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Diversions etc during construction of tunnel.


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I'm not arguing the rights or wrongs of the underground tunnel on Sukhumvit Road, which will take, I think, 3 years.

Living by the lake on Siam CC Road I read that the diversions will involve closing the entrance to SCC road from Sukhumvit, in order to 'encourage' people to use the railway road.

If this is so, it's going to be chaos surely?. That railway road is already a racetrack and, with no observation of 'right of way' at crossing points it could become very scary - or indeed total gridlock.

I know they have to do something to enable construction but I fear life is going to be a misery for those living on the dark side who wish to go into Pattaya occasionally.

I just hope they have some sort of police presence at the intersections on a permanent basis during this period.


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I suspect your "racetrack" will soon become gridlocked, which will no doubt prompt another complaint from you. Sorry, Emily, I'm not being nasty here, just noting that our fate is in the hands of others, so resign yourself to it. Get out and explore alternative routes to your home, as I have done, and in the process enjoy new sights.


PS: Only seen a little of the new traffic diversion efforts (the touted one-way system) which I think is being tested now. Seems to have eased congestion at the sensitive points, although motorcyclists as usual are creating their normal disregard.

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I suspect your "racetrack" will soon become gridlocked, which will no doubt prompt another complaint from you. Sorry, Emily, I'm not being nasty here, just noting that our fate is in the hands of others, so resign yourself to it. Get out and explore alternative routes to your home, as I have done, and in the process enjoy new sights.


PS: Only seen a little of the new traffic diversion efforts (the touted one-way system) which I think is being tested now. Seems to have eased congestion at the sensitive points, although motorcyclists as usual are creating their normal disregard.

But it doesn't have to be this way does it? Other countries seem capable of employing suitable ways of adequately handling traffic control congestion when roadworks are in progress.ermm.gif

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I suspect your "racetrack" will soon become gridlocked, which will no doubt prompt another complaint from you. Sorry, Emily, I'm not being nasty here, just noting that our fate is in the hands of others, so resign yourself to it. Get out and explore alternative routes to your home, as I have done, and in the process enjoy new sights.


PS: Only seen a little of the new traffic diversion efforts (the touted one-way system) which I think is being tested now. Seems to have eased congestion at the sensitive points, although motorcyclists as usual are creating their normal disregard.

But it doesn't have to be this way does it? Other countries seem capable of employing suitable ways of adequately handling traffic control congestion when roadworks are in progress.ermm.gif

One of the constant themes running through TV threads is the lack of planning in this country. Sadly, it's true. Before the construction of this tunnel began - others can argue the value of it - traffic authorities should have done extensive studies of the expected disruption, with input from us locals. But this appears not to have happened.

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I suspect your "racetrack" will soon become gridlocked, which will no doubt prompt another complaint from you. Sorry, Emily, I'm not being nasty here, just noting that our fate is in the hands of others, so resign yourself to it. Get out and explore alternative routes to your home, as I have done, and in the process enjoy new sights.


PS: Only seen a little of the new traffic diversion efforts (the touted one-way system) which I think is being tested now. Seems to have eased congestion at the sensitive points, although motorcyclists as usual are creating their normal disregard.

Wita....Nice post, accepted in the spirit it was sent.

Mine wasn't so much a moan but just a hope the cops would view some form of traffic control on a long term basis.

On the other issues, yes, I do use other routes into town. Mind you I try to only go once a week on Saturday morning and do everything I need to in one go!

In any event, I'm leaving LOS in May for Spain after 7 years. Take care.

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I didn't know about this tunnel ? From where to where ?

Is it just a dream of the officials as always or real fact ?

It's started. Have a look at the top of Pattaya Klang on both sides. Diggers, Bulldozers etc on the go.

There was an article recently that said the power system up Siam CC Road could be affected as they have to do something about the electrical cables. I guess we'll find out!

There are also going to be U Turns in this tunnel!. That really is hard to grasp but they must know what they're doing - mustn't they?.

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I suspect your "racetrack" will soon become gridlocked, which will no doubt prompt another complaint from you. Sorry, Emily, I'm not being nasty here, just noting that our fate is in the hands of others, so resign yourself to it. Get out and explore alternative routes to your home, as I have done, and in the process enjoy new sights.


