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Kissinger protesters 'scum': Senator John McCain

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When the US talk about democracy I remember Chile and Kissinger's involvement in the overthrow of the elected Marxist government and subsequent murder of Allende, the leader.

What were his words at the time, they even reached Thailand- something like this -' We couldn't afford to stand by and allow a communist party to take power'

He should have been jailed a long time ago, along with the war criminals, Blair and Bush..

Kind of funny thinking back to those days and the fear of the Domino Theory, that Chinese communist influence would travel down through SE Asia and eventually reach Australia, when the other day it was announced China will build a modern rail link through Thailand and Malaysia, down to Singapore.


Isnt it nice that in the US people can do things like protest without fear of being taken away to a reeducation camp?

The last time I checked, people living in the free world don't have to be concerned about "being taken away to reeducation camps." Another American hater I presume?

I guess you have never heard of the NDAA or the Patriot Act before it...

As a US citizen, you have no rights, you can be detained indefinitely without habeas corpus, you are not entitled to an attorney, nor your family being notified of where you are or your condition... And as prior events have proven, you can be killed by your government and no one will blink an eye... All of your assets seized under suspicion of a crime, with zero proof... You think those folks in Gitmo are on holiday?

Wake up dude because you are living in a fantasy world... Don't believe me, just google NDAA and you only get 699,000 hits... Read any of them...

You let it happen.

Budweiser and Football easily distracted you.

Som nam naa.

Yee haa!

It's called complacency.


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Here's McCain 'protesting Islamic terrorism'...


Oh? And who might that be protesting right behind him? Hmmm? (The one with the ears, not doing anything ...)

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Senator John McCain has a point. You won't find these professional haters and dirt-bags protesting Islamic terrorism.

Exactly. But when the "S" hits the fan, these same people are scurrying asking for that same government to save them. Then complain why not quick enough.

So the choice is either between a murderous terrorist threat or a government willing to destabilise sovereign countries and persecute illegal wars for ideological reasons?

Wouldn't it be nice to have a government we could turn to that actually worked to make the world a better place for all?

It would be nice but it's non-existent and a fairy tale, however, if choosing between the lesser of the 2 evils, I now exactly whom the majority would back if the chips were down. I'm not saying people should not protest but I stand by what I said as people here will NEVER risk their standard of living and freedoms if push come to shove.

Everyone in question has made their bed, us, them, and all in between.

And as long as we compromise, excuse or simply fail to hold these people to account, as long as we continue to cover up their crimes and laud their actions as beneficial, we perpetuate the evil, and nothing changes for the better. Meanwhile, the global political situation continues to slide and the normal people suffer, while Kissinger and his ilk continue to sit pretty in the ivory towers they constructed from the proceeds of their crimes.

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Senator John McCain has a point. You won't find these professional haters and dirt-bags protesting Islamic terrorism.

Exactly. But when the "S" hits the fan, these same people are scurrying asking for that same government to save them. Then complain why not quick enough.

So the choice is either between a murderous terrorist threat or a government willing to destabilise sovereign countries and persecute illegal wars for ideological reasons?

Wouldn't it be nice to have a government we could turn to that actually worked to make the world a better place for all?

It would be nice but it's non-existent and a fairy tale, however, if choosing between the lesser of the 2 evils, I now exactly whom the majority would back if the chips were down. I'm not saying people should not protest but I stand by what I said as people here will NEVER risk their standard of living and freedoms if push come to shove.

Everyone in question has made their bed, us, them, and all in between.

And as long as we compromise, excuse or simply fail to hold these people to account, as long as we continue to cover up their crimes and laud their actions as beneficial, we perpetuate the evil, and nothing changes for the better. Meanwhile, the global political situation continues to slide and the normal people suffer, while Kissinger and his ilk continue to sit pretty in the ivory towers they constructed from the proceeds of their crimes.

Because you may believe they committed crimes does not make that a true statement or a fact.

Because you may believe they committed crimes does not make that a true statement or a fact.

I think that the millions of innocent lives lost because of the unwarranted aggression he directly supported are much more telling than my words. But he is an old man who will be dead soon enough - let's hope that if there is an afterlife, he is suitably rewarded in it.

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Because you may believe they committed crimes does not make that a true statement or a fact.

