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2 Australian ministers brush off leadership speculation

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2 Australian ministers brush off leadership speculation
ROD McGUIRK, Associated Press

CANBERRA, Australia (AP) — Two senior Australian government ministers on Monday brushed off reports that they might challenge Prime Minister Tony Abbott's leadership as an opinion poll showed a further fall in his popularity.

Speculation is growing that the ruling Liberal Party will replace Abbott, who led his conservative coalition to victory at elections in September 2013, but who has recently been declining in popularity.

Fairfax Media reported on Monday that Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull, the party's former leader, and Foreign Minister Julie Bishop are under pressure from colleagues to challenge Abbott for the leadership in a ballot of Liberal lawmakers.

Bishop said she supported Abbott. Turnbull did not directly answer when asked at a press conference whether he was interested in regaining the party leadership he lost to Abbott by a single vote in 2009.

"The only thing we should be interested in on the political front today is the prime minister's speech to the National Press Club," Turnbull said, referring to an address scheduled for later Thursday.

Abbott will use the speech to present his agenda for 2015 as an attempt to turn around his government's poor standing in opinion polls.

Pressure has been building on Abbott's leadership since he angered many within government ranks last week by making the husband of Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Philip, an Australian knight. The announcement on Australia's national day was seen as an insult to deserving Australian citizens.

Abbott has apologized for his lack of consultation with cabinet colleagues for that decision, which has been blamed in part for a surprise loss by the conservative government in elections on Saturday in Queensland state.

A poll by market researcher Ipsos published by Fairfax Media newspaper Monday showed that the opposition Labor Party was clearly more popular than Abbott's government. It found 54 percent of respondents referred Labor and 46 percent preferred the government — a reversal of the 2013 election result that delivered the government a clear majority.

Abbott's approval rating had declined from 38 percent in December to 29 percent in the latest poll.

Opposition leader Bill Shorten's approval rating had climbed in the same period from 46 percent to 48 percent, although that change was within the poll's 2.6 percent margin of error.

The poll was based on a random nationwide telephone survey of 1,405 voters from Thursday through Saturday of last week.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-02-02


Juliar said the same to kevin Rudd, and Kevin rudd said the same to Gillard what a politician says really can be taken with a pinch of salt bye bye Mr Abbott.


Juliar said the same to kevin Rudd, and Kevin rudd said the same to Gillard what a politician says really can be taken with a pinch of salt bye bye Mr Abbott.

I don't agree, i think Abbott has learned his lesson.

And his party will support him.

I M H O.


  • Like 1

I want to be waiting for the baseball bat at the next election. I hope the Libs don't dump him...

So you want to vote that shorten idiot in so they can keep spending Australia further into debt by blowing money left right and centre just like Rudd did in 2008?

When will you be happy? When every dole blushing loser is driving a BMW and Australia's on the ropes like Greece ?

Australia needs a responsible government that won't blow everything on deadbeats.

  • Like 2

I want to be waiting for the baseball bat at the next election. I hope the Libs don't dump him...

So you want to vote that shorten idiot in so they can keep spending Australia further into debt by blowing money left right and centre just like Rudd did in 2008?

When will you be happy? When every dole blushing loser is driving a BMW and Australia's on the ropes like Greece ?

Australia needs a responsible government that won't blow everything on deadbeats.

Anyone would be better than deadbeat Tony.

The Libs need to get a more charismatic leader. Tony just does what Tony wants?

Yes it is the BMW and three point star drivers that should be gone after, for not paying their taxes.

Rudd did keep us out of world recession.

Australia needs a government that will collect taxes from all.

Neverdie, you are sounding a bit like Tony, taking on the easybeats (dole bludgers) but not addressing the real elephant in the room. Maybe this is why Tony is losing his sheen?

  • Like 1

I want to be waiting for the baseball bat at the next election. I hope the Libs don't dump him...

So you want to vote that shorten idiot in so they can keep spending Australia further into debt by blowing money left right and centre just like Rudd did in 2008?

When will you be happy? When every dole blushing loser is driving a BMW and Australia's on the ropes like Greece ?

Australia needs a responsible government that won't blow everything on deadbeats.

