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Step By Step Instructions For Amphur Marriage

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ok, so now seriously thinking about marriage in thailand, and then i can apply for my boyfriend to come back to israel based on marriage (we cant marry here in religious run country :D ) so......i know thousands of threads on this but i need one concise thread for my particular situation, like a 1 2 3 walk me thru version :o

1. i have my divorce papers in hebrew and they must be translated from hebrew to english and then from english to thai ?? if they are notarized here (the hebrew to english version) will that be acceptable? this is to prove that i can remarry. any other documents??

2. can the english to thai version be done in israel via internet to thailand? or thru the consulate somehow?

3. how much time is needed when in thailand to do the amphur marriage bit in korat? i have to plan a trip and dont have much vacation time. costs for the amphur etc?

4. anyone have the step by step instructions in thai for this (easier to explain to boyfriend and parents if written in thai, they think everything is quick and easy. i am skeptical.

5. remember i am the woman getting married , i am not at this moment intending to live in thailand its just the marriage part since israel doesnt do civil marriages

i'm handling the beuracracy, he's handling the muubaan ceremony

a thousand thanks, as getting nervous about the paperwork (between israel and thailand where whims of the clerks can make or break u, i'm VERY nervous) :D:D




Not sure about divorce papers etc, as neither of us had been married before, but i do know that we went to the amphur in Bangkok sat around for an hour and then signed a couple of papers and we were married, so that part is pretty quick and easy.

We used a translation and visa service run by a Thai. Cost me 6k baht including all the paperwork sorted out which may be expensive, but in my eyes i got value for money and it saved loads of hassle. Not sure if the visa woman gave a backhander to anyone to get us married that quickly or if that is just the norm. Anyway good luck with the marriage :o


Bina the amphur side is fairly straight forward PROVIDED your paper work is in order. As Daley said, 1hr & hey presto, married. :o

I don't know whether it would be worth getting anon to speak to the MFA in Bangkok to see if they can clarify the paperwork & translation issues for you but I do know that in Wireless road (where most embassies are based) that the translations services do almost all languages so Hebrew may not be a problem to translate.

But I personally would try getting them translated in Israel from Hebrew to English then take the English tranlatisons to be done into Thai, then present all of them to the MFA for certification?


My suggestion, go to your embassy and find an approved translating agency.

As Daley suggested these agencies can handle the formalities, so if you can locate one that your embassy approves then your situation is solved.


One thing to remember, after you get all your documents translated you must take them to the govt office (the embassy will tell you where) in order to get the paper that gives permission to marry.

17 years ago, that took a week to get. Not sure what kind of time period we are talking about now.


I'm not sure why you would need to get the papers translated into English first and then Thai. All the Amphur office really needs are the originals and the certified Thai translations. The Israeli embassy should be able to give you some recomendations on where you can have it done. Take a couple of week's vacation and have a nice honeymoon while you're here.

I'm not sure why you would need to get the papers translated into English first and then Thai. All the Amphur office really needs are the originals and the certified Thai translations.

how many amphur offices can translate from hebrew to thai?? which embassy ? thai embassy in israel? or israeli embassy in thailand?

For the British Embassy
jockstar, i'm israeli american why would i need the brit embassy??

sbk: which gov office? is that the one that is the amphur office or is this something that i have to do only in bangkok? he is an hour from korat center and we are talking bannork people so i need as much specifics/prices etc...

higgy thanx: but dont have money for honeymoons etc... just enough to get to the muubaan, do paperwork, we do tamboon with family only (his decision w/mom and sis), and two week vacation time between tourist seasons and animal births... i have to be very organized cause i know htat thai bannork family will not be at all organized or used to paperwork beuracracy and everything will go slower than expected (middle eastern style also)

btw, he's already ordered the pig; and thai wedding skirt/shirt etc mom and sis are working on it...

just reread other posts... all the stuff i have to do is in bangkok??? not korat??? when anon gets here on friday nite he will re read the mfa site in thai but it is hard to find the info for him and i cant read thai so i cant check if he's getting the correct info... (mostly for men marrying//surprise surprise// thai women)...

and thanx for helpful hints from all of course all this is also dependant on what the ministery of the interior in israel says about getting visa for thai married man... they can be really obtuse in the gov offices when involving non jewish people/mixed marriage...


ok, so now seriously thinking about marriage in thailand, and then i can apply for my boyfriend to come back to israel based on marriage (we cant marry here in religious run country :D ) so......i know thousands of threads on this but i need one concise thread for my particular situation, like a 1 2 3 walk me thru version :o

1. i have my divorce papers in hebrew and they must be translated from hebrew to english and then from english to thai ?? if they are notarized here (the hebrew to english version) will that be acceptable? this is to prove that i can remarry. any other documents??

2. can the english to thai version be done in israel via internet to thailand? or thru the consulate somehow?

3. how much time is needed when in thailand to do the amphur marriage bit in korat? i have to plan a trip and dont have much vacation time. costs for the amphur etc?

4. anyone have the step by step instructions in thai for this (easier to explain to boyfriend and parents if written in thai, they think everything is quick and easy. i am skeptical.

5. remember i am the woman getting married , i am not at this moment intending to live in thailand its just the marriage part since israel doesnt do civil marriages

i'm handling the beuracracy, he's handling the muubaan ceremony

a thousand thanks, as getting nervous about the paperwork (between israel and thailand where whims of the clerks can make or break u, i'm VERY nervous) :D:D




My wife and I just went through this same thing. She is from Russia and I from the USA.

Before meeting up in Thailand, my wife had all her papers translated from Russian to English.