I think that the millions of innocent lives lost because of the unwarranted aggression he directly supported are much more telling than my words. But he is an old man who will be dead soon enough - let's hope that if there is an afterlife, he is suitably rewarded in it.

He supported, several presidents, their administrations and congresses supported, many of the American people supported, the list goes on - where does it stop?


Because you may believe they committed crimes does not make that a true statement or a fact.

I think that the millions of innocent lives lost because of the unwarranted aggression he directly supported are much more telling than my words. But he is an old man who will be dead soon enough - let's hope that if there is an afterlife, he is suitably rewarded in it.

He supported, several presidents, their administrations and congresses supported, many of the American people supported, the list goes on - where does it stop?

Probably it won't, not at least until the people wake up and realise that the vast majority of politicians, regardless of their affliations, are not to be trusted. And I am not naiive enough to think that this will be allowed to happen any time soon.


Henry Kissinger represents a dying breed of politician. Very few around who are still active from the Vietnam War days. Every time I see him, for some reason I think of Dr Strangelove, not a Nobel Peace Prize laureate.

Henry Kissinger represents a dying breed of politician.

One can only hope.

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Huh? Hahahah dude please you are the one living in a fantasy....

And back to topic all you have to do in Thailand is make a facebook post the junta doesn't like and you are invited for reeducation. Those people in Gitmo killed innocent civilians. Im thinking you are not a US citizen and therefore dont know and are talking out your ass....

And typically, the ad hominem attacks ensue... I am a US citizen, served in the military, loved my country before is was taken over by globalists... You sir are the one that is clueless and I dare say ignorant of the facts... You didn't look up the NDAA, did you?

You might check how those folks got interned in Gitmo too... The vast majority were picked up in sweeps of people that had nothing to do with "terrorism", merely the suspicion of being allied with the terrorists...

Enjoy the US while it lasts... Perhaps you missed this little tidbit in the news yesterday...

US passport on the verge of elimination


Never mind, ignorance is bliss as the saying goes... So go to fishin' because you are out of your depth...

And you are living in the fantasy world of conspiracy. Please deposit your US passport in the nearest mailbox so it can be returned to its rightful owner, the United States of America. If you ever decide to come back to the US, please come back as a foreign tourist. American citizens dont talk despairingly of their home country. We dont need nor want people like you around. Go back to your barstool please

So you can muster a coherent sentence, congratulations.... In the mean time the topic was Henry Kissinger... One question, do you approve of his actions and deeds over the last 50 years? If so, you don't deserve the courtesy of a reply as you are the traitor to your country and mankind... Maintaining the US's role as "top dog" in the global pecking order hardly justifies the means of Kissinger and his ilk...

I don't deal in conspiracy theory, I speak of conspiracy facts... If you could read and put forth any effort, you would come the same conclusions as I have... But no, you believe the rhetoric that comes out of the boob tube as spewed forth by western media... So go back to your six pack, the Super Duper Bowl is about to start...

Oh, and about that passport, did you bother to follow the link I provided? You know, the one where the dissolution of the US as a sovereign nation is well under way? Or haven't you noticed that the borders in the US are an open sieve? I thought not...

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Kissinger is a duplicitous vindictive warmonger nothing more nothing less interested in furthering the cause of the arms manufacturers in the industrial military complex that in reality controls American Presidents, Senator's and Representative's using Madeline Albright as his obnoxious ally and Mc'Cain as a mounting step.

Evil beasts cast from an evil mold. intent on furthering evil, still their clock is ticking and soon they will be gone.

I watched the entire hearing with Kissinger, Schultz, and Albright. Whatever your feelings about Kissinger and the Vietnam War of which I was a participant, these three people were, to me, brilliant in their statements with regard to current events in the world today with regard to ISIS/ISIL, Iran and its nuclear program, etc. All three, with PhD's, years of service and posts as Secretaries of State, certainly had valuable insight which the current administration desperately needs as they fumble their way through the slippery slope of the international chess board. While not recommending specifics solutions to current problems, they were remarkably well informed regarding current events and problems facing the world. They most importantly spoke about having clear stated objectives, etc., making those objectives clear to the American people and getting Congress to buy into those objectives and for the Administration, not to go it alone. Kissinger, while sometimes difficult to understand because of his age, has a perspective about the international stage which was no doubt formulated by years of practical participation and I certainly got the impression he understood the mistakes only too well that were made in Vietnam. Schultz while older than Kissinger was also on the money with his comments. All three, in my opinion, should have been speaking to a joint session of Congress, with attendance mandatory for the current Administration (which seems to have a difficult time formulating a policy with regard to Iran, ISIS, etc., much less trying to sell it to the American public). Whatever your take on Kissinger might be, he is still an intellect when it comes to what is happening on the world stage.