PS: Only seen a little of the new traffic diversion efforts (the touted one-way system) which I think is being tested now. Seems to have eased congestion at the sensitive points, although motorcyclists as usual are creating their normal disregard.

Wita....Nice post, accepted in the spirit it was sent.

Mine wasn't so much a moan but just a hope the cops would view some form of traffic control on a long term basis.

On the other issues, yes, I do use other routes into town. Mind you I try to only go once a week on Saturday morning and do everything I need to in one go!

In any event, I'm leaving LOS in May for Spain after 7 years. Take care.

Can either of you expand as factoryoutlet asked?

I am aware of the tunnel but not the detail of where it is supposed to run to and from?

Also not noticed any particular diversions recently other than the normal Sunday no right turn off Klang onto Suk?

PS - best of luck with your move emilymat

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I didn't know about this tunnel ? From where to where ?

Is it just a dream of the officials as always or real fact ?

If you google i.e. "plans for pattaya bypass tunnel" you will find loads and loads of information about that, has been discussed

and lot of other links if you google

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Since Sukhumvit between Tai and Klang (northbound) was gridlocked last Thursday afternoon, I decided to check out the northbound side of the railway track roads yesterday afternoon to see if the one-way sections (towards) Sukhumvit) had been implemented yet. It all looked normal for the time of day without any one-way diversions so this is definitely going to be another epic voyage of discovery... probably at 8 AM when running late for school as well!!

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I didn't know about this tunnel ? From where to where ?

Is it just a dream of the officials as always or real fact ?

If you google i.e. "plans for pattaya bypass tunnel" you will find loads and loads of information about that, has been discussed

and lot of other links if you google

I may be wrong but isn't this first tunnel only to bypass Klang intersection? North end around Boonthavorn and the south end around Watboonsamphan/Khaonoi?

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I didn't know about this tunnel ? From where to where ?

Is it just a dream of the officials as always or real fact ?

If you google i.e. "plans for pattaya bypass tunnel" you will find loads and loads of information about that, has been discussed

and lot of other links if you google

I may be wrong but isn't this first tunnel only to bypass Klang intersection? North end around Boonthavorn and the south end around Watboonsamphan/Khaonoi?

This is one of the reasons I asked - I have yet to see a definitive answer of exactly where it will start/finish. The graphic was, if I comprehend correctly, a "suggestion" and not necessarily an official map.

Everything just seems to be conjecture - or have I missed something obvious? xunsure.png.pagespeed.ic.E7Vo3qsmeCasd_p

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I didn't know about this tunnel ? From where to where ?

Is it just a dream of the officials as always or real fact ?

If you google i.e. "plans for pattaya bypass tunnel" you will find loads and loads of information about that, has been discussed

and lot of other links if you google

I may be wrong but isn't this first tunnel only to bypass Klang intersection? North end around Boonthavorn and the south end around Watboonsamphan/Khaonoi?

This is one of the reasons I asked - I have yet to see a definitive answer of exactly where it will start/finish. The graphic was, if I comprehend correctly, a "suggestion" and not necessarily an official map.

Everything just seems to be conjecture - or have I missed something obvious? xunsure.png.pagespeed.ic.E7Vo3qsmeCasd_p

There was a TV item or post about this about 6 months ago when the (bad) idea of a tunnel was initially floated (flooded). The current 3-year construction plan will be for a single underpass of the Klang intersection only. If a second tunnel is ever planned for the Tai intersection, they will need a 'left-handed' boring machine and it will probably cost 30 billion baht more. Some bugger is laughing all the way to the bank on this one.

This, in conjunction with the woefully small amount of booths at the exit/entry point of Highway 7 out near the Crocodile Farm will ensure that just like hookers and punters, perpetually bad traffic will be an enduring feature of Pattaya.

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Now I'm thinking I should move back to the bright side of town. As we all know and expect, the project will take 5 years instead of 3 and take current traffic problems beyond nightmare levels. Add in the fact the new Tukcom 2 (if indeed that tower beside Foodland is the new Tukcom) will flood Klang with more traffic and come onstream during the tunnel construction. An epic clusterf**k!

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