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Jordanian pilot burned alive by IS


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Millions of jews,christians,muslims lived peacefuly during the ottoman era.

The west should fund moderate islam groups.

Moderate islam is nothing to be scared of.

Actually, don't laugh before giving this one a thought.

The Chinese resolved the problem in Xinjiang. Sure they still have some problems but they will go away.

What did they do? They decided on a plan to breed them out.

They sent in more Han people than Uighurs and sooner or later they will disappear.

I say sell the whole middle east to the Chinese and let them breed them out.

Or perhaps maybe the Indians could do it instead. Might be a better choice with not so far to travel.coffee1.gif

"The Chinese resolved the problem in Xinjiang. Sure they still have some problems but they will go away.

What did they do? They decided on a plan to breed them out.

They sent in more Han people than Uighurs and sooner or later they will disappear.

I say sell the whole middle east to the Chinese and let them breed them out."

That's precisely what the Muslims are in the process of doing in Europe. And they seem to be succeeding.

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These deluded butchers are only following in the footsteps of their perfect man the so called prophet (of doom) Although he is not on record of burning people alive he did have a pregnant woman torn apart by horses and hundreds of Jews he promised safe conduct to slaughtered in cold blood. It is the words, or rather the ravings and lies of the prophet later written down in his book of hate and death known as the 'Holy' Koran which directly inspire these acts of barbarity, cruelty, oppression and violence around the world. Islam is a cancer.

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"In a statement released on Tuesday night, Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb, the Grand Imam of al-Azhar University in Egypt, called for the "killing, crucifixion of IS terrorists"."

"The head of Sunni Islam's most respected seat of learning has expressed his outrage over the purported burning to death by the Islamic State group of a captured Jordanian pilot, calling for the killing, crucifixion or chopping off the limbs of the militants.

Ahmed al-Tayeb, the Grand Sheik of Cairo's Al-Azhar Mosque, said the Islamic State group militants deserved such Quran-prescribed punishment because they were in effect fighting God and his Prophet Muhammad."

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Makes no difference what any not in the name of Islam type statements come out, they cannot alter a word of the Koran or bring back one of the 250 million killed in it's name in the past 1400 years. Isis and all the other jihadist groups are not motivated by anything other than the Prophet and the Koran.

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Hopefully this will instigate some Muslim on Muslim Hatred and end this Debacle...

Muslim on Muslim hatred has always been....

Cutting hands, stoning women, throwing acid on women who go astray according to them, killing as they deem fit, preventing women to go to school, to drive cars....and so on...

Just the regular insanity carrying on....,

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I'm not sure the Koran calls for the killing of innocents, it does, however, call for the killing of those at war with Islam.

feel free to point out to me where it actually says to kill the Kaffir from a reliable source.

Edited by MrTee
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I'm not sure the Koran calls for the killing of innocents, it however call for the killing of those at war with Islam.

feel free to point out to me where it actually says to kill the Kaffir from a reliable source.

If you think non believers, fakkir or whatever you want to call non muslim are innocent then it yes it does call for the killing of them (us) however Islam does not see them as innocent but blasphemers for not accepting Mohamad as the prophet and the imaginary Allah as their god. Muslims are the best of people, non Muslims are the worst of people, according to Allah

Islam has been at war ever since it started out, that's it's MO.

Edited by dragonfly94
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The Torah, the Bible, and the Koran all call openly for the murder of the unbelievers.

Just read their "Holy Books" in depth.

No they don't, but the koran has 109 verses about violence with most of the earlier peaceful and tolerant ones over ridden by the later ones, just so god does not seem to be in two minds!

Edited by dragonfly94
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I'm not sure the Koran calls for the killing of innocents, it however call for the killing of those at war with Islam.

feel free to point out to me where it actually says to kill the Kaffir from a reliable source.