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Huh? Hahahah dude please you are the one living in a fantasy....

And back to topic all you have to do in Thailand is make a facebook post the junta doesn't like and you are invited for reeducation. Those people in Gitmo killed innocent civilians. Im thinking you are not a US citizen and therefore dont know and are talking out your ass....

And typically, the ad hominem attacks ensue... I am a US citizen, served in the military, loved my country before is was taken over by globalists... You sir are the one that is clueless and I dare say ignorant of the facts... You didn't look up the NDAA, did you?

You might check how those folks got interned in Gitmo too... The vast majority were picked up in sweeps of people that had nothing to do with "terrorism", merely the suspicion of being allied with the terrorists...

Enjoy the US while it lasts... Perhaps you missed this little tidbit in the news yesterday...

US passport on the verge of elimination


Never mind, ignorance is bliss as the saying goes... So go to fishin' because you are out of your depth...

And you are living in the fantasy world of conspiracy. Please deposit your US passport in the nearest mailbox so it can be returned to its rightful owner, the United States of America. If you ever decide to come back to the US, please come back as a foreign tourist. American citizens dont talk despairingly of their home country. We dont need nor want people like you around. Go back to your barstool please

So you can muster a coherent sentence, congratulations.... In the mean time the topic was Henry Kissinger... One question, do you approve of his actions and deeds over the last 50 years? If so, you don't deserve the courtesy of a reply as you are the traitor to your country and mankind... Maintaining the US's role as "top dog" in the global pecking order hardly justifies the means of Kissinger and his ilk...

I don't deal in conspiracy theory, I speak of conspiracy facts... If you could read and put forth any effort, you would come the same conclusions as I have... But no, you believe the rhetoric that comes out of the boob tube as spewed forth by western media... So go back to your six pack, the Super Duper Bowl is about to start...

Oh, and about that passport, did you bother to follow the link I provided? You know, the one where the dissolution of the US as a sovereign nation is well under way? Or haven't you noticed that the borders in the US are an open sieve? I thought not...

Hahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahaah ohhhhhh hahahahahahahahahahn

  • Like 2

And typically, the ad hominem attacks ensue... I am a US citizen, served in the military, loved my country before is was taken over by globalists... You sir are the one that is clueless and I dare say ignorant of the facts... You didn't look up the NDAA, did you?

You might check how those folks got interned in Gitmo too... The vast majority were picked up in sweeps of people that had nothing to do with "terrorism", merely the suspicion of being allied with the terrorists...

Enjoy the US while it lasts... Perhaps you missed this little tidbit in the news yesterday...

US passport on the verge of elimination


Never mind, ignorance is bliss as the saying goes... So go to fishin' because you are out of your depth...

And you are living in the fantasy world of conspiracy. Please deposit your US passport in the nearest mailbox so it can be returned to its rightful owner, the United States of America. If you ever decide to come back to the US, please come back as a foreign tourist. American citizens dont talk despairingly of their home country. We dont need nor want people like you around. Go back to your barstool please

Freedom of speech...As long as you speak what right wing nutters wanna hear.

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Not to mention the carpet bombing of Laos and Cambodia.

On Kissinger's advice.

Two nations not even at war with the US.

Well, if you allow the Vietcong and North Vietnamese to build a supply line called the Ho Chi Minh trail through your country, you deserve to be carpet bombed.
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McCain was right. These people are scum.

Why would you say that, and why would seven of the usual suspects give you a like?

There is a case for why Kissinger is a war criminal and why people would protest and demand his arrest.

if you are interested


what is you case for claiming that the people protesting against Kissinger are " scum"

or do you simply suffer from Tourette Syndrome


Not to mention the carpet bombing of Laos and Cambodia.

On Kissinger's advice.

Two nations not even at war with the US.

Well, if you allow the Vietcong and North Vietnamese to build a supply line called the Ho Chi Minh trail through your country, you deserve to be carpet bombed.

Your beer is getting warm.


  • Like 1

McCain was right. These people are scum.

Why would you say that, and why would seven of the usual suspects give you a like?

