his piglet dad. They are above the law. All laws. Anyone's laws. So, dickweed can complain all he wants. As long as crap like this is happening on his watch, we will bitch and moan. All of us. Nonstop. Get used to it, MR. Foreign Minister. The world is skeptical. For good reason.


It saddens me that Thailand does not understand the reason why the U.S. and other world nations do not approve of a military junta overthrowing a democratically elected government and does not understand the way democracies and the free world work, even though Thailand has been a junior ally of the U.S. for years. Does the term "banana republic" mean anything to you?

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Djamie the US warned Thailand not to stage a coup but sort out the political chaos and protests through democratic means. Your travel through history is meaningless.

Other of course than to reinforce his inevitable closing point - he is younger than us and smarter than us!:-)

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The emperor truly has no clothes..

The clown just like to hear himself talk.

Starved for attention.

Needs a good hug.


If this frustration release helps you deal with the current political issues then please continue.

I notice the condescension increasing and the intelligent rebuts decreasing in relation to the PTP downfall.

Fell free to continue. Just remember I will always be here if you need someone to talk too.

I only wished the PTP and UDD supporters has someone to talk to before they went on their murderess terrorist damage in Bangkok...

I thought in one of your "walting" posts that they came to talk to you - Khon Khaen wasn't it?

Obviously they didn't listen!

Edit: "walting" = to behave like Walter Mitty".


The truth 'Wounds' most Thai's in influential positions. They are used to doing whatever they want without question or repercussions of any sort.

Basically; they don't like it 'up them' when anyone from the outside tries to challenge their massive ego's. To them 'Planet Thailand' is perfect in every way.

How inept that a career military General thinks words are wounding. LOL ah mannnnnnnn no wonder Thai people smile so often. They understand the Joke.


As an American... regardless of what the Military Regime is Thailand does or does not do ... I do not trust that the obama Administration will make a good decision in regards to Thailand nor do it for the right reason. The obama Administration's foreign policy is nothing to erratic efforts at manipulation. No generalized policy can be discerned - it is mostly reactionary measures taken by amateurs including the former Secretary of State and the current one. God forgive them for they know not what they do...


I'll be interested to see how many of the ex pat junta supporters will react when the new edict from up on high will give them the right to search and investigate all your social forums, including this one,listen to your telephone conversations, check your bank balances etc without any authorisation at all. Privacy is a right that every citizen has and to suggest that the government won't use this unless it is a matter of state security is not only extremely debatable, but dangerous to say the least.

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Ruling government???? Should read ruling junta. And politics???? Since when has ANY ruling junta given a toss about politics. The only real agenda is black budgets, etc.

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I notice that no other high international officials have had the balls to tell Thailand like it really is. Since I have lived here this is my 4th coup. Everything changes but nothing ever changes. Prem was in power for 8 years is there any reason to believe these boys really want to leave soon.

Maybe it's time to send in the 'big gun' to talk to the general... Dennis Rodman tongue.png

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nope I don't see any 'wounded Thais' all Thais I know have a completely different view than those in power

and as for 'what would USA do'? for a start the USA would protect the ballot boxes and never let an election be hijacked by right-wing extremists


And if Thais start being against the USA, Americans will be very surprised..........

What have we done to them to be against us?blink.png

'against us'? I assume, as you are NOT Thai Costas (only in your 'alter-reality' fantasy world), you mean Greece.

Well you do owe a bit of money old chap but good luck with it as you have a newly elected anti-austerity government

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I'll be interested to see how many of the ex pat junta supporters will react when the new edict from up on high will give them the right to search and investigate all your social forums, including this one,listen to your telephone conversations, check your bank balances etc without any authorisation at all. Privacy is a right that every citizen has and to suggest that the government won't use this unless it is a matter of state security is not only extremely debatable, but dangerous to say the least.

Sounds like the ultimate act of paranoia doesn't it?

Not really the way to spread happiness, peace and reconciliation is it when there's a deep mistrust over all your citizens that you feel the need to pry into their private lives so deeply.. smacks of desperation really.

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The impeachment of yinglucky was politically driven.

The billions that disappeared while she was pm was politically driven too so what's the problem. What goes around comes around.


The impeachment of yinglucky was politically driven.

The billions that disappeared while she was pm was politically driven too so what's the problem. What goes around comes around.

Unless the billions were corruptly hidden away, siphon out of the country or incinerated, it never disappeared but circulated in the internal economy as purchases, taxes or investments that generate employment, wages and tax revenues.


Self opinionated Americans once again thinking they know everything there is to know about everything. They should confine their comments to there own domestic situation.

NO, they came to listen to the people involved , in order to learn about the situation... I would say , you think to know everything there is to know about everything...