Anyone would be better than deadbeat Tony.

The Libs need to get a more charismatic leader. Tony just does what Tony wants?

Yes it is the BMW and three point star drivers that should be gone after, for not paying their taxes.

Rudd did keep us out of world recession.

Australia needs a government that will collect taxes from all.

Neverdie, you are sounding a bit like Tony, taking on the easybeats (dole bludgers) but not addressing the real elephant in the room. Maybe this is why Tony is losing his sheen?

Nonsense Chris RUDD didcNOT keep Australia out of recession, he just used whatbthevHOWARD government left behind to try and keep oz out of recession and then he spent us into serious debt.

There's plenty of three point star ppl paying plenty of tax in oz....plenty.

Too many bludgers and too much family assistance and money wasted on programs that can't be afforded.

Labour govt s of the last two decades have shafted oz.

I do agree bout tony.

Malcolm Turnbull would be a much better PM. End of.


If abbott wasn't such a blatant liar, he wouldn't be getting dumped. We all know pollies stretch the truth, but this crowd take the cake. Not to mention lickspittle hockey.

  • Like 1

No matter what side of politics your on---that QLD elections was quite amazing, from holding their meetings in a phone box, 7 seats, seems like they may be the ruling party...... 45 seats.

And maybe--just maybe Pauling Pants down is back...... colorful stuff in QLD...............


Malcolm would be a better alternative to Tony. But didn't Malcolm go to pieces at one stage due to the rigours of politics. He put this down to being bullied at school?

But have a look at Samran's post, Neverdie. The lower class swindle is a beat up to get the blood flowing. More to the point, 'look at those bums taking our hard earn money and pissi@g up against the wall'. It’s a smoke screen to the actual shambles that is happening. The biggest swindle is the tax monies that are being avioded in payment back to the Government.

Don't know what Bill is about, but he reminds me of a 'wet blanket'?

Unfortunately, Oz is a barren place for strong political leaders, for the moment. Julie Bishop, was the lead Barrister in the asbestos trial representing James Hardie, plus she looks as though she is sucking on a lemon. Then you have Joe, Mathias, Barnaby, and maybe Scott. Christopher Pyne looks a bit of a mommy's boy, who would stab you in the back. The libs lack anyone with character. They need a Paul Keating. Love him or hate him, Keating was entertaining and had a good brain.

But we are lucky to be able to have this conversation without fear of prosecution or intimidation from our Government. Or our leaders are not taking out deformation action when criticised.

  • Like 2

Juliar said the same to kevin Rudd, and Kevin rudd said the same to Gillard what a politician says really can be taken with a pinch of salt bye bye Mr Abbott.

I don't agree, i think Abbott has learned his lesson.

And his party will support him.

I M H O.


He has said that many,many times and as usual lies and more lies.Lying Nasty Party will have to stab him,death of a thousand cuts,i hope.Backbenchers with small pensions are worried they will have to get a real job.Dead man walking,before xmas,probably after next budget in May,which will seal Sloppy's future as well.

  • Like 1

I want to be waiting for the baseball bat at the next election. I hope the Libs don't dump him...

So you want to vote that shorten idiot in so they can keep spending Australia further into debt by blowing money left right and centre just like Rudd did in 2008?

When will you be happy? When every dole blushing loser is driving a BMW and Australia's on the ropes like Greece ?

Australia needs a responsible government that won't blow everything on deadbeats.

Anyone would be better than deadbeat Tony.

The Libs need to get a more charismatic leader. Tony just does what Tony wants?

Yes it is the BMW and three point star drivers that should be gone after, for not paying their taxes.

Rudd did keep us out of world recession.

Australia needs a government that will collect taxes from all.

Neverdie, you are sounding a bit like Tony, taking on the easybeats (dole bludgers) but not addressing the real elephant in the room. Maybe this is why Tony is losing his sheen?

Nonsense Chris RUDD didcNOT keep Australia out of recession, he just used whatbthevHOWARD government left behind to try and keep oz out of recession and then he spent us into serious debt.

There's plenty of three point star ppl paying plenty of tax in oz....plenty.

Too many bludgers and too much family assistance and money wasted on programs that can't be afforded.