If you think non believers, fakkir or whatever you want to call non muslim are innocent then it yes it does call for the killing of them (us) however Islam does not see them as innocent but blasphemers for not accepting Mohamad as the prophet and the imaginary Allah as their god. Muslims are the best of people, non Muslims are the worst of people, according to Allah

Islam has been at war ever since it started out, that's it's MO.

Easy enough to spout this sort of nonsense, but where in the koran does it actually say this..

#Protip - it doesn't

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I'm not sure the Koran calls for the killing of innocents, it however call for the killing of those at war with Islam.

feel free to point out to me where it actually says to kill the Kaffir from a reliable source.

If you think non believers, fakkir or whatever you want to call non muslim are innocent then it yes it does call for the killing of them (us) however Islam does not see them as innocent but blasphemers for not accepting Mohamad as the prophet and the imaginary Allah as their god. Muslims are the best of people, non Muslims are the worst of people, according to Allah

Islam has been at war ever since it started out, that's it's MO.

Easy enough to spout this sort of nonsense, but where in the koran does it actually say this..

#Protip - it doesn't

Care to say that in English?, would you like the Koran on line posted or maybe some of the 109 violent verses? You are probably another 'expert' who never read the Koran or haddith.

Edited by dragonfly94
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I'm not sure the Koran calls for the killing of innocents, it however call for the killing of those at war with Islam.

feel free to point out to me where it actually says to kill the Kaffir from a reliable source.

If you think non believers, fakkir or whatever you want to call non muslim are innocent then it yes it does call for the killing of them (us) however Islam does not see them as innocent but blasphemers for not accepting Mohamad as the prophet and the imaginary Allah as their god. Muslims are the best of people, non Muslims are the worst of people, according to Allah

Islam has been at war ever since it started out, that's it's MO.

Easy enough to spout this sort of nonsense, but where in the koran does it actually say this..

#Protip - it doesn't

Care to say that in English?, would you like the Koran on line posted or maybe some of the 109 violent verses? You are probably another 'expert' who never read the Koran or haddith.

Sure in English : feel free to post where is says in the Koran to kill non-believers.

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Not just jailed but exiled to somewhere such as South Georgia in the Falklands and hard labour.

I'm open to anything that will cause them the severest hardship they could ever imagine.

South Georgia sounds good, a flag a few Korans and some food if and when it's available.

Let them make their own shelter and cuddle each other in the winter.

Why provide them with Luxuries?

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Ironically, I think ISIS will herald the end of Islamic extremism.


"Today we stand shoulder to shoulder with the family of the martyr hero Moaz, with our people and our armed forces in this tragedy," he added. "At these difficult times it is every Jordanian's duty to stand together in the face of crises and ordeals, which will only make us stronger." - King Abdullah of Jordan.

If you believe that then you're sorely mistaken. ISIS will never be gone nor defeated. Unlike any terror organization before, they actually possess land now. All this talk from Jordan means nothing as UAE have already ceased air strikes because of this latest atrocity, other Arab states will soon cease fire too, watch and see. Normal Arabs haven't got the bottle for this kind of confrontation.

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Sure in English : feel free to post where is says in the Koran to kill non-believers.

This has all been posted before, over and over but the liberal head in the sand merchants wanting to make excuses for the religion of death never seem to be able to understand just how devastating the koran has been and continues to be so, it's a handbook for terror!

One of the best known suras of hate

Quran (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"

Either MrTee cannot read or he was born yesterday?

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Sure in English : feel free to post where is says in the Koran to kill non-believers.

This has all been posted before, over and over but the liberal head in the sand merchants wanting to make excuses for the religion of death never seem to be able to understand just how devastating the koran has been and continues to be so, it's a handbook for terror!

One of the best known suras of hate

Quran (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"

Had you actually read the book you'd know this phrase is a reference to a battle between Muslims and Mekhan pagans -The battle of Badr .. It is not an edict. Its not a Sura of hate. Its a passage describing events surrounding a battle.

There's nothing like taking a phrase out of context and using it spread hatred - is there.