You missed the point. They were guests in the country, presume invited, and to make high voltage statements about the Thai Government and to have cosy cups of tea at the residence of the US Ambassador with YL is outrageous, particularly as I believe those Yankie boys had no desire to meet the Thai Prime Minister.

I think their actions show their lack of understanding of diplomatic protocol. No doubt his comments were endorsed by Obama who seems to be more concerned with winning approval from the big USA corporations than building true diplomatic relationships so it is unlikely they he has any knowledge of the current and past political situation in Thailand particularly with regard to YL and her cronies.


Self opinionated Americans once again thinking they know everything there is to know about everything. They should confine their comments to there own domestic situation.

NO, they came to listen to the people involved , in order to learn about the situation... I would say , you think to know everything there is to know about everything...

Listening is fine agreed but they opened their big loud American mouths as usual.


Deputy Foreign Minister Don Pramudwinai said the statements made by US Assistant Secretary of State Daniel Russel during his visit in Bangkok had caused "wounds" to Thais.

Sometimes the truth hurts.

What truth? The USAs? The only truth they know is the one they give to you. They should never have commented on another countries internal affairs without expecting some kind of reply like this. They should never have gone to YL or Abhisit thinking they could get the truth or even an un-opinionated reply. Especially YL who thinks she is the Democratic Queen of Thailand and that everything she did was OK because she was voted (hehee) into her position. I can just imagine their meeting with her crocodile tears saying they are after her and she did nothing wrong and blaming everyone else. The US should stick their noses up their own bu--- about internal matters and talk to Thailand only about international matters.



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And if Thais start being against the USA, Americans will be very surprised..........

What have we done to them to be against us? alt=blink.png>

It's what the Thai military and elitist establishment have done against the civil liberties of the Thai PEOPLE that garners America's disappointment. It's the choice of the Junta to exclude the Thai PEOPLE from having a direct participation in their own future. This Junta-led government has operated by self-appointed proxy on behalf of the Thai PEOPLE to create a future for Thailand IN ITS OWN IMAGE. America criticizes the government but not the PEOPLE.


As a long term expat living the relatively quiet life here must agree with the Deputy ministers comments

and feel wounded ? yes for all Thai national and also for the hundreds of thousands of other foreign nationals who for now fault on their own found this wonderful country been torn apart with the terrible bad feeling, being handed out by bad press, slanging matches by many people where fanatical thugs run riot on the streets many unnecessary deaths,

now these recent comments passes by an American diplomat who was in essence making what was reported as a protest with reference to a political person being removed from office was termed as "politically motivated"

lets now be honest the present leaders of this nation are really in the forefront of the movement to bring Thailand back from the brink of a terrible "abyss" and they need and should have our 100% full support we trust that they are aware of this as a fact and lets hope with our support they manage to keep Thailand rising fore ever up wards and away from such a serious confrontational 'Abyss " seen in so many countries around the world even now

let us tell all these people to deal with all the negative problems in their own countries and leave our sovereign nation to Deal squarely with what is a internal problem and to be blunt and tell them "mind your own Business "

Hello, frankly I find your post a trifle pompous and patronizing (perhaps that's what happens when you're both a vegetarian and a tutor, nah, just kidding), but I basically agree with what you say.

I find the attitude of the US (and a number of other Western countries who are basically browning their noses to please Big Brother), right from the day after the coup, very disappointing to say the least.

I'm not going to talk about the US's heavy heavy past when it comes to supporting dictatorships that happen(ned) to serve the US's vested interests, but the fact that Kerry's (and then many other's) comments consistently and deliberately ignored the fact that when the coup occured this country was really on the verge of very serious violence on a big scale, is exasperating.

Also, repeating ad nauseam that the ousted PM had been 'democratically elected' is downright pathetic, knowing what a banana-republic-farce these elections really were. One would expect a more responsible and well-informed analysis from a country with so much power in the field of information. And when the comments are so biased and seemingly so absurd, one has to question why they are made and whom they profit.


One has to question how much longer one will be allowed to ask any questions about this government.


Wounded...Upset...these are words the little lady uses when you come home drunk at 4am in the morning...

Grow some balls and address the issue in a forthright manner...no weeping and looking for sympathy please...we hope you are bigger than that...


Uncle needs superglue to keep from losing his face as it has been lost numerous times by his own foot hitting him in his mouth. MouthFoot disease is epidemic. if losing face could be cured homicide and suicide would be greatly reduced in Thailand and maybe Thailand might know true democracy for the first time in its existence.


Thailand tends to forget the the USA and its allies saved the country 2 times. I did not hear them crying then.

The US certainly saved them from war reperations to the UK IN '45 & the US/UK helped them in the Laos communist emergency a few years later.

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