Labour govt s of the last two decades have shafted oz.

I do agree bout tony.

Malcolm Turnbull would be a much better PM. End of.

Before you become an athority on Oz politics,get Keven 07's name right.Your out of your deapth.


Abbott is a goner. His defiant stand 'People voted for me' and the 'Abbott government this, the Abbott government that' will have upset many from his own side. His National Press club address was full of the usual tired four word slogans, the 'carbon tax is gone', 'the boats have stopped', but nothing about the future like tackling 'human induced climate change' which is to be expected I guess as he is the international embarrassment among developed countries on 'climate change'. If his own side don't want to turf him out soon and mitigate some of the damage to their own party then the people will later next year.

I am not so sure, but you seen positive, can you tell me when he will go and who would be the alternative? The slogans, are needed to remind the Australian people how labor , together with it's spend at all cost policies, almost brought Australia to its knees. We will not have a future, if we don't get rid of the huge debt, and Australia will end up like those baskets cases, Greece, Ireland, Portugal, and Spain. If the Liberal party carry on like Labour, Rudd, Gillard, Rudd, then they deserve what they get. Some are being so disloyal, especially the West Australian Minister Dr Dennis Jensen, who has spoken out publicly. All self interest, nothing about the Australian People. Instead of speculation they should get on with the job they're paid to do.

The ferals in the current senate are doing their best to ensure that this happens by preventing policies being passed, so where is the future you are looking for? I cannot understand, that with this man being in the job for only a minute, there are some in his government who are seeking his demise despite the Australian population voting overwhelmingly for him and his government.in 2013, to fix the economy. yet the Abbot haters have be relentless in their attacks boosted by a complaint media, and they always play the negatives, never give any positives.

How can governments tackle the so called human induced climate change? No human, let alone any government, can control climate change. Can anyone control mother nature, who is continually changing the climate on a daily basis. I don't think so but if you can tell me how collecting a carbon tax or an ETS would do this, then I would be very interested. As far as I am concerned all it will do is make the head alarmists very, very rich and push up prices for the average citizen.

Also, how is he an embarrassment and to which developed countries are you referring? If Australians bring back the other mob then thank God I am living here because the handout mentality will continue, taxes will rise and lookout Greece, Spain, Portugal and Ireland, here we come. Remember, we reap what we sow. I would really like to know where in the hell are the others going to get the money to retire the debt,. as they certainly have no policies that would enable them to do so. How can our country keep affording paying a billion dollars a month interest on a debt of almost 395 billion. I for one hope he stays and sticks it up the haters.

  • Like 2

I want to be waiting for the baseball bat at the next election. I hope the Libs don't dump him...
So you want to vote that shorten idiot in so they can keep spending Australia further into debt by blowing money left right and centre just like Rudd did in 2008?

When will you be happy? When every dole blushing loser is driving a BMW and Australia's on the ropes like Greece ?

Australia needs a responsible government that won't blow everything on deadbeats.

Anyone would be better than deadbeat Tony.

The Libs need to get a more charismatic leader. Tony just does what Tony wants?

Yes it is the BMW and three point star drivers that should be gone after, for not paying their taxes.

Rudd did keep us out of world recession.

Australia needs a government that will collect taxes from all.

Neverdie, you are sounding a bit like Tony, taking on the easybeats (dole bludgers) but not addressing the real elephant in the room. Maybe this is why Tony is losing his sheen?

Nonsense Chris RUDD didcNOT keep Australia out of recession, he just used whatbthevHOWARD government left behind to try and keep oz out of recession and then he spent us into serious debt.

There's plenty of three point star ppl paying plenty of tax in oz....plenty.

Too many bludgers and too much family assistance and money wasted on programs that can't be afforded.

Labour govt s of the last two decades have shafted oz.

I do agree bout tony.

Malcolm Turnbull would be a much better PM. End of.

Before you become an athority on Oz politics,get Keven 07's name right.Your out of your deapth.

I never got the name wrong in the first place. Rudd is Rudd, sometimes known as KRudd, which was rather suiting, then there was kevin747.....lol,

Please show me where I used his name incorrectly ?