There is a case for why Kissinger is a war criminal and why people would protest and demand his arrest.

if you are interested


what is you case for claiming that the people protesting against Kissinger are " scum"

or do you simply suffer from Tourette Syndrome

I have already explained my post to another poster. It is in this thread if you would care to read up on it.

Check it out: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/796068-kissinger-protesters-scum-senator-john-mccain/page-2#entry9008318

I do not suffer from Tourette's Syndrome but thanks for your concern.

  • Like 1

McCain was right. These people are scum.

Why would you say that, and why would seven of the usual suspects give you a like?

There is a case for why Kissinger is a war criminal and why people would protest and demand his arrest.

if you are interested


what is you case for claiming that the people protesting against Kissinger are " scum"

or do you simply suffer from Tourette Syndrome

I have already explained my post to another poster. It is in this thread if you would care to read up on it.

Check it out: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/796068-kissinger-protesters-scum-senator-john-mccain/page-2#entry9008318

I do not suffer from Tourette's Syndrome but thanks for your concern.

you cant expect me to read 4 pages of inane dribble, though I would not characterize your reply in the above link as "inane dribble" .

Though you are right that they should not disrupt congressional hearings , and in fact their actions are illegal, which is why they were removed by police, It is also true that if they had held their protest at the capitol steps instead of the hearing no one would be even aware of it. What they did is not unusual , it is something that is done my members of all sides of the political divide, and in no way does it make the participants, weather you agree with them or not,


I think you made your opinion clear in the original reply, coming back and calling them "scam" was not only redundant, it is in my opinion egregious. , It is a case of shooting the messenger instead of the message

The case against Kissinger is very well documented,people protesting against him might be advised as to their venue, but they are certainly not scam,It was wrong for McCain to call them that, and it was wrong for you to agree with him.

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Though you are right that they should not disrupt congressional hearings , and in fact their actions are illegal, which is why they were removed by police, It is also true that if they had held their protest at the capitol steps instead of the hearing no one would be even aware of it. What they did is not unusual , it is something that is done my members of all sides of the political divide, and in no way does it make the participants, weather you agree with them or not,


I think you made your opinion clear in the original reply, coming back and calling them "scam" was not only redundant, it is in my opinion egregious. , It is a case of shooting the messenger instead of the message

The case against Kissinger is very well documented,people protesting against him might be advised as to their venue, but they are certainly not scam,It was wrong for McCain to call them that, and it was wrong for you to agree with him.

Just for the record, I never used the word "scam" in any of my posts on this thread.

Thank you for agreeing with me that actions of the Pink Code were both illegal and disruptive of a Congressional hearing.

Having said that, you seem to believe the actions taken by Kissinger some 40 odd years ago is justification for their illegal and disruptive actions.

It would seem a better word than "protests" for their acts might be "anarchy".

And, IMHO, they are still scum...not "scam".

  • Like 1

McCain was right. These people are scum.

Why would you say that, and why would seven of the usual suspects give you a like?

There is a case for why Kissinger is a war criminal and why people would protest and demand his arrest.

if you are interested


what is you case for claiming that the people protesting against Kissinger are " scum"

or do you simply suffer from Tourette Syndrome

Let me see if I understand your post. You believe Dr. Kissinger is a war criminal and you posted a video interview with Christopher Hitchens, to prove your point. Hitchens when alive, described himself as a socialist and a Marxist. If that isn't enough to raise your eyebrows, he was anti-Zionist as well.

The only people who could possibly agree with Hitchens view of Dr. Kissinger, being a war criminal, are like minded individuals with a distorted perception of reality. Your choice of videos to support your opinion, fell way short. If anything, it portrays Kissinger as the brilliant American statesmen he is.

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Let me see if I understand your post. You believe Dr. Kissinger is a war criminal and you posted a video interview with Christopher Hitchens, to prove your point. Hitchens when alive, described himself as a socialist and a Marxist. If that isn't enough to raise your eyebrows, he was anti-Zionist as well.

The only people who could possibly agree with Hitchens view of Dr. Kissinger, being a war criminal, are like minded individuals with a distorted perception of reality. Your choice of videos to support your opinion, fell way short. If anything, it portrays Kissinger as the brilliant American statesmen he is.

A video portraying him as a war criminal, actually portrays him as a brilliant statesman.

Right. blink.png

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