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New report puts Israel firmly in the dock


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New report puts Israel firmly in the dock

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- The killing of civilians in Gaza was 'a matter of policy', claims an Israeli rights organisation, as the Palestinians head to the International Court

In conflict there is no surprise in being criticised by opposition forces, but being slammed by your own kind can come as a shock.

That's what exactly what has just happened in Israel, where a rights group accuses the government of deliberate attacks on homes that killed hundreds of civilians during last year's Gaza war.

The report, by B'Tselem, examined 70 raids on residential buildings during the 50-day conflict, which killed more than 2,100 Palestinians, most of them civilians.

"A hallmark of the fighting in Gaza this summer was the numerous [israeli] strikes on residential buildings, destroying them while their occupants were still inside," the 49-page report said. "This aspect of the fighting was particularly appalling [and was] the result of a policy formulated by government officials and the senior military command."

About 20,000 homes, as well as the territory's power station and other major infrastructure, came under Israeli attack.

Violations against civilians are bound to happen in modern warfare. The question is where one draws the line. In today's internationally established rules of engagement and humanitarian principles, the key question is whether the killing of innocent civilians is accidental or a matter of policy.

"There is no question in our minds that this is not the outcome of a low-level decision, but rather a matter of policy, a policy that in some cases has violated international humanitarian law," Al Jazeera has quoted B'Tselem director Hagai El-Ad as saying.

The 50-day war also claimed the lives of 67 Israeli soldiers and five Israeli citizens.

The verdict is still out on whether the attacks on "civilian" targets in Gaza were guided by policy, or the outcome of snap decisions made at a lower level in the chain of command, in the heat of battle.

But what the attacks do illustrate clearly is that the rules of engagement of a previous age - when the warrior code of honour dictated that fighting occur only on the battlefield and civilians be kept well away - no longer apply. Modern warfare has shifted into towns and cities, making civilian casualties inevitable.

Nevertheless, scrutiny over possible rights violations in Gaza would be far less had the number of civilian deaths not been so high - or if the casualty count were less lopsided.

B'Tselem insists the Israeli government must divulge whether civilian homes in Gaza that also housed opposing forces were considered a legitimate military target, to be destroyed whatever the "collateral damage".

Israel blames Gaza's ruling Hamas organisation for starting the war by launching rockets into its territory. Hamas claims it was responding to a crackdown on its people in the West Bank by Israeli security officials, who were hunting for three missing Israeli teenagers. However, it was revealed that the Israeli authorities knew the three boys had been murdered soon after they were abducted. Many seized on that revelation as evidence that the crackdown and "rescue mission" were a pretext to stir up Israeli public sentiment against Hamas and thus justify the assault on Gaza.

And when that attack began, Israel's attitude toward international law was to "stretch it as far as they can, way beyond the acceptable interpretation by international lawyers", B'Tselem head of research Yael Stein said.

The report comes just weeks after Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas signed the Rome Statute, paving the way for Palestine to join the International Criminal Court. It remains to be seen, however, whether this body can serve justice and whether Palestinian membership will represent a positive step forward.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/opinion/New-report-puts-Israel-firmly-in-the-dock-30252971.html

-- The Nation 2015-01-30

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If there was no militarily strategic reason for destroying residential homes then it has to fall under an act of terrorism. It would be nice to know why Israel targeted these homes. A power station I can understand, but not residential homes unless they had information terrorists were inside. There is a lot of information missing from this story.

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Shame on you for supporting the cold blooded murder of innocent civilians, despite Netanyahu repeatedly stating that the IDF have not targeted one civilian, shame on you again.

Shame on you for being so vehement about a conjecture. This report lacks any credibility. They make this assertion without any proof that it is a deliberate policy.

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Funny how these reports start to come out just before the elections and just as opposition starts to appoint or invite new members for the job.

Not that common sense would prevail as Arab and Co on this forum would demonise Israel at any chance given, but for anyone with common sense and logic makes you wonder where this activists were a year ago? And year before that? And year before that.

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I am not basing my views on this one report, they are based on the history of the illegal occupation of Palestine by Israel. But as usual all the pro israelis rear there ugly heads to defend them, nothing unusual, its the great job that Israel has done with there lies and propaganda making the west believe that they are the victims, they've done a great job havent they.

Who you trying to kid? You are one of the biggest anti Semite's on this forum.

Gaza has not been occupied for over 9 years now and you are well aware of that, the context that Hamas fights for all fakestians is as fake as Fakestein itself , if Hamas cared, there would be unity government instead of consistent internal armed conflict .

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Shame on you for supporting the cold blooded murder of innocent civilians, despite Netanyahu repeatedly stating that the IDF have not targeted one civilian, shame on you again.

Nobody targets civilians, they get in the way because they get put in the way...... By Hamas.

You clearly know nowt about the history of the region.... You are just one of the low education specimens that the western media can easily manipulate.

You are talking out of your donut pal. I seriously urge you to go away and study the 50 year war, and you will see for yourself the Jews have been more than accommodating to the Palestinians.

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Not even worth a reply, there is no comparison and lets not forget who allowed the state of Israel to form where it did. Yes that's right, the British!

Again demonstrating that you do not have even the most basic grasp of the history of the region.

The region was given over to the Jews who were by the way "holocaust survivors" in a UN vote of which the British abstained from.

Barring the Islamic and Arab nations the result was a massive yes with a few abstentions.

Regarding the British, the Jews were shooting British soldiers in the back.... Like I said, go study your history before commenting, you are just embarrassing yourself.

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This is the point when Internet experts that have never even set foot in the country start to decry Israelis who are against the level of abuse that the state perpetrates against Palestinian's.

Then the same keyboard warriors start writing off Israeli human rights activists as nutters - as they thrash the hell out of their laptop looking for links to prove how right they are.

Once they find said links, they post them as if it was the solemn word of the lord himself.

Making them look as idiotic as usual.

I'm on the side of Israeli human rights activists.

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Shame on you for supporting the cold blooded murder of innocent civilians, despite Netanyahu repeatedly stating that the IDF have not targeted one civilian, shame on you again.

Nobody targets civilians, they get in the way because they get put in the way...... By Hamas.

You clearly know nowt about the history of the region.... You are just one of the low education specimens that the western media can easily manipulate.

You are talking out of your donut pal. I seriously urge you to go away and study the 50 year war, and you will see for yourself the Jews have been more than accommodating to the Palestinians.


Think you'll find that the majority of the western media is run by pro Israelis, therefore biased towards Israel.

And its not the " Jews " I have a problem with, its the Zionist state of Israel and there colonisation of the Palestinian people.

Laughable doughnut.

Yet again you display total lack of intelligence.

That is and has always been a laughable conspiracy theory.

If it is so..... Please explain why the western media have a history of actually condemning the Israelis?.... Go on.

Explain that one... If the Jews controlled the western media, surely it would be the other way round.

You seriously are digging your hole even deeper, I am having a great time playing with you.... Never have I had it so easy exposing an anti-Semitic Nazi holocaust supporter.

Shame on you, and so close to the Auschwitz anniversary.

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The best documentary on the history of the region, and a must watch.

5 hours long but well worth it.

It will certainly educate a lot of the TV members who keep putting all the blame on the Israelis, it will show you just where to point the fingers of blame.

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