You might be thinking I called him Chris Rudd but I didnt. I was talking to chrisLawrence the guy I quoted....do you see it now? 55555

Also, it's Kevin, not keven.....lol

I want to be waiting for the baseball bat at the next election. I hope the Libs don't dump him...

So you want to vote that shorten idiot in so they can keep spending Australia further into debt by blowing money left right and centre just like Rudd did in 2008?

When will you be happy? When every dole blushing loser is driving a BMW and Australia's on the ropes like Greece ?

Australia needs a responsible government that won't blow everything on deadbeats.

Hail Shorten


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He's a Whiney little wench bill shorten.....bit like Keating.....fine and camp gay like individual....if that makes sense without having the wrath of the tvf queens descend on me 555555

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Bill shortens head looks like a cartoon skull.

I hate the man with a passion.

Australia needs a successful business man tonrun the country.....Malcolm Turnbull is an astute businessman.....unlike tony who really is a douchebag.

  • Like 1

I want to be waiting for the baseball bat at the next election. I hope the Libs don't dump him...

So you want to vote that shorten idiot in so they can keep spending Australia further into debt by blowing money left right and centre just like Rudd did in 2008?

When will you be happy? When every dole blushing loser is driving a BMW and Australia's on the ropes like Greece ?

Australia needs a responsible government that won't blow everything on deadbeats.

Calmez-vous there mate.

I'm an economist by training and australian governments have just about been in perpetual debt since federation and the roof hasn't collapsed.

Australia had triple A ratings all through the last government pretty much shows he markets don't really worry about Australia's level of debt. What Australia needs is economic reform. By that I mean:

- dumping diesel fuel rebates to the miners

- ending negative gearing

- ending 30% subsidies to private health funds

- ending the Howard era tax cuts and the ones that Rudd also promised and gave

The real culprits of the debt is Middle class welfare and corporate welfare. Both parties play up to it but it is the Libs who are the stanchest supporters the policies they listed above and were all in for abbots paid parental leave thing too. Hardly a policy of responsible fiscal managers.

Fact is that you can bang on about dole bludgers all too like but they real cutting there was done in the 80s and 90s.

We need to get past this dumb arsed debt and deficit mantra. National budgets are nothing like household budgets in so far as the former have multi generational aspect and equity considerations. You are in tassie right? Let's apply 'responsible' fiscal practices there on state grants and see how long tassie lasts. Don't like intergenerational finance? Fine let's cut your pension and cancel those road expansions near your place.

Middle class Australia has been fed the lie, underwritten by the mining boom that you have have lower taxes and more spending. It's crap.

You are right, the liberals should be the party of more financial rigour but they threw away that mantle in the 2000s and Abbott and hockey continued to feed people the fairy tale to get elected.

I like Turbull to but he pro rata is surrounded by more idiots on his side of the bench than the other side.

I know from personal contacts that shorten has dispicable human traits, but that isn't going to stop me trashing this government.

Welfare mentality as you both mention is a big part of the problem. No one wants to sacrifice their part of the pie.

Lower class. or middle class, there is an entitlement mentality. Which government is going to stop pandering to popularity and start looking towards the future again?

  • Like 1
I want to be waiting for the baseball bat at the next election. I hope the Libs don't dump him...
So you want to vote that shorten idiot in so they can keep spending Australia further into debt by blowing money left right and centre just like Rudd did in 2008?

When will you be happy? When every dole blushing loser is driving a BMW and Australia's on the ropes like Greece ?

Australia needs a responsible government that won't blow everything on deadbeats.

Anyone would be better than deadbeat Tony.

The Libs need to get a more charismatic leader. Tony just does what Tony wants?

Yes it is the BMW and three point star drivers that should be gone after, for not paying their taxes.

Rudd did keep us out of world recession.

Australia needs a government that will collect taxes from all.

Neverdie, you are sounding a bit like Tony, taking on the easybeats (dole bludgers) but not addressing the real elephant in the room. Maybe this is why Tony is losing his sheen?

Nonsense Chris RUDD didcNOT keep Australia out of recession, he just used whatbthevHOWARD government left behind to try and keep oz out of recession and then he spent us into serious debt.

There's plenty of three point star ppl paying plenty of tax in oz....plenty.