PS.. a "fakkir" is a poor muslim - a wandering dervish living off of kindness of other to spread the word of Islam.

Edited by MrTee
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Sure in English : feel free to post where is says in the Koran to kill non-believers.

This has all been posted before, over and over but the liberal head in the sand merchants wanting to make excuses for the religion of death never seem to be able to understand just how devastating the koran has been and continues to be so, it's a handbook for terror!

One of the best known suras of hate

Quran (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"

Either MrTee cannot read or he was born yesterday?

Or you can read things out of context, without understanding what they actually refer and make it in to something you need to push an agenda.. just sayin'

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Ironically, I think ISIS will herald the end of Islamic extremism.


"Today we stand shoulder to shoulder with the family of the martyr hero Moaz, with our people and our armed forces in this tragedy," he added. "At these difficult times it is every Jordanian's duty to stand together in the face of crises and ordeals, which will only make us stronger." - King Abdullah of Jordan.

If you believe that then you're sorely mistaken. ISIS will never be gone nor defeated. Unlike any terror organization before, they actually possess land now. All this talk from Jordan means nothing as UAE have already ceased air strikes because of this latest atrocity, other Arab states will soon cease fire too, watch and see. Normal Arabs haven't got the bottle for this kind of confrontation.

The head boy on Islamic learning has called for the crucifixion and maiming of ISIS members. see my previous post.

I'm sure this will have a massive impact on them.. I certainly hope so.

It seem as though the west doesn't have much stomach for boots on the ground war any more. The sooner these evil wicked people are wiped out the better.

Edited by MrTee
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Sure in English : feel free to post where is says in the Koran to kill non-believers.

This has all been posted before, over and over but the liberal head in the sand merchants wanting to make excuses for the religion of death never seem to be able to understand just how devastating the koran has been and continues to be so, it's a handbook for terror!

One of the best known suras of hate

Quran (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"

Had you actually read the book you'd know this phrase is a reference to a battle between Muslims and Mekhan pagans -The battle of Badr .. It is not an edict. Its not a Sura of hate. Its a passage describing events surrounding a battle.

There's nothing like taking a phrase out of context and using it spread hatred - is there.

PS.. a "fakkir" is a poor muslim - a wandering dervish living off of kindness of other to spread the word of Islam.

Probably meant Kafir

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Here's the deal: Muslims don't want us in their countries, especially in the Middle East, maybe places like Indonesia and Malaysia are a little bit of an exception. So, I'm fine with it. Let's clear out, leave 'em to do whatever they want to do.

In return, they should clear out of Europe and the Americas. We don't want their culture, their religion, their food, their music, or really anything else I can think of. We are two cultures better off separate from each other.

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I worked 16 years in Muslim Indonesia.

Never had problems but, of course, we expats there avoided talking religion with our local colleagues.

The few times I was asked what my religion was and I answered 'I'm an atheist' they would seem surprised to face a non-religious person and conclude that I had to be a communist...

Worth noting that at the time Indonesia had an armed separatist conflict with what they called Muslim Fanatics in North Sumatra.

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There;s nothing left to say, the pussy footing has to stop and radical actions call for radical solutions.

It's time for an all out assault on ISIS from every possible angle in whatever form it takes.

Any Brit or other nationality flying the ISIS flag, or going to fight with them or any other jihadist group should receive at the very minimum a mandatory 25 year prison sentence! The same applies with hate speech from the Muslim clerics.......25 years minimum with no parol.


Gloves off and poisoned knuckle dusters on.

The video is ISIS propaganda but will certainly backfire....it's propaganda to fuel the West and the rest of Islam and the world.

Beheading is bad enough...burning alive is beyond atrocious.

Total obliteration of ISIS is the only way.

A special punishment should be reserved for captured fighters, and our own propaganda should make this known that we will fight fire with fire.

Chooks has it right.

Bombs don't work.

But C-130's converted into crop sprayers and charged up with pigs blood just might.

