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Thai opinion: The Ugly American is alive and kicking


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Unfortunately the US does not always restrict its attempts to force its will on others to words, sometimes leaving things far worse than they were before their intervention.

Iraq being a prime example.

There's no chance Thailand will try and trade oil in Euro's . . . don't worry . . . they have neither.

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Now i see a problem with the usual self righteous thai bashers.

Here's the deal. If you have been reading this forum long enough you would know that the shinawatras aren't loved here and the fact that they have chinese blood in them makes it even worse.

Then you have america supporting the shinawatras and questioning the present thai govt which causes the US to be bashed and that's a big no no here it's just the typical farang reaction obviously. It's also not a coincidence that the ones that support america and the rest of the west happen to be anti thaksin/shinawatra so now they are in a fix. Thaksin being chinese = china and an american official asking for a fair trial and getting bashed by the thai side well they cannot support the american side now cos that means supporting thaksin and the chinese side.

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The Ugly American is alive and kicking

Isn't this comment against forum rules, American Bashing. I'm an Aussie and don't really care just wondering.

When they say many Thais who exactly do the mean, is it the Junta or the populous? The Thais I know have never heard of Mr Russell or were even aware of his comment.


Another mute point is that if most thais don't even know there is a martial law and that has been happening here for many months now then how would they know about russels comments and about lifting the martial law. This writer doesn't understand the conundrum he has in his story.

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Maybe organise it so that all the elite cannot holiday in the countries that don't seem to 'understand' them. That might sort out their priorities fairly quick. whistling.gif

It seems to me that more and more of them are willing to trash their country and take trips abroad for what they can't get at home. Of course Beijing has wonderful pollution this time of year. Enjoy!!

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" Many Thais reacted with fury " but how many ordinary Thais know anything about this ? They don't seem to react unless somebody winds them up or there's an incentive.

I've never seen Thais exhibit much interest in the news, only this week I asked a friend what she thought about having to register her SIM card and she had no idea what I was talking about. She doesn't read newspapers !

I've seen very FEW Thais read anything... well lottery winning numbers..... but anything substantial/informative ? LOL Not lately. They seem to really live in a "bubble/shell." At least that's my impression of most of the Isaan folks.

Maybe news, important announcements etc should be produced in ' Ko mic ' book fashion and then some might actually open them.

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During the last coup after about 6 months in the Junta conjured up the boarder dispute with Cambodia over the Preah Vihear temple which was never in dispute that it belonged to Cambodia. They played this card in press daily until the international court ruled in Cambodia's favor. Things have been "wearing thin" lately with the Thai's over this coup so now they are playing the imperialist American, we know better,stay out of our business card. Only the Kool-Aid drinking Yellow followers will believe this diversion tactic as any critical thinking person has seen this strategy before.

I am critically thinking that perhaps somebody has not paid their rent in this particular "boarder" dispute ??giggle.gifgiggle.gif

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During the last coup after about 6 months in the Junta conjured up the boarder dispute with Cambodia over the Preah Vihear temple which was never in dispute that it belonged to Cambodia. They played this card in press daily until the international court ruled in Cambodia's favor. Things have been "wearing thin" lately with the Thai's over this coup so now they are playing the imperialist American, we know better,stay out of our business card. Only the Kool-Aid drinking Yellow followers will believe this diversion tactic as any critical thinking person has seen this strategy before.

I am critically thinking that perhaps somebody has not paid their rent in this particular "boarder" dispute ??giggle.gifgiggle.gif

I haven't the slightest idea what you are referring to. The temple was clearly Khmer in origin and even most Thai's agreed it was not theirs.

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