Once in Thailand, we went to our respective Embassies and got the Affirmation of Marriage. Additionally if you have been married before or widowed then you must sign another paper.

These papers then are translated from English to Thai, then you go to the Foreign Affairs Consul in Bangkok and have those papers Legalized. You can pay extra money and wait the two hours or come back in two days.

Once you have these papers, then go to any local Ampor, and present the papers. Bring also your original Papers in English. Also dont forget, copies of your passport. Then they go through all the papers, ask you if all in the papers are true, you both sign the documents, and you get two certificates.

Dick, Pattaya


ok, thanx,

he's thai so its only me with the translated stuff but the rest sounds about right...

now i know that we have to be in bangkok so will have to prepare (he's banork, and i'm also not 'citified' so this should be an interesting experience... like babes in the wood!

will be calling thai embassy in tel aviv tomorrow to see if any paperwork can be done here, and maybe get yet an other and probably different explanation of what has to be done before we actually do the marriage bit there...


Believe you should be asking your Embassy here in Bangkok. The telephone numbers are listed on there bangkok.mfa.il website and they also have email. The District office requires papers issued from your government that have been translated and registered at the Thai MFA and that usually involves presenting your paperwork to your Embassy and then they issue the government paper that is translated/registered with the Thai MFA. Unlike most Embassies yours does not mention marriage.


that is because jewish israelis cannot marry non jews officially in israel or in embassy; that is why i have to marry in thailand and then i come back to israel and register with the ministery of interior (they have no legal way of not recognizing an out of country marriage even if it is civil; that is why many couples get married in cyprus, but a thai worker cant get a visa to leave and enter israel to go to cyprus.... isnt this fun, folks??

we have a date with a nice lady in the thai embassy in tel aviv (in august :o) next week; will see what she hsa to say also; its all been done before by others but its always a major hassle...


wanted to edit but couldnt:

Unlike most Embassies yours does not mention marriage. which is why is stated above response

anyway, thanx lopburi, so essentially, i take my religious divorce paper and my israeli office of the public divorce papers to the israeli embassy in thailand, they translate what is needed or provide me with an additional paper certified etc etc claiming that i am indeed marriageable, then we both trundle to the mfa in bangkok to register? or first go to korat amphur office and then to mfa? i know im dense but appreciate the 'walk thru' instructions...

cause after this i have to deal here with whimsical beaurocrats that hate mixed marriages and no two employees can actually agree as to what the process really is and are unhelpful so getting myself in gear




Bina, dont' panic too much. It will happen it just involves preparation. I asked hubby what he had to do & he said that ID card & tabien baan were needed to show the MFA & the amphur whe you actually get married legally, which is what I thought. But it is YOU that will need to do all the running around & get affirmation of freedom to marry from the Israeli embassy in Bangkok, have it translated & certified by teh MFA. Once you have this then you can marry.

I would try to give yourself at least 5 working days to get this done as for us it took 24 hrs to get the documents certified from my embassy, 2-3 hrs to be translated by which point it was too late to get to the MFA. Another day to take them to the MFA & then the MFA keep them for at least 3 days (average) so 5 working days (monday-friday) .

The visa is a completly different kettle of fish though :o


Sorry bina, it is

1) embassy

2) MFA for document allowing marriage

3) amphur

You cannot get married at the amphur without the certificate from the MFA. The embassy will give you the exact address and window to go to when you do the paperwork there.


thanx girls!!!! that clarifies the thailand side which is apparent to me now the very easy side;

the israeli visa side would be a piece of cake if it were for the fact that i;'m a kibbutznik and of course on the 16 pages of forms for here i have to prove three months salary (we dont get salaries we get a budget which has no correlation to what we do and where we work); then receipts for electric etc (the kibbutz withdraws from our budget and pays as a company does and we are the owners) , joint bank etc (no such thing with us)... all very confusing and the average clerk doesnt understand and has no patience to try to understand... so of course got all panicked, and trying to plan strategies for dealing with visa people and then kibbutz rules/regs.... got a migraine from thinking too much ...

im sure in the end it will work out (i hope-- since he's not an internet girlfriend or a woman from the ex soviet, or on the ben laden list) but the way seems to be filled with major battles (costing lots of money)

hoping that the embassy person knows the visa laws here etc so she can advise...


I would strongly advise contact with your Embassy here in Bangkok to make sure what they require to issue paperwork as the "no information" on website is not a good sign. Other Embassies do not register marriages but do provide public information. Yours does not.

As a secondary backup I would obtain English language translations of the divorce paperwork so that could be used (translated into Thai) and registered with MFA if Embassy proves less than helpful. You might be able to use that for the District Office as the law says official government paperwork and believe some have reported using home country paperwork here (but not sure how far in the past that was). I seriously doubt most translation places here would be able to do it from Hebrew. You might also find out what is the official procedure to make that translation an official legal document for international use (probably certification by the Israel MFA) and have that done. But if you can get positive information from your Embassy it may avoid the need for this backup.


will ask the woman in the thai embassy here; i'm not the first one in israel to bring a thai person over ; just i dont know any of them personally so cant ask ; they are also for the most part businessmen so have access to various methods, the most common being the going back and forth to thailand method, which i cannot do, being a kibbutznik.

will translate documentation to english with notorian stamp (could be good for future reference anyway) just in case...

then i will ask in our mfa here since htis country obviously wouldnt have info in the embassy site for marriages cause they dont recognize state civil marriages but only religous (moslem or jewish) , but are required to accept people who have a non jewish wife or husband and provide visas as a humanitarian gesture after lots of hassle

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