Ebola infused pigs blood and plenty of it.

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Ironically, I think ISIS will herald the end of Islamic extremism.


"Today we stand shoulder to shoulder with the family of the martyr hero Moaz, with our people and our armed forces in this tragedy," he added. "At these difficult times it is every Jordanian's duty to stand together in the face of crises and ordeals, which will only make us stronger." - King Abdullah of Jordan.

If you believe that then you're sorely mistaken. ISIS will never be gone nor defeated. Unlike any terror organization before, they actually possess land now. All this talk from Jordan means nothing as UAE have already ceased air strikes because of this latest atrocity, other Arab states will soon cease fire too, watch and see. Normal Arabs haven't got the bottle for this kind of confrontation.

The head boy on Islamic learning has called for the crucifixion and maiming of ISIS members. see my previous post.

I'm sure this will have a massive impact on them.. I certainly hope so.

It seem as though the west doesn't have much stomach for boots on the ground war any more. The sooner these evil wicked people are wiped out the better.

I totally agree. Ho

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Note that not one muslim has raised his head above the parapet!

I tell you, they're all the same.....


Ship them all to the middle East

Who cares which country? Saudi? Iran? Pakistan? All the same.....


The executed pilot was a muslim and so is his family and the vast majority of his country.

Your simplistic and rather ignorant analysis doesn't really help.

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Ironically, I think ISIS will herald the end of Islamic extremism.


"Today we stand shoulder to shoulder with the family of the martyr hero Moaz, with our people and our armed forces in this tragedy," he added. "At these difficult times it is every Jordanian's duty to stand together in the face of crises and ordeals, which will only make us stronger." - King Abdullah of Jordan.

If you believe that then you're sorely mistaken. ISIS will never be gone nor defeated. Unlike any terror organization before, they actually possess land now. All this talk from Jordan means nothing as UAE have already ceased air strikes because of this latest atrocity, other Arab states will soon cease fire too, watch and see. Normal Arabs haven't got the bottle for this kind of confrontation.

The head boy on Islamic learning has called for the crucifixion and maiming of ISIS members. see my previous post.

I'm sure this will have a massive impact on them.. I certainly hope so.

It seem as though the west doesn't have much stomach for boots on the ground war any more. The sooner these evil wicked people are wiped out the better.

I totally agree with your last sentence. However I watched the President go on TV in front of his generals and religious heads (who were sat in the audience) saying Islam needs to come out of the dark ages and needs to halt ISIS. A week later the Sinai branch of ISIS were bombing military bases as well as the Sinai capital, nothing was done about it. But in reality, if you want to understand a bit more about ISIS and what's happening around the area, the best people to listen to are Israeli intelligence. This is very interesting and frank - obviously the Brig Gen isn't going to give away the farm but already within the 3 weeks since this interview things he said has happened.


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Yet another USA foreign policy driven mess backfired.

Thank you for ISIS Obama.

I've liked Obama all along. It's unfair to blame him for the creation of ISIS. Mean-spririted weirdos have been roaming the dunes in that region since the cheetahs and giraffes were wiped out. Sorry to say; no matter what the west does or doesn't do, sickos will still hold sway over those treeless dunes.

Makes no difference what any not in the name of Islam type statements come out, they cannot alter a word of the Koran or bring back one of the 250 million killed in it's name in the past 1400 years. Isis and all the other jihadist groups are not motivated by anything other than the Prophet and the Koran.

......and motivated by blood lust, power-games, and lording over scared girls. They're unemployed, unemployable, have no chance to find and marry a woman, ....they're frustrated, depressed, and can't get sex with a female person. It's no mystery why they do similar to another renegade Muslim group, Nigeria's Boko Haram. They find pretty young chicks, kidnap them for sex, and force them to repeat Muslim nonsense. The penalty for withholding sex or not reciting their mean-spirited religious texts: death (after one last gang rape by the gang).
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