Too many bludgers and too much family assistance and money wasted on programs that can't be afforded.

Labour govt s of the last two decades have shafted oz.

I do agree bout tony.

Malcolm Turnbull would be a much better PM. End of.

Before you become an athority on Oz politics,get Keven 07's name right.Your out of your deapth.

Louse, have another Archa and read it again.

  • Like 1

Bill shortens head looks like a cartoon skull.

I hate the man with a passion.

Australia needs a successful business man tonrun the country.....Malcolm Turnbull is an astute businessman.....unlike tony who really is a douchebag.

Why do you hate someone with a passion? Do you know Bill Shorten personally to enlist such a response? Now don't get me wrong, I am not an advocate of him of his non policy rhetoric. I do not think the man is capable of being a leader, or can be trusted after what he did to Rudd, Gillard and the Rudd again? This party has an entitlement mentality and cares nothing for the country or it's people. Look at the open borders, 50,000 people, 1200 deaths of illegal immigrants, 5 billion spent on illegal immigrants, just spend, spend, spend. Who is gong to pay this back. Our grandchildren, their children and possibly their children. The other thing that amazes me about this lot is that they are in total denial about the nearly $500 billion debt they ran up. Also they are backed by criminal unions.

The PM is a douchebag? A bit rude don't you think. Your are calling him a male with a combination of obnoxious characteristics related to attitude, social ineptitude, public behaviour. How did you reach this deduction? Please enlighten me as to what your claim to fame is and what you have done that can even compare to his scholastic accomplishments, his caring for the aboriginals, his charity work, and the volunteering in the life saving and bush fire brigade. His government has accomplished many things in the first 12 months, would you know any of them? So why have you referred to him in such a manner?

As for Malcolm Turnbull, he is in the wrong party. Wants an ETS or a carbon tax, Where has this arisen, from what party? When he was leader, tell me how did he poll and what did he accomplish in opposition? Don't forget he was employed by Goldman Sachs, who was establishing ETS schemes world wide. He also set up an investment company with the late Neville Wran and Nicholas Whitlam. Strong Labourites. I'll give him his dues, he has been a successful businessman but unfortunately his views are to the left and adverse to what the Liberal party stands for and heaven help this country if he is ever made PM.

  • Like 1
I want to be waiting for the baseball bat at the next election. I hope the Libs don't dump him...
So you want to vote that shorten idiot in so they can keep spending Australia further into debt by blowing money left right and centre just like Rudd did in 2008?

When will you be happy? When every dole blushing loser is driving a BMW and Australia's on the ropes like Greece ?

Australia needs a responsible government that won't blow everything on deadbeats.

Anyone would be better than deadbeat Tony.

The Libs need to get a more charismatic leader. Tony just does what Tony wants?

Yes it is the BMW and three point star drivers that should be gone after, for not paying their taxes.

Rudd did keep us out of world recession.

Australia needs a government that will collect taxes from all.

Neverdie, you are sounding a bit like Tony, taking on the easybeats (dole bludgers) but not addressing the real elephant in the room. Maybe this is why Tony is losing his sheen?

Nonsense Chris RUDD didcNOT keep Australia out of recession, he just used whatbthevHOWARD government left behind to try and keep oz out of recession and then he spent us into serious debt.

There's plenty of three point star ppl paying plenty of tax in oz....plenty.

Too many bludgers and too much family assistance and money wasted on programs that can't be afforded.

Labour govt s of the last two decades have shafted oz.

I do agree bout tony.

Malcolm Turnbull would be a much better PM. End of.

Before you become an athority on Oz politics,get Keven 07's name right.Your out of your deapth.

And what is deapth?
Are you watching and old porn movie while sucking on your Archa?

Turnbull is the only one who can save them. Barbie's grandmother is not the answer.

Lol.....well said and true sir.

Barbies grandmother lol.


. His government has accomplished many things in the first 12 months, would you know any of them?

They did?

Please enlighten me.

Are you an Australian? If you are and you don't know what can I say. If you need an education in politics, I don't have the time to educate you so I suggest you enlighten yourself by listening to Australian radio broadcasts and do some reading. Then you won't need to ask because you will know

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